bessxl · 8 years
As much as Cian appreciated a work-free day such as this one, having a suddenly empty schedule had the potential to be just as excruciatingly boring as a monotonous field mission. With no instructions to be carried out, or grunts to be led, the scarlet-eyed administrator had decided to dedicate the afternoon to assisting in research, keen to keep his mind active lest he fall into another dangerously apathetic slump.
Having paused his work while stepping outside the laboratory for a lunch break (naturally preferring to avoid being surrounded by Ditto while eating; their disgustingly gelatinous form being enough to put him off whatever little he actually managed to consume) the sound of a disgruntled yowl from the Purugly besides him alerted Cian of another’s presence, attention shifting from the sandwich in his hands to the man who had called out while approaching.
Remaining silent, Cian simply stared at the other, eyes narrowing ever so slightly as annoyance from being interrupted began to settle. Anyone familiar with the administrator were fully aware of his dislike towards being approached when he was in no mood for company, but something told him this man, their leader, might have something worthwhile to say.
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“... It seems you know who I am already. Am I needed for something, or may I return to my lunch in peace?”
Staff Meeting for 2
Papers, papers, papers. And papers. Did I mention papers? Having to be the only one reading these background checks took its toll. How many grunts did people need, anyways? Ah well. The more the merrier as they say. While checking to see if his roast was finished, he started to read a very interesting character, and one of his admins to be exact. “Cian Bessel,” he muttered out loud. “Huh.” He was not only very interested at his name that reminded him of a chef that shared the same name, but even more so when he learned that there was a bunch of behavioral issues during his school years. Hopefully it fixed itself in due time.
Nonetheless, the Professor wanted to still meet with all of his admins, and Cian wasn’t an exception. He was off to his sector to find a white haired, red eyed admin and noticed that Cian was exactly where he’d thought, only he was quietly sitting down and eating outside of the laboratory. Nathaniel seemed no harm to it, so he walked up to him.
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“Excuse me, do you happen to be Cian Bessel?” he said, well knowing it was indeed Cian. “I was hoping to introduce myself. I’m Professor Nathaniel Blackwood, but you can call me Nathan or Nathaniel.”
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bessxl · 8 years
“I think that color doesn’t go well with your hair.”
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“Draze. I don’t know if you’ve noticed this... I mean, we have known each other for some years now, and your observational skills can be rather lacking from time to time. But my hair is white. What colour doesn’t go with white?”
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bessxl · 8 years
Send "🙋" + any headcannons you want to know about my muse.
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bessxl · 8 years
Send me “µ” for a randomly generated starter -or send me one of these sentences if you want to.
“I wouldn’t sit on that- Well, I wouldn’t have sat on that if I was you…”
“Of course the power goes out today of all days.
“I’m doing good. Dying slowly, somewhat painfully. The usual.”
“I can’t believe someone invented that.”
“Don’t let me fall down.”
“This was not on my job description.”
“So if we got rid of all the butterflies on the other side of the world, would it mean we wouldn’t get any hurricanes here?”
“I know it’s too late to say this, but I think this idea of mine might actually be bad.
“Am I just imagining, or are they following us?”
“It wasn’t the date that was disappointing, it was you.”
“So I’m a bait and you’ll save me if you have time? Correct me if I’m wrong, but that doesn’t sound right.”
“I’d like to say I’m fighting for justice, but I just want my chocolate back really badly.”
“I’ve seen too many weird things today.”
“That was one tough battle.”
“Stop laughing and help me up!”
“I think that color doesn’t go well with your hair.”
“I feel like I’m drowning.”
“Next time, go alone.”
“They’re not going to show up. We’d better go now before it’s too late.”
“How can we get out of here? We’re surrounded.”
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bessxl · 8 years
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bessxl · 8 years
“How nice it must be, to have such a competent companion. Eiris, you should learn a thing or two.”
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The small smirk on Cian’s face at the Purugly’s hissed response was hidden as the admin continued to pace behind Noah’s wheelchair at a lax speed, his hands tucked away in his pockets for comfort. While he didn’t personally know the other man’s Malamar -- Cian barely bothered to do so with his own pokémon in such a way, so the thought of him interacting with another person’s team was downright ridiculous -- but he had seen the squid-like creature around the other often enough to get a feel for her overwhelming personality.
The feeling of disinterest, yet vague dislike of such an attitude was probably something akin to how most felt about Eiris, surely.
“I suppose when all else fails, there’s always calamari.”
Clearing the Path
Noah’s pale blue eye skirted to look at the large Purugly that was following him. It would be a lie to say it wasn’t slightly concerned; after all Eiris was known to be quite fierce and vicious. No one wanted to handle a battle breaking out with her in it.
Luckily Cian decided to come along. Good, as Noah was in no way capable of dealing with his feline. Being wheelchair bound restricted him a lot, though he was thankful for at least being spared from that ordeal. 
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“Ursula is currently working on fixing my room. Personally, I’m simply taking the advantage that she’s distracted to get these pills. I rather not have to see her flip because I don’t have them.” he explained, as the three made their way to the lab. “You know how she can get.”
Not to mention he was already feeling the pain for not taking them, his lower back beginning to have that deep ache that he couldn’t stand. An unfortunate side effect of the Sharpedo attack, but one he had to deal with.
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bessxl · 8 years
Annoying? For some reason, that outburst only made him smile.
Folding his arms across his chest, Cian’s expression could only be described as foxlike as he stared the woman down, finding a sudden spark of amusement in the way she had childishly handled her emotions.
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“I heard you perfectly clear. What I want to know is your reasoning. Claiming important business won’t get you anywhere, I’m afraid. Especially when we’re not actually expecting any approved visitors?”
Brows raising, a smile plays at the administrator’s lips -- a silent cue for her to either start explaining, or give up hopes of entering the team’s headquarters at all. Saturn Leroux was a name he was familiar with, but the man was still just a mere scientist who had no authority to set up meetings with outsiders without gaining permission from a higher up beforehand. If Cian himself hadn’t heard of it, this woman’s arrival most likely hadn’t been authorized at all.
Still, in one swift movement, he reached into his pocket in order to pull out what appeared to be a thin strip of plastic. A cardkey that would grant access pretty much everywhere at Team Evolution’s base. It would be a simple task for him to let her in, but where was the fun in that?
“Not to mention, you still didn’t tell me who you are. And you call me the annoying one.”
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    “ Ugh, you’re ANNOYING! “
  Rosalie glanced over towards the other male a few inches from her, taking in that of his pale features before her gaze traveled downward near his feet where the pudgy normal-type who had accompanied him hissed, sounding irritated that her small stroll had been interrupted. The small scowl that she’d held following her realization that she wasn’t going to easily be granted access with no guard post to allow her in slowly began to deepen, her tongue clicking once more as she crossed her arms over her chest. 
  It came as no surprise that entry inside the steel walls wouldn’t come without a reason worth warranting that of her intentions, but the former elitist was already terse and didn’t feel it necessary to go into explicit detail as to why she’d found herself outside the lair of the fiendish team.
   “ If you listened the first time, I’m looking for the laboratory, “ she repeated, clearly unfazed by his somewhat exasperated tone and instead opting to challenge him by tapping her foot impatiently. She’d be sure to enlighten the person who was her purpose for coming here on just how ill-mannered and tactless these members seemed to be.
    Amethyst hues raised from their former position where the feline stood on all four legs and back to the male before her, “ I have important business to discuss with the scientist there. His name is Saturn Leroux. “
  It wasn’t her fault they had been so negligent to guard the entrance to their base. If they’d simply been doing their job, then she could of most likely already been inside and heading towards her destination. Nevertheless, she spoke and stated a genuine statement for her intrusion, despite how irritated she sounded, and motioned to the large building behind them. She’d left out her own introduction to see if he would allow her to pass with her at least stating her intentions, but she had a feeling that he was going to be more difficult to handle than she would of liked. 
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bessxl · 8 years
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bessxl · 8 years
             cσℓ∂ and αℓσηє,              it suits you ωєℓℓ
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bessxl · 8 years
Scarlet eyes trained on the figure of the stranger as she approached, Cian’s brows furrowed ever so slightly, a quiet ‘tut’ of annoyance leaving him as he recognized the woman’s intent of asking him for assistance.
The administrator had only planned on being outside for a few moments as he accompanied his Purugly on her usual daily stroll on the grounds of Team Evolution’s base and it’s surrounding area, not wanting to be stuck in the chilled mountainside air without any means of warmth for any longer than was absolutely necessary, but it seemed as though the sudden arrival of this stranger had thrown a spanner in the works of his relaxed afternoon almost entirely on the spot.
Pausing, the oversized brute of a feline at his side yowled as she stared up at the stranger, whiskers flickering in a display of annoyance that seemed to match the attitude of the snow-haired man beside her. Cian, however, turned his attention away in order to cast a glance towards the unmanned gates not too far away.
Ah. How typical of the grunts who had been assigned the simple job of sitting in one place all day to fail at even that.
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“Here’s a better question for you,” the administrator suddenly spoke, turning back to the woman who had approached him so carelessly. “Who are you, and what is the purpose behind your visit?”
At the very least, he knew she wasn’t a threat. Approaching him so openly while holding ill intent towards Team Evolution or it’s members would be a move as stupid as it would be bold, after all. If her plan was to cause harm to the organization or it’s mission, he was certain she wouldn’t get very far. And if not...
Well, the sooner he could pass her off to someone else to deal with, the better.
   Nestled between the steep cliffs of the Icelandite Mountains in the furthermost and most precarious portion of the region that she’s happened to come across, a seemingly impenetrable steel fortress stands tall among the decapitated ledges. It is surrounded by a rather thick, chain-link fence that borders the perimeter of the massive building. Smaller ones encircle the outside of the mass, constructed together of what one assumes is either materials similar to slate or concrete. There are no signs or anything of the sort indicating that this place is anything of significant importance to the naked eye, but it’s atmosphere allows it to seem much more iniquitous than one would like to admit.
  Of course, with both its exceedingly colossal and intimidating frame, it looks most treacherous; surely, it didn’t take a genius to see that this was nothing other than the base where nefarious and ominous plots for world domination were conducted on a daily basis.
  Regardless of the monumental size of the institution, however, a lithe-framed figure stands at the opening of the facility with her hands firmly on her hips. Her amethyst hues are trained on the outside margin of the structure, searching for a proper entryway as it seems the one adjacent to the main road is closed and without a post guard. 
  Careless. Her brows knit together in a bout of annoyance and she drums her fingers against her layered clothing, going over the edifice one more time before she clicks her tongue and turns on her heel. Showing up unannounced wasn’t something the Frontier Brain often indulges herself in ( she’s very meticulous; her schedule is usually consistently filled with the promise of repetitive challengers and other mundane tasks performed around the region and with little space to do anything unexpected ) but she’d been fortunate enough to gain some free time for the rest of the afternoon.
  Rosalie debates whether or not she should just simply call the person she is searching for, but the sudden appearance of another emerging from the borders catches her attention and she wastes no time in approaching him.
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   " Where is the entrance to the laboratory? “
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bessxl · 8 years
There was no sympathy to be found on Cian’s expression at the display before him. Instead, the admin let out a quiet huff of amusement as he tapped his fingernails against the side of his mug, brows raising as he glanced from the clutter of paper and empty dishes surrounding Lucien on his desk to the frankly exhausted figure of the team leader at the center of it all.
“Rough night, I take it?” He commented, his tone as carefree as ever as he hid the small smirk that tugged at the corner of his lips with another sip of coffee. Of course, what Lucien did with his own time was hardly any of Cian’s concern. No matter how self-destructive, he could spend his time however he pleased. But the snow-haired admin was more than willing to take the bait given; finding only genuine humour in the man’s completely drained state.
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“It must be hard running an organization if you can’t even keep your own sleep schedule under control.”
Still, despite his teasing, Cian leaned forward to take the sheet of paper that was held towards him, scanning the mission list with mild curiosity as he set his own mug aside.
"Mhn. It’s about time.” Even he was known to slack off whenever the mood struck, but without any missions as of late -- either personal or simple supervision -- the frantic restlessness as he slowly became more stir crazy was beginning to set in.
And everyone was undoubtedly aware of just how badly Cian took to total boredom.
“Will you be making an appearance in said meeting today, or will you have lost your grip on consciousness by then?”
anyone who had just gone 72 hours without any real sleep or rest would be at least slightly out of their mind at this point. lucien had been staring at the pile of papers on his desk for the past hour with an expression that could only be described as completely deadpan. about five different kind of cups stood on his desk as well, all of them having been filled with coffee at some point the past days.
this was a bad habit he had. he could be considered a workaholic to the point he went days without sleep as long as there was some kind of work he could spend his time doing. but like any human being, lucien also got exhausted. at this point his eyes felt sore and he barely managed to keep his lids open, and it felt like a heavy metal band was playing a concert in his head. so of course he had called for some help.
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the man didn’t even look up when the admin he had summoned came into his office; his head was too heavy to lift at this point. “cian, good you could make it. i need you to do some things for me. first get these files to the archive on the north end of the base.” a hand patted the pile next to him, then he handed the admin a paper. “and that is the grunts’ missions for the week. inform everyone of their tasks at the meeting today.”
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bessxl · 8 years
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984 notes · View notes
bessxl · 8 years
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“Oh? Then what’s the other way?”
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“I mean… that’s one way to put it.”
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bessxl · 8 years
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157 notes · View notes
bessxl · 8 years
this may come as sad news for some of you but Outer Space is Gay. all of it
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bessxl · 8 years
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“You’re a connoisseur of lube now, are you? I suppose it’s true what they say about learning new things every day.”
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bessxl · 8 years
“ i brought a firearm from a shitty site. i’m prepared to shoot you in the face with it. ”
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“Is that a threat? You’re threatening your superiors now? I’d probably be proud if you said it with a little more conviction, Jules.”
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