belllarkenetwork · 9 years
happy holidays everyone! xo
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belllarkenetwork · 10 years
Hello everyone! So as you may have seen under the tag, Karilys isn't really feeling up to running this network anymore, so she's had me taken over as a co-admin!
My name is Shealyn, I'm 16, and from the great state of michigan. I love to read and watch random tv that makes me cry. I watch way too many shows, including, the 100 (duh), teen wolf, doctor who, the office, sherlock, community, brooklyn nine nine, supernatural, parks and rec, psych, adventure time, pokemon (the classics), the mindy project, and a few more I cannot for the life of me remember.
I know a couple of you from other networks, and from the general community, but some of you may know me better by my sideblog, clark-griffin. I'm also the owner of the grounders network, and a co-owner with Kassidy (catiylotz) of the future montygreennetwork. (Btw, both of these networks are currently accepting, so if any of you want to apply for another network.... :)
I'm so excited to get to know you all, and any suggestions or questions about the network can be directed to my ask box, or to my email,  [email protected].
Thanks for reading, bye!
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belllarkenetwork · 10 years
Hi everyone! I'm Joanna, 18 years old and I just finished my first year of college (I'm studying psychology btw). 
I watch too many tv shows and I have too many feelings about otps. Besides the 100, my absolute favorite tv shows ever are: FRIENDS, how i met your mother (ugh but that ending tho), and hart of dixie. 
I'm pretty much a loser, I laugh at almost everything and make really bad jokes. You can always come talk with me or fangirl with me. I'll be here almost every day since I have no life. :)))
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belllarkenetwork · 10 years
Hi everyone! My name's Tami! I'm a nursing student and I'll be 21 in August. I also live in Canada (BC, to be exact).
I watch waaaaaaay too much tv. The 100 is definitely my number one show right now though! I ship Bellarke like no tomorrow. They make me soooooo emotional hahah! I also love the awesome female characters of this show and how diverse the cast is. Also Bob's face.
I think my other top show right now would have to be Teen Wolf... I watch a lot of other ones but these two are the ones I'm most invested in at the moment.
I like to make gifs and write, too.  Aaaand I don't think there is much else to say! It's nice to meet you all! :)
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belllarkenetwork · 10 years
Hey! Im Kassidy! :) Im 18, I live in Canada, Im just chilling right now haha. Outstide of the 100 my fave shows are teen wolf, agents of shield, the vampire dairies/the originals, revenge, pll and like wayyy more...
on the 100 outside of loving the whole show and all the characters I really ship bellarke but I brotp like, everyone hahaa
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belllarkenetwork · 10 years
Hey I'm Cate! I'm 18 and live in the US. I'm about to start college. I watch a lot of TV. My favorites are The 100 (obviously), Arrow, Agents of Shield and Teen Wolf. I've read the book version and I liked it, once I realized it wasnt really anything like the show.
I love Bellamy and Clarke separately and together. Bellarke is one of the many things I love about the 100. I write fics and make gifs and I'm always accepting prompts. My ask is always open if anyone ever wants to talk!
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belllarkenetwork · 10 years
Well, hi! :D I'm Sara (too...), I'm 17, Spanish. The 100 is becoming a big part of my life, and I'm kinda obsessed with beallmy/bellarke and their stupi puppy eyes! A part from that, I have a HUGE obsession with Arrow, actually LAurel Lance!, as my entire blog shows... and tv shows are my life.
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belllarkenetwork · 10 years
Hi, I'm Kira! I'm 17 and live in the US :) I watch an obscene amount of television, so I can recommend a ton of shows because I've watched them all :) My favorite shows are The 100, Teen Wolf, and Brooklyn Nine Nine. I love broadway shows, chicken fingers, and every animal on the planet. 
Currently, I'm stressing about college and my senior year, and I'm really excited to meet all of you :)
Also, we should plan a tinychat so we can all get on and talk!
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belllarkenetwork · 10 years
Yoooooo everyone I'm Katie! 22 (almost 23) I'm feeling real old right now so there better be someone older than me. I don't like being the oldest it gives me a complex. I feel like a mom. But I'm a cool mom. Anyways The 100 and Bellarke have literally taken over my life. Everything is perfect like I want to give the writers a prize for the greatness they give us. I have the book on my bedside table and I'm hoping to read it soon! I also watch arrow(ship olicity), agents of shield (Skyeward BUT IM HERE FOR THE COULSON SND SKYE DADDY DAUGHTER FAMILYSHIP)... I watch and ship other things but those are currently my big three. I'm always up for prompts or requests or even just chitty chat cause I'm a cool mom as we've already discussed.
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belllarkenetwork · 10 years
Hi I'm sara. I'm 19 and my two favorite shows are ouat and the 100. I live in the US and love writing and reading. I fell on live with bellarke when Clarke killed atom and Bellamy looked at her like he's seeing the sun for the first time. My favorite color is orange like the sunset that reddish orange. I plan on going to school for film and writing. That's about it I suppose =^.^=
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belllarkenetwork · 10 years
Hello hello! I'm Ima, I'm 15 years old, and I live in Indonesia. It's kind of sad, but I go into the Bellarke tag at least twice a day. I have also read the book, but I have to say I was disappointed by it. Other than the 100, my favorite TV show is Teen Wolf. My hobbies include sleeping, reading, and surfing da web. Um I'm also like incredibly awkward and I never know what to say so I usually end up saying too much (exhibit: now). OH and as I've mentioned above, I'm Indonesian so English isn't my first language so bear with my mistakes yah? Yeah.... that's about it.
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belllarkenetwork · 10 years
Hi I'm Tasnim! I'm 14 and I live in London. Revenge, The 100, OUAT and PLL are some of my fave shows. I've read The 100 book and I'm very excited for the sequel. I've also started watching Arrow and I've nearly finished season 2 and I'm a huge olicity shipper. Bellarke, Dramione and Chuck and Blair are my all time favourite ships. Harry Potter is my favourite thing. I also have a really huge obsession with disney princesses and Peter Pan.
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belllarkenetwork · 10 years
I know that some of us haven't officially joined the blog yet, but-- I think it's due time to start up some casual introductions!! ( also, tag your name/and or url in your posts so we know who it is!! )
I'm Karilys, the admin/founder of this beautiful network!! Fourteen years old, and living in Ohio! I, obviously, adore Bellarke to death. I've read the book, and watched the series, and The 100 has nearly taken over my life!! But my other passion would have to be Lea Michele, my queen. uwu
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