belle-mer-blog · 7 years
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beach days 
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belle-mer-blog · 8 years
if you don’t love tyler posey idk who u are
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belle-mer-blog · 8 years
Spaghetti Night - Deputy Parrish imagine
Request:  y/n is stiles sister and parrish has to come to their house to bring something an y/n is dancing around with headphones and when the sheriff see that he say to parrish: dont look at her like this. Y/n regonize after a while and blushes
[A/n]: I absolutely loved this request, so thank you so much, Anon, for requesting it!
Word count: 420+
After four, agonizingly long years at college, you were finally back home in Beacon Hills for longer than a few weeks. You had to admit, you missed waking up to your brother’s snoring in the next room over and visiting your dad at the station whenever you weren’t busy. Everything was just the way it was when you’d left for college…well almost.
You stood in the kitchen dancing around in one of Stiles’ old shirts and a pair of athletic shorts, stirring the sauce to the spaghetti you were cooking for your brother and your dad. You were so wrapped up in melody of your favorite song that you didn’t even notice a complete stranger—to you at least—standing right in the doorway of your kitchen, giggling slightly at your dancing figure.
Jordan was standing there for a good two or three minutes before he felt a hand gently slap down on to his shoulder. He jumped which you saw out of the corner of your eye, and you finally turned to see your father and some other guy.
“Parrish, what are you doing here?” The sheriff spoke again before the deputy could answer, “And how did you get in?”
Parrish stared at you in absolute awe as he caught sight of your full face, “I came to give these to you—” he held up a small stack up papers, “And Stiles let me in.”
You stood there awkwardly as he continued to oogle over you until you finally decided to speak.
“Uh, hi.” You blushed. Your hand subconsciously reached up to move a piece of hair behind your ear. “I’m [Y/n]–”
“My daughter,” your dad cut in with a firm grip on Jordan’s shoulder.
Jordan took a small glance at your father and let his eyes trail back over to you, “I’m Jordan, the deputy.”
You look at the pot of almost done spaghetti noodles on the stove before letting your eyes flick back over to Jordan. “Would you–um–like to stay over for dinner? I’m making my famous spaghetti.” You laughed nervously which made the sheriff look between you two before realizing what was going on right in front of him.
And though he had never really liked spaghetti, he was willing to eat it if it meant being around you longer. “Sure, I’d love to have some of your spaghetti,” he grinned as the two of you continued to exchange looks.
“Hey,” your father started sternly as Jordan walked off into the kitchen, “You stay away from my daughter and her spaghetti.”
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belle-mer-blog · 8 years
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I have never seen anything this accurate 😂
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belle-mer-blog · 8 years
Just a quick note to anyone feeling down right now or ever.
I just want to pop by and say that eventually, everything will work out.
People love you and sometimes it’s the people you won’t even think of.
I’ve personally had to talk a couple of friends out of suicide or something else destructive a number of times. I know it’s easy to think that no one loves you. But someone does. I have a friend who I know over the internet and we’ve never met and she insists I would be disappointed; not the case.
If you let someone in, and they’re with you - friends or whatever - they stuck with you for a reason. It is so easy to look at someone and decide no. But if someone stuck around, and talks to you and has done so for a while, and you’re yourself in front of them, and they still talk to you, they’re not doing that for a laugh. Why would they do that? That’s their time that they could be spending with someone else. People are self absorbed. They take time for others but at the end of the day, they’ll want to spend time with people that matter to them the most.
They are still spending time with you for a reason. They love you, somewhere, somehow, they do. Platonically or romantically, whichever, they appreciate you. They are there for you to lean on.
Do not think that you have no one. You always have someone.
And if you ever need someone to rant to, or just to talk about nothing or something of importance, my inbox is always open.
I cannot have any of you think no one loves you and that it’s worth leaving everything behind because of that. No. I love you. I love you for existing and I love you for all the bad and good things you’ve done. I love you for facing fear and having decided to stay for this long. Whether you’re one hour, one day, one week, one month, one year clean, I don’t care. You’re alive. That’s all that counts. Don’t stop yourself from meeting the world’s best people, nicest faces, kindest hearts, most inspirational situations and speeches and movements.
Find something worth doing, something that makes you happy. Be the change you want to see. Don’t doubt yourself. 
You are amazing; you are amazing for existing. You are you; unique, lovely and important. Your existence is important in this world. It always has been and always will be. You’re changing people’s lives with everyday things. You could walk by someone and they could say ‘wow. that’s the definition of beauty.’ or you could just smile at someone and give them the hope they need for the rest of their life. You could just be sending someone some nice messages, giving them little pleasures in the day and trust me, that little bit of happiness has turned something in them around. 
You are human and you are alive and that is amazing in itself.
Stay safe and stay you.
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belle-mer-blog · 8 years
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143 notes · View notes
belle-mer-blog · 8 years
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belle-mer-blog · 8 years
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love is so short and oblivion so long.
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belle-mer-blog · 8 years
It’s important to tell the people you love how much you love them while they can hear you.
Meredith Grey, Grey’s anatomy (via kalifornia---dreaming)
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belle-mer-blog · 8 years
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this was so heartbreaking
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belle-mer-blog · 8 years
Stiles: You beat people up and charge money?
Braeden: Yeah.
Scott: Sad, isn’t it?
Stiles: How much would you charge to go to France and beat up Isaac?
Scott: What?
Braeden: How much you got?
Stiles: Thirty bucks.
Scott: That’s good, this conversation is over.
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belle-mer-blog · 8 years
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13K notes · View notes
belle-mer-blog · 8 years
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belle-mer-blog · 8 years
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Vote now for Ship of the Year by liking and reblogging your OTP here on Tumblr! Remember, notes = votes, so  be sure to show your favorite ship some love and tune into the 2016 @mtvfandom​ Awards on July 24th at 8/7c to see who wins!
Art by @oxcenia
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belle-mer-blog · 8 years
“Because being with someone is like listening to a song” She said “It’s like when you listen to a great song for the first time and you think it’s amazing and lovely and adorable and you can’t get enough of it and you have it on repeat and you show it to your friends and you think that you’ll never get over how great that song is. “But after a couple of days, weeks if you’re lucky, you get bored because there’s nothing new about it and you start groaning and skipping the song whenever it comes on and finally you delete it because you are so over it you can’t even believe that you used to love it”. She stared outside the window and after a few minutes she finally spoke, “Because there’s no such thing as an everlasting love”. He stared at her. He admired her hair, her eyebrows, her nose, her eyes, her cheeks, her lips – Oh, her lips – and he said “But, then again, there’s that song that you listen to for the first time and you think it’s a nice song so you decide to get it and for the first few days you start getting attached to that song because you understand the lyrics and you get goose bumps whenever you listen to it and maybe not everyone loves it as much as you do but it doesn’t matter because it’s yours”. She turned and looked into his eyes and he continued, “and then, after a couple of years, you’re still in love with that song and you are playing it to your kids telling them how that song changed your life and you still can’t believe that that song still makes you feel like you’re flying”. He stopped and grabbed her hand “it’s your favorite song” He kissed her knuckles “and you, you are most definitely my favorite song”.
Excerpt from I’ll never write #2 (via thatemptybottleofchanel)
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belle-mer-blog · 8 years
Imagine you OTP
Person B: I love you.
Person A: I know.
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belle-mer-blog · 8 years
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im officially reylo trash
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