Hi all,
I’m really sad this RP seems to have died - I’m probably going to leave and change this account to use in a new one in a few days if things don’t pick up.
You can contact me on my personal, be-a-valkyrie, or if you’d like to join a very active, First War Era RP (Marauders all graduated, canon ages), mine has just kicked off - check us out!
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As Alecto and Narcissa bemoaned their circumstances of marriage, Bellatrix could not help but think that they ought to just reconcile themselves to it. She herself had no intention of staying in a mansion and playing at being a lady, as making a difference to a most worthy cause would always preceded the expectations of society in Bellatrix's eyes.
"Well. A blessing, and a curse, you might say." She spoke flippantly to Kelsey, but she could not deny that she mistrusted the other girl. Her family's dubious associations and disgraceful behaviour made her a target of speculation for many members of Slytherin House, and Bellatrix herself was no exception in this. Bellatrix stood up, putting her glass on the table. "You can finish the drinks, if you wish. I am tired, and I see little use in drinking myself into oblivion before lessons have even started..." She turned to leave. "Goodnight." She didn't glance back as she left the Common Room in the direction of her dormitory.
A Gathering of Snakes || Bellatrix/Narcissa/Alecto/Kelsey
Kelsey remained in her stubborn, fearful silence, sipping at her whiskey with a sense of the unreal around her. This conversation felt much darker than she was expecting, but she didn’t want to risk changing the subject again. Her position here hung on a knife edge. She might care about her views and about the people she wished to protect, but actually Kelsey looked out for herself above all else; that was what made her a Slytherin.
She shot Alecto a sympathetic glance when she brought up her fiancé. “I’m sure it’ll turn out okay," she said, addressing both girls, “they can’t be that bad. And you might not end up married to them anyway." She shrugged, reaching for the firewhiskey. Her body already felt pleasantly warm as she poured herself another glass. “I guess I’m lucky in that my father isn’t likely to engage me to anyone." Not that anyone would have me, she added silently in her mind. Her specific branch of the Notts were a disgrace, cut off from Pureblood society, and a nice match was a far off chance. Not that she cared.
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She shook off Narcissa's caring embrace. "A note from Aunt Walburga... She says to return to the Manor immediately. But Dumbedore only gave permission for me to go alone. It doesn't matter though! Cissy, Meda, come to my dormitory now, we have to go! Life threatening, she said!" Bellatrix's voice rose in volume and  pitch as she spoke, increasingly agitated. 
She paced along the length of the room as she waited for them, her eyes wide and expectant. Narcissa rose immediately, but Andromeda hung back, not moving from the bed.
Blood In The Black Manor || Bellatrix, Andromeda & Narcissa
Narcissa turned, a dazzling smile and the ghost of a laugh still written on her face. Upon seeing her sister in such a state, the blonde leaped up - what an agile thing she was - and rushed to Bellatrix’s side. 
"Bella? What’s happened? What’s wrong?" She murmurs, pulling her sister in for a hug before cupping the eldest Black daughter’s face in her soft and small palms, searching the somber expression that regarded her and Andromeda for some answers.
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Alecto looked nervous as Bellatrix started to speak, her glance darting to the window. Bellatrix wasn't trying to intimidate the other girl but it did irk her when people tried to conceal things from her. "I thought so. Brilliant, isn't He?" She spoke quite vaguely, and though she tried to make her voice even, she could not quite hide her already near fanatical respect for the Dark Lord. 
"I wouldn't expect you too. I think much the same. Rodolphus doesn't know what he's letting himself in for, poor boy..." She laughed. Alecto seemed to be relaxing a little, and when she spoke again, Bellatrix raised an eyebrow. "Very well. Your own spell? Impressive. Can I help?" She'd only just begun her training with the Dark Lord, but experimenting with spells was something she'd been doing for a long time, and had tried something similar the previous year. 
"Actually... one moment." She thought it wouldn't hurt to show Alecto her own spell. It was a little different, but she'd not really had an  occasion to discuss this sort of magic with Alecto, and relished the opportunity to show her proficiency for the Dark Arts. She moved her wand to her right hand and stood up, facing the door and the empty space in front of it. "Muffliato." She did not wish to be heard.
"Coniuro vitreum." As she spoke, something like water seemed to pour from her wand, but did not fall to the ground, instead streamed forward into the air to form a transparent ball of glass. As it floated there, Bellatrix turned and smiled at Alecto. "Reducto." She whispered, and there was a terrible shattering sound as the glass broke, pieces flying in all directions. Before it could get close enough to injure either of them, Bellatrix cast another spell. "Maneo!" The shards of glass froze in the air, a most peculiar sight. Bellatrix walked to the side, getting well out of the range of the glass. "Inhabilitaro!"
She moved her wand vehemently and as she did so, the shards of glass flew with a terrifying velocity towards the classroom door, where they embedded themselves about an inch in the thick wood. "Evanesco." The glass disappeared as unexpectedly as it had appeared, and Bellatrix turned back to Alecto.
Secret Spell Smoke || Alecto & Bellatrix
Alecto looked up at Bellatrix , looking confused and frightened for a moment , she was acting like her father. Pushing a stray tress behind her ear she looked at Bella to show her that she was listening , she glanced up at the light filtering through the window exposing dust that would normally not be seen.
"Yes , I met him…it was rather exhilarating" she said a smile on her face as she remembered it. Alecto had much bigger plans than staying home and tending to the flower pots , the plans had been kept between her and and her brother so far. Bellatrix however seemed to have the same ideas , this naturally made Alecto feel a little closer to her. 
Alecto gave a small but genuine smile ,  "thank you " the fact that Bellatrix would like her own sisters to be more like her made her feel like she was at least doing something right. “Of course , I’m not sitting at home and waiting on hand and foot on some arrogant self centered prick who thinks he rules the fucking world" she sat up a little more as she spoke , sounding incredibly annoyed.
"You don’t need to prove yourself Bella , I’m just wary , what with the  war lurking" Alecto sighed , it couldn’t hurt to talk about it to at least one person. “I’m trying , to create a curse , one where blades fly at the subject not piercing deep enough to kill , but just to pin down for torture … you know? They always seem to die too quickly in my opinion. Alecto was slowly putting down the act around Bellatrix , opening up a little more.
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Bellatrix narrowed her eyes at Alecto's stubbornness. Rolling her eyes, she stood up and crossed to the teacher's desk at the front of the classroom, the heels of her boots clicking as she went, and sat directly in front of Alecto. She crossed her legs in front of her. As the other girl pocketed the little knife, Bellatrix slid her wand from the holder under her left sleeve and twirled it between her hands. 
"I'd like to think we know each other well, wouldn't you agree?" She said, not waiting for a response. "So, I'd like to think that you are somebody I can trust. You met the Dark Lord recently, am I right?" Bellatrix saw no use in tripping around the topic - if somebody was preparing for the war, she wanted them with her, not against her. And Alecto was clever, good in her lessons and had set opinions, seeming determined to make something of herself despite the expectations of others.
"Trust is subjective, I suppose. But you're quite right. I wish Andromeda and Narcissa were a little more like you, Alecto. Andromeda... Good heavens, that girl is a hindrance to us all, I swear. Narcissa has her head on the right way, but she'll never go beyond what our father tells her. You're quite different, are you not? You too want to be more than just a wife?" Bellatrix raised an eyebrow at Alecto. "Silly or not, I'm... interested. And trustworthy. Anything you'd like me to do, or to tell you, to prove it?"
Secret Spell Smoke || Alecto & Bellatrix
Alecto glanced at her innocently , she knew exactly how Bellatrix felt about her and Amycus , she hadn’t said it definitely but the small comments were enough. Everyone said it , said that he wanted to be with her too much , they said it was odd she climbed into his bed when she had nightmares but Alecto didn’t see it , Amycus was her brother and he would do anything to keep her happy.
 She rolled her eyes in annoyance at herself when Bellatrix lent down , it must be the lack of sleep she told herself. It may just seem like a small blade to anyone else , but that blade held a sense of achievement that she had been needing for a while. “Thankyou" she nodded curtly. 
  Alecto had always been a private sort of person , the act she put on portrayed her as open and innocent. This proved just how good she was at lying. “I don’t trust people too easily Bella , you of all people must know that." she said , sounding polite. “It’s just a silly spell " she shook her head with a smile.
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As the other girl hurried to keep her belongings out of reach, Bellatrix raised an eyebrow. She thought she knew Alecto fairly well. Despite their families not quite moving in the same circles, the girl seemed decent enough, if a little too attached to her brother who was not nearly as agreeable, and she'd always appeared to have sound ideals with which Bellatrix herself agreed.
"Ah, transfiguration... But a frog? Isn't that a little... third-year?" She laughed out loud when she heard the sound, clearly throwing a wrench in Alecto's lie. She followed Alecto's look as she glanced quickly, but obviously, towards the ground. By her feet glittered a small blade. Bellatrix bent down and picked up the knife carefully, before straightening up and placing it on the desk in front of Alecto. "Yours, I believe?"
She didn't know why the other girl would try and conceal something from her. "You know you can trust me, Alecto. I'm not a fool, and neither are you. Surely you don't expect me to believe that? If you're having trouble with something, I'd be perfectly willing to help. We're on the same side, after all..." She smiled fairly sincerely at Alecto.  Bellatrix supposed that it would do no harm for some of her classmates to come together to prepare for what they would be doing after graduation, but whether that was really Alecto's intention, she wasn't sure.
Secret Spell Smoke || Alecto & Bellatrix
Alecto glanced up at Bellatrix , her smile unfaltering she swept the book off the desk and placed it on her lap casually , out of grabbing distance. She had known Bella long enough to know that she did whatever she pleased , “Hiding? me ? now how could I hide away and not give the school the privilege of seeing my face?" she said , only a slight hint of sarcasm in her voice. “No , I’m not hiding" the frog croaked , the sound echoing around the room.
"I’m simply practicing transfiguration " she lied smoothly , not that Alecto wouldn’t love to brag about her new spell to Bellatrix. However Alecto’s best trait was the way she could surprise people , and if people found out about this , they wouldn’t be surprised at all.
Alecto glanced at the blade still shining on the floor , rather idiotically , she thought only afterwards. She was usually rather good at hiding things , but this had kept her up late for far too many nights , not that she let it show. She always made sure that she looked her best , not even a wonderful new curse could stop her from looking her usual self.
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As usual, the corridors were predictably empty of anybody worth talking to. Well, that could be said for the school in general. Bellatrix did not hurry on her way back to the Slytherin common room, having just sat through a mind-numbingly dull History of Magic class where it had been all she could do not to fall asleep, so she was grateful for the opportunity to just stretch her legs and be left to her own thoughts. Several of the potions classrooms along the way were disused, and nobody ever seemed to bother locking them. After all, what would the students get up to in a room full of clutter and dust?
Bellatrix laughed to herself as she remembered her little encounter with the Mudblood, Evans. Apparently the younger girl was still in the hospital wing, she'd been told. Her own fault; she should have known better than to speak back to Bellatrix after already having annoyed her. It was not as if she'd tell any of the teachers, and what did Bellatrix care if the Gryffindors had another reason to dislike her? None of them were even worth thinking about, their opinions not worth consideration.
As she walked past one of the classrooms, Bellatrix heard a quiet but vehement curse, and slowed down, her footsteps coming to a halt in front of the door, and she looked in, pushing the door a little further open from its ajar position. In the class sat Alecto, a black book in front of her, smiling a little too innocently to have been there for an innocuous reason.
"Hiding away, Alecto? What's frustrating you? You can be heard from the corridor, you know..." She smiled at the other girl, coming in and taking a seat next to her.
Secret Spell Smoke || Alecto & Bellatrix
Alecto growled in frustration pressing the quill to her lips she read over her notes , it had all been a case of trial and improvement for the past few days. She had been able to do most dark magic from about the age of fourteen , all the practice her father forced her into seemed to help though. Now she had her own ideas for a spell , “ensis" she muttered pointing her wand at the frog sat on the desk at the other end of the room.
A single razor like blade seemed to appear out of no-where , but it simply fell to the floor uselessly. The word ‘ensis’ had been chosen because it was the latin word for blade. Her so far ineffective spell was designed so that tiny blades would fly into whatever the wand was aimed at , not so much to kill , but simply to hold in place for torture.
  Alecto smoothed open the weathered pages of her small black book , others in her dorm simply assumed that is was an address book full of names and houses of important purebloods. It was much more than that , it was her notes on the best ways to conduct spells and potions. Granted she was no-where near as good at potions as Severus was but she was an expert dueler. 
Most of the pureblood parents wanted their children to be forward about their beliefs but Alecto and Amycus’ seemed to want to throw them into the deep end of the war. Her and her brother had both met with the dark lord , he seemed desprate for recruits and so obliged when Altair Carrow invited him to see his children that he had worked so hard to perfect.
Lecto shook the thoughts of her family off and wrote down on the same page as the rest of her notes for today ‘too weak - perhaps try a different wand technique’
Alecto could hear footsteps outside and she quickly shut the messily wrote notebook and put a well practiced smile onto her face prepared for whoever it was to walk through the classroom door.
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Bellatrix narrowed her eyes as the other girl skirted her question, but let it slide. She was too tired to be getting into a fight with her housemates on the very first night at Hogwarts. "Come now, Cissy, I didn't mean anything by it. Just that the War is a lot more immediate than it feels inside these walls... But nobody will make you fight. I expect Father would go spare if you even suggested it!" She laughed, the small amount of firewhiskey she had had having improved her mood a little.
At Alecto's question, she frowned. "I couldn't say either, really..." She smiled dryly. "Rodolphus is... Let us just say that I believe he is is not as opposed to the betrothal as I am, but I am not concerning myself about that particularly, as I do think other things will take priority over marriage once we graduate." Though Bellatrix had mainly reconciled herself to the engagement, it irked her greatly and she hoped dearly that she would not have to go through with it anytime soon.
"He's been writing to me from France. It angers him that I met the Dark Lord before he did, that he has not had such an opportunity." She sighed at Kelsey's optimistic attitude. "What does liking have to do with anything in our society? We are expected to do as we're told. Problematic, when one's attentions lie elsewhere."
A Gathering of Snakes || Bellatrix/Narcissa/Alecto/Kelsey
Where do you stand, I wonder? Bellatrix’s words made Kelsey shiver just a little bit but she forced a smile, sinking even further back into her armchair. She tried not to let the Black girl scare her, but it was hard after seven years of ‘friendship’; she had seen what Bellatrix was capable of. It wasn’t like she was a traitor or anything, she reminded herself, she had always made it clear she wasn’t as fanatical…but it might be wise to excuse herself from the conversation if it got too technical. It was one thing to be against blood purity, another entirely to be accused of passing information to the other side, and if Kelsey heard anything dangerous she couldn’t in all conscience keep it a secret.
She had to look after number one, that was her motto. So she shot Narcissa a sympathetic look - Lucius Malfoy, what a tool - and leant in to the circle a bit more. “I think boys can be more than that!" she said, laughing at Alecto. “Haven’t you ever been with a boy who just likes you?"
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Blood In The Black Manor || Bellatrix, Andromeda & Narcissa
Bellatrix hurried down the stone steps leading down from the Headmaster's office, still clutching the note she had received not even an hour earlier, but hesitated as she neared the Slytherin Common Room. The owl had come to her room as she worked, and it was certainly a shock to Bellatrix as she read the note which had been attached to its leg. 
You and your sisters must come to the Manor immediately, regarding an urgent family matter of life-threatening gravity.
Walburga Black
She had left her dormitory immediately, intending to try and get out through a passage before she was stopped by the interfering caretaker, Filch, and taken to Dumbledore's office. She explained the note as best she could, not even knowing herself what exactly the situation was. After much speculation and deliberation, the Headmaster had given her, but only her, permission to go back home.
"Miss Black, I trust you will not abuse this. I have given my express permission only to you. The Floo Network will be enabled from your dormitory until your return, which I presume will be tonight. Do keep the school informed, and I hope all is well." Dumbledore nodded, gesturing for her to leave as she was already fleeing the room.
Bellatrix knew she should have listened, but there was really no question of leaving her sisters behind on such an occasion, regardless of Dumbledore's wishes. She hurried into the Slytherin Quarters, bursting into Narcissa's dormitory, where she was surprised to find her sat on the bed talking with Andromeda. Bellatrix's breathing was ragged, and the note was crumpled in her hand.
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"How dull. I am thanking my lucky starts that the Lestranges are still in France, otherwise I'd have to be fending off Rodolphus again... Ridiculous, aren't they? Boys, I mean." Bellatrix set her glass on the table. She wasn't a big drinker, generally doing it to be sociable and because it was hardly a challenge to take some from the Manor without her father realizing anything had gone missing. She hated the loss of control which came with having had too much to drink, and avoided it as much as she could. "I do believe the days for nice conversation are over, Miss Nott." She raised an eyebrow at the younger girl. "Where will you stand, I wonder?"
Bellatrix turned to Alecto. "I quite agree with you. Come now, Narcissa," she said to her younger sister, who was shifting uncomfortably in her seat, "Lucius' father clearly has plans for him to have an active role in the war, so you shall have to come to terms with the whole idea at some point..." She looked thoughtfully around at the group. "I can't help but feel like we ought to be doing something, preparing somewhat..." 
A Gathering of Snakes || Bellatrix/Narcissa/Alecto/Kelsey
Kelsey was feeling rapidly more and more uncomfortable with the conversation, and she took a determined swig of firewhiskey, taking a deep breath. “Ladies, I agree with Cissa," she said, biting her lip. Her views on the war weren’t well known - she wasn’t stupid enough to broadcast them, sure Bella wouldn’t be impressed, but everyone knew she wasn’t enthusiastic. “We’re meant to be having a nice conversation here." She met Bellatrix’s eyes and willed her to move on, though the chances were slim. Alecto was clearly desperate to start talking about the war, and inflammatory speeches were the darkest Black sister’s forte.
Kelsey sunk further into her seat and poured herself her second drink of the evening. She was excellent at holding her alcohol and so  tended to drink a bit too much of it - it took so long for her to get buzzed, and she was excellent at hiding it too. Tonight she needed to have her wits about her. She had heard that certain Slytherins had certain talents that could be painful to a ‘Blood Traitor’; clearing her throat, she attempted to change the subject. “So - someone tell me something interesting that happened over the summer." She managed a convincing smirk. “Boy-related, preferably."
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Bellatrix Black || Character Development || #1
First Name: Bellatrix
Middle Name: Aquila
Last Name: Black
Nickname(s): Bella (by Lord Voldemort, as well as Narcissa, Andromeda, Regulus and her housemates), Bells (mainly Rodolphus, a source of exasperation), Bell (Rodolphus again), Trixie (detested, only used mockingly by Sirius), Black (by belligerent students in other houses)
Titles: Miss Black, Eldest Daughter of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, Descendant of Salazar Slytherin, Member of Slytherin House, Protegee to the Dark Lord
Birthday: November 9th (17)
Relationship Status: Grudgingly betrothed to Rodolphus Lestrange
Current Location: Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Home town: London, England (Black Manor being on the rural outskirts of London)
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Wand: 12 and 3/4 inches, walnut, dragon heartstring core
Parents: Cygnus Black III and Druella Black, nee Rosier.
Sibling(s): Andromeda Lyra Black, Narcissa Marie Black
Friend(s): Narcissa, Andromeda (dubious), Alecto Carrow, Amycus Carrow, Regulus Black (cousin), Evan Rosier (cousin), Rodolphus Lestrange (tenuous), Rabastan Lestrange (graduated), Augustus Rookwood, Aloysius Mulciber, Lucius Malfoy (all these three usually found somewhat tiresome), Morven Yaxley, Elizabeth Yaxley, Emma Vanity
Height: 5’6
Hair Colour: Black
Eye Colour: Dark Green
Current Significant Other: Fending off Rodolphus Lestrange, attracted to the Dark Lord
Previous Significant Other(s): None
Pet(s): None, uses the Black family owls when sending post.
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