bellalunaxylophone · 5 years
“Mental pain is less dramatic than physical pain but it’s more common and also more difficult to bear. The frequent attempt to conceal mental pain increases the burden. It is easier to say “My tooth is aching” than to say “My heart is broken.””
— C.S. Lewis
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bellalunaxylophone · 5 years
“You are so brave and quiet I forget you are suffering.”
— Ernest Hemingway, A Farewell to Arms (via books-n-quotes)
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bellalunaxylophone · 5 years
“Somedays I want to run away and hide, just to see who would come looking for me.”
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bellalunaxylophone · 5 years
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bellalunaxylophone · 5 years
People can be so quiet about their pain that you forget they're even hurting.
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bellalunaxylophone · 5 years
So you ask me if I want food. I tell you what I’m craving. You pick up said food and don’t offer to get me any? What a friend
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bellalunaxylophone · 5 years
We talked tonight
About other people breaking up and getting back together. You said the grass can look greener on the other side, but then you realize what you lost and want it back. But it’s just. I’ll always be the spray painted grass. The grass that looks greener on the other side but isn’t. Or I’m the reason you move on from. I feel so loneyly. My laugh is annoying, my depression is annoying, my laziness is annoying all to you. Why are you with me? I bring nothing to the table other than looks that will fade. I’ve cried an awful lot today. I thought it would be the day but I can’t even do that right. I hope death comes for me
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bellalunaxylophone · 5 years
No one wants to deal with you when you’re sad all the time.
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bellalunaxylophone · 5 years
When you’ve ben sad for so long everyone stops caring and lets you sink more and more into the darkness
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bellalunaxylophone · 5 years
I’m that person.
Have you ever said something in a group and everyone just ignores it and goes along?
I’m that girl.
Have you ever said something, anything to fill the void, no matter what it is. And wish you could take back every word because now that you’ve heard what you’ve said; you look stupid.
I’m that girl.
I’m the girl
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bellalunaxylophone · 5 years
I was right
Just a disappointment in gifts. And per my last post. It’s not the money. It’s the feeling of people not knowing me and buying gifts that’ll do.
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bellalunaxylophone · 5 years
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bellalunaxylophone · 5 years
It’s just..
What’s the point of a wishlist if you don’t use it? Every time you go off the list it’s stuff I really don’t need/want/or use. Why waste money on something that’s a gamble? You had all of this time w 2 day shipping being the only thing in the way. Gift giving events are always a disappointment. Only because I feel like people don’t really know me. Like they showed up at some random store and picked up something random with the thought of “this will do”. When instead if you just listen, you’d know what I want
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bellalunaxylophone · 5 years
For days I was busy and 3-4 people were hitting me up non stop. I took the time every time to answer. Now I’m having a super lonely in a room full of people feeling and no one has messaged back in almost 2 hrs...... see. I don’t ask for much but Shit
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bellalunaxylophone · 5 years
😔I just want to have fun and feel included.
This trip is 80-95% of my gift. So why is the last night the only one meant for me? The other 6 days are your days for my present...??? I don’t care about the shit. But don’t throw a curtain over what this trip was meant to be when 98% of it has been all for you.
I felt so excluded all night and day. I’m still the girl in the corner that no one picks first,middle, or last
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bellalunaxylophone · 5 years
I feel so alone. I don’t know who to believe. How long has it been like this? Why. How?
Mans then the one who is supposed to be a friend just has to be so rude. But you know, when someoneone is rude to her, they get the boot.
All of these feelings are taking away my spirit
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bellalunaxylophone · 5 years
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You need a private talk? Just send me an ask!:)
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