Need to air out frustrations with Ongezellig community. Posting rants from YouTube that got shadowbanned.
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This is just how it be sometimes.
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Both are correct for me. Those islands just call to me for some reason.
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I know exactly what I am going to do this summer!
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No way! My phone thinks Maya Schoppenboer looks like Maya Fey from Phoenix Wright that’s crazy!
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Too much oversharing as of late. Het spijt me. Back to some memes.
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So just going about my day when I got reminded of a film that I watched in French class. The problem? Well I don't remember anything about the film. Why is that? I spent most of the class time watching the film hiding in the restroom. I was dealing with quite a lot considering the fact it was close to the end of the semester, and I had a lot of end of course stuff to do. I was so stressed. Additionally, my 16th birthday was at the start of that semester. Only one person outside of my family even said happy birthday. That person was actually taking advantage of me, but I had no clue since I have never had a relationship like that. No one to tell me that it was wrong. I became quiet once more. I was absolutely devastated by the French project that would follow. (If y'all want I could provide the French stories I made.) Anyways, my summer and winter breaks always feel forlorn and hopeless. I try to take a rest from school, but end up still jaded. At night remain restless for little reason. My face is seemingly permanently marked by those weary bags underneath my eyes. I have had them since the start of middle school. Even in my safe place my very being is forlorn. Nothing will come of this.
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What my brain has been on lately. (Read as if it was your dying breath or deeply sad.) ik ben niet oke
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Literally 870
An edit of this: https://twitter.com/somestolemymilk/status/1766564066791653388
Context: https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Midden-Franci%C3%AB
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Just trying to enjoy myself. Take my mind off of things I've be doing recently. I really can't escape Ongezellig even with sizeable effort. I guess I'm just doing it to myself at this point. Me, the Barbantian in charge of the Landgraviate of Brabant (A medieval noble title akin to a Duchy), outright failing to befriend the Prince of the Swiss Confederation. I didn't even have the shy trait.
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Barbaric Barbantian Behavior is getting to me.
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I have a question
Do you guys ever just purposefully not look for things about your favorite characters in fear that you may not truly relate to them? Well I actually have the opposite happening now. I purposefully don't look for things about my favorite character because I fear I would relate too much. Any time I see something new I'm like "Hope I don't relate because I know I will have a breakdown because of it." I swear every time I say something jokingly it becomes true. My life is quite the joke at times. Maybe it's just my amazing intuition which gets defenestrated the moment I consider talking to a person. Maybe I am just autistic and have nobody else to relate to, so when I see someone who is so incredibly similar to me in every conceivable way, I can't help but feel such extreme emotions because I have never had anyone to compare to due to my isolation. Even still I need to be thankful to isolation and autism because they created to person I am today. I could have been something so horrible if socially exposed to the people around me. Not that I hate people in general it's just where I live is definitely not the place for me. I could have ended up a stoner, a hooligan, a redneck, or even a political extremist. Thank isolation for making me a socially incapable autist with a penchant for world history. I don't have friends, but I know about the ghost Kingdom of Lotharingia, or the de jure territory of the Duchy of Brabant, or the obscure Boer Republic, De Verenigde Staten van Stellaland. (My view of world history may be skewed, but isn't it skewed anyways?)
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bekas-ieilandinwoner · 2 months
I have released my first batch of AI covers! Hope y'all enjoy.
Of course they needed to be Dutch and Afrikaans for the first one. I think they turned out really good though.
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bekas-ieilandinwoner · 2 months
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Doing some testing and seeing my ability to edit. This is British Royal Marine Maya Schoppenboer. Why chose the British Royal Marines? The Raid of Zeebrugge of coure! One of the really interesting naval engagements of the First World War. Zeebrugge is a Belgian port that was occupied by German forces after the Race to the Sea. In 1918, the British would attempt a daring raid on the port to disrupt the German U-boat campaign. While the British sustained a lot of casualties and the port was back in action a month later, it served as a great propaganda action showing the "Gallant Marines fighting against the odds." Also I thought that Maya may look good in a Cool Gray/Dark Sea Green. Simple edit but I think it was a cool idea.
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bekas-ieilandinwoner · 2 months
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So I have found the Mymy Flag Format and have been having a really fun time doing some editing. I have even created a format for mymy tearing a flag she doesn't like.
The first flag is my own custom Lotharingia flag. The second flag is the flag of the Brabantine Revolution.
I love mixing the history together though.
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bekas-ieilandinwoner · 2 months
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Ongezellig Koningen 3
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