beck-draws · 5 years
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Was getting some of my images ready to be made into prints today so I thought I’d make a guide for anyone else interested in making prints of their work :D
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beck-draws · 6 years
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  Decided to make my own Inktober prompt list for this year.   I'm not going to be following this prompt myself. I've chosen a prompt from the same artist that I did last year. And I will be reblogging that one as soon as I find it   Please be sure to let me know if you use this prompt as a prompt for Inktober or just in general! I love knowing when people use my prompts!!   Please tag it with the tag #Becks31DaysofWitchtober and I'll keep an eye out for them!
• DO NOT REPOST OR REMOVE SOURCE! • Free to use! • Credit back to my blog if you use it! •
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beck-draws · 6 years
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Hairstyles Art Meme | Billie Cipher   23 May 2018
  IT'S FINISHED!!!   Praise the pyramid it's finally done! I took my sweet time on this because it was keeping me sane and busy while I was in a major art block.   I am really happy with how it came out & how comfortable I got with designs towards the end. I'm especially proud of the Bun/Buns design and the Accessorise design.   I probably won't do another one of these for a while, but I do have another project brewing! I wanna re-do a project that I did back in undergrad uni that I've always wanted to re-do. So get ready for that :)   Plus, I'm going to be trying to do more projects that aren't fanart related so that I can start posting them to my professional portfolio.   Until then, have a completed art meme!
                                                           • Blank Meme HERE •
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beck-draws · 6 years
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  Decided to jump on making art memes just to see if it would be cool :) I decided to combine the styles that I've seen other Hairstyle Art Memes that are around Tumblr use I also made it transparent so y'all could use it anywhere and not worry about sizing. Because I know I don't like it when that weird background cut off thing happens.
• DO NOT REPOST OR REMOVE SOURCE • Free to use! • Credit back to my blog if you use them <3 •
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beck-draws · 6 years
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Character Outfit Studies | No. 1   1 March 2018
Character: Billie Cipher Outfit: Casual Outfit No. 1
  Decided to have some fun with testing out some outfit designs during this month of convention crunch work lol   I'm going to be making some new fashion bases, though, so I'm working on those at the moment before I do some more studies :)
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beck-draws · 6 years
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Havana   26 Feb 2018
Oh, but my heart is in Havana My heart is in Havana Havana, ooh na na
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beck-draws · 6 years
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29 Jan 2018
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beck-draws · 6 years
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15 Jan 2018
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beck-draws · 6 years
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Gemsonas | Angel Aura Quartz   10 Jan 2018
      Angel Aura Quartz came about from a growth miscalculation.       Originally designed to be a special, light bending warrior, the gems came out less bulky and militaristic as their Quartz siblings. The Diamonds realised this blunder and the small batch was shared between White and Pink Diamond, going to White Diamond fully after Pink Diamond's shattering. After much debate on their purpose, it became clear that the Gems had a knack for creative and artistic activities. And it was this knack that saved them all from being shattered.       One of the gems, who goes by Angel, is a bit more of a "space cadet". She is often late and has a bad habit of being quite a bit of a brat when it comes to rules and regulations. She fits in quite nicely with the rest of the Angel Aura Quartzes, but often finds herself drifting off and hanging out with other, more "lower tier" gems. Her best friends being a Jet and a Black Pearl (who she affectionally calls "BP").       Angel has gotten into trouble for hanging out these Gems, but has fought with other Gems about how ridiculous it is that they must act a certain way due to their Gem genus family. And while Jet has trouble going against the rules, she appreciates that Angel doesn't see standing or stance in the social hierarchy, choosing to be and hang out with Gems because of their soul instead.       Angel's "weapon" is a long Shaolin Kung Fu inspired chain whip. She seldom uses it as an offensive weapon, the final chain at the end most of the time dull. However, she has been able to change the weapon's final point to be sharp if she were ever to need to actually do damage.
  I had such an urge to draw her last night. I think that it's cause I had a dream Wednesday night about her and Lars hanging out.   I didn't want to do a full body, but I might later on in the week next week. I just wanted to get the general look of her down up top.   The best way that I can describe her body type is that she is tall, because Quartz, but she is leaner. More like if Lapis or Pearl were as tall as Jasper.   Body type definitely was inspired by the taller, leaner, sassy Jasper from the Human Zoo episodes.   Her gem is located right above where her ear would be on her temple-ish area on the right side (yes yes, I know, bit on the nose with the whole “artist gem has her gem on the right side of her head cause she’s right brain” thing but I love symbolism lol). Due to her planting process, the Angel Aura Quartzs' gems still have a crystal/rock-esque look similar to this or this.   I have one other Gemsona that kinda just came about from my super original idea of twin Gems. So I might draw her later along with the Black Pearl that runs with them as well, but for right now, here is my "actual" Gemsona, Angel.
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beck-draws · 6 years
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Flat Profiles | Billie Cypher   8 Jan 2018
This was one of the first things that I started to do on my iPad. It was a project that I started on my computer, but decided to switch to my iPad in order to get used to drawing on it. I would have to say that it came out pretty well for something that was done mostly with an Apple Pencil and some determination.
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beck-draws · 6 years
my family got me an iPad Pro for Xmas
I was super pumped because it was truly the only thing I was asking for because I wanted to be able to stop lugging around my big computer to create
And I have officially set up my MediBangPaint and Sketchbook Pro the way that I want them
So I might actually be able to create more on the fly digitally than I hope for before!
And with screen recording, I might be able to do some dope time lapse WIPs if people are actually interested
I’m just really pumped about this because one of my new year’s resolutions was to create more in general.
So I’m happy I’ll be able to do that.
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beck-draws · 6 years
Inktober Update;
Due to traveling and Halloween, I am going to be late putting up some things.
I am behind again. But that isn’t stopping me from finishing.
I’m just going to take my time and do the ones that I can when I can.
They will be uploaded as they come along
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beck-draws · 7 years
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Inktober 2017 | Day 23   "The Kitsune Girl"
      Blaire White never liked to admit that she was nervous.       Anxiety was always known for being a pearl that would harsh a buzz. Yet, it was a pearl she loved.       She found she was able to get so much more done while on it.       And it made for easy work as Lizzie's personal assistant.
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beck-draws · 7 years
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Inktober 2017 | Day 22   "The 'Bogeyman'"
      The Ace of Hearts was a beast of no bite and bark.       A tender, emotional being, the creature would often be found floating around the gardens of the Hart establishment.       It enjoyed watching the flowers bloom every morning.       Being the tender creature it was, the shouting of the royals and the violence of its' sibling the Ace of Spades would often cause it to hide.
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beck-draws · 7 years
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Inktober 2017 | Day 21   "The Kiss"
      He was worried. So so worried.       The fights had gone on longer than expected, the dust only beginning to settle when he found her.       He cradled her close, shallow breaths keeping his mad panic slightly at bay.       Moments later, a cough could be heard from the tiny punk.       "You're holding me.....too tight....Hatter"       They both chuckled, embracing finally.
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beck-draws · 7 years
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Inktober 2017 | Day 20   "The Battle"
      "You could rule Underland, Alexi. There is a place in my court for an intelligent, attractive man such as yourself~"       "Eat shit, Liz...."       "Well~ Can't blame me for trying~"
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beck-draws · 7 years
I know I am quite behind on Inktober stuff I am working double time during the nights to get caught up.
The next couple of prompts are a bit annoying due to that they aren’t standard 1/2 page designs. They are dynamic and require some plotting out of bodies.
But I am going to be doing them tonight and then the 1/2 bodies will continue.
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