beauty-4-thebeast · 4 days
oh my god WAIT! i had a thought.... okay so obviously there is a lot of similarities between barb and lucy -- characteristically -- such as their strong convictions, intelligence, self-confidence, and (as we are later proven wrong about in barb's case) their goodness.
and so maybe that is why cooper is SO insistent and sure that lucy will turn out to not be a good person. because he's been here before. a beautiful woman, smart and assured -- and the sort of kind that is almost too good to be true.
"i know you always try to do the right thing. that's what i love about you."
AND HE WAS WRONG. cooper was wrong about barb, and burned in the most horrific way possible. and he's scarred for it. physically. emotionally.
and then fucking lucy maclean comes along with her "conflict de-escalation" and "golden rule" and she's this ray of sunshine and goodness and decency and cooper is taken back. she's this piece of pre-war "purity" that he was disillusioned to because of barb's betrayal.
"disillusioned" because, well, that goodness NeVeR eXiStEd. and he wants to make lucy fucking pay for MASQUERADING. for being a LIAR.
he's so certain she's the same as barb.
he knows it.
but, he doesn't. he doesn't know jackshit about it. about lucy.
lucy is good. she is kind. and yes, she's strong and determined and will therefore be able to adapt to the wasteland. but at her core being she is the light.
lucy means "the light bringer", and i believe that she will bring the light back into cooper. she will heal the wounds of the past, of his wife's betrayal, by proving that there is goodness in the world -- by being the goodness herself.
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beauty-4-thebeast · 8 days
YES!!😆 That's what I really want to see! (This dialog, not anyone dying.) Heroic redemption deaths are overused at this point. I want them both to live and be happy.
Cooper: Darlin’ if I happen to die, then you have to die too
Cooper: none of this “oh I want you to be happy and move on …”
Cooper: No I don’t. You’re getting in the coffin with me.
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beauty-4-thebeast · 9 days
I almost forgot to show you, a close-up and the process of this artwork.
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I had a very hard time painting his hat, haha. On second thought, I should have probably tried to make Lucy's eyes bigger, so that she would look more like Ella, but oh well. I don't mind it when my drawing is flawed, it gives me an excuse to draw more.:D
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beauty-4-thebeast · 12 days
You can dismiss Norm's words about Lucy’s cannibal husband as merely a joke on the writers' part, but I dare you, tell me about one single time Norm was ever shown to be wrong about anything.
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beauty-4-thebeast · 12 days
Yet another Ghoulcy parallel to relish!😃
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beauty-4-thebeast · 12 days
Can we talk about this scene again?
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Barb pitches the taffy to Cooper, while she knows he's gonna hate the taste. And when you look closely at her face, it becomes clear she is manipulating Cooper, preparing the ground for what she wants him to do, while she knows he isn't the kind of man to like working for an evil corporation. There are glimpses of both uncertainty and resoluteness on her face when she flirtingly talks about the taffy.
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I bet nobody would have paid any attention to the way Cooper touched her hand with the very finger that Lucy bit off later if Barb hadn't emphatically spoken about "someone touching you for the first time". And Cooper just says, "May I?" and lets his finger slide along her hand. He's taken in, hook, line and sinker, by her charm, he would do anything for her.
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Skip forward to the present day when he's looking for Wilzig's head and sees Lucy sitting at the bank of the river. Note how beautiful the scenery is, blue water and lush green vegetation, it’s almost romantic. And when Lucy turns to him she - what? She gives him a friendly hello and a most charming smile. Even my heart melted when I saw it.
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But Cooper knows better this time. Instead of going along with her being all nice and flirty, he strikes her down. He may be harsh but he doesn't let himself be dragged into another dishonest exchange. Not anymore.
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beauty-4-thebeast · 14 days
Ghoulcy Week Bonus Day: Soulmates
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♬ So close to reaching That famous happy end Almost believing This was not pretend Now you're beside me And look how far we've come So far We are So close ♬
(Song: Jon McLaughlin - So Close, The Enchanted OST)
My final entry for the Ghoulcy Week, and it's been an amazing experience to take part in it alongside so many talented artists.💕 Your works blew my mind with how clever you interpreted the prompts and how beautifully you drew them in your style.
P.S. Can you recognize whose dress Lucy is wearing in my artwork here? Think 1950s and geeky classics of American cinema.:)
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beauty-4-thebeast · 19 days
Ghoulcy Week Day 4
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Finger for finger.
I was thinking of a composition that would somehow give a new context to their fingers. So here we have Lucy almost chewing on her finger deep in thought as she realizes that her feelings for the Ghoul are much more complicated than she herself is ready to admit. (The idea was heavily inspired by that scene in Disney’s Enchanted when Giselle realizes she’s in love with Robert, just sitting in the empty room, looking lost.) And it hits Lucy right at the time when Cooper is feasting on something morally dubious, lol.
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beauty-4-thebeast · 20 days
After all, there's one thing that we Ghoulcies can fully agree on with the "but they have a father-daughter relationship" crowd. That at some point of the said relationship Lucy is sure to call him Daddy.😁
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beauty-4-thebeast · 20 days
Ghoulcy Week Day 3
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Target Practice. Cooper practicing lassoing them close together so that Lucy doesn't wander off looking for trouble.:)
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beauty-4-thebeast · 21 days
Ghoulcy Week Day 2
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Prompt: Blindfold
I used the prompt metaphorically, Lucy being blindfolded by the Ghoul against some aspects of her upbringing to learn to survive. I hope that counts. I know everybody expected some spice but oh well.:)
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beauty-4-thebeast · 21 days
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You know when he tells her stories he is adding flare to it lol
Lucy gets stressed and impressed lmao
Ghoulcy Week Day 2 Stories
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beauty-4-thebeast · 22 days
Ghoulcy Week Day 1
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Ghoulcy Week May 2024 (I really hope it becomes a regular event:3) Day 1 - Cold Wasteland Nights
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beauty-4-thebeast · 26 days
Can somebody help me find a Ghoulcy artwork (I've seen it in my recommendation feed but lost it). It's a sketch of Lucy looking into the Ghoul's nose and saying, "I think I can see your brain up there".
Unfortunately, the artist didn't tag it with Ghoulcy, and it's next to impossible to find it in the main tags of the show since there are so many if them.😭 Does anyone have it saved in their Likes?
UPD: Thank you!!!!❤️❤️❤️ Here it is: https://baruyon.tumblr.com/post/750298063586885632
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beauty-4-thebeast · 27 days
To Ghoul or not to Ghoul?
We have yet to see in Fallout Season 2 whether Lucy develops feelings for the Ghoul or her first-love crush on Max evolves into true love. But there’s one thing we know for sure: by the end of Season 1 Lucy is already EVERYTHING to the Ghoul. 
Hear me out.
First, what she did to him when she saved him at the Super Duper Mart. Obviously, she proved that she stood her moral ground much more firmly than he ever thought she could, reviving his faith in all things good and kind. But there's a second layer to what she did. Her exact words were:
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She gave him hope. For him her words had the implication that no matter how ugly, damaged and rotting you look, you still can be a good person. There were hints throughout the story that Cooper had come to think of his appearance as inseparable from his moral character. When he said, "Ain't much stays clean here" he was talking about how people inevitably become wretched crooks there just as much as he was talking about the physical damage the Wasteland causes.
Second, when the Ghoul saw Lucy pointing a gun at her father, I'll bet you anything he instantly grasped the situation – that Lucy had been betrayed so horribly that she was now at the point of snapping. The Ghoul shot at Hank himself, not giving Lucy enough time to decide on anything (but most likely he knew she was going to lower her gun, you can see her about to do that).
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When a few minutes later he turns his back at her and hears her cock her gun, he assumes there's no one else in the room who Lucy might want to kill. She didn't have the gut to kill her father, the most important person in her life, but the Ghoul is a different story. He's been treating her with nothing but unfairness and cruelty (as she sees it), and to her he represents everything she’s grown to hate about the Wastelands.
And instead of turning around and shooting the gun off her hand (we know he can, he has just wiped off a dozen of soldiers who were keeping him at gunpoint) he just holds his breath and waits for her decision. He wants to know whether her heart, the heart he's grown to admire, is shattered beyond repair. He puts his own existence at stake (he would have died had she shot off his head, there's no doubt about that). Let me say it outloud: at that moment Lucy is more important to him than finding his family! 
It's like nothing is worth anything to him if Lucy breaks down and loses herself to hatred. 
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beauty-4-thebeast · 27 days
Exactly!:) You put it so plainly yet poetically - he needs to survive, he has no other choice but sell her. He couldn't give her a gun (because wouldn't she just have shot him and gone on her way instead of entering the Mart?😁). In a meta way, Lucy could have easily used her "main character's luck" card and cut the ropes with that saw - but no, it was the Ghoul who cut the ropes.
And it's a great point about the Ghoul goading other people to attack him first intead of attacking them. At first, I thought he was just that mean to have somebody else start a fight (like a troll, lol), but then I realised he was doing it to make the other person show their true colors, the sooner the better. He simply can't afford to put the slightest trust into the wrong person and have his back stabbed (again). I bet it's something he learned in the aftermath of his marriage.
I think he only seems selfish and unkind when you look at him with Lucy's standards in mind. By Wasteland's standards he's surprisingly honest and honorable.
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When I was watching this scene for the first time, I wasn't paying enough attention to notice that the Ghoul had cut Lucy's ropes loose before he sent her into Super Duper Mart. He was making sure she had a fair chance of surviving the place if she was prepared to fight for her life. That's so sweet. And somebody here mentioned already that his "You have trouble here, too" wasn't a threat but a mere statement that she was in danger if she stayed where she was and found herself face to face with a feral ghoul.
I just can't get over the fact that the closer you look at everything the Ghoul was doing, the more you begin to see how many of his actions were driven not by selfisheness, cruelty or spite (as Lucy thinks) but by common sense, fairness and even mercy. Somebody needs to make a master list.
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beauty-4-thebeast · 27 days
And it's so much more delightfully messed up than just "he hasn't slept with anyone for 200 years".
What Cooper had been through with Barb surely left a scar. He had this PERFECT wife, adored her and trusted her completely. He believed Barb was nothing like the rest of them. And then he allowed himself to doubt her for just a second - and discovered the horrible truth.
Now he meets this PERFECT girl, who stands by her principles and shines like a star in the darkness of this cruel world. Can't he see that it's almost like history repeating itself? Sure he can. He'll try to hold her at arm's length simply for self-preservation (this kind of heartbreak is not something you'd want to experience twice in 500 years).
In the opposite corner we have Lucy, a woman whose romantic experience boils down to casually having sex with handsome guys and dreaming of perfect love with a man of honor (and also a looker, preferably:)). The Ghoul fits neither category in her mind, so imagine how confused Lucy will be to discover she has FEELINGS. Feelings that stretch so far beyond her usual pattern of physical relationship.
Boy, I feel like these two need at least 200 pages of conflict, introspection and reflection before they can even kiss properly.:D I see why lemons are so popular in this ship, but if somebody here is thinking about writing a fic with no lemons whatsoever, you have my eternal respect!
people writing cooper like this daddydom fuck machine sleeping his way thru the wasteland......... get well soon that man hasn't slept with anyone since his marriage broke down and the first time lucy so much as tenderly cups his cheek he's gonna be an embarrassing weeping mess 👍
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