bbernard-03 · 2 hours
Matt being the cutest <3
can we talk about how matt answered the phone “howdy mama” at the beginning of the stream when his mom called him because he’s the most precious baby ever
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bbernard-03 · 3 hours
house on the cape.
based on last friday’s video bc im obsessed with it. (events that happened in the vlog may not be in order just so the story flows how i want, also might add or get rid of some things for that same reason ofc). definitely gonna be multiple parts if yall like it so please let me know!!
summary: when the triplets come back home from la, they reunite with their favorite summer tradition, staying in the house on the cape. amidst all of the familiar laughter, and reminiscing on old memories, y/n can’t ignore the feeling stirring in her heart. something that went deeper than friendship. as she grapples with the fact that her feelings for her lifelong best friend, matt, are more than what’s just at the surface, she must learn to navigate and balance the unspoken feelings, and the gut wrenching fear of risking it all.
a/n: sorry guys but i think im scrapping all my old fics. i just have lost interest in them and i dont want to give yall something that i just half assed yk. i just need something new 😖🙏 don’t hate me pls. also i didn’t proof read and i never do so hopefully this all makes sense LMAO
“BOYS TRIP!” chris shouts through the house.
the triplets are back in boston from being in la. i’d be lying if i said that i didn’t wish that these visits would last forever. being across the country from my best friends sucked.
“oh yeah , and you’ll be there too. you’re one of the boys.” chris points at me, smiling before loading the car with our bags.
“chris please never say that again.” i cringe, but fail to keep in my laughter.
“i agree. that was disgusting.” nick chimes in.
“just wanted to make sure you know you’re included.” chris throws his hands up in defense.
“thanks.” i smile and shake my head before getting in the car.
we were staying at their house in cape cod, something all of us looked forward to each summer growing up.
we arrive at nate’s house to pick him up. after the group effort of showering him in compliments for his new hair cut, we get back in the car.
sandwiched between nick and nathan, i check the time on my phone. nick grabs my wrist and moves it out of the way to give himself a better view of my lock screen.
“that is such a cute picture.” he says admiringly. it was a picture of matt and i. the picture was taken from behind while matt gave a piggy back ride back to the car because my feet hurt from wearing heels to madison’s concert.
“you took it.” i laugh.
“i know. i really out did myself huh.” he hypes himself up. i smile and roll my eyes.
once we get to the cape house, we unload the car. all of our bags scattered haphazardly throughout our respective rooms. the same rooms each of us have stayed in for years. nate with chris, nick with matt, and me, having been the only girl, with my own room.
“let’s go to the beach!” nate walks out into the kitchen, clapping his hands together.
the beach was just within walking distance. matt and i fell behind the rest of the group.
“i’m so glad you’re back.” i tell him.
“me too. i missed you.” he replies.
“i missed you too.” i admit. “a lot.” i look up and meet his eyes. we just stare at each other for a second. we didn’t really need to say anything. it was almost just a mutual understanding that each other were our favorite person.
if only he knew the extent.
the only person i’ve confided in about my feelings for matt was nate. which was precisely why he kept shooting me knowing glances anytime matt and interacted. nate swore that he knew i was in love with matt for years, before i even knew myself.
i can’t exactly pinpoint when i fell in love with my best friend, but i do remember when i realized.
matt and i sit together in the hammock string between two large oak trees in the backyard of the cape house. the gentle breeze swaying us back and forth softly. the sun was going down just to the right of us. beautiful pink and orange hues paint the sky.
“i could stay right here forever.” matt breaks the silence that had fallen between us.
“me too.” i reply softly.
“oh hey i have something for you” he digs his hand around in his pocket and pulls out a baby pink seashell. he hands it it me.
“i’ve never seen a pink one like that before.” he tells me as i admire the gift.
“me either. i love it. thanks matt.” i smile sweetly at him.
“of course.” he returns the smile.
i feel the heartbeat in my chest racing and my cheeks heating up. the feeling i had been carrying around with me for quite some time became abundantly clear.
i was in love with my best friend.
when i got home that night, i tied a string around the shell, and wore it as a necklace. and i haven’t taken it off since.
end of flashback
that was back when we were 16. 4 whole years i’ve gone hiding my biggest secret from the one person i told everything to.
our gaze was interrupted by chris. “jesus, yall are some slow pokes” he hollers back at us.
we both laugh and pick up out pace.
soon we arrive at the beach. i’ve always loved the beach. it truly is my happy place.
especially when i’m with matt.
nick snaps pictures here and there.
“oh my gosh matt look! this is just like your tattoo!” i hold out a shell to him.
“oh shit you’re right.” he holds out his arm, revealing his tattoo.
“that’s sick.” chris admires the similarity while nick takes a picture.
later that night, we all sit in the living room debating on what movie to watch.
“chris im not watching planet of the apes again. we’ve watched it like 9 times already.” nick argues, shutting down chris’s pleads.
“how about grown ups?” matt suggests.
“yes i love that movie.” nate agrees.
“that’s fine with me.” nick shrugs and starts typing it in.
“is that good with you?” matt leans down to where i was sitting in front of him, his voice soft and genuine.
“yeah that’s good with me.” i tell him.
he smiles and pats the spot on the couch next to him, gesturing me to come sit up there with him. i stand up from my spot on the floor and sit down next to him. he drapes a blanket over the both of us.
about an hour or so into the movie, my eyes get heavy. i lean my head on matt’s shoulder, to which he responds with wrapping his arm around me. this was nothing out of the ordinary. there’s pictures going back to when we were in preschool of the two of us practically fused together passed out on the living room floor.
suddenly, a gentle shake of my shoulders woke me up from a sleep i hadn’t even known i fell into. my eyes flutter, slowly regaining focus. when they do, i’m met with matt’s gentle blue eyes.
“hey, you wanna go lay down in your bed? i don’t want your neck to be sore.” he asks, genuinely concerned for my comfort.
i look around, everyone else appeared to have gone into their rooms.
“yeah i probably should.” i say through a yawn.
matt grabs my hand and helps me stand up from the couch. we walk down the hallway. my room came before his and nicks.
“goodnight matt.” i say, slowly turning the doorknob.
“goodnight y/n. see ya in the morning.”
i toss and turn in bed, unable to fall asleep. i stand up from bed, and leave my room. slowly making my way to the kitchen to get a drink, careful to not wake anyone up.
i open the fridge and grab a water. before i can take a sip, i hear a familiar voice behind me.
“can’t sleep?” the sudden breach of silence made me jump a little. i turn around and see matt. he was leaned up against the door frame. his sweatpants falling dangerously low on his figure, his arm under his shirt itching his shoulder, exposing his midriff.
“nope. you?” i set my water down on the counter.
“hm mm” he replies.
we stand in silence for a few moments before matt breaks the silence again.
“wanna go to the beach?”
a/n: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LMK IF YALL LIKE THIS. SUGGESTIONS ALWAYS WELCOME AND MY INBOX IS ALWAYS OPEN 🙏 i’m using my old taglist, so lmk if you want taken off or added to it!
taglist: @honestlybabymiracle @pepsiimaxx @creamoncreamoncream2 @mattestrella @luvmxtt @rac00ns-are-c00l4
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bbernard-03 · 18 hours
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Streamer Matt making a comeback has made my whole year
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bbernard-03 · 1 day
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THE queen. the literal reason why any of us are on here rn
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bbernard-03 · 2 days
yes you do matt 😁
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bbernard-03 · 2 days
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Pink Petals
Chris Sturniolo x Reader
See pinned post for (series) masterlist and (oneshots) masterlist and more.
Summary: Chris had a past with a few girls who had left him burned. Y/n had succumbed to the utter tragedy of giving up on her high school sweetheart a while ago. Chris walks into Y/n’s flower shop, searching for  a bouquet of flowers for a girl. A blind date takes the lovelorn pair into fate’s hands. Chris isn’t holding back his true colors anymore. He’s a true romantic. Handwritten letters, cheesy compliments…and maybe some flowers. 
Warnings: 18+. This series contains mature themes, read at your own risk. (SMUT, angst, parental troubles, financial hardships, and more. Don't like, don't read.) This warning is made for all parts.
A/N: To be added to the taglist, send a request in my inbox or comment on the pinned post. I'm far more likely to see requests sent to my inbox.
With love and big tits, Rose.
Part Two: Don't Be Shy...
The familiar surroundings passed by as Chris drove the car. I could see Rebecca’s house, smiling at the thought of Austin and Madison. The perfect pair had lingered in my mind with excitement. Words had already been rehearsed as I imagined telling them the events of the date so far. 
And it wasn't even over yet.
Soon enough, Chris had come around and guided me out of the parked car. I smiled at the feeling of his hand grasping mine slightly tighter as he tugged us towards the sand of the beach. My nerves made my cold hands shakily hold his. I sucked in a deep breath, willing to calm my anxiety.
Peeping to my right, I could vaguely see my shop from the corner of my eye. Next to it, the ice cream parlor was adorned with a couple of customers on the patio. The red hair illuminated by the suns glow made me smile. Rebecca. She sat across one of the outdoor tables from a man. I assumed it was the one she had gossiped about a few days ago, rambling on about his gentleman-like behavior.
Maybe, I'd tell her about Chris too.
“Here, let me hold your shoes so you don’t get sand in them.” Chris suggests. I look down at his outreached hand, tilting my head with a grin as I slip off my shoes and hand them to him. He holds his own shoes by the laces, his socks tucked in them. 
Struggling to get a secure grasp on my shoes, I giggle. “I can carry them, don’t worry–” 
“Nope,” he interrupts. “Here, get on my back.” he turns around, slightly bending his knees as I look at him with a questioning glance. My eyes wander around the surroundings, finding the shore and shops nearly barren of any people besides a couple of elderly locals I could somewhat recognize. 
“Don’t overthink it, just come on.” he says, looking at me over his shoulder. 
With furrowed eyebrows and a lack of movement, Chris starts to make his way over to me. I hold my hands in front of myself, surprised as I feel my palms lay flat on his chest. My eyes glance upward, catching his piercing gaze as he smirks down at me. 
“Come on. I promise I won’t drop you, okay?” he says. 
Letting out a gruff sigh, I nod my head hesitantly. Chris turns around once more. I wrap my arms securely around his neck, jumping as I feel his hands clasp around my thighs, supporting me. A wave of heat rushes up my spine with the close proximity. I nearly forget to breathe as he soothes his fingers on the underside of my thigh. 
I really like how his hands feel on me.
“There ya go.” he praises. 
Tension rises in my gut from his subtle words, twisting a feeling of electricity emitting from my veins. I rest my chin down on his shoulder, seeing his eyes trace over to meet mine with a sly chuckle falling from his lips. 
“Good?” he asks. 
“Mhm.” I hum out. 
“Good.” he mentions. 
With that, his steps trail back towards his car. I cringe while he walks on the uneven, probably uncomfortable street pavement. One of his hands drops from my thighs, the other clutching on roughly into my leg. I swallow thickly at the vulgar touch, focusing on keeping my breaths even and quiet. 
He opens his back car door, gently setting in both of our shoes before shutting the vehicle. Locking the car, he shoves his keys back in his pocket before both of his hands hold to the bottoms of my thighs. My ears shutter with a wave of bliss at the closeness of his fingers. My arms mindlessly tighten, his hair tickling my arm bringing me out of my trance as I attempt to relax back onto him.
“Still okay back there?” he asks. 
“Oh, yeah…I’m good.” I say. I cringe at the sudden change of my voice, a higher tone resulting from the nerves coursing through my body. 
“Okay,” Chris acknowledges, rubbing his thumbs simultaneously through the denim material of my jeans. The saliva gathering in my mouth nearly drowns me. I swallow, cringing at the volume of the action as I hear Chris chuckle. “Do I make you nervous?” he laughs out. 
Getting defensive, I immediately start shaking my head from side to side. “No, you…just shut up.” I mutter out, accepting defeat. 
The soft laugh echoes into my ears once more. His hands clasp tighter around my thighs, making my breath hitch in my chest. “That’s okay,” he mumbles. He bends down slightly, allowing me to hop off onto the sand as the golden sunset glow shines onto the ocean. 
“I, uh,” my eyes drift back towards him, seeing his figure turn to face me as he stands tall. I hold my breath, watching him step closer to me. I feel his chest ever so slightly as it rises with each breath. The distracting sensation is groveled by his hand trailing lightly up my arm with the tips of his fingers. 
His lips are so close to mine.
“I think I like making you nervous.” he whispers out. 
My eyes widen with anticipation. I watch as his gaze drops to his hand tracing upward, stopping as he runs his fingers through the side of my hair with a delicate precision. “I, um,” 
The words mindlessly from my thoughts, a blank void consuming me. His stature crouches down, his lips inches away from mine as I tilt my head upward without conscious intention. “You…” Chris trails off, trying to retrace my words. 
“I,” my eyes flicker from his and down to his lips, seeing him doing the same as I crumble underneath the warmth of the fading sun and his blue stare. “I…I think I like it too.” I breathe out. 
Chris' lips turn upward into a smile, his eyes squinting with a devious, yet innocent glint. “Yeah?” he asks. I swallow thickly, nodding with a slow movement as our noses brush against each other with a tickling sensation. “Is this okay?” he asks. 
His lips nearly an inch apart from mine leave my mind with no answer except for a subtle upward shake of my head. His fingers cautiously tighten softly in my hair as I let my eyes flutter shut. My chest burns with excitement as I wait for the delicate press of his lips on mine. 
I feel his nose graze over my jaw, his warm breath fanning over my neck. A pucker erupts through the silence, my body nearly quivering internally as he presses a kiss to the side of my neck. The tip of his nose trails up smoothly, stopping at the side of my mouth.  
“You’re so pretty.” he whispers out. 
Before a response can be formed from my cloudy mind, his lips are pressed against mine. Softly, yet with pressure devastatingly agonizing. My eyes widen open with shock before fluttering shut from the tingling warmth of his lips moving on my own. His hand in my hair tangles further back, grasping the back of my head, as the other wraps around my hip and pulls me closer to him. The movement brings an imbalance to my weight as my hand reaches around and grabs the back of his neck securely and hesitantly. 
All I feel is a burning excitement, my body wishing for more as his lips slowly pull away from mine. I go to open my eyes, but his hand on my hips tugs me impossibly closer as his mouth hungrily lands onto my own with more passion. 
His lips on mine felt incomparable. It just felt right. Although my hands shook with excitement, wanting more...I could stay like this forever. Him against me, wordlessly exchanging a devotion of something unexplainable.
I let my hand wander upward, plunging through his hair. Urges overcome my senses as I let myself get lost in the bliss of the proximity and passion. Our chests thumb against each other with racing heartbeats. 
Pulling back for air, my eyes open to catch a glimpse of the nearly completely sunken sun. I heave in deep breaths, looking over to witness his eyes still closed and his lips parted with a plump, pink hue. My cheeks tighten with a smile. I resist the urge to touch my still pulsating lips, admiring the sight of him slowly opening his eyes. 
I can see my lipgloss on the corners of his lips.
The little piece of me laced in his appearance makes my bones melt. Like the after effects of a romantic scene in a movie, my heart started to beat a little louder. The pronunciation from the organ reminded me, screaming the capacity it could hold.
It only ever did that for my grandma and Taylor for so long. No matter how many times I had sloppily laid my lips on another person...it never looked that good--that right.
As he looks at me softly, he smiles. My heart puddles into mush as he reaches for my hand behind his head, gently grasping it and pulling our hands down between our sides. “Fuck, you really are perfect.” he compliments in a hushes tone. 
I look away, fighting a smile at the sweet words. I feel his hand grasp tighter onto mine, tugging me further as we continue taking steps into the gentle sand towards the shore. “Sorry, I just love getting you all nervous. It’s cute–you’re cute.” he confidently announces. 
I look in front of us, rolling my eyes as I shake my head with disbelief. “Thank you. I…thank you.” I acknowledge. 
Pulling us to a stop, Chris sits on the sand. I look next to him, bending at the knees to sit on the sand. As I crouch down, Chris pulls my hand to his chest. I stop my actions, looking at him with questioning eyes as he shifts his gaze from me to the ground. 
“You, um..” he licks his lips. “If you want–you could sit on my lap or between my legs. You know, to get more comfortable.” he suggests. 
The smile overtakes my face as I tilt my head at him. “Won’t that be uncomfortable for you?” I point out. 
He shrugs. “I don’t think so, you don’t have to. I was offering, I…” 
I rest my hand on his thigh. I smirk, feeling his grasp on my other hand tighten at the sudden touch. “Do you want me to, Chris?” I ask. 
The nerves subside as I expect him to shrink under my touch. Instead, his grin widens as he licks over his teeth. “I’d love it, actually.” he says. 
The smooth confidence in his voice brings my chest to tighten with a short breath. “Come on, don’t be shy.” he mentions, patting the ground in front of him between his legs. I stand back up, crouching shyly and turn my body to lean against his as I sit down. His arms automatically wrap around me, a sigh of contentment slipping from my lips mindlessly as my cold hands gravitate to his arms. 
“Oh my fuck!!” he exclaims, shuttering his arms tighter around me from the ice touch of my hands.
My eyes shut closed tightly with embarrassment, my hands falling in a pile into my lap. “I…sorry.” I say under my breath. 
“Wait,” Chris lets his arms tangle tighter, his hands reaching and clasping my own. “--let me warm you up, yeah? You just…caught me off guard is all.” he laughs out. 
I smile, leaning further into him as his embrace clouds rays of warmth onto my skin. The sun peeks just barely above the horizon, the golden glow dissipating with each passing second. 
“You know,” I feel his warm breath against my scalp as he talks. “--I didn’t really have much expectations for this date, but…I…” he peeks over my shoulder, glancing down to let his eyes meet mine as I turn towards him. “--I’m really having a good time with you. You’re…you’re someone I want to know, if that makes sense.” he explains softly. 
My stare melts into an aura of somber with his words. I let my body relax with each breath, leaning further and crumbling in his arms. “I…” I trail off, admiring his features as the golden sunlight illuminates his face. “I feel the same way…I…I’m glad I didn’t bail.” I laugh out. “I really wanted to, but I...I’m really glad I didn’t.” I say, looking up as his arms and hands squeeze around mine. 
His blue orbs observe my eyes shifting from each of his irises, trailing over my face as I let myself relax under his gaze. “I’m really glad you didn’t either. If I’m being honest…this is my first date in a while.” he admits with a sigh. 
As his eyes shift up towards the ocean, I tangle my fingers upwards and in between his clasping around my hands. I tighten the ligaments, watching as his eyes trace down to my face with an unreadable look. “Hey,” I let my head lean onto his chest, watching his expression paint into a brightened glow. “--it’s mine too.” I comment. 
The confession seems to release a tension as his chest heaves in slowly, his back becoming more relaxed. “I…I don’t know exactly what to say. I just…let me get to know you more, hm? What do you say?” he presses. 
I wander my eyes towards the dimming sky. I squint my eyes, humming. Pretending to think, I feel his chest vibrate with a light laugh at my antics. Whipping my eyes back to his, I give an affirmative nod. “I’d love that, Chris.” I say.
The whites of his eyes bulge from his head as his name rolls off my tongue. He lets out a shaky breath, leaning his head on top of mine. “God,”  he breathes out. “--I really have to thank Madison. I gotta get her a fucking check or some shit.” he mumbles. 
I laugh, leaning further into his chest. “Well,” I start. I adjust, sitting up enough to gaze over his shoulder and at my shop. The small crowd outside the ice cream shop next to my floral arrangements lining my window had disappeared, the small strip of shops now barren and dark with not a single car parked in the parking lot. 
My palm clenches into his shirt as I turn back to look at him. The tips of my nails tingle as I feel his fingers lightly trace over them. I admire his mindless touch as his eyes stay focused on his actions. 
“Chris.” I speak softly. 
He hums, his eyes still fixated on the light traces of his fingers touching mine. “Would you wanna thank Madison together?” I ask. 
The question catches his attention. His eyes shift, gleaming innocently up at mine as I nod over his shoulder. He peeks over, following my gesture before turning around with a crooked smile with his lips pressed into a tight line. 
“Only if you let me kiss you again.” he bargains. 
I squint my eyes, leaning forward as I pucker my lips softly. I briefly let my lips linger on his. As I allow myself to pull back, his hand caresses the back of my shoulder, his lips chasing mine with a soft hum. 
The way our lips intertwine sends my mind into a loop of bliss. My conscious thoughts slip into my pulsating heart, the thumping emotions sending waves of security from his skin against mine. The tightness in my chest burns as my lungs beg for air, I let myself pull away, gasping a deep breath in as Chris’s lips softly peck along my cheek, his thumb swiveling across the surface as I hear him pant for air. 
“Just so you know,” he breathes out heavily, “I would’ve agreed either way.” 
I lean my forehead on his shoulder, his hand soothing gently over the back of my head. A soft giggle falls from my lips as I feel his shoulders rack with humor. “I know,” I pull up, looking into his eyes. I let myself sink into the details of his irises, “trust me, I know.” I conclude. 
Chris offers me a tight-lipped smile as he stands up. Dusting off his bottom, he reaches a hand downward. I let my hand slither into his grasp. As he pulls me gently, I stand up, wiping off my jeans. 
“Here, let’s go get our shoes, jump up.” he turns around, bending his knees until he’s mostly at level with me. 
I shake my head with disbelief. “Chris, the car is all the way up there. You don’t have to–” 
He peers over his shoulder at me, pursing his lips. “I want to. I really want to.” he pronounces. 
I suck in my bottom lip, nodding as I mutter an acknowledgment under my breath. As I wrap my arms around Chris’ neck, he turns around, his chest pressed against mine from the lack of distance between our bodies. 
“What are you doing?” I teasingly ask. 
My eyes squint at him as he stands straight. The skin of my waist tingles as he curves his hands around both sides. His eyes shift to the side, gleaming down at me with a hidden mischievous glint in his gaze. 
“Well,” he starts, “This might come as a surprise to you….but, I think you’re really fucking pretty.” I blush furiously at the compliment, averting my eyes down to his chest as his gaze darts into mine. “--and, I really like pretty girls. Well, pretty girls who have your name,” he leans down, his nose prodding against the skin of my neck. “--pretty girls who have your smile,” his breath fans out just beneath my ear with a burning warmth. “--pretty girls that love pink flowers,” his nose trails up my neck, stopping as he leans his head downward, resting his forehead against mine. 
The anticipation makes my gut swirl into rhythms of excitement. My eyes stay trained on his, the outside of my peripheral vision fading into a blur as I focus solely on him. The pulse in my chest thumbs furiously. My lips part, sucking in a deep breath of air as my throat seems caught up on his words. 
His mouth lets a deep chuckle escape. “I really make you nervous, huh?” he teases. 
I bite my tongue, my eyes still unable to peel away from him. “A little.” I mutter through a tight smile. 
“That’s okay,” he announces. His hand brushes the hair back from my face, a shiver running down my neck and through my spine as his fingers lace through the hairs on my head tenderly. His eyes run down, meeting mine as I clutch my hand onto his wrist. “--you make me a little nervous too.” he admits. 
Relief rings through my mind as I shine him a smile with softened eyes. “Really?” I press. He nods affirmatively, his eyes watching his hand tangle down through my hair. 
“Either that or I’m starting to have a heart attack,” he jokes. 
I laugh, tugging his hand in between our bodies as I push my fingers through his. His warm palm radiates a comforting heat onto mine as our arms swing back and forth as we step through the sand. 
“Wanna hop up now?” he suggests. 
I let our hands drop, nodding slowly as he mimics the crouched positions from earlier. I place my arms around his neck, his hand tapping gently at the side  of my thigh. 
“Come on, pretty girl.” he encourages. 
The nickname sends salvia piling into my mouth and a wave of heat fluttering over the entirety of my body, down to my feet. I hesitantly bring up one leg. Chris automatically grasps onto it, yanking it securely as he reaches to hold my other leg. I let out a slight huff, out of breath. He visibly shutters from the air hitting his neck, the hairs standing straight up as I smirk with arrogance. 
I really do make him nervous. 
My smirk falls from my face as his grasp tightens, pushing me up his back effortlessly. The ease in his motion was impressive. 
Sure, I really wanted to know him, but I really wanted to know him. 
Something about his aura assured me that it would be heaven in sin tangled in sheets with him. His touches were soothing, comforting. He knew how to touch me in gentle ways, ways that I’m sure extended into deeper rendezvous. 
“You okay there, sweetheart?” 
I snap back into reality hearing his voice. I clear my throat, humming a pitiful acknowledgement. In response, he laughs. My thighs clench tighter around him from the embarrassment before I can think. 
“Squeezing me with those pretty legs, hm?” he says. 
My eyes widen, picturing the context in a different situation. 
I need to get my head out of the gutter, this will be more than sex for once. 
The reminder flushes me with shame as I cling onto his back. He unlocks his car, gently placing me down in the passenger seat before grabbing our shoes from the back. Chris slides his shoes on almost instantly. Kneeling down, he taps on his thigh. 
“I can put them on–”
Chris gives me a knowing look, his palm enclosing gently over my knee with a soothing motion. “I know,” he grabs my foot, placing it on his thigh as he slides my sock and shoe on. “--just wanted an excuse to touch you.” he leans down, repeating the action with the other sock and shoe. My eyes gleam down at him with admiration watching him gently place both of my feet back on the ground. 
“Alright,” he stands up, offering me an outreached hand. I slide my fingers over his palm, bathing in the warmth of his body heat as he grasps onto me. Standing up, Chris closes the car door behind me and locks the car. His hand doesn’t leave mine once, his thumb still swiveling back and forth against the back of my palm. 
My mind stuttered with the way he touched me. Blank thoughts rushed through my head, creating nothing but a void to help curate my daydreams with him included. I had only known him for a couple of hours, but it didn’t feel like it. It felt like each hour had been a week. Yet, at the same time, my nerves still rushed through my body as if I was just barely opening my front door for him. 
I didn’t know how to feel, I didn’t know how to react. It was foreign land. I didn’t know where to begin trying to dissect the situation, all I knew was I wanted more. 
More of him. 
And that–that was not something I had ever experienced. Not in a long time. Not ever like this.
“What did you have in mind?” Chris asks. 
As our intertwined hands swing between us with each step, I let a grin take over my face, flashing him a sly smile. “Well,” as we come in front of my shop, I reach down in my small bag and pull out my keys. Fiddling with the numerous metal conjoined on the holder, I pinch the golden, rusted key in between my two fingers. “Madison does love flowers too.” I suggest. 
I twist the key in the lock, pushing it open and shoving the clanking metal keychain back into my bag. Chris walks in behind me, holding open the door from behind me as his eyes glance over the shop. I pull him in faster, shutting and locking the door quickly. 
“Wanna make a custom bouquet with me?” I offer. 
Chris nods, his eyes still dancing over the small interior as if it had been his first time witnessing the surroundings. I tug his hand with mine, walking behind the counter. I set my bag by the register, turning on the small overhead light. 
“Where do we even start?” Chris asks with a light laugh. I look over as I start pulling materials onto the counter. I hold back a smile, watching as he nervously scratches the back of his neck. “I, uh…I wanna make sure you’re not the only one doing the work.” he mentions. 
The slight waver in the tone of his voice contradicts the outburst of confidence seen in his stature minutes ago. My eyes soften looking at his nervous persona.
“Don’t worry, I’ll walk you through it.” I say. 
The blush covers his face as his eyes bulge out of his head. I lick over the bottoms of my teeth, holding back a smirk as he clears his throat. “Oh–okay.” he stammers out. 
A sense of pride washes over me as I clap my hands together. I point to the various papers to wrap the bouquets in, looking over at Chris. 
“Wanna pick?” I suggest. 
Chris nods hesitantly. “Um….that one?” he says slowly, his tone rising higher at the end of his sentence with uncertainty. 
“This one?” I point down to the pink one he gestured to. With a hum of his approval, I slide the paper out of the array, piling up the others and sliding them back beneath the counter. Clapping together my hands again, I start walking around the display in the center of the shop. I look up, seeing Chris still waiting behind the counter with furrowed brows. “Come here!” I laugh out. 
Chris runs a hand through his hair while walking over to me. I pick up a couple of options, holding them up to him as he stands beside me. “What do we think?” I ask. 
A moment of silence leads my eyes from the flowers and to his features. His tongue prods at the side of his mouth. The ring-clad fingers scratched lightly at his jaw. I tilt my head with admiration watching the deep focus painted on his expression. 
“Hm…these two? We could put them with more purple, I know Madison likes purple.” he says. 
My eyes widened with shock. The tilt in my head pushes further to my shoulder as Chris looks up at me with an approval-seeking glance. 
“What? Is it not purple anymore? Or does that just sound ugly? I’m sorry–I don’t really know what I’m doing…” he trails off. 
I shake my head, grabbing a couple more of the white and lavender baby’s breath. With a bundle of each color in my hand, I move back around the counter. As I place the florals on the paper, I feel his body heat radiate on my skin beside me. 
“We um…we don’t have to do that, I just thought it might look pretty….” he says. 
Letting out a sigh, I look up and over until our eyes meet. His attention focuses on me, his lips glistening as his tongue darts over the soft pink skin. 
“Chris,” I start explaining as my fingers begin mindlessly organizing the delicate arrangement. Looking around the shop, I nudge my head over to the side wall. Chris follows my gaze, turning his head. “--I was just surprised. I think it’d look gorgeous. The, um…the flowers are over there. There’s roses, begonias, peonies, really a lot. I’m pretty sure I have a large sum of purple over there.” I state. 
“How many do I get? Which ones should I get?” he asks while walking over. He looks over his shoulder at me. 
With a shrug, I give him a reassuring smile. “Any is fine, Chris. We can probably fit about the same size handful as the baby’s breath. Pick whatever, you seem to have good taste.” I point out. 
I focus down on the paper and layered flowers. Taking my time, I topple each stem and small buds of flowers over each other, dispersing the colors evenly. 
A subtle touch on the small of my back breaks me from the focused state. I look over, seeing a pile of purple florals on the counter. My eyes wander further upward to see Chris giving me a tight-lipped smile. 
“Sorry, I said your name a couple of times,” he says. My face goes pink with a flush of embarrassment. “--I didn’t mean to scare you.” His hand drops from the small of my back. I long for the warmth of his touch, my head leaning onto his chest as I let out a small sigh of contentment. 
“--didn’t scare me.” I mumble out. 
His chest rises and falls beneath my head. I slowly drift to stand up straight, my hands fiddling anxiously with the strong stems of the large flowers.
I just want to touch him. 
As if reading my mind, I feel his hand resume its position on the small of my back. My body goes stiff under the tantalizing shiver that spreads from his hand. His hot breath fans on the side of my scalp as my hands stutter with the shuffling between the florals.
“Is this okay?” he asks, his voice barely above a whisper. 
I look over my shoulder, his eyes piercing into mine as I slowly nod my head. My eyes drift down to his lips. I reminisce on the feelings, but turn back to the task at-hand. 
“Good, just--let me know if it isn’t okay?” he says. 
I bite down on the inside of my cheek, replying with a small hum. Not trusting my voice, I stay silent. I bathe in the feeling of his hand starting to draw circles onto my back, relaxing further and further into his touch. 
I shouldn’t feel this comfortable. 
The pondering thought felt like a warning. There has to be something wrong with him. A million words, bursting through my head. One stays engraved far deeper than the rest. 
What would it be like to love him? 
What would it be like to be loved by him?
“Can I help at all?” he asks. 
I jump back into reality, my words stumbling in gibberish for a minute. Shutting my eyes tightly, I take a deep breath as I hear his laugh. 
“Don’t worry,” his hand soothes in a bigger motion. “--take your time.” he voices. 
Take your time.
The soft statement echoed in my head as I nodded appreciatively. “Um…thank you. I…Do you wanna help me tie it all together? I can tie the bow, you’ll just have to hold it all together for a minute.” He nods as I pull the purple paper together around the floral arrangement. His hands graze mine while taking hold of the stems, my fingers nearly stumbling to outreach for him again. 
I spin out some purple ribbon, a dark royal shade of silk. Snipping a long length, I tie the bow just beneath his fingers. I tighten the knot, my eyes staying trained on his hands. His nails are perfect, manicured and have small designs on each. 
“I like your nails,” before I can stop myself, I reach out, caressing the nail beds of his fingers. Chris laughs as I shrink my hands back to myself with a wave of nerves succumbing over my senses. “--sorry. I just got excited.” I mutter out. 
Chris laughs harder at this, a smile of pure embarrassment painting my face. He gently places the bouquet on the counter, his arm swinging over and behind me. I feel the weight of his arm hug me into his side, his other arm enclosing around me as he sways us side to side. 
“Don’t be sorry,” he pulls away, both his hands resting on my shoulders as I look up at him. “--I thought it was cute.” he announces with a grin. 
My teeth clamp into my tongue lightly as I fight back the urge to turn away. His intense gaze stays on me as he leans down further to my level. As his nose grazes mine, my breath hitches in my throat. 
“--and pretty. I…” I swallow thickly, watching his grin spread ear-to-ear at the nervous antic. “I was wondering…what were you gonna ask for if you won our bet? Hm?” he presses. 
As his arms relax onto me, his grip around me stays the same. I take in the feeling, petals of emotions raining through my body like nervous butterflies. 
“I…” My eyes wander just behind his shoulder. He moves his head, making his eyes catch mine as he holds the connection of our eyes meeting. “--well, I, um…” The words fall lifelessly as the overhead light illuminates his perfect features. My mind goes numb. Every thought besides how good he looked was gone. 
His hand untangling itself from around my shoulder catches my mind into reality. I look up from his lips, catching his playful eyes. The warm touch of his hand holding my chin upwards sends my emotions into a spiral, clinging onto the burning pit of anticipation in my gut. 
“Come on, aren’t ya gonna tell me?” he taunts. 
Looming over me, his stature becomes taller somehow, more confident. I feel my eyes going wide, my heart racing in my chest. “I…” My chest sinks inward with a heavy breath being pushed from my lips as I muster up courage. “--I was gonna say…” I bring my hand up, laying my palm flat on his chest as it starts to rise and fall unevenly. “--our next date, it should be something fun. Maybe, something I’ve done that you haven’t, ya know? Make it fair.” I say through a large breath. 
As I let my eyes look into his, the glazed over look sends a smile onto my face with pride. “Yeah…yeah, our second date. I…I’d really like that.” he breathes out. 
@sturniolosmind @freshloveforthefit @gnxosblog @sturnreblog @milasturniolo @mattscokewhore @melanch0lybby @stars4matt @samandcolbyfan22 @ruedowney @iluvm4ttsturni0l0 @greatooglymooglyyy
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@mattslolita @hearts4chris @nicksmainbitch @imfromthediningtable @st7rnioioss @sturniololol @nedsmarie44 @tomskookie @itssophiasstuff @chrissystur @chrisstankyleg @cloudykitten2004
@abruuu01 @riasturns @strnilolo @chrissystur @lrs-jenkinson
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@realuvrrr @sofiaannaleise @ariieeesworld @chrisstankyleg @hiraethlimerence
@ryli3sworld @wtpdhoe @eileenhou @lov3bug @jamiesturniolo
@jake-and-johnnies-slut @lovesodakid @simply-a-simper
@graysturns @glassesmattsbae @sturnsfav @unbruisable @dsturniolo
@sofieeeeex @timmyscomputer @sturniolo-fav-matt @millyswife @ash-gaming13
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@mattnchrisworld @jetaimevous @sturnsxplr-25 @patscorner @that1fangirll @dsturniolo
@wh0schl0 @sturnrc @watercolorskyy @witchofthehour @wh0resstuff @luverboychris
@raysmayhem-72 @skysturniolo
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bbernard-03 · 4 days
my best friends brother (is the one for me) - part four
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ahhh finally i finished part four. this was so hard for no reason
word count: 1014 words
warnings: slight angst?
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i looked up from my phone when i heard knocking on my front door. i paused my movie and got up, knowing exactly who was at the door. i walked down my stairs and opened the door, seeing matt already biting his nails.
“why weren’t you answering your phone?” he said, relieved to see me in one piece.
“i didn’t feel like it.” i said, turning around and walking back into my house, knowing he was going to invite himself in no matter what.
“y/n please. what is going on? you’ve been off all day.” he pleaded with me, following me into my kitchen.
“i’ve been off? what about you and how you’ve been acting since nick walked into your room this morning?” i retort, starting to get angry with him. he’s done nothing but ignore me all day, only taking time to say something to me when it’s convenient for him. on his terms. 
“y/n..” matt pleaded.
“no i don’t wanna hear it,” i snapped, “you do this every time something between us ever happens and i’m sick of it.”
“i’m sorry, okay?” he yelled, throwing his hands up and into his hair. 
“for what? for ignoring me all day or acting like you like me?” i yelled back, immediately turning around so he couldn’t see the tears forming in my eyes. 
he stayed quiet, and when i turned to look at him, he was on his way out the door. 
once the door closed behind him, i sighed, unable to stop the tears falling. i shouldn’t have let myself believe that he could ever want me. 
i collected myself and went back to my room, hoping that watching my movie would take my mind off what had just happened. i grabbed my phone, going into matt’s contact. i stared at it, debating on texting or calling him. after a while, i threw my phone across my bed, paying attention to the movie playing. i ended up falling asleep half way through it.
i woke up to my phone ringing. i ignored it, thinking it was matt calling me. it rang again and i picked it up, seeing it was nick calling me. 
“hello?” i answered, still half asleep.
“do you have any idea why matt is all pissy?” nick asked immediately.
“i don’t know, he came over ‘cause i wasn’t getting his calls since my phone died on my way home,” i lied, hoping he wouldn’t see through it, “he seemed pissy when he got here though.”
nick groaned before replying, “we were supposed to film a wednesday video but he hasn’t come out of his room and is ignoring me and chris.”
i felt bad, knowing this was partially my fault. “i don’t know, i’m sorry.” i said, grabbing my remote and turning off my tv.
“no it’s fine, i was just wondering if you knew anything.” nick said before saying goodbye and hanging up.
i stared at my ceiling, wondering what was wrong with him. i couldn’t stop my mind from telling me that maybe he does have some sort of feelings for me. 
i grabbed my phone and started drafting a text to matt.
‘can we talk? i’m sorry’ i stared at the text, debating on sending it or not. my thumb hovered over send before deleting the message. i threw my phone down and decided to go grab some food. 
i open my fridge, finding some grapes i had just bought and put some in a bowl. i walked over to the couch and sat down, thinking about the conversation between me and matt. i regretted what i said, overthinking it way too much. 
what if what i said made him think i had feelings for him? i thought about what nick said about matt. what if he felt the same? 
i saw a car, similar to matt’s, outside my house. it couldn’t be his, especially not with the way we left things. 
i heard a knock on my door. i got up, my heart racing as i go answer the door.
“look i don’t want to leave things how we did, and again you aren’t answering you’re phone. god why can’t you just answer your damn phone,” matt pushes through me, clearly out of breath.
“my phone is in my room..” i trailed off, letting him continue his rant. i followed him into my room, he grabbed my phone and handed it to me.
“i’ve texted you about fifteen times, called you three times. you worry me,” he looked at me softly, “please. just keep your phone with you.”
“i’m sorry.” i mumbled, grabbing my phone and looking down at all the notifications from matt. i couldn’t understand why he seemed to care so much, considering just that morning he was ignoring me.
“it’s okay, just- i don’t know” he shook his head, turning to leave.
“wait, why don’t you stay?” i asked him, wanting to hang out with him.
“yeah?” he chuckled, clearly seeing how much i wanted to be in his company.
i walked to my kitchen, grabbing drinks for us out of the fridge. i heard him behind me and before he could get too close, i turned around reaching one of the waters i grabbed towards him. as much as i wanted a repeat of last night, i couldn’t let it happen. if it was going to end even slightly close to that, i’d rather walk into oncoming traffic. 
we made our way to my living room, getting comfy on my couch. i felt matt try to get closer, i inched away slightly, not wanting to let myself get close to him again. he moved back to his original seat, not wanting to push anything.
“are we gonna watch anything?” matt asked, looking over at me.
“i mean what else do we ever do,” i grabbed the remote, turning the tv in and going into netflix.
i put on some comedy show, one of matt’s favorites. i grabbed my phone and text nick, letting him know matt was at my house.
tag list
@beersangel @whoseyouare @wh0schl0 @st7rnioioss @slutsformatt @h3arts4harry @matthewscherrypie @satvisfavetoodles @secret-sturniolo @mattsturniololoverr @blablablabla2525 @melanch0lybby @always-reading @bbernard-03 @matthewsturniolosgirlfriend101 @sleepysturnss @edgemaster696 @strnilolo @engene28 @mattspolitank @ribread03 @veysxrge @bernardsgf @syn-wr1tes @realuvrrr @sturniolo0ntop @chrisstopherfilmed2 @sturniol0s @pinklittleflower @sturniluvr
171 notes · View notes
bbernard-03 · 4 days
-cherrie out 🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾
14 notes · View notes
bbernard-03 · 4 days
not her
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warnings: swearing, underage drinking, am*lia mentioned, shits about to go down, making up ig, truth being told, hella angst, comparing, poc!reader friendly, am*lia humbling matt
a/n: the amount of HATE am*lia has received since last chap and bound to receive more ☹️
(not proofread)
“she what?”
(same day matt and amelia fucked, but for y/ns pov)
y/ns knees curled into her chest, her cold tears streaming down her face, pricking her skin with the not so gentle reminder that this all actually happened, that that all really went down, that her boyfriend left her for some fuckin ed sheeran lookin asshole.
her chest felt like it was going to collapse, she couldnt breathe. it physically pained her to breathe in, and breathe out. despite needing to, she just couldnt.
she couldnt find it in herself to pick herself up from this dirty ass floor, or to go after matt and beg him to stay, or to at least, at the most, stop crying over a trashy man.
y/n knew she didnt derserve this, she knew she was better than crying on a dirty, dusty floor over a boy—that she dated for two years, she knew that she was and deserved so much better than what state matt left her as, looking as if he had no remorse, gave no fucks about her or this relationship he flushed down the drain so easily.
a sob ripped from her throat, pulling her from her overwhelming thoughts and back to what her insides felt, her stomach curled and twisted uncomfortably, her head pounded with an ache she wouldnt wish on anyone, she was in so much physical pain, yet all she could focus on was matt and how she’d live live without her boyfriend being by her side—how different could it be? he wasnt by her side ever since he laid eyes on amelia, it’d just be like another normal day.. just with a great amount of pressure on her shoulders and an overwhelming urge to cry.
y/n smooshed her face between her knees, letting her loud sobs to be loud in the muffled encasing of her knees and thighs, without being paranoid someone would walk in and find her bawling on the floor.
her heart hurt to pump the blood it needed inside her body, it hurt to use the sole purpose of her lungs, it hurt to open and close her eyes as they swelled with tears, it hurt her head to even think, all she wanted to think about was anything but matt, but all she could think about was matt, why couldnt it be amelia? why couldnt y/n be mad at amelia? amelia did everything wrong, she ruined everything,
but she didnt, matt had the choice to ignore amelia, he had the choice to tell her to ‘fuck off’, to push her aside and keep his focus on y/n, yet he didnt. he chose amelia, of course he chose amelia, why else wouldnt he? she was pretty. she had everything y/n didnt, she had pretty green eyes compared to the ugly, dark brown eyes of y/ns, amelia had a nice smile, compared to y/ns crooked teeth and strange upward of her cheeks.
y/n wasnt her, she never would be.
y/n had finally found the willpower to pick herself up from the floor after hours of just sitting there, her cries eventually stopped and dried on her cheeks, leaving an icky feeling on her face.
she dragged her feet against the cement of the floors, her face pale and eyes bloodshot, sure to concern anyone who’d seen her.
she attempted to cheer herself up by listening to SZA her entire drive home—as much as she wished it worked, it didnt really help much.
her thoughts became too loud for the music to even be placed, there was no way of escaping this, she was gonna be locked in the entrapments of her own mind for until she could breathe freely again.
the second her car was parked in her driveway she was already out of her car and walking up the stairs of her porch, she took her shoes off and went upstairs, without a word to her parents and siblings, leaving them confused in the kitchen.
once out of their sight, the girl began running to her room, desperate to be alone in a comforting, safe haven where she knew nothing bad would happen to her.
she plopped down onto her bed, curling into a ball to comfort herself. her eyes too used to even begin crying again, so she just sat there in silence, with only the loud screaming in her mind, the screams of matt and fucking amelia, creating a noise. it was so loud she couldnt stand it. she just wanted to sleep, sleep this entire nightmare away.
sleep sounded like the only escape she could figure of her mind, it was the only thing she wanted right now, at least thats what she’d like to believe, she just wanted matt back, she wanted to hold him again, be able to talk without begging and to just be his girlfriend again, what was so wrong with that?
in her best attempt of falling asleep, she shut her eyes and forced herself to atleast quiet her mind some, as much as she possibly could, which wasnt much at all, but it was still something.
slowly, the forcement of her eyes closed began to become naturual and her mind quieted, her breathing and heartbeat steadied.
*morning after*
amelia rolled over, her eyes slowly opening to adjust to the sun beaming in through matts window. with her moving she’d woken up matt, in to which, he grunted and looked over at her.
with his still half asleep mind, he’d been expecting y/n, but once his eyes had taken her in and seen red hair, many, many prominent freckles and green eyes—to say the least, he was so shocked and confused his mouth opened before his brain could comprehend anything.
“what the fuck?”
amelia’s eyes widened and her lips parted, “what?” she asked, there was no doubt that she wasnt the tiniest bit hurt about his reaction to seeing her.
matt blinked multiple times, his own best attempt at gaining his vision back and waking up a little.
“fuck, amelia, im sorry, I just- I wasnt expecting to see you, I got scared, sorry.” he mumbled, his hand awkwardly going to the back of his neck, scratching it and avoiding eye contact.
truth was, he really just wasnt expecting to see bright orange hair as soon as he woke up, talk about a jumpscare.
“its fine, matt, dont worry.” she replied, her eyes trailed across his features, admiring how naturally pretty he was.
her hand traveled up to cup his jaw, “you’re really pretty, matt.” she whispered, tilting his face back so he could make eye contact with her.
despite the butterflies fluttering in matts stomach, his mind was still on last night, not the god awful sex, but instead what he thought about.
he just- he couldnt believe he’d really dumped y/n for amelia so easily, he left the janitors closet and before he knew it, he was balls deep in some other girl. how did he possibly fuck someone else only after a few hours of breaking up with y/n? was he a slut, manwhore or didnt care? we’ll never know.
it was unbelievable, he couldnt believe his own actions. how the hell did he do that with his own free will? he knows himself better than that, he’d never do it, he just didnt understand why he did it.
“matt?” amelia’s voice broke his thoughts, her tone was confused, but also like she was ready to say something more.
he subtly moved away from her hand and rolled off the bed, standing up and walking over to his closet.
“yeah?” he answered shortly after.
“do you think we could go on a date?- today?” she asked timidly, she sat up and looked at him, awaiting his response.
matts heart thumped from his chest, beating harder with each breath in his lungs.
“w- what?” he asked, his voice breathy in shock. theres no way amelia just asked him that.
amelia gulped, looking down at the bed in humiliation, a dark red blush covered her cheeks and her fingers fidgeted with one another.
“I- I mean- um, amelia, we’ve- I thought last night was a simple hookup?” his hand ran through his hair nervously, unsure of what to feel in this moment. he liked amelia, he really did, but he wasnt sure if he was ready to be in a relationship with her quite yet, or anything past friends—last night was an accident, or so he’d like to think.
“no! yeah! um, it can be just- a, just a hook up, yeah, thats fine.” she replied awkwardly, trying to persuade herself that she wasnt on the verge of tears.
“how about we just hangout with my brothers and madi today, yeah?” matt attempted to save the awkwardness, but he failed miserably, probably worsening the situation.
amelia swallowed, her throat dry and her mind unforgiving, fuck it was all so awkward, this was definitely the most awkward thing she’d ever expierenced before and probably ever will.
she nodded, still avoiding eye contact with matt, too ashamed to even look up at matt when she got off the bed.
her movements paused, a sudden anger bubbling in her stomach.
her head whipped up to look at matt, her face redder than normal with anger. “what the fuck matt!” she exclaimed, her tone filled with disbelief.
matt took his turn of his own confusion on his face, “what?” he asked quietly, feeling small under her gaze with her sudden outburst.
“you fuck me dumb and then say no date, just a hookup? are you that fucking desperate?” she snapped, her words holding a bite to them. they were very clearly directed to matt and y/n.
matt went to open his mouth and speak, but amelia cut him off. “you breakup with your girlfriend and then fucking come to me? what the hell matt. you’re so fucking unbelievable.” she scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest before continuing, “so fuckin depserate to have your dick wet, huh?”
matts shoulders dropped—aswell as his jaw. kid was in shock. he was just called desperate. him? desperate? he wasnt desperate, he could never be desperate. amelia just so happened to be wearing revealing clothes and leading him on, what was he supposed to do?
“pick ya fucking jaw up from the floor matt. open your eyes! you just fucking dumped your girlfriend, then fucked another girl. do- did you even truly care about her?” she exasperated, she wasnt even mad at the y/n thing, she was more so mad that he fucked her, but then said no to a date.
“matt, what the hell is wrong with you? why would you fuck me just to say no to a date? are you some sort of fuckboy?” matts air left his lungs at this, his face dropped and his heart dropped to his ass.
was he actually a fuckboy? he couldnt be.
“im tired of you and your shit, im leaving, I guess ill fucking meet up with your brothers and madi—not for you, but to see my friends.” she gave him one last glance before grabbing her phone and exiting the room, she was so mad matt could feel it radiating off her.
once matt felt the disgusting presence of her leave the room, he shut the door and took in a breath, finally a fresh and free breath. a breath he felt was finally like a bird being freed from its cage, he felt free, despite only spending a night with that red-headed bastard he was already sick of her.
he wasnt actually gonna let her words sink in, he didnt care what amelia had to say, he knew she was just jealous and embarassed to the point she needed to make a bigger problem than the situation actually was.
an icky feeling, like he was disgusted with his own skin escaped throughout him, he felt gross.
he couldnt rid of the feeling, even with his hands wrapped around his torso, hugging himself at his best attempt of shaking the feeling, yet it didnt work.
he stood from the door and walked to his bathroom, immediately stripping from his pants and boxers to get in the shower, the only place he’d hoped would rid the disgusting feeling, he felt strange all over, his skin felt hot and too tight on him.
his hands moved quick to start his shower water, turning the knob to his usual tempature, just slightly hotter, hoping the hot would help.
his body felt wet now, the stinging tempature of the water didnt do anything but add a painful sensation throughout him. his hands went to his hair, grabbing desperately for stabilization, his emotions were sky rocketing and he couldnt understand why.
why did he feel gross?
why did his skin fit uncomfortably?
why did he feel like this?
why couldnt he feel like his usual self? everything was so overwhelming.
his hands moved quicker than he’d like, grabbing his body soap and squeezing more than needed on his loofah, he didnt even bother spreading it in, he only hit his chest and began washing desperately, spreading it across his body in attempts at feeling better, like the soap would do something to him, make him feel better.
he rubbed his skin desperately, searching for a way to end this mess.
after his shower, matt had finally felt just cleaner, but not clean. in the shower, he’d figured out why he felt the way he did, or what he’d convinced himself what the reason was.
he’d simply told himself over and over again that it was amelia, she was all over him and the realization had finally occured that he touched her, she touched him, and he finally felt icky for it.
so, after getting dressed, he’d ripped his bed clean from the sheets she’d slep in last night, changed pillowcases and blankets.
if he didnt, he didnt want to picture how he’d feel. he wasnt sure if he even wanted to ever do this again with amelia.
before letting this all dull over his mind any more, he grabbed his phone and texted his brothers and madi’s groupchat, asking them the question that caused amelia’s snap from earlier.
“do you guys wanna hang out?”
sending that message already was a lot for him, so now to act okay, like he wasnt arguing with amelia, scrubbing his body till it was a light shade of pink and stinging, and where he had to strip his entire bed clean from any remneants of amelia, to now hanging out with his friends, trying to act like he wanted to be here and wasnt slowly crumbling inside was just the cherry ontop.
at any given moment he could snap at someone, nick and chris definitely took notice of that, seeing how sharp his movements were, his tone bitter and stern and his eyes giving no mercy to anyone or anything he laid eyes on.
nick walked over to matt, laying a gentle hand on his shoulder while whispering to his brother, “whats your problem matt? you’ve been having mattitude all day and its just getting annoying by now.”
matt looked up at him, shooting him a glare before shaking his hand off his shoulder with a grumble, “nothing nick, cant you ever stop complaining?”
nick scoffed and shook his head, moving away from the very clearly pissed off matt.
amelia’s been tense since she left the house, an undying amount of pressure on her shoulders since she met the triplets and madi at the park, seeing matt slouched over at a bench with an annoyed look on his face was not a good sign.
she wasnt even sure why he was mad, she should be the mad one. he led her on and is now being the bitchy one? how unfair.
again, with the amount of pressure on her shoulders—being the dramatic bitch she is, she felt the need to get it off her shoulders, convincing herself that she was too good to be holding this much on herself.
so, while talking with madi, and ranting about her time with matt that morning, speaking of how rude he was—leaving out the parts where she was the bitch.
“—and then I couldnt believe he just did that out of nowhere, especially after I went through all the work of having to lie to him about y/n cheating, then he has the audacity to reject me?” she rolls her eyes, her tone holding the very obvious pissedness she was also make very clear with her face.
madi’s eyebrows knit together, amelia did what?
she narrows her eyes as her stomach churns with disgust, madi stands up from her spot on the bench, looking down at amelia with glare.
“what?” amelia asks, still completely unaware of her mistake.
“I- I just need to pee.” madi mumbles, tearing her gaze away from amelia, she repeats what amelia said in her head, each time sending a jolt of even more disgust to her already sick stomach.
amelia nods hesitantly, too annoyed to think more about her words and why madi had just left so abruptly.
madi looked around the now darkening park, looking for matt, once her eyes land on his figure, still sat slouched at the bench, his eyes drooping but following his finger as it runs along the wooden table.
she walks up to matt, taking a seat next to him before blurting out, “amelia lied.”
matt lifts his head up, looking over at madi, his eyebrows raising in confusion. “about what?” he asks.
“y/n cheating- she didnt actually do it, matt. she lied so she could have you.” madi muttered, her voice growing quieter with shame with each word she spoke.
matts body raced with emotions, he wasnt even sure what he was feeling right now, what was he supposed to feel with this newfound information?
he just stared at madi, his face falling pale.
“she what?”
3013 words
@luverboychris @chrissturniolosfavoritesexdoll @meg-sturniolo @junnniiieee07 @genshin-addict @mels22lunchbox @ssilentzom @haunted-headset @dollyspsychoxo @sturnib-tch @b2cute @livvy4realll @graysturns @wh0resstuff @jnkvivi @mattsmad @sturn-bugz @jamiesturniolo @nayveetbhh @sturniluvr @strniolo @sunsetsturniolos @sleepysturnss @xbabyd0lli3x @e1ias3 @mbbsgf @leia-13 @stuniolo-simp4life @mattsdinosweater @preppy234 @sturniololvrrr @fleurdaisy11 @im-a-bored-chicken-nugget @sturnsfavvv @d-seavy @sturnwritess @simply-a-simper @multi-fandom205 @0zzzzz6-blog @coochiedestroyer1 @ratatioulle @bibassssssss @amaliarosewood @5t4rfish @y-s-a-p @joemamaaa42069 @whiteoakoak @qrzrrae @frankoceanlvrr12 @ilovemymannnnnnnn @iloveneilperry @strnilo @theprettyplanet
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bbernard-03 · 5 days
YESS HAPPY PRIDE MONTH EVERYONEEE 🏳️‍🌈🌈🦄🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🌈🏳️‍🌈🎀🎀
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bbernard-03 · 5 days
Reblog if you're gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, asexual, transgender or a supporter.
This should be reblogged by everyone. Even if you’re straight, you should be a supporter.
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bbernard-03 · 5 days
i just want a hug from nick
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bbernard-03 · 5 days
-Matthew Bernard Sturniolo
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bbernard-03 · 6 days
sobbing. throwing up. kicking and screaming.
This has been the absolute best series i’ve ever had the blessing of reading and i’m so heartbroken it’s over. The plot line, the execution, chef’s kiss perfect.
nothing’s sweeter than my baby~ number neighbor!matt x reader part sixteen [finale]
hell nah cause why am i close to crying rn…
this an is gonna be a bit long but i jus have sm to say and sm to thank so bear w me bear w me.
it’s been such a beautiful two months on here fr and it feels like it’s been forever but also like no time has passed at all. from the bottom of my heart, finding this little community has been so special and so fun and so amazing. every single supportive word, comment, reblog, like, ask— it’s all been so incredibly heartwarming and special to me. thank u all for embracing me and making me feel so loved 🥹
i can’t believe it’s over!!! number neighbor you will always be famous to me!!! number neighbor matt i love u so down bad fr. some of my best writing literally ever has been because of this series and this account and will always be so close to my heart. i genuinely can’t even tell yall how much writing this, meeting and interacting with you all and being here has meant.
i hope you all like this ending as much as i do bc i think it’s the perfect way to wrap this up ❤️‍🩹 ahhhh okay i love u thank u again NUMBER NEIGHBOR NATION 4EVER ENJOYYYY <3333
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“i’m just saying that it’s entirely possible.” chris says, face contorted in a “duh” expression. nick looks from him to y/n and matt, who are intertwined sweetly on the couch, with wide eyes.
“you’ve absolutely got to be fucking kidding me.”
“i’m absolutely not.”
the two of the had been arguing for the last ten minutes, going back and forth about a made up scenario that chris presented that nick did not take kindly to.
the couple sits in the middle of the debate with amused eyes, following the hilarious and very much loud altercation with slight interest.
“chris has a point, you know.” y/n says, but only low enough that matt can hear. she was having fun being on the outside and would rather die than get in between that shit show right now.
“you only think that because you’re out of your mind in the same unexplainable way he is.” matt chuckles, adjusting his arm that’s wrapped tightly around her waist.
“it’s not our fault that we think outside the box,” she fires back, poking matt in the side. “everyone else is boring.”
matt catches her hand as she keeps poking, using his other one to return fire to the spot he knows gets her every time.
“oh fuck off—“ she says through laughter, struggling against his hands. nick and chris stop their arguing to look at them in disgust.
“ew,” nick says, putting a hand to chris’ face. “i’m going to bed. i’m not arguing with a crazy fuck any longer than i have and i’m not watching whatever the hell this shit is.”
“oh, booooo,” y/n says, rolling her eyes. “we’re not even doing anything.”
chris snorts. “yeah, okay. that’s the second time you’ve used that lie tonight.”
matt only smirks at that, watching y/n turn her face to hide her embarrassment. things had gotten a little louder than expected when she got here, and when they’d walked out into the living room out of breath, disheveled and grinning ear to ear she had said exactly that.
“no idea what you’re talking about.”
chris rolls his eyes and follows nick to his room, leaving the two in the living room with a forgotten movie paused. when y/n turns back to matt after saying goodnight, he’s already looking at her. her legs are thrown over his lap, body tucked into his side.
“what?” she says, pressing her body into his warmth even more.
“nothing.” he says, eyes traveling across her face with a soft, genuine look. “just love having you here.”
she can’t help but smile. “yeah?” she presses a small kiss to his jaw. “how much?”
matt lets out a breathy laugh, hand gripping the flesh of her thigh. “how’d i know you’d take that as an opportunity to boost your ego?”
“opportunity to boost my ego? no. opportunity to make my tough guy boyfriend confess his undying love for me over and over? absolutely.” she send him a grin full of teeth, making his heart skip a beat.
matt doesn’t say anything for a long while, just memorizing the layout of her features. the angle of her nose, the beauty marks placed so delicately on her cheeks, the slope of her eyes— he captures everything in his memory, so that’s her face is always with him. he has to squint a little, because it’s like the sun is rising right in this room. right in this girl.
y/n’s about to say something, undoubtedly about to call him a creeper for staring, but matt ghosts his lips over hers so gently, it has her shakily inhaling a breath. “i’ll tell you any time you wanna hear it. i’ll even tell you when you don’t.”
it makes y/n’s heart swell with love, pumping pure heaven through her veins. this man, that appeared in her life out of nowhere, now means more than he could ever know.
“you can be so fucking cute sometimes.” she says, giving him a peck. “you know, when you’re not telling me how crazy i am every five minutes.”
matt moves her body from his side to his lap, resting both his hands on the swell of her ass. “you are crazy. batshit insane actually.” he peers up at her, looking at her like he wanted nothing more than to always be the object of her affection. “i wouldn’t have it any other way.”
she connects their lips softly, pouring all her feelings into the kiss. it’s funny, being here with him, feeling like it’s exactly where she’s meant to be. matt is unlike any person she’s ever known and she can’t believe that her being bored brought her this.
when they disconnect, her eyes tell him that she has never known a love like this, and she would never want to find another one.
when they disconnect, his eyes tell her that she is light in human form, everything he’s ever wanted and so many things he didn’t know he needed.
“i love you, stupid.” matt says, voice full of emotion, baby blues trained on her like there is not one other thing in this fucking world that he’d ever want to see.
“love you back, stupid.” she says back, voice matching his. sickly sweet, utterly infatuated and forever branded with his touch.
it’s perfect. the moment, and them. nothing could ever get better than this.
@cottoncandyswisherz @peachmels @sugrhigh @tastesousweet @hollandsangel @sturnolio-luvs @55sturn @chrryclouds @mattsobvimyfav @misscocodiorsblog @pepsiboyy @braindead4l @mxqdii @fawnchives @hearts4chriss @certifiednatelover @nmegamett20 @imaslut4kehlani @faeriedst @wovenribbons @streamermattsgf @pr1ncessmatt @pinksturniolo @yourfavoritefangirl @nickmillersn1gf @freshxsturniolo @sturniolobltch @mattspolitank @alorsxsturn @imwetforyourmom @kiarastromboli @sleepysturnss @mattscoquette @sturncakez @inkyray @simply-a-simper @lanas-doll @wh0resstuff @hypnotizedsturn @riowritesitall @kitaysworld @h3arts4harry @fikefries @conspiracy-ash @matty-bear @always-reading @thehighgrounds @unbruisable @ribread03 @stasiesturn
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bbernard-03 · 6 days
could you maybe do a matt sleepy fic?💕💕
a/n: this is so cute ty for the requestt bae i hope i did it justice!🫶🏼
warnings: none just fluff :)
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lazy days were pretty common with matt. nick and chris always poked fun at you guys calling you “boring”, but you loved every moment with your boyfriend, including the quiet ones.
some days you put on a romcom, eat snacks and laugh, cry, cringe at various parts of the movies. other days you just enjoy each other’s presence, bodies melting into each other- not in a sexual way- just very intimate.
usually you’re the small spoon, resting your head on his chest, one leg swung over him while he gently plays with your hair. you guys even have this silly little game where he traces his fingers on your back and you have to decode the message he wrote. his cold hands dragging softly across your skin sends shivers down your spine, making it hard to focus on what he’s writing.
“come on, baby, guess,” he chuckles, the sound travelling straight to your ear as if it has healing abilities (it does). you made a random guess and he giggles again. “nopeee, try again, loser.” you’ve taken multiple guesses at this point, and none of them were correct.
“you’re so bad at this, oh my god,” he teased you as you lightly smack his bare chest and tell him it’s your turn to write something.
although matt will never admit it, sometimes, he loves being the small spoon. i mean, what could be better than nestling his head into your neck, his hair tickling your chin as you scratch all the way from his head to his back. he’s in literal heaven.
on days when matt just wants to sleep all day, you’re a necessity. he literally cannot fall asleep without being in your arms lulled by the sound of your heartbeat. it’s so sweet but if you need to grab a snack or go to the bathroom, his grip tightens around you as he faintly mumbles, “nooo, stay with me.”
“matt, i need to pee, i promise i’ll be done quick baby,” he sighs, “let’s just stay in bed all day i’m sleepy, please?” his tired voice tugged on your heartstrings, how could you say no to that? you agreed on his plan with the condition that he lets you pee.
once you were back, he hums in contentment as he snuggles into you again, kissing your cheek and neck while he assumes his previous position. “talk to me.” that’s another thing, he lovess falling asleep to your voice. good god was he whipped. you do as he asked, rambling on about your day until eventually you both fall asleep and hibernate for the rest of the day like cute little bears in the winter.
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tags: @mattscoquette @et6rnalsun @sturnsxplr-25 @strlvvr @sturniluvr
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bbernard-03 · 6 days
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Biting my fist HE’S SO PRECIOUS
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bbernard-03 · 8 days
my best friend’s brother (is the one for me) - part two
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part two!! i’m so excited for this series guys
word count: 945 words
read part one here !
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all i’ve been able to think about is the interaction between me and matt. the way he whispered in my ear, the hand on my back, the way he played with my hair, how he got up to “go to the bathroom”. i knew exactly why he had to get up. it was kinda hard to ignore honestly.
“i’m going to bed, you coming?” nick asked me as he was getting up and putting his blanket away.
“no, i’m not too tired yet,” i moved over on the couch a bit to grab my drink, trying to ignore matt’s stare.
“well i’m gonna go to my room for the night.” chris said, also putting away his blanket and grabbing his drink, heading down the stairs to his room.
me and matt stayed quiet for a couple more minutes, just watching whatever was on after the crow. 
“just us now…” matt said quietly, grabbing the remote to put something else on. he decided on inception, another one of my favorite movies, which he knew.
“2010 was leo’s best year for movies,” i moved to face matt to debate with him over this.
“oh yeah? and why’s that?” matt asked with a smile. this is a topic we discuss often.
“well he had inception AND shutter island come out that year. arguably two of his best movies.” he just watched as i ranted about leo dicaprio and just movies in general. chiming in with yeahs and acknowledgments, but letting me talk. i swear for a second, i almost saw a look of love in his eyes. 
i quickly dismissed the thought and let myself get lost in the movie after my rant. i moved over to back over to matt, missing the comfort of being in his arms. he gladly pulled me into him and we sat like that for most of the movie, only moving to grab more snacks or our drinks.  
as the movie started ending, i felt matt’s breathing get slower, subtle snores leaving his mouth. i looked around and saw the mess left by nick and chris and sighed, knowing we had to clean it up. i started to get up to get a start on the cleaning, but matt, half asleep, pulled me back down, mumbling something i didn’t quite hear. 
“mmm stay here.” he grumbled, tightening his grip on my waist.
“matt, we have to clean up the garbage..” i whispered, hoping he wouldn’t hear me and let go. unfortunately he did and loosened his grip, letting me get up. he slowly got up, grabbing the candy wrappers around him and followed me towards the kitchen.
“nick’s probably asleep already.” he pointed out, grabbing more garbage from the table. 
“yeah..” i put away our blankets and fixed up the couch.
“you can always come sleep with me.” he said quietly, watching me walk around the living room to find the remote. “it’s over there,” he pointed to where we had just been sitting. 
i chuckled, grabbing the remote and turning the tv off. 
“i think i might take you up on the offer,” i said, searching for any sign of regret on his face, finding none.
he put the last piece of garbage away and started walking to his room, stopping and looking back to see if i was following him. once i grabbed our phones, i headed toward him and his room.
no matter how many times i’ve slept in here, it always feels awkward at first. he always points out how i sleep better in his bed, and i always blame it on how comfy his bed is, even though it has nothing to do with his bed but everything to do with him. 
he walked over to the bed, pulling back the blankets and getting in. i stayed put by the door, just watching him awkwardly.
“are you just gonna stand there all night?” he questioned me, pulling the blanket off the other side of the bed for me.
“i was thinking about it,” i walked over to my side and got in, immediately being met with the softness of his blanket and the smell of his cologne. i grabbed his remote to put on some random show. we debated on a couple before deciding on family guy. staying on our respected sides while intently watching the show we’ve both seen hundreds of times, not daring to move closer to each other. as if we weren’t just cuddling on the couch and falling asleep together out there. 
it was different in his bed though. almost like it was too intimate to cuddle in a bed. we wouldn’t dare take that step in our friendship, even if we would wake up like that anyway. the more tired i got, the less i cared. i moved closer to him, feeling him do the same. he put his arm out, signaling for me to lay on him. none of us said anything, we stayed watching the tv. there was an understanding between us that it was a comfortable silence.
‘this is normal, there’s nothing deeper to this. just two friends cuddling and watching tv.’ i thought, feeling him play with my hair and rub the leg i snuck onto him. i was trying to ignore the flutter in my stomach with every move of his thumb on my thigh and pushing away all the thoughts that snuck into my mind. 
slowly i started to fall asleep in matt’s arms. right before i fell asleep, i felt him reach for the remote to turn off his tv.
“goodnight baby.” he whispered, before kissing the top of my head and falling asleep himself.
tag list:
@beersangel @whoseyouare @wh0schl0 @st7rnioioss @slutsformatt @h3arts4harry
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