baybladez · 10 days
ever since i was a little girl i've always wanted a hysterectomy
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baybladez · 14 days
outdoor cats can decimate local ecosystems, take kalina for example, if she were an indoor cat we might have avoided this whole mess. in this essay i-
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baybladez · 16 days
Fave bit I'm not seeing anyone talking about is murph absolutely commiting to riz saying "they just let anyone in here" every time Balthazar reappears
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baybladez · 16 days
brennan when K2 was created, vs brennan five episodes later
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baybladez · 21 days
it’s not ‘talking to myself’ it’s called a soliloquy you fuck
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baybladez · 21 days
it'll probably never happen, but i want an intrepid heroes rotating DM side quest so badly.
and i've put a lot of thought into this, so here's the Best Order (having DM play their PC as an NPC party member for that episode)
Brennan. Classic, setting the stage, what could go wrong?
Lou. The player's judge DM.
Siobhan. The story is rolling up.
Zac. Master at blending bits into a narrative.
Ally. Truly unpredictable.
Murph. The only person capable of refocusing the story.
Emily. Great at satisfying, goofy endings.
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baybladez · 21 days
i love seeing the thumbnails for intrepid heroes seasons bc they're always dressed like
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and then brennan is just
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baybladez · 21 days
i feel emily axford on a personal level cause the first time i played dnd, it was a serious murder plot, political assassination, royal heritage situation. my character was in her castle, surrounded by people who wanted her dead. and i got my one ally (a detective) drunk, stealthily carried his blacked out self to his room, waited till he fell asleep, pulled his pants down, pushed him face first on the bed (still asleep, with his pants around his ankles) and hid in his closet. then my DM went "ok now what. like what was the end goal" and i couldn't tell them. it was like coming out of a fugue state i had no idea why i had done all that. just fully caught in the hubris of playing pretend. so yeah fig's wanda childa death scene at ruben's window plan was random and didn't serve any purpose. but i get her.
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baybladez · 21 days
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This show is just a gift that keeps on giving.
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baybladez · 22 days
Blimey | Fantasy High Junior Year - D20 Animated
Another @dimension20official animated thing before the finale of Fantasy High Junior Year hits
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baybladez · 23 days
of course brennan’s vip ep was an art house film about the metaphor of the self through the lens of false dream logic and time loops delivered by a wild man from the woods who is also a physicist from Newfoundland who carries around rocks in a briefcase that he has to hatch and doesn’t know the word alligator but does know the words centrifugal force and is afraid of bowls. of course.
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baybladez · 23 days
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It feels so weird to see Sam in normal clothing but so right to see him actively squashed by a caveman
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baybladez · 23 days
The difference between helio and logran soulforger kills me.
helio's chosen asks him an existential question and he waves her away
one of logran's clerics, not even his chosen just ONE of his clerics, calls him out for his silence and he looks her dead in the eye and says "I'm sorry, you deserve to be spoken to."
when helio's chosen strays from the path to forge one of her own, helio himself doesn't even seek her out - it's sol and galicaea who have to talk to kristen. helio himself never makes amends for his part in his chosen turning from his light on his own, without prompting from his father and aunt.
ostentatia, by contrast, hears that sincere apology and is able to see how hard her god is working. That his silence is not uncaring, his silence is caring TOO much about too many things. And she takes up a pair of tongs and forges at his side. And her devotion is rewarded - she's given near prophethood, a miraculous divine intervention, she saves countless jobs including her father's.
Because she was willing to raise her concerns and logran was willing to listen.
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baybladez · 23 days
The best thing about new zealand english is we get to pick and choose what we like from american english and british english.
The bad thing is that sometimes we choose wrong.
Like. Americans have fries and chips vs brits have chips and crisps. Both valid.
Here? We have chips and chips.
Youd think it'd be fine and that you can figure out which one a person is talking about from context but trust me a good percentage of the time you cannot. And often the person will try to differentiate them by clarifying they meant "Potato chips" only for them to realise a second later that both chips are made from potatoes
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baybladez · 23 days
So the subplot of Holes is that Kate Barlow deals with the politically-sanctioned execution of her black boyfriend—who unlawfully kissed a white woman who was in love with him!!!—by becoming a serial killer who targets racist/sexist white dudes who harassed her, were rejected, then went after her boyfriend as revenge from the depths of the “friend zone”.
Go off Louis Sachar, let em know!
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baybladez · 23 days
God I love Doctor Who. Any given episode could be the most tense thing you've ever watched in your life or it could have talking babies and booger monsters and there's no way to tell until you press play. Wouldn't have it any other way.
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baybladez · 23 days
Creating a more unhinged clone of Kristen has been such a boon because she gives Beardsley a way to fulfill their impulses for absurd bits without compromising the real Kristen's arc of realizing chaos isn't cute.
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