bastard-onthe-daily · 16 days
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‼️🇵🇸 An activist, who destroyed multiple engine parts of the jets Israel uses, has been released!
🔸 Source: pal_action
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bastard-onthe-daily · 16 days
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bastard-onthe-daily · 16 days
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Youtube doing this while fully fucking enabling the alt right pipeline with dozens if not hundreds of racist/anti semitic grifters on their platform for well over a decade at this point is an insane double standard.
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bastard-onthe-daily · 16 days
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If you're having trouble keeping up with what's going on in Palestine because of US news coverage of university protests, here are some articles you can read and a video you can watch:
While CNN & all the other mainstream media try to paint the university protests as "pro terrorism" (which they're not, they're literally anti-war protests.) Palestinians are being slaughtered by the minute.
Please don't stop speaking about Palestine.
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bastard-onthe-daily · 21 days
When the rest of the world looks at the united states right now, we see a government who sends billions to support genocide but cannot help their own people starving on the streets.
We see a police force who won't go in to save children from school shootings, but deploy at a rapid rate to arrest peaceful protestors using their right to free speech to protest a genocide
America, you are a war mongering snake eating your own tail. You will protect and support war criminals in another country but let your own people starve and die
To the students bravely protesting now, we see your strength. We see what we saw when students protested the Vietnam War. We have faith you will prevail
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bastard-onthe-daily · 22 days
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34,000 deaths is clearly an appalling undercount when watchdog groups learn about mass graves like this every week.
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bastard-onthe-daily · 22 days
Thank you dear Eurovision audience. Not only a black ocean but also booing but what did the tv station do? Fake cheering....but at least we know how it really went down. I am so not watching btw
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bastard-onthe-daily · 22 days
I'm very tired of this "queer college students should stop supporting Palestine, they'd kill you there!" I watched a hijabi ask a trans man, "but what name do you want to go by?" A butch giving a woman their hoodie so that she could keep her hair covered after the cops took her scarf. Muslim girls making sure the lesbian couple got through the system together. Religious men making sure purple haired protestors got out safe. I don't want to hear it. Solidarity forever, free Palestine.
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bastard-onthe-daily · 22 days
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bastard-onthe-daily · 22 days
The computer is a machine built for looking at pictures of fish you wouldn't otherwise see. Anything else you can do with a computer was an accident and unintended
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bastard-onthe-daily · 23 days
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bastard-onthe-daily · 23 days
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This is literally the core of what our fight for liberation means
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bastard-onthe-daily · 24 days
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To my fellow US protestors who fights against apartheid and genocide. Here's his account.
Extra tips from other rebloggers down below, I add it here so its easier for others to see. If anyone reblogged with more tips, I'll add yours as well. May this be helpful:
"Be advised, police have the tools to detect who's phones are at a protest. If you can, bring a recording device other than your phone."
"Phones can be encrypted to prevent state actors from accessing footage, cameras cannot. There’s no correct answer, but both pieces of information are important when deciding what you’re going to bring."
"Also a good idea to look into faraday bags. They make your phone undetectable. Better keep your phone on you just in one of those in case you need to contact someone urgently."
"This is your excuse to buy a recording spy pen. You know you want to. They’re not even expensive. They’re not even rare." (The user shared this info for the greater good, don't you dare using it for nasty stuff)
-Airplane mode or bring a burner phone. Keep lots of encryption apps and VPNs on your phone if you can, and make sure you know how your connection works well. Signal is necessary. Travel in groups.
-Follow the tactics of the Hong Kong protesters. These cops, overconfident from their massive budgets, are likely more susceptible. But do be careful not to put yourself or others in danger.
-Use whatever resources you can to protect yourself. Remember you are not alone. Remember there may be agitators.
-Zionists are evil and vile, but they just want a reaction from you. Try not to engage with them. They're just spewing shit. You're stronger, better than them. Let them spew their crap and focus on the challenges at hand.
-Dont. Give. Up.
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bastard-onthe-daily · 24 days
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bastard-onthe-daily · 24 days
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Hind Rajab was a 5 year old girl in Gaza who was killed while she hid alone in a car, along with the paramedics who tried to rescue her. Yesterday students at Columbia seized the administration building and renamed it in her honor.
Gadzooks Bazooka Instagram: gadzooks_bazooka
Remembering #HindRajab & children in #Gaza: This is what the mother of the child, Hind Rajab . https://tmblr.co/ZTeZMyfB_GHeeu00
DrSonnet — هذا ما قالته والدة الطفلة هند رجب عندما سمعت بخبر... (tumblr.com)
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bastard-onthe-daily · 28 days
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bastard-onthe-daily · 28 days
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what's a tumblr influencer? what am i influencing? my mental illness? 😭
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