bandofhunters · 9 years
But if you still want to RP with me, please follow my new RP Blog!
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bandofhunters · 9 years
“Riiiiight... That doesn’t sound crazy at all.”
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bandofhunters · 9 years
Closed || Merida & Hiro
Like for a starter with Merida! hiro-hamada-six
“You’re too small to be a genius, boy-o.”
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bandofhunters · 9 years
Random mun post
So you guys know how I’ve mentioned that Antonio is based off of my friend IRL? Well yesterday, I told IRL Antonio about Muse Antonio. 
It was interesting. He enjoys the character :0 Which I found surprising. And he didn’t find it weird that I had a muse based off of him.
He actually said he might follow this blog just to see how the character develops, haha!
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bandofhunters · 9 years
Rant, rant, rant!
This was supposed to be a short rant; but I had way more to say than I thought. So, if you wanna read it, go for it. I just needed to get this off my chest. Normally I'd rant on FB, but there's certain people that I don't want to see it. 
OK SO! A lot of you don't know this, but my boyfriend of 1 year dumped me about 2 weeks ago. It sucked, and I was an emotional mess up until Wednesday of this week. I can honestly say I've never gone through this much trauma and stress because of a break up. Usually I am able to get over it in a few days; but this guy was different. My point is- I'm OK now. Well, actually, I'm more than OK...
When I was a Junior in high school (I'm a Sophomore in college now); I dated this guy. For privacy purposes, I'll refer to him as J. Anyways-- I met J a year before he and I started dating. I was new to my high school, and I didn't know 99% of the people there (I knew a few because my current boyfriend attended that school before I transferred). J was the guy in my class who didn't talk to anyone. He seemed... cool. He was well-known, and people liked him. But I never saw him speak, and he never interacted with people in class unless he had to. My brain told me that if my current boyfriend and I ever broke up, and if I gained more self-esteem; I would try to go out with J. 
Junior year rolls around, and J and I start to talk. By this point, I'm single. I find out he's not the "cool" guy I thought he was. He's actually incredibly weird and dorky; and the reason he never talked to people in class was because he was too shy. It was the complete opposite of what he made himself seem like. But I liked it... He reminded me of myself. J and I end up doing this re-occuring "friendzone" thing. When I made an advance at him the first time, he was in a complicated relationship with another girl. When he un-complicated the situation and made advances at me, I had a new boyfriend. Long story short, we ended up dating.
It was... probably one of the best relationships I've had. He was funny, sweet, caring; and so much more. He knew how I wanted to be treated, and he did it. No questions asked. He always knew what I wanted, and always tried his best to provide it for me. The thing I loved the most was that he accepted me. Completely. He knew all of my flaw and my bad habits and my terrible past; and he still accepted me and loved me wholeheartedly. I thought I was going to marry this guy. Shit, I thought a lot of things were going to happen with J that I had never done before. Sadly, we broke up. We stayed friends though...
I thought that maybe he'd fallen out of love with me since we'd broken up. I know he was involved with someone else at some point; but I don't know specifics. My point is, I thought that he and I were 100% friends. That there were no romantic feelings between us anymore... And then last night happened. 
Last night... He and a friend from our high school (Who's name is Joe) came over last night. Joe and I are kind of each other's best friends; so he was free to spend the night at my house last night (I still live at home btw). J was only supposed to come over for a couple of hours, and then go home... 3:36am rolls around. Joe says he's gotta go to bed, cuz he's got one weekend class he attends on Saturdays at our college. Joe goes to bed, leaving J and I alone... We were watching Netflix, and then my internet started bugging out. We sat in my room in silence for a moment. Then he hugs me and starts to thank me for helping him get through some hard times he was going through when he and I were dating. 
The next thing I know, he's caressing my arms and my face. It feels... nice. Then he kisses me, and I kiss him back. My brain was like, "WHOA no! You just got broken up with! Don't do this!" But I can't stop. We keep kissing, and things get pretty heated. It never goes too far though. So much is going through my head at this point... So many things I want to say to him. But I don't. I didn't want to risk getting emotional again. It's now 5am... We both decide it's time for him to go home; because my mom and stepdad will be waking up soon to go to work. Neither of us want him to leave, but he does.
I haven't stopped thinking about what happened. I even dreamt about it. I don;t know what this means for J and I; but it's obvious that there's still something there. I haven't talked to him yet since I woke up, but I want to. But, what do I say? I want to be honest, but I feel like it might stop him from doing something like that again. I don't want that. But I'd feel terrible if I didn't tell him. 
In all honesty, I'm scared. I loved what happened; but because of what happened with my last relationship, I'm scared to start a new one. I don't want to risk getting hurt again because I fall for someone who seems perfect for me (again). What if there isn't anything there, and I'm getting led on? I don't think he would do that, but it's not like we established what this was last night...
*Sigh*... Well, my rant is over. If you read this, sweet. I mean, I didn't expect anyone to read it. I wrote this for myself. You know, to get my thoughts out. Sorry it's so long! Like I said... I had a lot more to say than I thought.
Ok well... I'm done now. Bye!
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bandofhunters · 9 years
"But it'll be fun!"
"Well if your right exactly. I don’t know if doing that is right."
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bandofhunters · 9 years
"Uh, what?"
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"Maybe probably I don’t know."
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bandofhunters · 9 years
"Well then I have one friend," Isadora corrected herself. "And it's not that people haven't tried to be my friend. I'm just a bit of an anti-social introvert. Hard for me to make friends and stuff..."
"Oh um, wow!! Just really don’t invite scary people here. I really wouldn’t want you to get hurt." She advised with a tilt of her head, knowing where she was coming from, since she too opens doors to strangers, which was dangerous, but she did it anyway.
Britney formed a small, sad smile. “Aw. Why not? You seem super fun to hang out with! Also, as I said, I can totally be your friend.”
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bandofhunters · 9 years
"I'm not going to answer your phone, Mr. Tran," Thalia sighed as she plopped into a chair. "Understand this... Patience is not one of my best virtues. I'm sorry for being mouthy... I've just been looking for this man for a long time."
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Closed || Bunker Roomies
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bandofhunters · 9 years
"Wow," Isadora said. "I should open my door to strangers more often!" 
That probably sounded totally weird... Isadora thought, she's totally going to think I'm weird now. Isadora gave a small smile, "Sorry. I, uh, don't get visitors much. I mean, other than my mom and dad... I don't have a lot of friends."
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"Traveling? That sounds like so much fun!" she said, "I wish I could travel more, but with school and all— Wait, you guys aren’t in college? I mean, you don’t look old enough to have already graduated."
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"It is extremely fun! I really love it, cause I get to meet new people and like, see different attractions." She smiled brightly. Britney then looked at the girl, trying to come up with a way to explain herself. "Well um, no. I used to kinda go to school.. but I dropped out." She told with a shrug.
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bandofhunters · 9 years
Isadora gasped, "Your best friend is missing? Oh my... I don't know what I would do if anyone I knew went missing. I don't really have a best friend. I can only imagine what it's like."
"Traveling? That sounds like so much fun!" she said, "I wish I could travel more, but with school and all— Wait, you guys aren’t in college? I mean, you don’t look old enough to have already graduated."
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"It is extremely fun! I really love it, cause I get to meet new people and like, see different attractions." She smiled brightly. Britney then looked at the girl, trying to come up with a way to explain herself. "Well um, no. I used to kinda go to school.. but I dropped out." She told with a shrug.
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bandofhunters · 9 years
Hello friends, I'm here! I thought my hiatus was going to take longer; but things have been sorted out and I'm free to return. Plus, I need the positivity from my followers in my life :) You guys are awesome. Thank you for bringing such an amazing amount of positivity in my life. I know all of you are just online friends, but the fact that you guys worry and care about me makes me feel great.
Anyways- Like for a starter?
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bandofhunters · 9 years
"That's aweful," Isadora said. "I mean, I don't know what I'd do if I had to drop out. Was it money problems or personal stuff?" Isadora felt like she might seem too nosy to the Britney, but it was hard to stop talking once Britney started opening up. 
The blonde smiled, “My name is Isadora. Nice to meet you, Britney. So, uh… What are you and your roommate doing up north?”
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bandofhunters · 9 years
"That'll be hard," Thalia told him. "So far I haven't been able to determine how they pick their cases."
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bandofhunters · 9 years
Hey guys... I'm not going to be on Tumblr for a while. Some stuff happened and I... I really need some time to handle it. Normally I hate going on Hiatus, but with what's going on, I can't be on here. I'm sorry.
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bandofhunters · 9 years
2 more followers until I'm at 100!!!!!
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bandofhunters · 9 years
"Traveling? That sounds like so much fun!" she said, "I wish I could travel more, but with school and all-- Wait, you guys aren't in college? I mean, you don't look old enough to have already graduated."
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"No problem at all," Isadora replied. "Step right in and make yourself at home. I’m sure your roommate will be here in no time."
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