ballodellamarlena · 6 months
Israel Genocide in Gaza vocabulary in Finnish
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Israel - Israel Israelilainen - Israeli Palestiina - Palestine Palestiinalainen - Palestinian Gazan kaista - Gaza Strip Hamas - Hamas Vastarintaliike - resistance movement TerroristijÀrjestö - terrorist organization Israelin puolustusvoimat - IDF Asevoimat, armeija - military, army Sotilas - soldier Komentaja, pÀÀllikkö, johtaja - commander Sionismi - Zionism Sionisti - Zionist Radikaali juutalaisuus, ÀÀrijuutalaisuus - radical Jewishness, Jewish extremism Juutalainen ylivalta - Jewish supremacy Rasismi - racism SyrjintÀ - discrimination RotusyrjintÀ - racial discrimination Palestiinalaisvastaisuus - Anti-Palestinianism Arabivastaisuus - Anti-Arabism Arabophobia - arabophobia Islamophobia - islamophobia Sulku, saarto - blockage Kollektiivinen rangaistus - collective punishment Pakkosiirto - forced transfer Kolonialismi - colonialism Apartheid - apartheid Etninen puhdistus - ethnic cleansing Kansanmurha - genocide VÀkivalta - violence Verilöyly - massacre HyökkÀys - attack MaahyökkÀys - ground attack Tankki, panssarivaunu - tank Ilmaisku - airstrike Taistelukone - combat aircraft HÀvittÀjÀ - fighter plane, destroyer RÀjÀhde - explosive Raketti - rocket Ohjus - missile Pommi - bomb Atomipommi - atomic bomb Valkoinen fosfori - white phosphorus Tulitauko - ceasefire Kohde - target Sairaala - hospital Ambulanssi - ambulance Koulu - school Pakolaisleiri - refugee camp Moskeija - mosque Kirkko - church Kauppa - store Leipomo - bakery Hautausmaa - cematary Asuinrakennus - residential building Aurinkopaneeli - solar panel Avustuskuljetus - aid delivery Humanitaarinen kÀytÀvÀ - humanitarian corridor EvakuointikÀytÀvÀ - evacuation corridor Rajanylityspaikka - border crossing Aseistautumaton - unarmed Siviili - civilian Uhri - victim Pakolainen - refugee Panttivanki - hostage Loukkaantunut - injured Kadonnut - missing Ruoka - food Vesi - water Polttoaine - fuel SÀhkö - electricity Internet - internet Tietoliikenne - telecommunications Raunio, kivimurska - rubble Pöly - dust Kaasu - gas Ulosteet - excrements, feces, waste MÀdÀntynyt - rotten Ruumis - corpse, dead body Veri - blood Haju - smell, stink, odor KÀrpÀnen - fly Melu - noise Tauti, sairaus - disease, illness NÀlkÀ - hunger Jano - thirst Unettomuus - lack of sleep, sleeplessness, insomnia Turvattomuus - lack of safety, insecurity Pelko - fear Menetys - loss Trauma - trauma Rikos - crime Ihmisoikeusrikkomus - human rights violation KansainvÀlisen oikeuden vastainen rikos - violation of international law Rikos ihmisyyttÀ vastaan - crime against humanity Sotarikos - war crime Propaganda - propaganda Vale - lie Tekosyy - excuse Vastuu - responsibility Syy - blame; reason HyökÀtÀ - to attack Kostaa - to revenge, to avenge, to retaliate Ampua - to shoot Pommittaa - to bomb IskeÀ - to strike Tuhota - to destroy, to demolish Vaurioittaa - to damage Rikkoa - to break; to violate Tappaa - to kill Murhata - to murder Teurastaa - to slaughter Haavoittaa - to injure EstÀÀ - to block Katkaista - to cut
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ballodellamarlena · 6 months
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This could be my last report from Gaza by Tareq S. Hajjaj. Please read.
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ballodellamarlena · 8 months
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moji demoni
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ballodellamarlena · 8 months
movies for polyglots
7. Paris je t’aime (2006) various directors French | English | Spanish | Mandarin | Arabic
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A compilation of shorts that all have to do with Paris. Every short has a different director and a different set of characters, so there is bound to be something for you.
6. Babel (2006) Alejandro Gonzålez Iñårritu English | Spanish | Arabic | Japanese | Japanese sign language | Berber
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Using the myth of the tower of Babel as a starting point, this movie revolves around miscommunication and the tragedy of becoming isolated as a human being. 
5. Night on Earth (1991) Jim Jarmusch English | German | Italian | French | Finnish
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A delightful movie in 5 instalments, all set in a different place, in a different language. The title says it all, one night on earth (more like one night in Europe but okay). Bonus young Winona Ryder.
4. Rush (2013) Ron Howard English | French | German | Italian
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Although a movie about the rivalry between two Formula 1 drivers may initially not seem your thing, it manages to keep you on the front of your seat for the whole ride. Admittedly most of it is spoken in English but the spot-on casting certainly makes up for it. 3. Biutiful (2010) Alejandro Gonzålez Iñårritu Spanish | Chinese | Wolof
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A beautiful but inconsolably sad story about a father coming to terms with paternity, mortality and sacrifice in modern Barcelona. The cinematography in itself already makes this film worthwhile. 
2. Plemya (2014) Myroslav Slaboshpytskiy Ukrainian sign language
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Yes, this movie only contains one language but is nonetheless a must see for language lovers. This movie is entirely in sign language, no spoken word, no translations, no subtitles. Yet it tells a gripping story that is entirely understandable and shows the intricate world of body language. Fair warning: contains very graphic and explicit material, definitely not for the fainthearted.
1. Inglourious Basterds (2009) Quentin Tarantino English | German | French | Italian
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This movie deserves to be number one since it actually highlights language idiosyncrasies in a wonderful and funny way. From a hair raising scene about German accents to a hilarious scene with Americans who think they know Italian, it’s a downright classic.
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ballodellamarlena · 8 months
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ballodellamarlena · 8 months
A list of some Norwegian adverbs
The adverbs are in alphabetic order, translated from English to Norwegian:
absolutely = absolutt
“Absolutt alle er invitert, alle bortsett fra meg.” “Absolutely everyone is invited, all but me.”
actually = faktisk
“Det er faktisk ulovlig.” “It is actually illegal.”
afterwards = etterpÄ
“Kan du hjelpe meg med leksene etterpĂ„?” “Can you help me with the homework afterwards?”
almost = nesten
“Personen falt nesten pĂ„ isen.” “The person almost fell on the ice.”
although = selv om, men
“Selv om jeg ikke har muskler, betyr ikke det at jeg er svak.” “Although I don’t have muscles, it doesn’t mean that I am weak.”
“Det var vanskelig, men ikke umulig.” “It was difficult, although not impossible.”
always = alltid
“Du er alltid sĂ„ sen!” “You are always so late!”
“Har det alltid vĂŠrt sĂ„nn?” “Has it always been like that?”
anyway = uansett
“Det var uansett ikke sĂ„nn det var.” “It wasn’t like that anyway.”
“Jeg er ikke sĂ„ sulten uansett.” “I am not that hungry anyway.”
anywhere = hvor som helst
“NĂ„ kan du kjĂžre hvor som helst du vil.” “Now you can drive anywhere you wish.”
basically = i utgangspunktet, i grunnen
“Hunden var i utgangspunktet ikke slem, men den bet likevel.” “The dog was basically not mean, but it bit nevertheless.”
certainly = utvilsomt, uten tvil
“Ja, det er utvilsomt en feil.” “Yes, it is certainly a mistake.”
“Hun var uten tvil en prinsesse i hans drþmmeprinsliv.” “She was certainly a princess in his prince charming life.”
clearly = tydeligvis
“Vel, tydeligvis ikke!” “Well, clearly not!”
constantly = konstant
“De babler konstant om merkelige sprĂ„k deres grammatikkregler.” “They are constantly babbling about strange languages and their grammar rules.”
definitely = definitivt
“Men jeg tror definitivt ikke at det var den eneste grunnen.” “But I definitely think that that wasn’t the only reason.”
early = tidlig
“GĂ„ Ă„ legg deg igjen, det er altfor tidlig til Ă„ stĂ„ opp!” “Go back to bed, it’s too early to get up!”
else = ellers
“Hvordan skal jeg ellers fĂ„ meg en jobb?” “How else will I be able to get a job?”
especially = spesielt
“Det har vért mange kalde dager i det siste, spesielt i helgen.” “There has been many cold days lately, especially in the weekend.”
even = til og med, selv; enda
“Alle er klare for Ă„ dra, til og med bestemor.” “Everyone is ready to go, even grandma.”
“Selv jeg kan ikke forestille meg en slik grusom ting.”  “Even I can’t imagine such a horrible thing.”
“Frida er enda mer masete enn vanlig!” “Frida is even naggier than usual!”
eventually = til slutt, etter hvert, fĂžr eller senere
“Han vil vise sin virkelige jeg til slutt.” “He will show his true self eventually.”
“Etter hvert skal jeg sikkert lĂŠre meg flere sprĂ„k.” “I’ll probably eventually learn more languages.”
ever = noen sinne, noen gang
“Har du noen sinne skadet noen med vilje?” “Have you ever hurt anyone on purpose?”
“Har dere noen gang lþyet foran foreldrene deres?” “Have you (all) ever lied in front of your parents?”
exactly = eksakt, akkurat, nettopp
“Hun er ikke eksakt hyggelig, for Ă„ si det sĂ„nn.” “She wasn’t exactly nice, to put it that way.”
“Det var akkurat det som hendte.” “It was exactly what happened.”
“Det var nettopp det jeg sa!” “It was exactly what I said!”
honestly = ĂŠrligtalt
“Ærligtalt! GĂ„r det an Ă„ vĂŠre mer trangsynt!” “Honestly! Is it possible to be more close-minded!”
“Dagen min har érligtalt vért ganske interessant.” “My day has honestly been quite interesting.”
however = men, imidlertid
“Men, det var ingen der.” “However, there was nobody there.”
immediately = umiddelbart
“Du mĂ„ komme umiddelbart!” “You must come immediately!”
instead = i stedet 
“Jeg burde egentlig gĂ„, men jeg kjĂžrer i stedet.” “I should really walk, but I drive instead.”
instead of = istedenfor
“Det er bedre om du kommer istedenfor at bestemor mĂ„ komme.” It’s better if you come instead of grandma having to come.”
likely = sannsynligvis
“Det vil sannsynligvis ikke skje.” “It is likely not to happen.”
nowhere = ingen steder
“Katten er ingen steder Ă„ finne.” “The cat is nowhere to find.”
occasionally = av og til
“Sjokolade kan av og til vére veldig bittert.” “Chocolate can occasionally be very bitter.”
often = ofte 
“Jeg skal prĂžve Ă„ komme pĂ„ besĂžk sĂ„ ofte jeg kan.” “I’ll try to come on visit as often as I can.”
otherwise = ellers
“Eller tror ikke jeg at det er en god idĂ©.” “Otherwise I don’t think it’s a good idea.”
probably = sikkert
“Det er sikkert mange andre som er syke ogsĂ„.” “There are probably many others who are sick as well.”
properly = ordentlig
“Snakk norsk ordentlig og ikke sĂ„nn tullenorsk.” “Speak Norwegian properly and not such nonsense Norwegian.”
quite = ganske
“Det er ganske sent nĂ„.” “It was quite late now.”
rarely = sjeldent
“Vi klipper sjeldent gresset om vinteren.” “We rarely cut the grass in the winter.”
rather = heller
“Jeg vil heller danse enn Ă„ synge karaoke.” “I rather want to dance than to sing karaoke.”
recently = nylig
“Hans har nylig blitt en lérer i engelsk.” “Hans has recently become a teacher in English.”
regardless = uten hensyn til
“Alle blir behandlet likt uten hensyn til etnisk bakgrunn.” “Everyone are being treated equally regardless to ethnic background.”
regularly = regelmessig
“Denne appen oppdateres regelmessig gjennom dagen.” “This app updates regularly throughout the day.”
seldom = sjeldent
“Jeg blir sjeldent sint, bare litt irritert.” “I seldom get angry, just a little irritated.”
seriously = seriĂžst
Er det seriĂžst ingen som kan hjelpe meg? Are there seriously nobody who can help me?
somehow = pÄ en eller annen mÄte
Jeg pÄ en eller annen mÄte vant en konkurranse jeg aldri deltok i. I somehow won a competition I had never participated in. 
sometimes = noen ganger
“Noen ganger liker jeg Ă„ hĂžre pĂ„ klassisk musikk.” “Sometimes I like to listen to classic music.”
technically = teknisk sett
“Vel, teknisk sett er du ikke sjef lengre.” “Well, you’re techincally not the boss any longer.
therefore = derfor
“Og derfor fþlger jeg ikke dine ordre.” “And therefore I don’t follow your orders.”
though = da, selv om
“Men jeg liker den, da.” “But I like that one, though.”
“Selv om jeg ikke kan fordra bananer.” “Though I can’t stand bananas.”
through = gjennom
“Du kan dra gjennom Georgia for Ă„ komme til Armenia.” “You can go through Georgia to get to Armenia.”
unexpectedly = uforventet
“Det var uforventet mange folk i byen i dag.” “There were unexpectedly many people in the city today.”
usually = vanligvis
“Jeg spiser vanligvis noe kjapt og enkelt til frokost.” “I usually eat something quick and easy for breakfast.”
whatever = uansett hva, hva enn
“Uansett hva du sier orker jeg ikke Ă„ hĂžre pĂ„ deg.” “Whatever you say I can’t stand to listen to you.”
“Hva enn du vil gjþre.” “Whatever you want to do.”
(I found this one tricky to translate into Norwegian.)
whenever = nÄr enn
“Jeg kan bake kaker nĂ„r enn du vil.” “I can bake cakes whenever you want.”
within = innen
“Bomben vil eksplodere innen tretti sekunder. Kjapp deg!” “The bomb will explode within thirty seconds. Hurry up!”
“Jeg skal vére tilbake innen klokken ti.” “I will be back within ten o’clock.”
Many of these adverbs have multiple translations into Norwegian, I tried my best to include if not all, then at least the most used ones. Some these were also tricky to translate. Anyway, I hope you’ve enjoyed this list and will find it helpful in your studies. If anyone comes across any mistakes/typos, please let me know about them so I can correct them as soon as possible :)
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ballodellamarlena · 8 months
jere can collect as many boyfriends as humanly possible and they still won't fill that uh . Uhm. bojan shaped hole . what
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ballodellamarlena · 8 months
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HÀÀrijĂ€copter 🚁
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ballodellamarlena · 8 months
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ballodellamarlena · 9 months
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Tried something different. This is so messy and rough but I think I needed that ;u;
Also green is not my fave color so it was challenging but also fun to experiment with different hues of green here
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ballodellamarlena · 9 months
see. i was just hesitating about posting this art.
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but then jere posted that ABSOLUTE FUCKING BOMBSHELL of a hÀÀrijÀ instagram story and now i realize i have nothing to be afraid of.
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ballodellamarlena · 9 months
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fixed it 😌
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ballodellamarlena · 9 months
can somebody help me this guy wont stop loitering on my post
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ballodellamarlena · 9 months
This video is a GIFT
From sonjeve on tiktok [x]
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ballodellamarlena · 9 months
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Some KÀÀrijĂ€ shirt designs I've made recently (just for fun, these are not to be used/reuploaded anywhere) đŸ’šđŸŠ©
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ballodellamarlena · 10 months
Highly productive suffixes are the best
candor / candid
pallor / pallid
horror / horrid
liquor / liquid
valor / valid
rigor / rigid
tepor / tepid
tumor / tumid
vapor / vapid
rancor / rancid
stupor / stupid
and my favorite: humor / humid
(humor originally referred to a liquid, hence something that has much humor is humid. The term was then used specifically in the theory of Four Humors affecting human health and behavior, whence “humor” in the sense of a component of human behavior. In Italian, umore means “mood”: to be di buon umore means to be in a good mood. I presume the sense of humor as “joking wit” arose somewhere out of that.)
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ballodellamarlena · 10 months
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i can be weird if it doesn’t hurt anyone
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