bakugoukatsxki · 6 years
Todoroki keeps getting portrayed as someone who’s quite aloof and detached when he’s about 5 seconds away from serious violence at any given moment
Throwback to the time when he froze the entire stadium cause he was just “upset is all”
deadass created a whole new ecosystem and a second ice age (not to mention poor, poor Sero) cause he was just UpSEt iS aLL
Also when he called the Chief of Police a “mangy mutt” and was an inch away from squaring up with him even though he just entered the room. Literally had to be restrained by Midoriya cause he was about to throw hands
but also like GODDAMN he really called the CHIEF OF POLICE a “MANGY MUTT” like the NERVE
Passive aggressively slurped soba in front of his abusive father
Slurp, slurp, bitch 
“ThATs A nAStY ScAR YoU gOt ThEre” 
SNARKS his teacher when he gets captured during the final exam “You think you’ve caught me? This is nothing. I could burn or freeze these restraints in an instant” like WOWOWOW way to give away that strategy Todoroki and undermine the intelligence of the person who assigns your grades 
 And then when Aizawa reveals the caltrops under Todoroki he goes “You’re pretending to be some kind of ninja?” DID NO ONE TELL THIS KID TO RESPECT HIS ELDERS?? WHO ALLOWED this ROASTMASTER to go unchecked for so long 
Todoroki was put in the back of the class cause he would obviously throw his pencils at Aizawa when he says something Todoroki disagrees with 
Even bakugou doesn’t talk back to his teachers but Todoroki clearly has no fucks left to give
Im just…shook
Todoroki would fight all of us in the UA parking lot and he’d probably win too cause he’s an overdramatic BITCH 
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bakugoukatsxki · 6 years
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I got really offended until I realized that is actually my account name
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bakugoukatsxki · 6 years
My emotions are valid*
*valid does not mean healthy, or good, or to be privileged above common sense and kindness
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bakugoukatsxki · 6 years
Things my dentist has actually said to me:
“Well, either the x-rays lied to me or you are spontaneously creating teeth. I’m going with the second one because it’s way cooler.”
“When was the last time you flossed? Your gums aren’t bleeding which means I’m either not doing this hard enough or you actually floss your teeth regularly”
“You don’t need to do a fluoride treatment I just want to go check my facebook for a second and this is the best excuse I can come up with. Don’t worry your insurance will cover it.”
“Take a whole handful of toothbrushes, I can’t order new ones in less ugly colors until these ones are gone.”
“Remember not to eat or drink anything for a half hour…or actually you know forget that go eat lemons and drink coffee right now. I make money based on peoples bad decisions, you should probably stop brushing your teeth too.”
“I became a dentist because I like making children cry and they don’t let you do that as a regular doctor.”
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bakugoukatsxki · 6 years
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In CoS when they try to sneak into Myrtle’s bathroom to ask her about her death, McGonagall catches them and Harry makes up the excuse that they wanted to see Hermione in the hospital wing and Minnie doesn’t give them detention and then comes this and since we all know Harry’s dumbest excuse, here’s the official suggestion to rate all of Harry’s excuses on a scale from
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bakugoukatsxki · 6 years
The “All for One is Izuku’s father” theory is both interesting and hilarious because any time I think about it, I just imagine Toshinori finding out and having a “I love this child with every fiber of my being and he has my complete trust but how the fuck did I manage to choose the one (1) child of my arch-nemesis as a successor” moment.
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bakugoukatsxki · 6 years
my morning routine includes 10 minutes of sitting on my bed and thinking about how tired i am
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bakugoukatsxki · 6 years
I’m coining generation Nobody Knows for people born in 1995-2000
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bakugoukatsxki · 6 years
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In Chilean tradition, the night of June 23 is the “Noche de San Juan” (Saint John’s Eve) One of the magical traditions associated with this date is the belief that you can instantly learn to play the guitar if you sit under a fig tree -aided by the devil.
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bakugoukatsxki · 6 years
You all, fools: *getting tattoos based on the ancient tattoos they find on bog mummies and the other ancient dead that for all you know will bind you to a forgotten god that now by all rights has a claim on your life for better or for worse*
Me, and intellectual: *doesnt fucking do that*
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bakugoukatsxki · 7 years
#peter pan is one of the most sinister characters in children's literature and you will never convince me otherwise can you explain why?
sneaks into people’s bedrooms in the middle of the night
literally steals children and spirits them away
supposedly all of these children are ”lost” and fell out of their prams and whatnot but he also happily absconded with wendy, michael and john who were not even a little bit lost 
chopped a man’s hand off and fed it to a crocodile nbd
(peter is supposed to be a child can we bear this in mind) 
at the end when he rescues the lost boys et al he sneaks onto the jolly roger and slaughters ten pirates before they even realise he’s there
boy is a stone cold killer yo
and slightly just keeps a running verbal tally through all of it like those children are so unfazed by Peter Pan, Killing Machine
and a couple of quotes from the text to top it all off: 
and when [the lost boys] seem to be growing up, which is against the rules, Peter thins them out;
peter thins them out
and my personal favourite: 
He often went out alone, and when he came back you were never absolutely certain whether he had had an adventure or not. He might have forgotten it so completely that he said nothing about it; and then when you went out you found the body;
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bakugoukatsxki · 7 years
For Japanese Learners: How to Agree/Disagree in Japanese
Took this list from www.JapanesePod101.com - check them out if you’re interested in learning more japanese and more lessons.
全くその通り。  Mattaku sono tōri.
多分ね。  Tabun ne.
Yes, you’re right.
はい、正しいと思います。  Hai, tadashii to omoimasu.
I couldn’t agree with you more.
全く同感です。  Mattaku dōkan desu.
That’s exactly how I feel.
私も同じ考えです。  Watashi mo onaji kangae desu.
その通りです。  Sono tōri desu.
No doubt about it.
間違いありません。  Machigai arimasen.
You have a point there.
それは一理あると思います。  Sore wa ichiri aru to omoimasu.
I was just going to say that.
今、言おうと思っていました。  Ima, iou to omotte imashita.
I guess so.
そうだと思います。  Sō da to omoimasu.
Well, I’m not sure.
そうですね。ちょっと分かりません。  Sō desu ne. Chotto wakarimasen.
I don’t disagree with you.
間違っているとは思いません。  Machigatte iru to wa omoimasen.
If you say so.
そう言うのなら。  Sō iu no nara.
You’re wrong!
それは違います!  Sore wa chigaimasu!
I don’t think so.
そうは思いません。  Sō wa omoimasen.
I’m afraid I disagree.
賛成しかねます。  Sansei shikanemasu.
That’s not always the case.
必ずしもそうとは限りません。  Kanarazu shi mo sō to wa kagirimasen.
What do you think?
どう思いますか。  Dō omoimasu ka.
Can I add something here?
少し補足してもいいですか。  Sukoshi hosoku shite mo ii desu ka.
Let’s just move on, shall we?
次の議題に移りましょうか。  Tsugi no gidai ni utsurimashō ka.
I think we’re going to have to agree to disagree.
意見の相違は仕方がないと思います。  Iken no sōi wa shikata ga nai to omoimasu. I think we’re going to have to agree to disagree.
I agree.
賛成です。  Sansei desu.
Of course.
もちろんです。  Mochiron desu.
That’s true.
確かにそうですね。  Tashika ni sō desu ne.
I don’t agree. No.
賛成できません。  Sansei dekimasen.
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bakugoukatsxki · 7 years
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Flashcards II Quizlet
Hi guys, in my Japanese class our teacher made us create accounts on a website/app called ‘Quizlet’ in order to view her Kanji flashcards and I decided to make a separate account for you guys! I will be uploading flashcards for all my subjects but in particular Japanese! So feel free to check them out;
Japanese: GENKI I textbook: [beginner]     Lesson 3     Lesson 4     Lesson 5     Lesson 6     Lesson 7     Lesson 8     Lesson 9     Lesson 10     Lesson 11     Lesson 12 GENKI II textbook: [intermediate]     Lesson 13     Lesson 14     Lesson 15     Lesson 16     Lesson 17     Lesson 18     Lesson 19     Lesson 20     Lesson 21     Lesson 22     Lesson 23
This list will be continuously updated as I add more content onto Quizlet. You can view Quizlet on your desktop or mobile phone, so it’s a really easy way to study and memorise information, because you can look at them while you’re on the go or at home! So keep an eye out for all my updates~
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bakugoukatsxki · 7 years
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Reading Practice Hey guys, first of all I want to start this post off by thanking you all so, so, so much for 500 followers!! I honestly can’t believe that many people like my blog and content. I really appreciate it so much. I wanted to make a post on some short stories that would be good for reading practice. So here’s a quick little list of some easy short stories. If you find some of these challenging I recommend that you write out the words, sentences, or kanji, that you don’t know and study them!
ももたろう - The Peach Boy
さるかに - The Monkey and The Crab
つるのおんがえし - The Fairy Crane
うらしまたろう - Urashima and the Kingdom Beneath the Sea
かぐやひめ - The Bamboo Princess
したきりすずめ - The Sparrows’ Inn
かさじぞう - The Grateful Statues
きんたろう - The Nature Boy
I separated them into a beginner and intermediate list because the beginner versions have less kanji and provide the English translation for the stories! Another website with short stories that I’d like to recommend is this one. Hope you guys have been well!
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bakugoukatsxki · 7 years
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Japanese Expressions Hey guys, I’ve been pretty busy these past couple weeks and unfortunately it’s not going to slow down any time soon! I’m starting my new TESOL course tomorrow which I’m very excited and nervous about. If you guys would like me to make a separate post about the TESOL course please let me know, as it might be something a few of you are interested in doing as well! Anyways, today we’re going to focus on some common Japanese expressions! Of course this isn’t going to be a master-post of all Japanese expressions, but just the ones that I’ve come across numerous times and think are important to know! Expressions: あ Ohh/Ahh!・ああ! Happy New Year・明けましておめでとうございます・あけましておめでとう Um…・あのう… Oh! (feminine)・あら! Thank you・ありがとう「ございます」 い No, that’s okay・いいえ You mustn't・いけない/いけません Thank you for this meal (said before eating)・いただきます I’m off (person leaving)・行ってきます・いってきます See you later (person staying)・行ってらっしゃい・いってらっしゃい Welcome (restaurant/shop staff)・いらっしゃいませ う No (informal)・ううん Yes (informal)・うん え Let me see…・ええと… お Welcome home・お帰りなさい・おかえりなさい Excuse me for going ahead of you (eating or leaving before someone else)・お先に・おさきに Sorry for disturbing you・おじゃまします Thank you for looking after me・お世話になりました・おせわになりました Sorry I’m late・遅くなってすみません・おそくなってすみません Take care (to a sick person)・お大事に・おだいじに Thank you for working hard・お疲れさま「でした」・おつかれさま Please・お願いします・おねがいします Good morning・おはよう「ございます」 Sorry to have kept you waiting・お待たせしました・おまたせしました Congratulations・おめでとう「ございます」 Goodnight・おやすみ「なさい」 き Take care・気をつけて「ね」・きをつけて こ・ご Thank you for the meal (said after eating)・ごちそうさま「でした」 The pleasure is mine・こちらこそ Sorry・ごめん「なさい」 Good evening・こんばんは Good afternoon・こんにちは す Excuse me, I’m sorry・すみません「でした」 し・じ Excuse me・失礼します・しつれいします It’s been a long time・しばらく「です」 Well then・じゃ/じゃあ See you again・じゃあ、またね そ Is that so?・そうですか That’s right・そうですね た・だ Are you okay?・大丈夫「ですか」・だいじょうぶ It’s no good・ダメです I’m home・ただいま ち Please wait a moment・ちょっと待ってください・ちょっとまってください ど You’re welcome・どういたしまして What’s wrong?・どうしたの? Please go ahead/Here you are・どうぞ Thank you/Sorry・どうも な What’s your name?・「お」名前は何ですか?・「お」なまえはなんですか に Let’s talk in Japanese・日本語で話しましょう・にほんごではなしましょう は Pleased to meet you・初めまして・はじめまして ひ It’s been a long time・久しぶり「ですね」・ひさしぶり
へ What?・へえ
ほ Look/There!・ほら! も Please say it again・もう一度言ってください・もういちどういってください Hello・もしもし よ Welcome・ようこそ Thank you in advance・よろしくお願いします・よろしくおねがいします
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bakugoukatsxki · 7 years
How To Create a Self-Study Schedule Part II: Casual Studying
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Hello polyglots! I apologize for the lateness of this post! As you know I posted about how to create a study schedule if you are studying a language(s) intensively. Now I’m going to talk about how to study one language or multiple languages casually.
First, I need to define what casual studying even means. Studying casually means that you are foregoing certain aspects of language study in order to maintain a slow and low commitment pace. For example, say you’re learning French casually. Instead of psycho crazy grammar schedules filled with practicing grammar and vocab over and over, and quizzing yourself every day until your brain turns to pulp, you opt for a simple audio lesson every day for 15 minutes after you come home from work or school. Easy right? Yes! That’s the goal. With casual studying your schedule is freed up for other things. In addition, casual studying gives you the leisure to take your time to learn things deeply and thoroughly. Casual studying, however, implies that you are not studying so much for full fluency but for practical, everyday usage. So casual learners care a little less about learning the specifics about complicated grammar but instead want to learn how to use it in conversation by learning dialogues and repeating phrases. So how do you create a casual study schedule? Here’s what you’ll need to get started.
Keep reading
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bakugoukatsxki · 7 years
Vocabulary prompts for your target language
Wondering what vocab to learn? Are you curious whether your vocabulary is varied enough?
Here are some of the topics you might want to expand in your target language:
life and death (eg. stages of life, vocabulary for funeral)
family (members of family, family tree)
appearance (parts of the body, clothes, verbs of movement, fashion, diets, hairdressing)
character (eg. adjectives describing character, personality types, temperaments, emotions, feelings of love, hate, interest etc.)
health & sport (eg. parts of the body, diseases, going to the doctor, going to pharmacy, types of accidents, maintaining healthy lifestyle, fitness, gym, cosmetics, going shopping, mental health, sports, olimpics)
hobby and holidays (eg. activities of free time, night life, types of holidays in your country or in your target language’s country, active and passive way of spending free time, friends, games)
art (painting, drawing, films, literature)
house (eg. types of houses, living in a city, on a countryside, different types of rooms at home, neighbors, garden, chemicals for cleaning, activities like cleaning floors, washing the dishes, moving out, renovation)
food (eg. types of food, preparing dishes, traditional meals, writing a recipe, healthy foods, eating out) 
media (eg. TV, press, internet, news, types of presenters, types of programs, social media, ads)
technology (eg. types of jobs in IT industry, computer, phone, internet)
travel (eg. types of vacations, days off, business trips, places to go, travel agency, types of tourism, monuments, summertime, nature, names of countries, weather, plants and animals, foreign languages)
work & school (eg. professions, looking for a job, job interview, office work, dream jobs, balancing professional life with private, jobs in politics, being a celebrity, summer jobs, business, time management, subjects at school, stages of education)
society (eg. culture, social rules, savoir-vivre, law, government, idols, crimes, terrorism, wars, politics, religions, casework, classes in society, race discrimination)
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You can add your own suggestions by sending them to me so that I expanded that list or by reblogging.
I hope this helps someone!
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