badrevenge · 1 month
i also want threads with my muse kyong but... i don't know what to write ☹️
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badrevenge · 1 month
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his eyes watch as the other collects his clothes, head slightly tilted as he did so. of course, dorian couldn't help but to check out river's naked body, even though he's seen it many times before. he simply just likes to take in every ounce, every chance that he manages to get. he nodded his head towards the words, "yes, the rest of the tour," he says. "yeah? that's good to hear," he said, almost smirking a bit at the thought. he liked seeing river in the crowd, being able to point him out in his mind, and give him a bit of a smirk every time he caught him. he nodded his head once more, "the only one for me. who knows if it's just for right now," he teased the other, an eyebrow raising for a quick moment. he nodded his head, "i definitely get it, it's a lot, isn't it?" he says, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip once more. "i could just constantly sneak you into my hotel suite... treat you to whatever you need," he says, looking upon the other. he smirks once more, kissing the other back. he simply wanted to grab him by the waist and sit him right in his lap.
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River was collecting his clothes from the floor, a ritual, by now, whenever a shared night ended. He was still pretty much naked while he had a close look at the shirt, unsure if it was his own or Dorians shirt, shortly sniffing it, he decided it mus be his own. "The rest of the tour?" River exhaled shortly, lips pursed just a little. The groupie life wasn't necessarily cheap. "I have tickets for mostly all the shows." He then found his pants, after slipping into those, he was moving over to the bed once more. "I'm that special that I am the only one for you right now? I feel flattered." teasing grin while the younger man would kneel on the bed, looking right back at Dorian. "I am not sure if I can make it through the whole tour, you guys have a few more weeks planned and it's really expensive, the hotels, the traveling." Sweet Dorian, it seemed like he really cared about him being here. How funny, wasn't it usually the other way around? Didn't the groupie usually beg for attention and not the other way around? He did lean closer, tilting Dorians head up shortly to steal a kiss, holding it up for a moment longer.
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badrevenge · 1 month
muse: sunny choi, 24 to 26, homosexual, med student. plot: your muse and sunny are both med students, doing their clinical together. they both have a history of essentially being friends who hook up together rather often, so this either goes well or ends up frustrating.
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truth be told, sunny wasn't entirely sure how to feel right now. on one hand, he's glad to be working with someone that he knows, someone that he's friends with. but, there was also the awkward air of this being someone who he constantly found himself getting into bed with. he kind of clears his throat, "are you ready to get started?" he asked. "how has the clinical work been going for you?"
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badrevenge · 1 month
muse: dorian monat, 30 to 34, homosexual, rockstar. plot: rockstar in love with his groupie sort of deal.
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"you're continuing on for the rest of the tour, right?" dorian asked, his teeth seemingly sinking into his bottom lip. he could only hope that they were going to keep going the entire way. "if you need the funds, you can just consider everything on me," he says, before he's looking right at them from the bed. "if i'm being honest... you're the only one coming back to my room each night. everyone else chasing can go back home..." his words linger for a moment.
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badrevenge · 1 month
lights, camera, action! a collection of scenarios / plots from yours truly.
amnesia. one of our characters loses most of their memories.
bodyswap. both of our characters swap bodies.
co-parent. both of our characters suddenly have to raise a child together.
dream. one of our characters visits the other in a dream.
earth. both of our characters find each other on post-apocalyptic earth.
flashback. both of our characters are stuck in the past.
flashforward. both of our characters are stuck in the future.
greencard. one of our characters marries the other for a green card.
groundhog. both of our characters are stuck in a time loop.
haunt. one of our characters is dead and haunting the other.
ink. one of our characters writes/draws the other into existence.
investigate. one of our characters is hired to investigate the other.
job. one of our characters will do anything for a pay-check, the other hires them for an odd job.
kin. one of our characters meets an alternate universe version of the other.
language. one of our characters has been cursed to speak nonsense, somehow the other is the only one who can understand them.
magnetic. both of our characters are magically magnetised to each other.
number. one of our characters is in trouble and was given the number of the other to call if they needed help.
ogre. one of our characters turns into an ogre at night.
possession. one of our characters meets the other while possessing someone else's body.
quest. both of our characters set off on an adventure/journey together.
rescue. one of our characters saves the other from danger.
resurrect. one of our characters comes back from the dead.
sleepwalk. one of our characters always sleepwalks to where the other is.
taken. one of our characters finds the other after they've been kidnapped.
transplant. 'where's my boyfriend?' 'who do you think gave you the heart?'
urgent. one of our characters is injured, the other is their emergency contact.
vegas. both of our characters wake up married after a drunk night in vegas.
wish. one of our characters makes a wish and the other shows up as a result.
x-ray. one of our characters develops x-ray vision, the other is the only person they can't see through.
yeehaw. both of our characters are in the wild wild west.
zing. both of our characters are struck by lightning and can now sense each other's thoughts and feelings.
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badrevenge · 1 month
gentleness action prompts edit/interpret sender/receiver roles as you see fit
breathe - muse a holds muse b closely to help them wind down after a stressful day/event
stop - muse a holds muse b back from walking back out into the fray
melt - muse a holds muse b’s face gently, drawing circles into their cheeks with their thumbs
acceptance - muse a kisses muse b’s forehead and lingers
redemption - muse a holds muse b’s face together and rests their forehead against them
home - muse a pulls muse b closer until muse b’s face rests in the crook of muse a’s neck
finale - muse a wraps themself around muse b to keep them from harm
classics - muse a tends to muse b’s wounds with more care than necessary
honesty - muse a wipes muse b’s tears away from under their eyes
recovery - muse a rubs muse b’s back repeatedly to help work tension out their body
anxiety - muse a intertwines their fingers with muse b’s to ground themself
repose - muse a languidly slips into muse b’s arms while muse b is lying somewhere
subtlety - muse a gently brushes their hand over folds and wrinkles on muse b’s clothing
intimacy - muse a braids/brushes/works knots out of muse b’s hair
domesticity - muse a rests chin on muse b’s shoulder to read/see what they’re holding
second-nature - muse a runs their hand through muse b’s hair who’s leaning into them from behind
casual - muse a slinks their arms around muse b’s to sit closer
wounded - muse a sways muse b and themself back and forth as a soothing mechanism
care-taking - muse a rubs muse b’s arms repeatedly to get some warm into them
excuses - muse a brushes their thumb lightly against muse b’s rub some dirt/dust/etc away
courting - muse a rests one hand on muse b’s back and holds out the other for muse b to hold to help them climb up/down something
simplicity - muse a playfully runs their finger along the bridge of muse b’s nose in one swift motion
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badrevenge · 1 month
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he chuckled once more, head tilted once more as he looks upon zelo. "oh, that's something you won't have to worry about, y'know. we only do things for the good of the people." he states, with a firm nod. still, perhaps the motorcycle gang were doing it in a rather not upstanding citizen sort of way, but it was close enough. nonetheless, his eyes simply just watch zelo, his top teeth sunken into his bottom lip.
tony allows for his other hand to be taken, as if it was simply nothing. "i feel like i should. you tend to do a lot for me, no?" he says, his own words rather stop. he chuckled a bit, shaking his head. "there's no other nurse, promise. only want to come crawling to you, even when i'm not bruised and bleeding."
"no, probably not. just don't go getting yourself in jail... my job doesn't pay enough for me to bail you out." zelos chuckled, smiling despite himself as he cleaned tony's wounds. most of them were shallow, but he had one knuckle in particular that was oozing. he applied pressure as he reached for a roll of gauze.
his long fingers worked quick to wrap the wound nice and tight, tucking the gauze end in on itself. he reached for tony's other hand without even asking for it. "you don't have to thank me, tony." he said softly, then looked up to meet his gaze. "oh yeah? there's no one else you wanna run to when you're bruised and bleeding? no other nurse you hiding from me?"
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badrevenge · 1 month
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there's a small laugh that leaves tony's lips at the words, head tilted as he looked upon the other. "who says i'm not watching out now?" he teased the other. eyes wander to zelo's first aid kid, something that he's seen a few times before. "are you ever going to?" he asked, eyes looking upon his face now.
he bites his bottom lip for a second at the slight burn upon the small wounds upon his hands. he has a rather high pain tolerance, so it was like nothing to him, to say the least. things had been rather awkward since the two of them slept together, but oddly; tony wouldn't change it. he'd definitely continue come crawling back to zelo. "thank ya. for always taking care of me," he says. "i wouldn't want it to be anyone else."
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"the day i stop worrying about you is the day you gotta watch out, tough guy." zelos warns him, sitting down on the couch beside tony with first-aid kit and a warm, wet cloth. "then it means i've stopped caring what you do to yourself."
he reached out and took tony's scratched up hand, and began to efficiently clean the small wounds. would it hurt him? maybe a little, but if he wanted to bitch about it, then he should stop turning up at zelos home looking like this. secretly, zelos was glad he was here... things had been quiet and awkward between them since they'd slept together.
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badrevenge · 1 month
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badrevenge · 1 month
booo 🍅🍅🍅 tumblr still won’t let me in the tags
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badrevenge · 1 month
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RED, WHITE & ROYAL BLUE FirstPrince moments - flipped
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badrevenge · 1 month
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badrevenge · 1 month
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TAYLOR ZAKHAR PEREZ Red, White & Royal Blue (2023)
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badrevenge · 1 month
okay dont mind me,, i'm sticking to 8 muses thank u
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badrevenge · 1 month
tags dump part 5.
sunny choi: tag.
kai bakir gomez: tag.
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badrevenge · 1 month
i would like 2 say... pls feel free to send me ask memes if you'd like to get something started <3
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badrevenge · 1 month
muse: royal park, 25 to 28, homosexual, fashion designer. plot: i dont really have a plot for this <3
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"won't you take that off?" he asked, turning around to grab something. "don't get too excited by that statement, you may be hot, but i have something else in mind," he states. he turns back around, "put this on. i created it with you in mind, you'll dazzle for the night out."
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