badgalyaz7 · 6 years
that feel when ur kinda suicidal but not rly bc ur not gonna kill urself u just wish u were dead
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badgalyaz7 · 6 years
ever wanna raise an emotionally sound child just to flex on your parents ?
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badgalyaz7 · 6 years
Signs you grew up lonely
- Chasing people who don’t want you
-Making up lots of stories and worlds
-Overtalking whenever there’s someone to talk to
-Excessive reading
-Clinging emotionally to others
-Being the ‘disposable’ friend in the group
-Excessive baths
-Talking to oneself
-Obsessive friendships
-Excessive helpfulness
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badgalyaz7 · 6 years
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badgalyaz7 · 6 years
how do you know if you're in love???
I honestly asked my friend this same question just hours ago as I was clueless myself but thinking about it now I think it’s when for the first time after what seemed like a dreadful year (or life), you look forward to waking every morning knowing he (let’s use he as it’s me talking) will be there for you. I think it’s just plain seeing him and being happy that’s he’s around. It’s being happy just by hearing his voice. No matter how bad your day is, one message from him would make your entire day. It’s when he makes you want to write long letters and huge poems. It’s not all about “lust”- it’s more of the intimate relationship you have together. It’s when the simplest of things count. It’s when you start to mature and start to plan something with him for the future. It’s when he makes you want to start fixing your life. It’s when he’s always in your head 3 pm or 3 am. It’s when you can’t stop talking or thinking about him. It’s when you just really always miss him even if he’s right beside you. It’s the “I used to like green eyes but now blue eyes are my favorite”. It’s when all love and cheesy stuff just apply for him. It’s when you begin to see nothing but him and you value him like you value yourself. It’s not the “heart pounding, hands sweating” feeling but more of the “I feel home” feeling. It’s more of like talking to yourself- being yourself with someone without worries. It’s when you begin to really trust him with everything and that includes your happiness. It’s when he’s your happiness. It’s when subconsciously you change for the better. It’s when you once again start opening up after a long time. It’s when you are denying it at most cause you are afraid of how strong you feel and last I think while you’re reading this- there’s someone in your head right now and you’re just contemplating whether you’re in love with him or not but hey the fact that he or she is the person (out of billions of people) in your mind while you read this must say a lot.
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badgalyaz7 · 6 years
“When I was 21 I read “Anna Karenina.” I thought Anna and Vronsky were soul mates. They were deeply in love and therefore had to be together. I found Karenin cruel and oppressive for keeping his wife from her destiny. Levin and Kitty and the peasants bored me. I read those parts quickly. Last year I turned 49, and I read the book again. This time, I loved Levin and Kitty. I loved the fact that after she declined his proposal he waited for a long time to mend his hurt feelings and then asked her again. I loved that she had grown up in the interim and now felt grateful for a second chance. Anna and Vronsky bored me. I thought Anna was selfish and shrill. My heart went out to poor Karenin, who tried to be decent. What has literature taught me about love? Literature (along with experience) has taught me that love means different things at different points in our lives, and that often as we get older we gravitate toward the quieter, kinder plotlines, and find them to be richer than we had originally understood them to be.”
— Ann Patchett, “A Sentimental Education - Writers on Love”
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badgalyaz7 · 6 years
And there will be nights when your life will fall apart and no one will notice the mornings you spend putting it back together.
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badgalyaz7 · 6 years
“Damaged people are dangerous. They know they can survive.”
— Josephine Hart
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badgalyaz7 · 6 years
you know, when i said i wanted the real world to be more like harry potter i just meant the teleportation and the butterbeer, not the entire plot of book 5 where the government refuses to do anything about a deadly threat so the teenagers have to rise up and fight back
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badgalyaz7 · 6 years
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badgalyaz7 · 6 years
Vine references: Harry Potter Characters
Harry: Well I’m doing just fine…I lied I’m dying inside
Ron: i don’t have enough money for chicken nuggets
Hermione: that is not correct. Because according to the encyclopaedia of pl-pl-pl-pl-pl-
Neville: Hurricane Katrina? More like Hurricane tortilla
Luna: he needs some milk
Ginny: Go back to sleep, and starve.
Draco: hey loser, say kid backwards! [dik?] Ha ha, that’s gay…
Dumbledore: [HoW dO yOu kNoW wHaT’s gOoD fOr mE?] THAT’S MY OPINIONNN!!!..
Snape: *to the ghostbusters theme song* I’m an adult virgin
Lily: oh my god why can’t you just take the freaking compliMEEEENTT
James: People constantly ask me what’s it like to be a sexy-
Sirius: All I wanna tell you is school’s not important… Be whatever you wanna be. If you wanna be a dog…RUFF. You know?
Remus: [dad, look! it’s the good kush…] This is the dollar store how good can it be?
Peter: I brought you Myrrh [thank you] Mur-dur! [huh…Judas..no]
McGonagall: smack that bitch
Flitwick: I said whoever threw that paper, your moms a hoe!
Hagrid: look at all those chickens
Arthur: road work ahead? Yeah I sure hope it does
Molly: every time you don’t yell at your kids, put a quarter in your sock and soon you’ll have a weapon to beat-
Bill: wOw
Charlie: So no head?
Percy: Hey everybody, today my brother pushed me, so I’m starting a kickstarter to put him down. The benefits of killing him would be: I would get pushed way less.
Fred: can I get a waffle? Can I please get a waffle?
George: I’m John Cena!
Tonks: This bitch empty, YEET!
Moody: I wanna be a cowboy baby
Colin: That was legitness
Cho: Chris is that a weed?
Cedric: Oh my god they were roommates
Fleur: hi, I’m Renata Bliss and I’m your freestyle dance teacher
Victor: *slides in* Good evening
Dudley: Whaddup my name is Jared, I’m 19, and I never fucking learnt how to read
Petunia: I saw you hanging out with caitlin yesterday!! [r-rebecca, it’s not what you think!] i won’t hesitate, bitch! * pew pew *
Vernon: the cheese of truth *puts cheese on newspaper* immigrants cause cancer
Dobby: Hi welcome to chilli’s
Hedwig: Bitch I hope the fuck you do! You’ll be a dead son of a bitch I tell you
Narcissa: two shots of vodka *pours in half a bottle of vodka*
Bellatrix: I love you bitch. I ain’t never gonna stop loving you….bitch.
Voldemort: I’m a bad bitch you can’t kill me
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badgalyaz7 · 6 years
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@potterversenet public event: green
                          ⤷ s l y t h e r i n  t r i o
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badgalyaz7 · 6 years
listen, I’m not the biggest fan of kids but if a child looks at me then you bet I’m gonna smile back at them. kids deserve to experience the world as a kind and safe place to explore okay.
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badgalyaz7 · 6 years
“Draco Malfoy deserved a redemption arc,” I say into the mic.
The crowd boos, security comes out to drag me kicking off the stage until a voice rings out that commands silence.
“They’re right,” it says. I look for the owner of the voice. There, standing in the fifth row: Harry Potter himself.
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badgalyaz7 · 6 years
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this is an attack
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badgalyaz7 · 6 years
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badgalyaz7 · 6 years
wow the instrumental doe sign of the times made is 900 times more emotional
google just made me so emo
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