Mapi and Ingrid hug post match + mapi Alexia hug. They’re so fucking cute. I’d genuinely kill a bitch if it meant I could experience a Mapi or Alexia hug. Someone get this girl back to playing.
Originally from @mccabeslacasse on Twitter
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badbitcheslovecakes · 27 days
super random but is laia codina like super catalan or smth😭😭? i keep seeing so much abt it (aitana as well?)
haha absolutely. if you think alexia is a proud catalana, then laia and aitana are next level, super catalan.
starting with laia, she is the stereotypical, country bumpkin catalan. 😂 she's from a small village near girona and grew up on a farm (her dad and uncle are farmers). in fact, her ex-barça teammates often joke around with her about all her family's cows. plus, if you compare the way laia speaks catalan to the way alexia speaks catalan, it's like alexia has the urban/city barcelona accent and demeanor, and laia has the whole folksy, rural vibe going on. let's just say if you are trying to learn catalan, don't start by listening to laia! 🙈 (also, here's jenni hermoso saying she wants to hug one of her cows 😂)
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but no one, and i mean no one, is as proudly catalan as aitana bonmati. first of all, her parents are professors of catalan language and literature. but more interestingly, they are catalan independence and marxist leaning activists. her father was even arrested and accused of being a member of a catalan paramilitary group. (he was later acquitted). her family's history is super interesting and it's common knowledge by now that this activism extends into gender equality and she took her mother's surname (bonmatí) first, followed by her father's, which is quite rare in spain. and we know speaking spanish annoys her. 😂
and finally, aitana is been a very vocal member of the recent movement to add catalan as one of the official languages of the EU. 
“I wanted to give value to Catalan. It is my language, with which I express myself every day and with which I do it best. I ask that it be recognized at the European level. It's my language and I have every right in the world to do it." - Aitana Bonmatí
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badbitcheslovecakes · 3 months
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badbitcheslovecakes · 3 months
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Ya’ll I’m dead and Luna is very much alive.
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badbitcheslovecakes · 6 years
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badbitcheslovecakes · 6 years
Can you hear the silence?
Can you see the dark?
Can you fix the broken?
Can you feel, can you feel my heart?
BMTH - Can you feel my heart
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badbitcheslovecakes · 6 years
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badbitcheslovecakes · 6 years
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badbitcheslovecakes · 6 years
F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Ice Palace (via books-n-quotes)
You have a place in my heart no one else ever could have.
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badbitcheslovecakes · 7 years
Era finita così com'era iniziata Nessun colpo di scena nessuna guerra solo un cuore rotto e un'anima vuota
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badbitcheslovecakes · 7 years
A volte non devi semplicemente dimenticare, devi fare entrare il dolore, farlo scorrere nelle vene, fare in modo che bruci così tanto da farti rinascere dalle tue ceneri
scrivoperanestetizzaretutto (via scrivoperanestetizzaretutto)
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badbitcheslovecakes · 7 years
Ora sono sicuro di avere un cuore, perchè mi si sta spezzando.
Il Mago di Oz (via bittersweetsadnessblog)
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badbitcheslovecakes · 7 years
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Susanna Casciani ❣
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badbitcheslovecakes · 7 years
Io ci ho messo il cuore, tu lo hai frantumato. Ora goditi il mio silenzio.
Lily (via nullacambiasetunoncambi)
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badbitcheslovecakes · 7 years
You know you really love someone when you can’t hate them for breaking your heart.
My broken heart (via thoroughlyhopeless)
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badbitcheslovecakes · 7 years
“Ho scelto di non averti più nella mia vita, e forse ti sembrerà una cosa banale, forse penserai “sti cazzi”, perché tanto non te n'è mai fregato nulla di me. Ma permettimi di vantarmene se, finalmente, sono riuscita a volerti fuori dalla mia vita, io, di mia spontanea volontà. Permettimi di poterlo affermare con il sorriso, con la soddisfazione di aver saldato finalmente quel muro che, prima, eri solo tu a creare, mentre io cercavo sempre di abbatterlo o scavalcarlo. Permettimi di sbatterti in faccia, adesso, queste parole: io sto bene senza di te. Magari non sarò felice, magari a volte mi mancherai, magari altre volte mi capiterà di guardare una tua foto e, d'improvviso, scoppiare a piangere. Ma non saranno una mancanza e delle lacrime di tristezza, non mi mancherai davvero e non piangerò per il dolore. Rappresenterai solo l'amaro ricordo di ciò che mi ha resa debole per due anni. E subito dopo penserò a quanto sono stata bene, dopo, quando sono riuscita a riprendere in mano la mia vita gettandoti negli angoli della mia stanza, come faccio con le cartacce e gli oggetti di poca importanza. Non mi importa nemmeno cosa fai adesso, con chi esci o dove passi le tue serate. La tua vita non mi riguarda, e nemmeno tu mi interessi più. Voglio davvero che tu stia fuori dalla mia vita e che non mi raggiunga mai nemmeno il pensiero di te, perché ormai troppo lontano, oltre che in chilometri, anche dal cuore.”
After You. (via deverabia)
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