Bing is like a mom to the rejects. He's overprotective and he loves his reject children.
to many children if ya ask me
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so like, sawyer basically left...
um. well ima just say it right here an now, I'm swift tail, I'm irl friends with sawyer, and um, yea they left.
and by that I mean they’ve  left tumbr...? like. all of tumblr... so. yea,  I don't go on here much, so I'm sorry, but for the most part I'm pretty sure this blog is basically dead, if I'm in the mood I might still go on here, but for the most part, in all likely hood you aint seein sawyer anymore... sorry.
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I’m doing a self reblog because we need headcanons.
Hey, I’m pretty sure our ask box is open, so please send in headcanons. Background characters only, please. ~Mod Sawyer
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Hey, I’m pretty sure our ask box is open, so please send in headcanons. Background characters only, please. ~Mod Sawyer
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Headcanon that Scribble Tom forces Larry to have tea parties with him
~Mod Sawyer
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Headcanon that Eduardo has a dog named George
My reasoning behind this is that Ringo was named after Ringo Starr (the beatle guy? you know?)
So George would be named after George Harrison
Besides George I think Eduardo might have a dog named Rango or something like that
~Mod Sawyer
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Neighbors Family Headcanons
Hey you! Until we get headcanons sent in, I will post my own headcanons/au ideas/etc. Here are some headcanons for the neighbors’ family.
Eduardo: Eduardo was raised by a single mother and he had many siblings. Sadly, he was the youngest. He was constantly teased by his older siblings which caused him to be more insecure and less confident at school as a kid.
Jon: Jon was raised by his dad after his mum died. He was an only child. His dad wasn’t very friendly to Jon. Jon had to deal with this for a long time. (Also, if we’re going along with Tom’s parents being a pineapple and a bowling ball, I think Jon’s parents would be a watermelon and a tennis ball)
Mark: Mark was raised by his mum and his dad. His mum and dad were strict Christians, and oh boy, they were very homophobic, racist, etc. Mark was glad to get out of the house.
Welp, those are some headcanons. Idk, I just thought they were okay ideas. Okay, bye lovelies~!
~Mod Sawyer
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Hello world!
Hello everyone! Welcome to “Background Eddsworld Character Headcanons!” Please send in headcanons! Read the about first. Bye bye~!
~Mod Sawyer
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