babyphatlingerie · 13 days
'do it badly' but if i do it badly i'll hate myself ....... have you considered tgat
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babyphatlingerie · 13 days
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babyphatlingerie · 13 days
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babyphatlingerie · 13 days
Do people really think it's okay to masturbate in a house or apartment, especially if they don't own it? Like, someone else might live there some day. That's so gross.
common misconception but its actually really good for the house. it basically functions like the opposite of a murder; being cummed in increases property value
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babyphatlingerie · 13 days
truly the coolest people are the ones who are just unashamedly into their interests. passion is sexy. practice is sexy. not giving a shit what anyone else thinks is the sexiest thing of all.
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babyphatlingerie · 13 days
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babyphatlingerie · 15 days
Vetted family fundraiser masterpost 2
Version date: May 18th 2024.
Check in regularly on the original post when you see it being reblogged. In all likelihood once its reached you it's already outdated. This post is part of this masterpost series compiling fundraisers for Ghazzah and Sudan. I focus on Ghazzah as I am Palestinian and am more equipped to do verifications as I'm more familiar with my own country and its politics and dialect, but if I know a fundraiser for a Sudanese family is legit I will include it here. Here's a link to the first post of this kind.
Wisam Daoud (106). 7 family members. 15.1k out of 75k USD.
Nadaa's family (107). 3 family members. 0 out if 15k USD. NO FUNDS AT ALL.
Sanaa & Rana Abu Ghaben (108). 25 family members. (1 INJURED, 1 SICK) 145 out of 100k CAD.
Karam Al-Madhoun (109). 5 family members. 145 out of 20k €.
Moad Ahmed (110). 9 family members (1 INJURED, NEEDS TREATMENT). 1.2k out of 20k €.
Firas Salem (111). 4 family members (1 SICK INFANT, NEEDS TREATMENT). 25 out of 20k €.
Tahani Shorbajee (112). 11 family members. (2+ CHILDREN ILL). 510 out of 50k USD.
Mohammed Bardaweel (113). 4 family members (1 CHILD INJURED, NEEDS TREATMENT). 50 out of 37k €.
Aya Tareq (114). 5 family members. 455 out of 10k €. EXTREMELY LOW ON FUNDS.
Amani Alzatma (115). 6 family members. 18.7k out of 30k €.
Ahmad Shaban (116). 8 family members. 0 out of 510k BP (40k needed for evacuation). NO FUNDS AT ALL.
Moin Hammad (alternatively, pypl) (117). 6+ family members (1 YOUNG INFANT). 4.8k out of 20k. LOW ON FUNDS.
Salah Al Sadi (118). 26+ family members. 61k out of 100k USD. (2 SICK ELDERLY)
Hassan Shbeir (119). 4 family members. 200 out of 50k USD. EXTREMELY LOW ON FUNDS.
Hassan Al-Ashi (120). 7.6k out of 20k USD.
Samah Fares (121). 5 family members (1 CRITICALLY INJURED, NEEDS TREATMENT IMMEDIATELY). 19.6k out of 30k CAD.
Mohammad's family (122). 5+ family members (part of expenses will be used to fund a tuition). 3.2k out of 14k USD.
Mahmoud Nedal (123). 6 family members. 2.1k out of 15k USD. LOW ON FUNDS.
Mahmoud Balousha (124). 25 family members. 1.7k out of 50k €. EXTREMELY LOW ON FUNDS.
Ahmed Al Ostaz (125). 28 family members (3 NEWBORN INFANTS + 2 RECOVERING MOTHERS). 70 out of 70k €.
Amjad Sido (126). 5+ family members. 80 out of 30k €. EXTREMELY LOW ON FUNDS.
Omar's family (127). 1+ individuals. 45 out of 50k €. EXTREMELY LOW ON FUNDS.
Renad Majed Salim (128). 7 family members (3 SICK). 595 out of 25k BP. EXTREMELY LOW ON FUNDS.
Ahmed Al-Zaeem (129). 6+ family members (1 SEVERELY INJURED). 272 out of 50k CAD. EXTREMELY LOW ON FUNDS.
Hamza Hilles (130). 6 family members. 161 out of 30k €. EXTREMELY LOW ON FUNDS.
Taher Abu Aqlain (131). 8 family members. 4.8k out of 36k €. LOW ON FUNDS.
Salah Bilaal (132). 28 family members (3 INFANTS IN CRITICAL CONDITION). 4.8k out of 70k €.
Mohammed Mansour (133). 17 family members. 4.1k out of 150k USD. EXTREMELY LOW ON FUNDS.
Abdallah Ameen (134). 3+ family members (1 NEWBORN). 1k out of 5k €. LOW ON FUNDS.
Mohammed Thalatheeni (135). 4 family members (1 SERIOUS HEAD INJURY, NEEDS IMMEDIATE EVACUATION). 3.7k out of 20k €.
Marah Salim (136). 5 family members (ALL CHRONICALLY ILL WITH FLAREUPS). 735 out of 55k €. EXTREMELY LOW ON FUNDS.
Fatin Abu Hamda (137). 5 family members (1 DISABLED, AMPUTEE). 95 out of 18k USD. EXTREMELY LOW ON FUNDS.
Sulaiman Thaher (138). 5+ family members. 15 out of 27.5k USD. EXTREMELY LOW ON FUNDS.
Anonymous individual (139). 4+ family members (2 CHRONICALLY ILL CHILDREN). 25 out of 50k USD.
Sharif family (140). 23 family members. 4k out of 150k USD. EXTREMELY LOW ON FUNDS.
Shymaa's family (141). 5 family members (1 INFANT WITH BIRTH DEFECT, NEEDS TREATMENT). 1.6k out of 50k USD. EXTREMELY LOW ON FUNDS.
Mahmoud Mousa (142). 6 family members. 121 out of 10k €. EXTRMELY LOW ON FUNDS.
Nedal's family (143). 9 family members. 10 out of 33k €. EXTREMELY LOW ON FUNDS.
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babyphatlingerie · 15 days
a lot of life can be persevered thru by secretly playing pretend in your mind the whole time
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babyphatlingerie · 15 days
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‘Drifting Ice’ by Li Jinguo (2018)
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babyphatlingerie · 15 days
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babyphatlingerie · 15 days
is that all? that’s all there is
is that all? that’s all there is
is that all? that’s all there is
is that all? that’s all there is
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babyphatlingerie · 15 days
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On the basis of evidence collected and examined by my Office, I have reasonable grounds to believe that Benjamin NETANYAHU, the Prime Minister of Israel, and Yoav GALLANT, the Minister of Defence of Israel, bear criminal responsibility for the following war crimes and crimes against humanity committed on the territory of the State of Palestine (in the Gaza strip) from at least 8 October 2023:
Starvation of civilians as a method of warfare as a war crime contrary to article 8(2)(b)(xxv) of the Statute;
Wilfully causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or health contrary to article 8(2)(a)(iii), or cruel treatment as a war crime contrary to article 8(2)(c)(i);
Wilful killing contrary to article 8(2)(a)(i), or Murder as a war crime contrary to article 8(2)(c)(i);
Intentionally directing attacks against a civilian population as a war crime contrary to articles 8(2)(b)(i), or 8(2)(e)(i);
Extermination and/or murder contrary to articles 7(1)(b) and 7(1)(a), including in the context of deaths caused by starvation, as a crime against humanity;
Persecution as a crime against humanity contrary to article 7(1)(h);
Other inhumane acts as crimes against humanity contrary to article 7(1)(k).
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babyphatlingerie · 16 days
they want lunch to be twenty bucks now
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babyphatlingerie · 16 days
“Ancient lovers believed a kiss would literally unite their souls, because the spirit was said to be carried in one’s breath.”
— Eve Glicksman  (via quotemadness)
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babyphatlingerie · 17 days
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babyphatlingerie · 17 days
Everything that is essential and mandatory should be free btw
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babyphatlingerie · 17 days
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chappell roan by mallory turner (x)
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