babyconnectingworld · 3 years
Australia’s top baby names for girls and boys
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Top 100 girls names
Charlotte Amelia Olivia Isla Mia Ava Grace Chloe Willow Matilda Ella Harper Sophie Ivy Isabella Zoe Ruby Evie Evelyn Sophia Lily Mila Lucy Sienna Hazel Emily Hannah Aria Layla Zara Audrey Georgia Scarlett Violet Ellie Isabelle Frankie Elsie Florence Abigail Alice Emma Emilia Luna Freya Sofia Daisy Ayla Penelope Poppy Mackenzie Billie Aurora Eleanor Eva Jasmine Stella Sadie Harriet Maya Addison Savannah Elizabeth Millie Lola Piper Imogen Bonnie Eloise Rose Summer Phoebe Remi Charlie Olive Bella Harlow Annabelle Aaliyah Elena Rosie Maddison Hallie Peyton Quinn Maeve Ariana Lara Anna Claire Sarah Adeline Molly Maggie Eden Delilah Eliza Clara Isabel Pippa
Top 100 boys names
Oliver Noah William Jack Leo Henry Charlie Thomas Lucas Elijah Levi Liam Theodore Hudson James Archie Oscar Alexander Harrison Ethan Mason Hunter Archer Harvey Luca Harry Cooper Lachlan Max Isaac George Benjamin Arlo Hugo Xavier Jacob Finn Samuel Sebastian Arthur Lincoln Jackson Edward Joshua Ryan Eli Riley Kai Jordan Logan Jayden Jasper Patrick Austin Louis Flynn Beau Daniel Joseph Jaxon Sonny Aiden Connor Spencer Michael Carter Muhammad Angus Charles Owen Gabriel Ashton Felix Ryder Matthew Asher Caleb Jude Adam Leonardo Luke Ari Darcy Parker Theo Bodhi Zachary Ezra Ali River Luka Leon Fletcher Marcus Hamish Billy Dylan Lewis Vincent Lennox Read the full article
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babyconnectingworld · 3 years
Fall in Love With 100 of the Most Gorgeous Baby Names and Their Meanings
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Whether you wait until your child is born or have a list ready months in advance, picking your child's name is one of the first major decisions you'll make as a new parent. There are endless options out there, and that coupled with the fact that your child will be called this name for their entire life can make the name game pretty overwhelming. But when you move beyond how a name sounds and start looking at the definition behind it, you can quickly start narrowing down your list. Check out these 100 pretty names with equally powerful meanings that you'll want to take into consideration ASAP!
Meaningful Girl Names
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Image Source: Unsplash - Abigail: Hebrew — The father's joy. - Alessia: Italian — Defending warrior. - Alexandra: Greek — Helper; defender of mankind. - Alice: English — Noble; kind. - Amara: Latin — Strong. - Amelia: German — Industrious; striving. - Anne: Hebrew — Favored grace. - Arabella: Latin — Lovely; elegant. - Audree: French — Nobility; strength. - Arianna: Greek — Holy. - Avery: French — Wise. - Callie: Greek — Most beautiful. - Calynn: Gaelic — Powerful in battle. - Charlotte: French — Petite; feminine. - Charvi: Sanskrit — Beautiful. - Claire: Latin — Bright; clear; famous; brilliant. - Cora: Greek — Filled heart. - Darlene: English — Darling, loved one. - Della: German — Noble; bright. - Diana: Latin — Moon Goddess. - Eleanor: Greek — Bright, shining one; sun rays. - Ella: English — Light; beautiful fairy woman. - Eva: Hebrew — Life. - Farrah: Arabic — Happy. - Faye: French — Loyalty; confidence; trust; belief.
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Image Source: Unsplash - Gabriella: Hebrew — Devoted to God. - Grace: Latin: Goodness; generosity. - Hannah: Hebrew — Favor; grace of God. - Isabelle: Hebrew — God is my strength; devoted to God. - Jocelyn: Latin — Happy; joyful. - Kaitlyn: Greek — Pure. - Kalila: Arabic — Heap of love. - Layla: Egyptian — Dark beauty. - Mackenzie: Gaelic — Child of the wise leader. - Malia: Hawaiian — Beloved. - Mia: Latin — Mine; wished-for child. - Mila: Russian — Industrious; hardworking. - Millie: Latin — Free-born; strength; determination. - Naila: Arabic — Successful. - Nora: Greek — Shining light. - Reagan: Irish — Little ruler. - Reveka: Hebrew — Captivating. - Samantha: Hebrew — Listener. - Sarah: Hebrew — Princess. - Shayna: Yiddish — Beautiful; God is gracious. - Sophia: Greek — Wisdom. - Stella: Greek — A star. - Vivian: Latin — Full of life. - Zahra: Arabic — Flower. - Zoe: Greek — Life.
Meaningful Boy Names
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Image Source: Unsplash - Aaron: Hebrew — Enlightened. - Aiden: Celtic — The sun god; fiery. - Alexander: Greek — Defender of men. - Amell: German — Power of an eagle. - Amory: German — Leader; divine; brave; powerful. - Andrew: Greek — Strong; manly; courageous. - Anthony: Latin — Priceless. - Asher: Hebrew —Happy or blessed. - Austin: Latin — Majestic dignity. - Azai: Hebrew — Strength. - Aziel: Hebrew — God is my power. - Caelan: Irish — Powerful warrior; victorious people. - Chance: English — Good fortune. - Charlie: English — Free. - David: Hebrew — Beloved. - Edric: English — Power and good fortune. - Edward: English — Wealthy guardian. - Elliot: Hebrew — Lord is my God. - Ethan: Hebrew — Strong; safe; firm. - Ezra: Hebrew — Helper. - Felix: Latin — Happy; fortunate. - Gabriel: Hebrew — Devoted to God; a hero of God; God is my strength. - Henry: German — Ruler of the household. - Ian: Scottish — God is gracious. - Isaac: Hebrew — He will laugh.
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Image Source: Unsplash - Isaiah: Hebrew — Salvation of the lord. - Jayce: Greek — Healer. - Jonathan: Hebrew — God gives. - Josiah: Hebrew — Fire of the Lord; healer. - Julian: Latin — Father of the skies. - Kano: Japanese — One's masculine power; capability. - Levi: Hebrew — Joined in harmony. - Liam: Irish — Strong-willed warrior and protector. - Lucas: Latin — Light-giving; illumination. - Magnus: Latin — Greatest. - Matthew: Hebrew — Gift from God. - Miles: Latin — Soldier. - Milo: German — Merciful. - Nathan: Hebrew — He gave. - Ned: English — Wealthy guardian. - Noah: Hebrew — Rest; comfort. - Nolan: Gaelic — A descendant of a chariot fighter or champion; famous; noble. - Oswald: English — Divine power. - Owen: Welsh — Young warrior; well-born; noble. - Robert: German — Bright fame. - Ryan: Irish — Descendent of the king; little king. - William: German — Strong-willed warrior; resolute protection. - Xander: Greek — Protector of men. - Zachary: Hebrew — Remembered by God. - Zane: Hebrew — God's gracious gift. Read the full article
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babyconnectingworld · 3 years
Things That Surprise You in Pregnancy
Things That Surprise You in Pregnancy
Things That Surprise You in Pregnancy: Pregnancy information is all over. At your first pre-birth visit, your primary care physician will probably give you armfuls of flyers that spread each test and trimester.
1. The Nesting Instinct
Numerous pregnant ladies feel the settling sense, an incredible desire to set up their home for the infant by cleaning and enhancing. As your due date moves nearer, you may wind up cleaning pantries or washing dividers — things you never would have envisioned doing in your ninth month of pregnancy! This craving to set up your home can be helpful — you'll have fewer to-do things after the birth. Be that as it may, be mindful so as not to try too hard.
2. Issues With Concentration
In the principal trimester, tiredness and morning infection can make numerous ladies get a handle on worn and rationally fluffy. In any case, even well-rested Pregnant ladies may experience difficulty concentrating and times of distraction. Contemplating the child assumes a job, as do hormonal changes. Everything — including work, bills, and physical checkups — may appear to be less significant than the infant and the coming birth. Causing records to can assist you with recollecting dates and arrangements.
3. Emotional Episodes
Premenstrual disorders and pregnancy are indistinguishable from various perspectives. Your bosoms expand and become delicate, your hormones go all over, and you may feel ill-humored. In the event that you have PMS, you're probably going to have increasingly extreme emotional episodes during pregnancy. They can cause you to go from being glad one moment to wanting to cry the following. Emotional episodes are very regular during pregnancy. They will, in general, happen more in the principal trimester and at the finish of the third trimester. Numerous Pregnant ladies have wretchedness during pregnancy. In the event that you have side effects, for example, rest issues, changes in dietary patterns, and emotional episodes for longer than about fourteen days converse with your social insurance supplier.
4. Bra Size
An expansion in bosom size is one of the main indications of pregnancy. Bosom development in the principal trimester is because of more elevated levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. That development in the main trimester probably won't be the end, either — your bosoms can keep on developing all through your pregnancy! Your bra size likewise can be influenced by your ribcage. At the point when you're pregnant, your lung limit increments so you can take in additional oxygen, which may prompt a greater chest size. You may need to supplant your bras a few times during your pregnancy.
5. Skin Changes
Do your companions state you have that pregnancy gleam? It's one of the numerous impacts that can emerge out of hormonal changes and your skin extending. Pregnant ladies have expanded blood volume to give additional bloodstream to the uterus and different organs, particularly the kidneys. The more noteworthy volume carries more blood to the vessels and expands oil organ discharge. Things That Surprise You in Pregnancy A few ladies create caramel or yellowish patches called chloasma, or the "cover of pregnancy," on their appearances. Also, some will see a dull line on the midline of the lower midriff, known as the lineanigra (or lineaNegra). They can likewise have hyperpigmentation (obscuring of the skin) of the areolas, outside genitalia, and butt-centric locale. That is on the grounds that pregnancy hormones cause the body to make the greater color. This expanded shade probably won't be even, so the obscured skin may show up as splotches of shading. Chloasma can't be counteracted, yet wearing sunscreen and keeping away from UV light can limit its belongings. Skin break out is normal during pregnancy in light of the fact that the skin's sebaceous organs make more oil. What's more, moles or spots that you had before pregnancy may get greater and darker. The greater part of these skin changes ought to leave after you conceive an offspring. Numerous Pregnant ladies additionally get heat rash, brought about by soddenness and perspiring. When all is said in done, pregnancy can be a bothersome time for a lady. Skin extending over the stomach area may cause irritation and chipping. Your primary care physician can prescribe creams to relieve dry or irritated skin.
6. Hair and Nails
Numerous ladies have changes in hair surface and development during pregnancy. Hormones can cause your hair to become quicker and drop out less. Yet, these hair changes, for the most part, aren't lasting. Numerous ladies lose some hair in the baby blues period or after they quit breastfeeding. A few ladies find that they develop hair in undesirable spots, for example, on the face or stomach or around the areolas. Changes in hair surface can make hair drier or oilier. A few ladies even discover their hair evolving shading. Nails, similar to hair, can change during pregnancy. Additional hormones can cause them to develop quicker and become more grounded. A few ladies, however, find that their nails the part and break all the more effectively during pregnancy. Like the adjustments in hair, nail changes aren't perpetual. On the off chance that your nails part and tear all the more effectively when you're pregnant, keep them cut and maintain a strategic distance from the synthetic concoctions in nail clean and nail clean remover. s
7. Shoe Size
Despite the fact that you can't fit into any of your pre-pregnancy garments, regardless you have your shoes, isn't that so? Possibly — however perhaps not. The additional liquid in their Pregnant bodies implies that numerous ladies have swollen feet and need to wear a bigger shoe size. Wearing slip-on shoes in a bigger size can be increasingly agreeable, particularly in the late spring months. Surprise You in Pregnancy Read the full article
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babyconnectingworld · 3 years
Top 7 Tips On Improving Parenting Skills
Top 7 Tips On Improving Parenting Skills
What Makes A Good Parent? Top 7 Tips On Improving Parenting Skills- A good Parent endeavors to settle on choices to the greatest advantage of the Child. =A good Parent doesn't need to be flawless. Nobody is impeccable. No Parent is flawless. No Child is flawless either … remembering this is significant when we set our desires. In any case, it doesn't imply that we shouldn't progress in the direction of that objective. Set elevated requirements for ourselves first and afterward our Children second. We fill in as a good example for them. Here Are 7 Tips On Learning Viable Parenting Skills. A large number of them are not speedy nor simple. What's more, presumably nobody can do every one of them constantly. In any case, in the event that you can continue chipping away at them, despite the fact that you may just piece of these a portion of the time, you will, in any case, be moving the correct way. Top 7 Tips On Improving Parenting Skills 1. Be A Good Role Model Walk the walk. Don't simply tell your Child what you need them to do. Show them. Human is an exceptional animal group to some extent since we can learn by impersonation. We are customized to duplicate other's activities to get them and to join them into our own. Children, specifically, watch everything their Parents do cautiously. In this way, be the individual you need your Child to be — regarding your Child, give them positive conduct and frame of mind, have compassion towards your Child's feeling — and your Child will go with the same pattern. 2. Love Them Show your affection. There is nothing of the sort as adoring your Child to an extreme. Adoring them can't ruin them. Just what you decide to do (or give) for the sake of adoration can — things like material-guilty pleasure, tolerance, low desire, and over-assurance. At the point when these things are given instead of genuine love, that is the point at which you'll have a ruined Child. Cherishing your Child can be as basic as giving them embraces, investing energy with them and tuning in to their issues genuinely. Demonstrating these demonstrations of adoration can trigger the arrival of feel-great hormones, for example, oxytocin, narcotics, and prolactin. These neurochemicals can present to us a profound feeling of quiet, passionate warmth and happiness, from these the Child will create strength and also a closer association with you. 3. Kind Infants are brought into the world with around 100 billion synapses (neurons) with moderately little associations. These associations make our considerations, drive our activities, shape our characters and fundamentally figure out what our identity is. They are made, fortified and "etched" through encounters over our lives. Sing that senseless melody. Have a stimulate long-distance race. Go to the recreation center. Chuckle with your Child. Ride through an enthusiastic fit of rage. Take care of an issue together with an inspirational disposition. Not exclusively do these positive encounters make great associations in your Child's mind, however, they likewise structure the recollections of you that your Child conveys forever. With regard to teach, it appears to be difficult to stay positive. Yet, it is conceivable to rehearse Positive Discipline and evade correctional measures. Being a good Parent method you have to educate your Child the good in what is correct and what's up. Setting limits and being predictable are the keys to great order. Be Kind and firm when implementing those standards. Concentrate on the explanation for the Child's conduct. What's more, make it a chance to learn for the future, as opposed to rebuff for the past. 4. Be A Safe Haven For Your Child Let your child realize that you'll generally be there for them by being receptive to the Child's sign and touchy to their needs. Support and acknowledge your child as a person. Be a warm, place of refuge for your Child to investigate from. Children raised by Parents who are reliably responsive will, in general, have better enthusiastic improvement, social advancement, and psychological well-being results. 5. Pay Attention Pay Attention to your own prosperity. Generally, things, for example, your own well-being or the strength of your marriage are kept as a second thought when a child is conceived. In the event that you don't Pay Attention to them, they will increase issues not far off. Take great consideration of yourself physically and rationally. Set aside some effort to fortify your association with your life partner. In the event that these two zones fizzle, your Child will endure, as well. 6. Do Not Spank Almost certainly, to some Parents, Spanking can achieve momentary consistency which some of the time is a genuinely necessary help for the Parents. Be that as it may, this technique doesn't show the Child right from wrong. It just instructs the Child to fear outer results. The Child is then inspired to abstain from getting captured. Spanking your child is demonstrating to your child that he/she can resolve issues by brutality. Children who are Spanked, smacked or hit are progressively inclined to battling with other Children. They are bound to become menaces and to utilize verbal/physical animosity to fathom debates. Sometime down the road, they are likewise bound to bring about misconduct, withdrawn and criminal conduct, more terrible Parent-Child connections, emotional well-being issues, and abusive behavior at home unfortunate casualties or abusers. 7. Final Thoughts On Parenting The beneficial thing is, albeit Parenting is difficult, it is likewise fulfilling. The terrible part is the prizes as a rule come a lot later than the difficult work. In any case, on the off chance that we attempt our best now, we will in the long run receive the benefits and have nothing to lament. Top 7 Tips On Improving Parenting Skills   Read the full article
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babyconnectingworld · 3 years
How to deal with Naughty kids
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Here's how to deal with Naughty kids
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Being a parent can be wonderful but exhausting and frustrating at the same time. You may find it hard to stay calm during heated arguments over toys when they can't wear rompers to school or their preference to sleep over homework. Punishing or yelling at your kids will only make the situation worse. Here are some tips to help you deal with naughty kids.   Limitations   Make sure you do not accept or agree with everything that your child says. Set limits and partially let them decide on what they need. Whenever they throw a tantrum, remain firm but gentle. Make them understand that doing so won't benefit them.   Establish a Routine   Establish a regular schedule for your kids, even during holidays. As a result, there will be a routine and guidelines to follow, and your child will be less inclined to misbehave. Set a standard schedule for their eating and sleeping time as well.   Allow your kids to adapt to this routine, and do not be too strict as this may make them naughty and nervous.   Consistency   Treat your kids the same every day. If you are firm with your kids one day and lenient the next, they won't take you seriously. For instance, make sure they put their shoes and clothes by the door after school every day, even on the days when you are not around. Don't let them break this by seeing their puppy faces. Therefore be consistent in establishing and following rules.   Limit screen time   When children watch cartoons continuously, with no limits, they may become extra-excited and naughty due to overwhelming stimulation. Therefore set a strict time on how much your child can watch tv and play video games.   Hold your ground   You may be tempted to give in to your child's demands if they have been crying continuously for a long time. However, don't always give in to their demands, as it may only spoil them in the long term. Instead, you may want to ignore their shouts and cries and make them understand that this kind of behaviour will not improve their situation.   Define Consequences   Make sure to explain to your child the consequences of their naughty or grumpy behaviour. You need to make them aware that throwing tantrums or yelling will get them in trouble. For example, Tell your kids that they have to put away their dirty clothes into a laundry bin, and if they don't, they will not be allowed to watch their cartoons.   Don't Yell   When you are having a bad day, please don't let your negative feelings show in the way your child behaves. When you yell at your kids when they are not at fault may cause them to become angry at you and misbehave. Instead, try to stay calm and handle the situation with patience.   Make sure that you don't lose your temper and shout back at your child. This may be counterproductive as it may stop their tantrums for a while, but remember that they may also learn to mimic this behaviour in the future.   Respect their space   As a parent, you may want your child to be independent, yet you may get annoyed when your child tries to do things on their own. For example, if your kid refuses to pick their outfit and protests about wearing something bizarre or their baby outfits to school, please try not to cane and be patient. You should understand that they are just trying to learn independence, no matter how silly or bad the decision may seem at first.   Bottomline   It is normal for children to misbehave to gain their parents' attention. Therefore pay attention to what they have to say. If you are considerate to your child, chances are they may respond favourably. Transparency and clarity will go a long way in helping you keep your child from acting naughty all the time. Respect, cherish, and love your child, and watch them reciprocate.                                 Read the full article
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babyconnectingworld · 3 years
The 6 Essential Pieces of Tech To Use When You Have a Baby
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The 6 Essential Pieces of Tech To Use When You Have a Baby
When deciding to have a baby, the number of external factors to be considered over the years has very much increased. The options and aids available to new parents in the forms of technology are ever-expanding and ever-growing. From the hardware and wearables that parents adorn to monitor their babies to the technology used to soothe babies themselves, the way in which technology is weaved into raising a child is more prominent than ever before. 
High Tech Baby Gear
It has become a standardized expectation to see certain devices in the home of parents. From mobile baby monitors to electric bottle steamers, the technology when you have a baby is advancing more than before. 
Swivel Sleeper
Sleep is essential to a baby’s development and with the range of living arrangements of parents now, the types of cots and cribs have become more varied too. Getting a swivel sleeper or an interactive cot is becoming more and more popular among new parents. The way a crib now offers vibration technology and sentry light embedded in the sleeper, children are more likely to fall asleep in the swivel chair whilst being stimulated at the same time. Parents often opt for an option like this, not only for the range of technological features that it offers but also for the small amount of space these types of sleepers take up. This would make it ideal for parents who live in a small apartment or flat or who are still in their first property where they may not have all the space they need for a full-size cot. 
Deluxe Soothers
Sleeper lights are not a new concept, but have now become a soothing tool in the world of baby tech. Deluxe Soothers are an advanced night light that can help babies fall asleep and relax. As every child’s schedule is different, the soothers adaptability can be controlled by the parent's phone via a smartphone app and allows customization of the sleeper. The more technological night lights have the option to show effects and music of different designs and sounds and the app ensures that you don’t have to worry about disturbing your baby and entering the room to turn it off or on. This can provide a great way of establishing a routine for your baby and creating a more personal bedtime routine for your baby resulting in better sleep quality for not only your baby but you as well.’ Baby Video Monitors Monitors are another staple that has shown evolution over the years and over time and have now entered the realm of video. Baby Video Monitors allow you to observe your baby and make sure they are ok from anywhere. Many parents use video baby monitors to observe any child carers or nannies they may have whilst they are at work. The more advanced baby video monitors have rotating camera heads and excellent ability to pick up sounds. As the video is streamed via wifi, the accessibility of knowing when your child is routined to do certain things becomes easier as you can observe them from anywhere, whether that be working from home or in the office.    Bespoke Breast Pump Much of the technology that is chosen often revolves around creating a routine for a child or ensuring the most comfort and security for your baby, but this piece of technology is to aid the mother. A bespoke breast pump  is a powerful and quiet way to pump your breast milk for future situations and store your breast milk in a healthy and safe way. A portable breast pump in which storage is included can mean that you can pump in the car and know you don’t have to find a fridge or feed your baby straight away. It is very much a convenient purchase and a way to streamline your baby’s feeding, particularly if your baby may not be latching straight away.   Nested Style Blanket Going back to the sleep quality of your baby, a weighted blanket may not be considered a revolutionary invention, but the more advanced blankets can dictate your baby’s sleep style and needs. From keeping your baby secure whilst sleeping to ensuring that the risk of them getting trapped under a blanket whilst they’re sleeping is significantly reduced. Choosing to wrap your baby in a nested style blanket is said to offer therapeutic value to a baby’s sleep routine and there are now censored versions available. These sensors can monitor your baby and transfer the data back to the parent. From temperature to motoring sleeping activity, these types of weighted blankets seem to offer more than simply a good night’s sleep for your baby.   Changing Table Just as with sleeping and eating, changing your baby out of it’s nappy is an essential part of raising a child. Paired with monitoring your baby’s growth, this is just one of the many things you have to keep on top of when caring for a baby. Investing in an electronic changing table  is something that is a great way to track how your baby is doing whilst simultaneously doing something that you would be doing all the time, changing their nappy or diaper. An electronic changing table has a built-in scale and digital tracking to let you know how tall your baby is. It is an excellent way to weigh your child before and after they have been fed and ensure that they are growing at a healthy rate. This hybrid technological accessory is a useful tool to keep on top of your baby’s patterns and growth and is a great set of information to take to medical appointments.       Parenting in a Digital Age is most certainly something to think about and seeing the implementation of technology from such an early age is a tell-tale sign of the future to come for babies who are born in a technological era.    Read the full article
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babyconnectingworld · 3 years
A New Baby Can Be Expensive!
"A new baby brings a lot of joy and hope to a family. It also brings some uncertainty. You may be concerned that your home is too small, or that you need a larger car, among others. Whether you are expecting your first or your fifth child, chances are that you need baby gear! There are hundreds of different items that you need when the baby arrives, and it is important to remember that stocking up doesn’t mean you have to clean out the bank account. If you do a little bit of research beforehand, you can get everything that you need at a fraction of the retail price. My favorite money saving tool is the e-coupon. You can sign up for e-coupons at a variety of different retailers, and start savings instantly. The first question that a new parent-to-be asks is “what gear do I need?” There are many things that are convenient to have, and many things that are a “must have.” Once you distinguish between the two, you can start stocking up on the “must haves”. I recommend that you start shopping for bargains early on in your pregnancy. You will save more money, and eliminate the last minute rush that many parents undergo. Most baby sites will provide you with a checklist of the baby “must haves.” Print this list out, and then begin to compare prices and makes and models. Every parent-to-be is on a budget. The trick is to make the most out of that budget. First consider looking at local yard sales for various baby gear. You can often get some cheap deals, on things that are in good shape. If you are looking for some really good deals, go online. There are hundreds of different baby sites, which offer many products at deep discounts. If you use an e-coupon service, you can get coupon codes to save even more on the items that are “must haves.” Most of these services are free to use, and can save you hundreds on your favorite baby gear. You may also try an auction site like EBay. I have found some great deals on items that you need everyday, like bottles and bibs. Shopping for baby on a budget can be a lot of fun, if you approach it correctly. Create a list of the items that you want to shop for, and stick to it. Look for discounts and deals both locally and online. In no time, you will have a nursery full of baby gear ready and waiting for your new little bundle of joy! Congratulations and happy shopping!"   Read the full article
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babyconnectingworld · 3 years
Fall in Love With 100 of the Most Gorgeous Baby Names and Their Meanings
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Whether you wait until your child is born or have a list ready months in advance, picking your child's name is one of the first major decisions you'll make as a new parent. There are endless options out there, and that coupled with the fact that your child will be called this name for their entire life can make the name game pretty overwhelming. But when you move beyond how a name sounds and start looking at the definition behind it, you can quickly start narrowing down your list. Check out these 100 pretty names with equally powerful meanings that you'll want to take into consideration ASAP!
Meaningful Girl Names
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Image Source: Unsplash - Abigail: Hebrew — The father's joy. - Alessia: Italian — Defending warrior. - Alexandra: Greek — Helper; defender of mankind. - Alice: English — Noble; kind. - Amara: Latin — Strong. - Amelia: German — Industrious; striving. - Anne: Hebrew — Favored grace. - Arabella: Latin — Lovely; elegant. - Audree: French — Nobility; strength. - Arianna: Greek — Holy. - Avery: French — Wise. - Callie: Greek — Most beautiful. - Calynn: Gaelic — Powerful in battle. - Charlotte: French — Petite; feminine. - Charvi: Sanskrit — Beautiful. - Claire: Latin — Bright; clear; famous; brilliant. - Cora: Greek — Filled heart. - Darlene: English — Darling, loved one. - Della: German — Noble; bright. - Diana: Latin — Moon Goddess. - Eleanor: Greek — Bright, shining one; sun rays. - Ella: English — Light; beautiful fairy woman. - Eva: Hebrew — Life. - Farrah: Arabic — Happy. - Faye: French — Loyalty; confidence; trust; belief.
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Image Source: Unsplash - Gabriella: Hebrew — Devoted to God. - Grace: Latin: Goodness; generosity. - Hannah: Hebrew — Favor; grace of God. - Isabelle: Hebrew — God is my strength; devoted to God. - Jocelyn: Latin — Happy; joyful. - Kaitlyn: Greek — Pure. - Kalila: Arabic — Heap of love. - Layla: Egyptian — Dark beauty. - Mackenzie: Gaelic — Child of the wise leader. - Malia: Hawaiian — Beloved. - Mia: Latin — Mine; wished-for child. - Mila: Russian — Industrious; hardworking. - Millie: Latin — Free-born; strength; determination. - Naila: Arabic — Successful. - Nora: Greek — Shining light. - Reagan: Irish — Little ruler. - Reveka: Hebrew — Captivating. - Samantha: Hebrew — Listener. - Sarah: Hebrew — Princess. - Shayna: Yiddish — Beautiful; God is gracious. - Sophia: Greek — Wisdom. - Stella: Greek — A star. - Vivian: Latin — Full of life. - Zahra: Arabic — Flower. - Zoe: Greek — Life.
Meaningful Boy Names
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Image Source: Unsplash - Aaron: Hebrew — Enlightened. - Aiden: Celtic — The sun god; fiery. - Alexander: Greek — Defender of men. - Amell: German — Power of an eagle. - Amory: German — Leader; divine; brave; powerful. - Andrew: Greek — Strong; manly; courageous. - Anthony: Latin — Priceless. - Asher: Hebrew —Happy or blessed. - Austin: Latin — Majestic dignity. - Azai: Hebrew — Strength. - Aziel: Hebrew — God is my power. - Caelan: Irish — Powerful warrior; victorious people. - Chance: English — Good fortune. - Charlie: English — Free. - David: Hebrew — Beloved. - Edric: English — Power and good fortune. - Edward: English — Wealthy guardian. - Elliot: Hebrew — Lord is my God. - Ethan: Hebrew — Strong; safe; firm. - Ezra: Hebrew — Helper. - Felix: Latin — Happy; fortunate. - Gabriel: Hebrew — Devoted to God; a hero of God; God is my strength. - Henry: German — Ruler of the household. - Ian: Scottish — God is gracious. - Isaac: Hebrew — He will laugh.
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Image Source: Unsplash - Isaiah: Hebrew — Salvation of the lord. - Jayce: Greek — Healer. - Jonathan: Hebrew — God gives. - Josiah: Hebrew — Fire of the Lord; healer. - Julian: Latin — Father of the skies. - Kano: Japanese — One's masculine power; capability. - Levi: Hebrew — Joined in harmony. - Liam: Irish — Strong-willed warrior and protector. - Lucas: Latin — Light-giving; illumination. - Magnus: Latin — Greatest. - Matthew: Hebrew — Gift from God. - Miles: Latin — Soldier. - Milo: German — Merciful. - Nathan: Hebrew — He gave. - Ned: English — Wealthy guardian. - Noah: Hebrew — Rest; comfort. - Nolan: Gaelic — A descendant of a chariot fighter or champion; famous; noble. - Oswald: English — Divine power. - Owen: Welsh — Young warrior; well-born; noble. - Robert: German — Bright fame. - Ryan: Irish — Descendent of the king; little king. - William: German — Strong-willed warrior; resolute protection. - Xander: Greek — Protector of men. - Zachary: Hebrew — Remembered by God. - Zane: Hebrew — God's gracious gift. Read the full article
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babyconnectingworld · 3 years
Australia’s top baby names for girls and boys
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Top 100 girls names
Charlotte Amelia Olivia Isla Mia Ava Grace Chloe Willow Matilda Ella Harper Sophie Ivy Isabella Zoe Ruby Evie Evelyn Sophia Lily Mila Lucy Sienna Hazel Emily Hannah Aria Layla Zara Audrey Georgia Scarlett Violet Ellie Isabelle Frankie Elsie Florence Abigail Alice Emma Emilia Luna Freya Sofia Daisy Ayla Penelope Poppy Mackenzie Billie Aurora Eleanor Eva Jasmine Stella Sadie Harriet Maya Addison Savannah Elizabeth Millie Lola Piper Imogen Bonnie Eloise Rose Summer Phoebe Remi Charlie Olive Bella Harlow Annabelle Aaliyah Elena Rosie Maddison Hallie Peyton Quinn Maeve Ariana Lara Anna Claire Sarah Adeline Molly Maggie Eden Delilah Eliza Clara Isabel Pippa
Top 100 boys names
Oliver Noah William Jack Leo Henry Charlie Thomas Lucas Elijah Levi Liam Theodore Hudson James Archie Oscar Alexander Harrison Ethan Mason Hunter Archer Harvey Luca Harry Cooper Lachlan Max Isaac George Benjamin Arlo Hugo Xavier Jacob Finn Samuel Sebastian Arthur Lincoln Jackson Edward Joshua Ryan Eli Riley Kai Jordan Logan Jayden Jasper Patrick Austin Louis Flynn Beau Daniel Joseph Jaxon Sonny Aiden Connor Spencer Michael Carter Muhammad Angus Charles Owen Gabriel Ashton Felix Ryder Matthew Asher Caleb Jude Adam Leonardo Luke Ari Darcy Parker Theo Bodhi Zachary Ezra Ali River Luka Leon Fletcher Marcus Hamish Billy Dylan Lewis Vincent Lennox Read the full article
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babyconnectingworld · 3 years
Is Your Baby Ready For Potty Training
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You’re getting tired of changing those diapers, aren’t you? It’s so great to be able to get your child out of diapers. But, when it comes to potty training, timing is everything. If you start when your child isn’t ready, it will just take longer. However, if you miss the right opportunity, your child may resist the process more when you try later on. So, just how do you know when to begin? First of all – forget what your mom told you about having you potty trained by the time you were eighteen months old. She probably just had herself trained to sit you on the toilet at regular intervals, which is not the same as being fully potty trained. It’s really best not to even think about potty training until your child is two. But, for most children, the right time will hit sometime between the ages of two and three. When your child is ready to begin potty training, he will show an interest. He will begin to want to observe your toilet habits and will ask questions. Explain that big people go to the potty instead of using a diaper. Even if it makes you uncomfortable, let your child go to the bathroom with you and watch. If you have a son, make sure Daddy is taking him to the bathroom with him, too. Daddy will probably resist this, though I’m not really sure why, since public restrooms make public urination a regular occurrence for the average male! There are several good story books on the market about potty training that you can start reading to him your child at this stage, to help encourage an interest in going potty. There are books geared specifically to boys and those geared to girls, which is helpful. Another good sign that your child is ready for potty training is his ability to pull his pants up and down by himself. If your child has mastered this step of dressing, potty training will go much more smoothly. Another important physical sign of potty training readiness is the frequency with which your child urinates. If he is still wetting his diaper every half and hour or so, he is not ready. But, if he’s going one to two hours between wet diapers, then he is able to hold his urine, which is critical to being truly potty trained, at any age. If you think your child is ready for potty training, check out my article in “Mommy to Mommy – the Truth About Taking Care Of Baby”, where I outline some potty training strategies designed to make this developmental hurdle as painless as possible, for you and the little one. You can pick up this book at http://www.educatedmother.com. Read the full article
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babyconnectingworld · 3 years
The 6 Essential Pieces of Tech To Use When You Have a Baby
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The 6 Essential Pieces of Tech To Use When You Have a Baby
When deciding to have a baby, the number of external factors to be considered over the years has very much increased. The options and aids available to new parents in the forms of technology are ever-expanding and ever-growing. From the hardware and wearables that parents adorn to monitor their babies to the technology used to soothe babies themselves, the way in which technology is weaved into raising a child is more prominent than ever before. 
High Tech Baby Gear
It has become a standardized expectation to see certain devices in the home of parents. From mobile baby monitors to electric bottle steamers, the technology when you have a baby is advancing more than before. 
Swivel Sleeper
Sleep is essential to a baby’s development and with the range of living arrangements of parents now, the types of cots and cribs have become more varied too. Getting a swivel sleeper or an interactive cot is becoming more and more popular among new parents. The way a crib now offers vibration technology and sentry light embedded in the sleeper, children are more likely to fall asleep in the swivel chair whilst being stimulated at the same time. Parents often opt for an option like this, not only for the range of technological features that it offers but also for the small amount of space these types of sleepers take up. This would make it ideal for parents who live in a small apartment or flat or who are still in their first property where they may not have all the space they need for a full-size cot. 
Deluxe Soothers
Sleeper lights are not a new concept, but have now become a soothing tool in the world of baby tech. Deluxe Soothers are an advanced night light that can help babies fall asleep and relax. As every child’s schedule is different, the soothers adaptability can be controlled by the parent's phone via a smartphone app and allows customization of the sleeper. The more technological night lights have the option to show effects and music of different designs and sounds and the app ensures that you don’t have to worry about disturbing your baby and entering the room to turn it off or on. This can provide a great way of establishing a routine for your baby and creating a more personal bedtime routine for your baby resulting in better sleep quality for not only your baby but you as well.’ Baby Video Monitors Monitors are another staple that has shown evolution over the years and over time and have now entered the realm of video. Baby Video Monitors allow you to observe your baby and make sure they are ok from anywhere. Many parents use video baby monitors to observe any child carers or nannies they may have whilst they are at work. The more advanced baby video monitors have rotating camera heads and excellent ability to pick up sounds. As the video is streamed via wifi, the accessibility of knowing when your child is routined to do certain things becomes easier as you can observe them from anywhere, whether that be working from home or in the office.    Bespoke Breast Pump Much of the technology that is chosen often revolves around creating a routine for a child or ensuring the most comfort and security for your baby, but this piece of technology is to aid the mother. A bespoke breast pump  is a powerful and quiet way to pump your breast milk for future situations and store your breast milk in a healthy and safe way. A portable breast pump in which storage is included can mean that you can pump in the car and know you don’t have to find a fridge or feed your baby straight away. It is very much a convenient purchase and a way to streamline your baby’s feeding, particularly if your baby may not be latching straight away.   Nested Style Blanket Going back to the sleep quality of your baby, a weighted blanket may not be considered a revolutionary invention, but the more advanced blankets can dictate your baby’s sleep style and needs. From keeping your baby secure whilst sleeping to ensuring that the risk of them getting trapped under a blanket whilst they’re sleeping is significantly reduced. Choosing to wrap your baby in a nested style blanket is said to offer therapeutic value to a baby’s sleep routine and there are now censored versions available. These sensors can monitor your baby and transfer the data back to the parent. From temperature to motoring sleeping activity, these types of weighted blankets seem to offer more than simply a good night’s sleep for your baby.   Changing Table Just as with sleeping and eating, changing your baby out of it’s nappy is an essential part of raising a child. Paired with monitoring your baby’s growth, this is just one of the many things you have to keep on top of when caring for a baby. Investing in an electronic changing table  is something that is a great way to track how your baby is doing whilst simultaneously doing something that you would be doing all the time, changing their nappy or diaper. An electronic changing table has a built-in scale and digital tracking to let you know how tall your baby is. It is an excellent way to weigh your child before and after they have been fed and ensure that they are growing at a healthy rate. This hybrid technological accessory is a useful tool to keep on top of your baby’s patterns and growth and is a great set of information to take to medical appointments.       Parenting in a Digital Age is most certainly something to think about and seeing the implementation of technology from such an early age is a tell-tale sign of the future to come for babies who are born in a technological era.    Read the full article
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babyconnectingworld · 3 years
Successful Breastfeeding - Prepare Yourself!
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“I’m going to breastfeed”, is a common refrain amongst pregnant women. But what many women don’t do is to prepare for breastfeeding beforehand. They simply make the statement and then put it to the back of their minds. The next time the issue arises is often in the delivery suite when the new mum has just gone through the ordeal of childbirth. When presented with her newborn, the new mum may be exhausted and the last thing she wants is to have anyone else poking at her. The result? All her good intentions to breastfeed become overshadowed when a bottle is produced and the exhausted mum is told that she can try to give a breastfeed later on in the day! To stand the best chance of successfully breastfeeding, pregnant women need to prepare during their pregnancy. Successful breastfeeding results from careful planning. And the most important way to successfully breastfeed is to give the newborn baby a breastfeed within half an hour of her birth! Not later on! Being committed to breastfeeding, but not placing too much pressure on oneself, can work wonders! If a new mum pressurises herself she is likely to end up feeling stressed and, as a result, will be more like to give up breastfeeding early. Having a new baby is stressful enough! By preparing to breastfeed whilst you are still pregnant, you will feel more relaxed about it when the baby is born. The following will certainly aid you in your breastfeeding experience: Join a Breastfeeding Support Group to chat to new and experienced breastfeeding mums. Ask questions about breastfeeding and enquire if you can watch some babies being offered the breast. Observe how each baby is put on the breast. Look at how different mums hold their babies. Getting the right position is essential to avoid early problems. Also ask for advice about breastfeeding friendly shops and changing facilities! Read books, magazines or online articles, to find out as much as you can about breastfeeding successfully. Get measured for a nursing bra when you are around 38 weeks pregnant. Many baby stores now offer this service. Try a few different styles to find one that is comfortable. Also purchase a couple of night-time nursing bras. Nursing pads are essential for absorbing leaks and avoiding embarrassing stains! Nursing shells can be very useful on nights out, as they will catch leaks. Or you can use them during breastfeeding to collect milk from the breast not being used, storing the milk for later use. Nipple Creams can help soothe sore nipples. Front-opening or Nursing Nightdresses or Pyjamas can make it easier to breastfeed at night. Loose- fitting tops can be comfortable during the day. Try layering so that your back is not exposed when you are feeding. Or use a poncho or wrap if you feel anxious about breastfeeding in front of other people. A Breast-pump is a fantastic investment as it can be used to collect milk for bottle feeds, making up first solids or when you are away from the baby to prevent engorgement or ease mastitis. Ask other mums to recommend one they liked. A V-shaped Cushion can make breastfeeding more comfortable as it offers good support for mums back. Or a Nursing Pillow can be used to raise the baby up to a more comfortable height for mum. A Steriliser is a compact way to keep baby utensils and breast-pump attachments clean and sterile. Some mums find a Gliding chair very useful, particularly for night feeds. If you are well prepared for breastfeeding there is no reason why you should not succeed. Breast-milk is nature’s diet for babies; perfectly balanced for a great start to life. Read the full article
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babyconnectingworld · 3 years
Some Reasons That A Baby May Cry
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Crying is normal in the lives of babies. When a baby is born, the first thing they do is cry. With the first cry, he will experience air in his lungs for the first time. If the baby doesn’t cry after delivery then crying should be initiated by slightly pinching or gently stroking the feet. A healthy baby should cry and it is a normal physiological event, even though it can upset the mother or family members. We all know that babies can't tell us what they need or if they are having trouble. The only way for him to communicate is for them to cry. Babies will show signs like kicking their feet, waving their hands and turning their head, but the best way for them to get some ones attention is to cry. Excessive crying does not have an exact definition because crying habits changes from one baby to the next and some babies can be calmed easier than others. If crying is upsetting for the mother, it may be called excessive. Many times a baby will become quiet by giving him some breast milk or by carrying and gently rocking. Sudden, excessive crying means a baby is distressed and needs your attention. The cause of crying varies from simple reasons to life threatening conditions. So a crying baby should not be ignored. Most of the time it is difficult to diagnose why they are crying. Here are some common causes. Common reasons for crying: 1 - Hunger: - A hungry baby will cry until he gets some milk. 2 - A Wet Diaper: - Urination and defecation will cause some discomfort and results in crying until their parts are cleaned and made dry. 3 – Being Lonely: - The majority of Babies need somebody near them. They will cry if they are lonely. Even if their favorite toy falls from reach they will cry for help. 4 - Tired: - When the baby is tired after a journey and unable to sleep, they may just simply cry. Being in uncomfortable surroundings or in an unhealthy climate will make them feel tired. 5 – Hot or Cold Conditions: - If a baby feels too hot or too cold, they will become restless and start to cry. Babies are most comfortable in a room with good ventilation. 6 - Tight Clothing: - Tight clothing in warm conditions can be intolerable for kids. The tight elastic of a dress can produce soreness and discomfort. 7 - Darkness: - When the baby wakes up they need some dim light. If there is darkness he will start crying. He will also be irritated with a strong light. 8 - Mosquito: - These creatures will disturb a baby’s sleep by biting them, causing them to cry. 9 - Nasal blocking: - Babies may not be able to sleep when they have a cold and will continue crying till the nasal passage is clear. 10 - Phlegm in the throat: - This also makes it difficult to breathe and results in crying. 11 - General Body aches: - General body aches with restlessness as seen in flu and stages of some infectious diseases can result in crying. 12 - Habitual cry: - Some babies cry without any real reason which can drive the parent’s crazy trying to figure out what’s wrong. Many times a doctor will be called in for help. 13 - Nappy rash: - A tight and wet nappy kept for a long time can cause this condition. A rash can also be due to an allergic reaction to the elastic material of the nappy. A rash causes soreness and baby will become sleepless and begin to cry. 14 - Earache: - Ear infections are very common in wet climates. The infection may spread from the throat. Ear infection can result in the rupture of the ear drum which will cause a discharge of pus. This usually gets worse at night while lying down. A child will become restless and cry. They may not allow you to touch the ear. 15 - Colic: - When a baby cries continuously, most people blame this on colic. This problem is still a topic for debate because exact cause for colic is not known and diagnosis is also difficult to confirm. Colic may be associated with rumbling and distention of the abdomen. Babies often feel better when lying on the abdomen. Some children may not allow you to touch the abdomen. If the child cries continuously a doctor, help is needed. 16 - Infections: - All infections cause some kind of pain or irritation which will make a baby cry. Infections can be anywhere in the body and usually will cause fever, redness and swelling. 17 - Reactions to certain food - Some foods produce allergic reactions. Allergies usually show signs of redness, breathlessness, gastric symptoms and continuous cry. 18 - Hard stools: - Constipated babies with hard stools may cry when they get the urge to defecate and may hesitate to pass stools because of pain. 19 - Gastro esophageal reflex: - Here babies cry with spilling of food after feeding. If this continues, it may be due to gastro esophageal reflex. This is due to failure of the lower part of an esophagus to close after food causing regurgitation from the stomach. It is difficult to diagnose this condition and can be confirmed by giving anti reflex medicines. 20 - Detrition: - During Detrition children becomes restless with crying. Often associated with gastric troubles and diarrhea. These are just some of the reasons that a baby might cry. Hopefully these tips will help in diagnosing why they are crying. If crying persists, it is recommended that you contact your doctor immediately.   Read the full article
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babyconnectingworld · 3 years
Causes of Blood in Breast Milk
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  Have you noticed some blood in your breast milk when you are pumping? Maybe baby has spit up some pink breast milk or has some streaks of blood in their poop. If so, you could be alarmed and left wondering why there is blood in your breast milk. Don’t panic! This is a common problem in breastfeeding moms and there are several reasons it can happen. It usually isn’t anything serious and you can carry on feeding your baby. We’ll look at some of the reasons you might have blood in your breast milk. We will also cover how it can affect your baby and what you should do about it.   Table of Contents Signs of Blood in Breast Milk Causes of Blood in Breast Milk Frequently Asked Questions Carry on Breastfeeding Signs of Blood in Breast Milk The first time you might notice there is something amiss is seeing a change of color in your milk. It could be any variety of shades, including red, orange, brown, or pink breast milk. You might even be alerted by seeing some blood in your baby’s stools or if their stools are darker than normal. Before you rush your baby off to the emergency room, think about what you have been eating. Some foods and food dyes can change the color of your breast milk. Have you been eating beets or drinking anything red in color, such as fruit drinks? I know I panicked once after eating a lot of beetroot salad and seeing reddish stools, but then I realized it was the beets. If this is the case, then it will pass in a day or so. Read the full article
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babyconnectingworld · 3 years
Three Marker Art Projects To Do With Your Kids
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Simple, DIY art projects that are great for developing artistic minds One of the beauties of using acrylic and oil-based paint markers with kids is that they are easy-to-use tools that introduce them to the world of painting in a simple, clean, and exciting way. Another wonderful benefit of paint markers is that it makes painting on anything incredibly easy. Wood, rock, or plastic surfaces are great mediums where kids can cut loose with their markers. Creating art on different surfaces will also fuel their creative energy into overdrive. At the same time, these art projects allow their young minds to develop artistically with the same mediums and tools that professional artists use around the world. Below are three marker projects you can do with your kids to introduce them to the wonderful world of paint markers and put their young, artistic minds to work. If you're interested in more ideas, head to Pinterest or search for other ideas online that might be better suited for your children. 1. Ceramic dishes and mugs Drawing on ceramic plates with acrylic paint pens is a wonderfully simple and fun project to do with children of any age. This is a fantastic opportunity for children to create a special keepsake as a gift or personal item of their own that they can use and enjoy for many years to come, and look back on the special time they had while making it. Dishes, mugs, and cups are relatively inexpensive and can be purchased almost anywhere. Read the full article
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babyconnectingworld · 4 years
6 Things Men Should Be Do When You're Trying to urge Pregnant
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6 Things Men Should Be Do When You're Trying to urge Pregnant Every time planning, fertility or pregnancy come up for discussion, we invariably find yourself discussing it from a woman’s perspective. This is often because birth control is usually related to a woman’s pregnancy. within the process, a man’s role in it's often sidelined. But, allow us to not forget that it takes two to tango! It is equally important to debate and address male fertility issues likewise. Once a pair decides to begin a family, they’ll started out making lots of changes to their lifestyle. Women might move it in an exceedingly precision manner – from tracking their menstrual cycles, ovulation duration, or addressing any form of vitamin deficiencies. For our male folk, we bring here some important things they too should do if they're trying to begin a family soon. 1. Weight Control We all know the ill effects of being overweight. However, per a study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health, men who are overweight produce low number of sperms or no sperms in any respect compared to people who are of normal weight (1). Therefore, if you're overweight and planning for a baby, then we recommend you begin with losing a number of the surplus flab. 2. Kick That Butt If you thought that smoking only damages your lungs, then reassess. Read the full article
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babyconnectingworld · 4 years
6 Things Men Should Be Do When You're Trying to urge Pregnant
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6 Things Men Should Be Do When You're Trying to urge Pregnant Every time planning, fertility or pregnancy come up for discussion, we invariably find yourself discussing it from a woman’s perspective. This is often because birth control is usually related to a woman’s pregnancy. within the process, a man’s role in it's often sidelined. But, allow us to not forget that it takes two to tango! It is equally important to debate and address male fertility issues likewise. Once a pair decides to begin a family, they’ll started out making lots of changes to their lifestyle. Women might move it in an exceedingly precision manner – from tracking their menstrual cycles, ovulation duration, or addressing any form of vitamin deficiencies. For our male folk, we bring here some important things they too should do if they're trying to begin a family soon. 1. Weight Control We all know the ill effects of being overweight. However, per a study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health, men who are overweight produce low number of sperms or no sperms in any respect compared to people who are of normal weight (1). Therefore, if you're overweight and planning for a baby, then we recommend you begin with losing a number of the surplus flab. 2. Kick That Butt If you thought that smoking only damages your lungs, then reassess. Read the full article
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