babsides · 2 years
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This fandom doesn't have enough agere art
And I'm here to fix that.
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babsides · 3 years
materpost of stories.
Huddles - little patton and Remus
Wait you can see us? - Little nico, Janus, roman and virgil
Hiding - little roman
Fearful - little patton and virgil
twin scare - Little roman and remus
feeling off part one - little remus
feeling off part two - little remus
school drop. - little patton 
birthday boy part one - little remus
birthday boy part two.-  little remus
quiet time - Little Roman
quiet time part two - Little Roman
regression and repression - Little Roman and remus
jealous - Little Janus and Virgil
not dad time - Little Patton
bedtime stories - Little Virgil and roman
playing little - Little janus
i didn’t mean it - Little roman
I didn’t mean it part two - Little roman 
i didn’t mean it part three - little roman 
bubbles - Little Logan 
hallucinations - Little remus
Doctor I don’t wanna. - Little Virgil 
doctor I don’t wanna part two - Little Virgil 
repression can be bad - Little Remus 
want logan - Little remus
twin trouble - Little remus and roman 
worry baby - LIttle virgil
double trouble - Little roman and Logan 
baby snake dodo do do - Little Patton and Janus
bug  - Little remus, roman and virgil.
little time - Little Remus, roman, janus, virgil, logan, Patton .
the dark - Little Virgil 
determined - Little Logan 
glitter snake - Little janus 
Little afraid - Little logan, roman, Virgil, Remus 
Coping - Little virgil, age dream Roman
looking at me - Little Virgil, Janus, remus 
I’m not little I swear! - Little Janus, Virgil, Remus 
Gotta share - Little Remus and Patton 
so it had a name - Little remus 
middle space - Little remus, roman, Janus, Virgil, Patton, Logan 
regress or dream - Little Roman 
Don’t say fuck - Little emile
fluff pile - little Remus, roman, Virgil, Patton, Logan, Janus
baby virgil - little virgil 
Spiderling - little virgil 
Hiss - little Virgil and janus 
Honeybee - little janus 
Kids say the darnest things- little Remus
Family issues- Little Thomas, Emile
Purple- Little virgil
Waiting- little remus
Easter eggs- little everyone?? but also not??
cuddlebitty- little remus
Smores and treats - little remus, janus, and virgil
Skitter bitty- little Virgil
Tantrum - little logan
 Virgil free fics - 
 Sleepy boys - Little roman and Remus 
It’s easy - Little Patton and Remus 
remy regress - Little remy
rawr- Little Remus 
sleep - Little Thomas and Logan. 
Babysitting - Little Logan and Janus 
Sleepy Logan - little logan 
Show’s over - Little Janus, remy
Water dino - little Remus, logan
You shall not pass - little Remus, roman
Tadpole- little patton. 
lime green- little janus
He’s baby like it or not - Little patton 
pink little thomas
lime green- little janus remus
fluff puff - little janus
Blep- Little patton
Ivory- Little Remus thomas
Age what now? - little Janus
cherry- little roman
Promised time - little remus, roman 
To trust- Little Remus, roman
coloring- little remus
Tics- little remus
Something new- little janus
Twin fluff- little remus, roman
I did- little roman teen remus
A promise- little patton
Dead flower crowns little remus
Minecraft little Roman, logan.
Pink lemonade - little emile
Scales to young eyes. little thomas
cope with a thought little remus
Bookworm- little logan
Alone again- little roman
Care in the dark- little patton
Soft heart- little patton
Tiny confusion - little logan, Janus
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babsides · 3 years
 It had admittedly been awhile since Remus had seen anyone, it wasn’t that they were avoiding him or the other way around. They’re paths just didn’t cross unless they went looking for him. And since no one had gone looking for him they didn’t really want to see him huh?
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babsides · 3 years
Promised time
“But you promised!” Remus said little and a bit hurt that Logan was too busy to play with him like he had promised that morning he would. He had been waiting all day!
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babsides · 3 years
Baby remus jamming
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babsides · 3 years
Age what now?
Janus spent a lot of time alone. A LOT of time. Not that he could help it. No one except Remus wanted to be around him and Remus didn’t like sitting still or staying in one place for long.
In other words, Janus was lonely.
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babsides · 3 years
No one knew that Remus regressed other than Janus and Virgil. When Virgil left he didn’t stop taking care of Remus. He did it in secret of course but he never stopped.
After Remus first showed up to Thomas he dropped and Virgil was too upset to handle him. “Not now.” Virgil said.
Remus sat outside Virgil’s door in his snail pjs and holding his stuffed squid and waiting for his caregiver just like Virgil told him to do when he was busy.
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babsides · 3 years
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had to out pat in my frog onsie (it's hard to see but he had some cookies!! still needs a clean up lol)
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babsides · 3 years
 Patton tended to copy what other people did while in little space. So when Janus stunk his tongue out while thinking he copied him. 
 “What are you doing?” Janus asked not noticing he had stuck his tongue out before. 
 “Blep.” Patton said.
  “Blep?” Janus asked sticking out his tongue. 
 “Blep.” Patton confirmed.
 “Blep.” Janus repeated still confused. They stood there sticking their tongues out for a good few minutes as Janus tried to figure out why he was sticking his tongue out and Patton copied him. 
 Roman watched trying and failing to not laugh. “What?” Janus demanded.
 “He’s copying you.” Roman explained. 
 “He started it!” 
 Logan didn’t even look up. “You stick your tongue out while you think.” 
 “Blep.” Patton added.
  Janus blinked, “N-no I don’t!” Logan and Roman looked at him. Janus groaned. Patton giggled. 
 Janus stuck his tongue out at Patton again.
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babsides · 3 years
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virgil is just baby this is fact
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babsides · 4 years
Virgil, ‘Dull’
The grey circle at the top of the screen blinked at Roman mockingly before disappearing: No new posts.
Roman sighed and locked his phone, throwing it onto the couch. His head fell back on the armrest and he saw that the sky was still completely grey through the window.
‘Wo-Wo!’ Virgil squeaked.
Roman rolled his head towards his little brother. He tried his best to smile at the crayon-scribbled-paper Virgil was holding up proudly. ‘That’s pretty, Vee,’ he mumbled, then closed his eyes.
A little whine met his ears.
‘Don’t cry, baby. Mom and Dad will be back soon.’ Roman knew he was doing a lousy job of babysitting today, but the dull weather just made him feel so… bleh.
His sleeve was tugged as Virgil whined louder. Roman peeked one eye open. The drawing was thrust into his hand.
‘Oh, is it for me?’
Vee nodded.
Roman smiled genuinely this time, gently taking the drawing. ‘Thanks, Vee-Vee!’
As his baby brother crawled across the carpet again, Roman snickered. Okay, that was kinda cute how Vee drew – Roman squinted at the scribbles – something for him.
Then another tug on his shirt made him look down. Wet, pink-stained fingers held a mushy strawberry up to his mouth. Roman finched back.
‘Oh… Is that for me too?’ he asked, very much worried that it was.
He couldn’t say no to Vee’s adorable dimpled smile.
‘Thanks…’ He took the strawberry tentatively then gagged at the slimy feeling. ‘Vee, was this in your mouth?!’
Reblogs and likes are greatly appreciated! ♡
@haysgrove :3
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babsides · 4 years
No Caregivers Allowed
A little thing I wrote last night when I was craving some thomgan agere content, and it turned into platonic DRLAMPT :P hope you enjoy!!!!
Summary: Logan doesn’t need a caregiver. He can handle himself. However, during a storm, he realises he may be in over his head trying to remain in solitude.
Characters: Logan, C!Thomas, Roman, Virgil, Patton, Janus, Remus
Pairing(s): platonic DRLAMPT
Warnings: very mild hurt/comfort, crying, fear, thunderstorms, and a big ole cuddle pile, lemme know if I missed anything!!! 🖤🖤🖤
Word count: 791
Logan didn’t need a caregiver.
In fact, he didn’t need anyone to know about his regression at all.
He could handle it alone, like he handled everything alone.
He did not need a caregiver.
So what if he sometimes struggled to put on his pyjamas? So what if he had trouble reading his bedtime stories? So what if he spilled some of his juice when pouring it into his sippy cup?
He managed. Alone.
One night, however, he wanted to be less alone.
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babsides · 4 years
Do you have a master list?
No unfortunately I keep procrastinating on making one but I'll hopefully make one soon.
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babsides · 4 years
Baby Remus
Sitting in an abandoned castle wasn’t exactly the safest place for a baby but Remus knew it would be the only place no one would come looking for him. Not that many people looked for him often anyway. Janus did from time to time. Scared the poop out of Remus one time cause he had babyfied his room so he’d be safe when small and was going to walk right in and see Remus being small and cute. Remus could not handle that. He’s intrusive thoughts for crying out loud. He didn't do cute or soft. Ever. 
In the particular room, he’s in he had babyfied just for this so there really wasn’t real danger unless he went outside and even then nothing he made would attack him. He was busy playing with some cute blocks with silly monsters on them. His mind far past the normal way of thinking, the fuzziness taking over the second he had walked into the room. He didn’t hate his regression. He rather enjoyed it; he just didn’t want anyone to know about it.
“A-ga ama nahugla” Remus babbles to himself stack the blocks then pushing over his tower squealing as they hit the carpeted ground with soft thumps only to build them up again. Remus loved playing with blocks and puzzles when he’s regressed. He really was quite a cute baby. Dressed in a green octopus onesie with a matching pacifier and a teething ring not far from his grasp. Anyone who saw him would barely recognize him as intrusive thoughts except for the fact he is still the same height and has the mustache. He coos as a bird flies by carefully getting up on his wobbly legs to waddle to the window. The bird in question was one of Romans that’s covered in colors that made Remus giggle as it flew past. He reaches out the window bars and tries to reach for the pretty bird but can’t reach it from where it is so high in the sky. The logic that the bird was just too far to grab wasn’t enough for Remus as he falls back onto the ground and starts crying, banging his hands on the floor as if that’ll get the bird to him. 
About an hour before Remus's tantrum Janus had decided to talk with Remus about Thomas's upcoming video pausing at the edge of the forest as he sees two arms reach out from a tower at one of Roman’s overly colorful birds only for them to fall back and a voice that was unquestionably Remus started wailing. Janus without a second thought sprints into the castle and towards the wailing. He slams the door open and freezes when he takes in the sight. A soft green room with a plush looking carpet. A crib big enough for an adult pushed to the side with a mobile spinning lazily with all types of fake fish on it. A toybox half its contents pulled out onto the floor making a mess and some blocks half stacked in the middle of the room. It took him a moment to focus on the now quiet Remus who had managed to huddle himself into a corner when the door slammed open.
“Remus?” Janus steps into the room taking in Remus’s get-up and the pacifier he's sucking on. 
“Bo no anay” Janus stops again tilting his head as Remus tries to speak but it doesn't come outright. As if he didn’t understand words. Janus walks over and kneels in front of him growing at the tears still streaming down his face.
“Hey, buddy you okay?” His voice is soft as if he’s trying to soothe himself and Remus. Remus shakes his head whining softly. “It’s alright. You’re not in trouble Remus. Whatever's happening we’ll fix it.” 
“No!” Remus shouts the pacifier falling out of his mouth and onto the floor.
“No?” Janus is genuinely confused. Remus hated being treated like a baby so something had to be wrong right?
“Alright, there's nothing to fix then. Remus, can you tell me how old you are?” Remus shakes his head. “That's okay you don’t need to know. As long as you're okay and safe” He glances around the room. “And clearly you’ve been safe” Remus nods wiping at some tears. 
“No mag?” 
“Mad?” Remus nods. “No, I’m not mad. There's nothing to be mad about” Remus doesn’t look to believe that but nods moving out from the corner crawling. Janus smiles moving back. “Do what you were doing okay Remus. I’ll leave you be for n-”
“Tay!” Remus grabs onto his leg and pouts looking up at him.
“You want me to stay?” Remus nods hugging his leg tightly.
“Tay” Well Janus can’t say no to that as he sits and lets Remus show him toys and coloring books. The crayons nowhere near being in the lines.
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babsides · 4 years
baby virgil.
 Virgil was little. Very little. He was laying in bed dozing with a paci and his soft blanket. He woke up to a knock at the door. 
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babsides · 4 years
So it had a name
Roman was trying to get along with Remus. Really! It’s just hard to find something that both of them could agree on. It was either to fluff or too disturbing.
So they settled on making things together in the imagination. They would work together in designing, testing, playing. Sometimes there was talking, laughter. Other times it was just a peaceful silence as they both worked on something they both loved.
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babsides · 4 years
What if little Emile was found by Remy and taken care of :)
 Emile looked up as Remy stepped into the apartment. He got everything set up! He had talked to Remy that he age regressed before but it took him time to be brave enough to regress around him. He was waiting for the right day for it, and today was that day! 
  He was both excited and nervous for how Remy would react to him. “Hi!” He waved from the floor, the t.v was playing spongebob and he had a Steven Universe coloring book in front of him. 
 “Hey. Nice onesie.” Remy commented. 
  Emile smiled, slipping a bit more into little space. This was easier than he thought. “Yeah! It’s stitch!” 
 Remy laughed, “I see that! What are you doing?” 
 “Coloring!” Emile held up the coloring page that was almost done. Remy walked over to look it over. 
 “I see. Having fun?” he asked.
 “Yeah.” Emile said smiling as he set the page down and grabbed a crayon. 
 Remy went to his room to get out of his work clothing and came back in a plain white t-shirt and sweatpants. His home outfit. He sat on the couch and started scrolling on his phone. 
 Emile colored for a bit longer before looking up at Remy, “Do you want to color with me?” 
 Remy shrugged and got down on the floor next to Emile, “Sure. What are we doing?” 
 “Steven!” Emile said, handing him a page. 
 “Ah!” Remy said giving Emile an odd look before shrugging again and grabbing a pink crayon. 
  “Steven’s shirt is red.” Emile said.
 “Oops. My bad.” 
 “Here.” Emile handed him a red crayon.
 They colored for a while before Remy suddenly looked up at Emile. “Hold on.”
 “What?” Emile asked wide eyed.
 “You’re...what’s the word?....um...regressed!” Remy said snapping his fingers a couple times before pointing.
 Emile nodded, “Ahhuh!” 
  “Oh shi---ooot!” Remy said. “Ok. this is fine! Ummmm. What do I do?” 
 Emile titled his head, “What’d you mean?” 
   “Well… I mean you are...like a kid. So... I treat you like a kid? Was that it?” Remy asked.
 Emile nodded coming out of his headspace a little as He watched Remy panic a bit. “It’s ok.” He said softly, “I can stop.” He tried to keep the disappointment out of his voice.
 Remy looked at him, “What? No! You don’t have to do that!”
 “Really?” Emile asked, a bit more hopeful than he should have.
 “Yeah. I mean. I can take care of a kid...probably.” He muttered the last word.
  Emile relaxed. This would be fine.
 “Ah...fuck!” Remy said after dropping the milk. 
 Emile giggled. Remy spun around wide eyed, “Don’t repeat that!” 
 “Fuck.” Emile said.
 Remy sighed. “Oh well. I tried.”
 “You made a mess.” Emile said as he kicked his legs, sitting at the table. 
 “Yeah. I noticed.” Remy said drily.
 Emile giggled again as Remy dramatically wiped up the milk and threw the broken carton away. “At least someone is having fun.” He said, hiding a smile.
 “Ah huh!” Emile said, nodding. Remy smiled at that. 
  “Well we’re out of milk now. And juice…” Remy said, he looked up at Emile, “How do you feel about coffee?” 
  Emile came out of his regression just before bedtime. “You back?” 
 “Yup.” Emile answered to which Remy slumped over. 
 “Thank fuck.” Remy sat up again and pointed at Emile, “I’m allowed to say that again!” 
 Emile laughed, “Ok.” Then he frowned, “It wasn’t..that bad was it?”
 “You were perf. I promise. and….I wouldn’t mind watching you again.” Remy confessed. “If you want.” 
 Emile beamed at him. “Sure!”
 Remy smiled back.
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