azazelhermon · 10 years
"A-wha?" Azazel quickly realized that it was the other gentleman's name, letting out a soft, "Oh..."
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"The name's Azazel, pleasure to meet you."
"Sounds like a good idea. Abel."
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azazelhermon · 10 years
"Hm... So, I suppose I should play guide dog then?"
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"Ah but you see, laddie. I am a bit special as they say. Point me north and I’ll go south." 
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azazelhermon · 10 years
"A bar? You're in luck, bars are my specialties. There's a really nice one just a few blocks north of here."
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❝    Anyone want to help a fella out and point them to the nearest bar? Preferably one where I won’t have too much trouble stumbling home.” 
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azazelhermon · 10 years
"I don't know." Azazel answered truthfully and with a shrug, "Maybe first, Cordelia would throw a party. I'd come, of course, and we'll get wasted and hammered. Maybe a cake will be involved somewhere in the middle. Who knows. Then comes your funeral, and Cordelia goes ahead and parties there too. She doesn't look like too much of a party girl, but I think this might be an exception. Then the next Supreme rises and we can hopefully go ahead and bring back the glory of the coven." There was a small pause, "But that's just my guess on it."
"Boo," Fiona said flatly, accompanying the word with a huff of a sigh. "How boring." Call it morbid fascination, but she had been hoping for something slightly more juicy, more glamorous than that. She finished off her drink, not thinking twice before refilling the glass. "Let’s play a game. Let’s play… what if Fiona Goode had died?” She flicked her eyes back up to his, that half-grin playing on her lips again. “What happens next?”
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azazelhermon · 10 years
"Well, if you're trying to say something about me, you can just go ahead and say it." Azazel said as he took the glass of the potent liquid that Fiona had poured for him. "What I was just trying to say was that you almost died, and you still keep going. It's a pretty thrilling saga." He chuckled, taking a sip of his drink. The liquid was foul and overall unpleasant, but it got the job done. "They didn't say anything other than what happened. You almost died, but you didn't."
"Funny how people don’t seem to give a rat’s ass what happens to you, then you have one tiny little accident and they just come out of the woodwork, all concerned. Like they ever gave half a shit." What could she say, whiskey brought out her bitterness—and so did Azazel. Letting go of the past wasn’t something she had ever been very keen on. Even though this was proving to be their most civil encounter yet, the Supreme couldn’t leave well enough alone. "If you won’t tell me who you heard it from…at least tell me what it is they’re saying about me. And take a drink, for Christ’s sake. I didn’t poison it…" One corner of her mouth twitched up into a half-grin. "…Yet.”
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azazelhermon · 10 years
"No, I haven't, but after what I heard happened to you, I figured you might at least consider stopping. I guess you proved me wrong, though." He shrugged. Fiona's explanation made more sense of the situation, but still something he wasn't expecting. "There's still alcohol poisoning, you know." It felt weird. It was almost like he was actually trying to help out the Supreme, when really he should be enforcing this kind of behavior. Bring her to the brink of self-destruction, and then allow her to push herself over... But he wasn't. "Well, it's the least I could do, I guess..."
"I like to drink, Azazel. Surely you haven’t forgotten that." She took a long sip, relishing the burn down her throat, the warm sensation pulsing through her thanks to the whiskey. Anything that might have happened recently… “Well, if you want me to be completely honest with you…I’ve decided to stop the pills. So if I drink…I feel better, or I pass out before I need any pills. It’s win-win, really.” The whole thing was bullshit. Fiona just hated to be alone, in any way. If she had no pills, no alcohol, she had nothing. She looked to Azazel again, surprised he had accepted her offer. “Thanks for keeping a dying woman company.”
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azazelhermon · 10 years
"I guess tonight is going to be a Disney movie marathon night."
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azazelhermon · 10 years
"Well, I suppose I could be. I'd rather have something with more conventional uses, honestly."
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Vince shrugged, “You’d be surprised.”
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azazelhermon · 10 years
"Oh. Sorry. I thought you were someone else. Disregard everything I've said then."
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"Am I supposed to know who that is?"
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azazelhermon · 10 years
"Uh... Thanks..." Azazel said, slightly suspicious of the other. Why was she showing any form of kindness whatsoever? Unless this drink was infused with something potent and deadly, which actually didn't sound too surprising if it were to happen. "Are you drinking just to drink or does this have to do with anything that might have happened recently?"
"I like anything that can get me drunk, too." Fiona grinned, sliding over another glass from the cabinet and pouring a drink for her companion before topping off her own. "Here you go, it’ll get you drunk. Try and keep up with me."
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azazelhermon · 10 years
"Craig, but really I like anything that can get me drunk. I'm not too picky with my drinks."
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Fiona rolled her eyes. “If you say so.” She took another drink, then glanced back up to him. “What are you drinking these days, kiddo?”
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azazelhermon · 10 years
"Anyone else get the feeling that something's wrong with Michael? The man's grumpier than usual."
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azazelhermon · 10 years
"I guess so, but honestly, how many times am I going to get into a fight?" He chuckled.
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Vincent stood there and listened to the man’s explanation with his mouth wide open, “Wow… that has to be the coolest thing I’ve ever heard. You must be like hella beast mode when it comes to fighting.”
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azazelhermon · 10 years
"Basically... I can absorb kinetic and potential energy. If you punch me, I can absorb the punch's kinetic energy and use it myself. If there's fire or electricity, I can absorb that potential energy and so on. It has a lot to do with physics and I am absolutely horrible at explaining it."
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"What… exactly… does energy absorption do?"
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azazelhermon · 10 years
"Indeed." He swallowed hard, though some of the sticky remnants of both the jelly and peanut butter remained stuck to his mouth. "My power? Energy absorption. There's not much conventional use for it, I'm not going to lie."
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Vince chuckled as he took a bite of the sandwich, “I know, I haven’t had one since I was fourteen… So, it’s pretty amazing and brings back tons of memories.” With a furrowed brow, he tilted his head before gesturing to the man. “What’s your power?”
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azazelhermon · 10 years
"That sounds very fitting with a hint of enigma. I like it." He chuckled before taking a bite of his own PB&J. He moaned at the taste, nearly forgetting how it tasted like after not having it for so long. "I wholeheartedly approve of this sandwich." He said with a mouth full of it.
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Vince took a bite of his sandwich, the sweet taste of the jelly and the slightly bitter taste of the peanut butter made his mouth water. “I think I’ll call you… Z.” Reaching out his hand, a bottle of water came flying to it. ‘No problem, so why are you up so late? You can’t sleep either?”
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azazelhermon · 10 years
Azazel chuckled at the sight of floating bread. "My name's Azazel, kind of a mouthful, but I've yet to find a fairly effective nickname that will stick." He shrugged. "Thanks for the sandwich by the way."
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With a nod, Vince replied, “Coming right up.” Two slices of bread floated over to him from across the room and landed on the plate. As he made his own by hand, another was being made using his powers. “One fresh PB&J, just for you, uh… what’s your name?”
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