The Milo Thatch to Spencer Reid pipeline is real, I don't make the rules
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save me nerdy white boy... save me...
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Your favourite kisses with him are the lazy ones. Bodies pressed together in harmony as your lips move slowly in sync. There’s no memory of who started this kiss, as you become lost in how sweet he tastes. Harmonic sighs leave his mouth as you slowly become more tangled in each other. You’re addicted to the way his slender fingers rub circles against your hip and thigh and the feeling of his hair against your own finger tips. You breathe in his sweet aroma as his lips move in perfect sync with your own. This feeling of falling into each other never ceases to move you, as you realise that his love is your oxygen, your lifeline, your reason.
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Buy A Boyfriend Pt. 2 || chs x reader
Summary: Direct continuation of Buy A Boyfriend! Part one here!
Content notes: suggestiveness, swearing, food mention, pda, im from florida so i'm allowed to roast it, continuing to push the sunscreen agenda lmk if u want recs, there's no sex again my bad, still gn reader, lmk if i missed anything!
Word Count: 3kish
Rating: T
@xufilmz @kfantasiescometrue @cosmicupoftea @soffrine @daddysoonyoung
Vernon’s basking in the sunshine, head tilted back and palms braced behind him on the brick retaining wall, when you exit the chem building. He doesn’t see you, his eyes closed to the sun, and his mind wandering. His fingers tap out rhythms, melodies, songs that have been stuck in his head since he saw you for the first time. He wonders if that moment will be something he remembers forever; it definitely felt pivotal to him, like something had been rewired within his brain. 
You plop down next to him, practically throwing your backpack to the ground and laying yourself out on the warm brick to rest your head in his lap. He startles a bit, feeling the sudden weight and then looking down to see you, smiling up at him. He can’t contain his grin or the minute bounces of his knees, but you don’t seem to mind. Reaching down to the other side, Vernon grabs the drink he’d gotten for you and hopes desperately that it’s right. He’d tried to be very clear with the barista but he’s not the best at ordering things, and he’s nervous you won’t like it. 
Your eyes light up even more and you spring up from his lap to make grabby hands at the drink. Laughing, Vernon hands the cup to you and feels his chest tighten when you take a sip and close your eyes in bliss. Your shoulders give a happy little wiggle and you start leaning forward to plant a kiss on his lips, Vernon’s eyes widening the closer you get to him. You’re going slowly, obviously giving him time to pull away, but he’s not going anywhere. 
Instead, he waits. The roaring in his ears gets louder the closer you get, and finally, Vernon closes the distance to press his lips to yours. His hand flies up to cup your cheek, cold and damp with condensation from the cup, not that you seem to mind. You return his kiss, lips sweet and pressure perfect, your own hand coming up to cover his before it slides down to cup his jaw, your thumb tracing over the sharp angle. He can’t stop himself from letting his tongue slip out to glide over your bottom lip, he’d been thinking about what you’d taste like for what feels like years. He’s not sure what he imagined - his brain is definitely not working at full capacity anymore - but whatever it was, you taste a million times better. 
Like spring sunshine and warm honey lemon tea and home and possibilities. 
Your lips leave his and his internal Nononononono starts up, his body following you without his permission. You just giggle, placing one last peck on his lips before laying back down and wrapping your lips around the straw to take a drink. His brain reels, fighting to reoxygenate itself and recover from the sensory overload. He absentmindedly sips his drink and rubs over your eyebrow with his thumb, his eyes roving over every feature only to settle on your lips time and time again. 
“Have you been out here the whole time? Are you wearing sunscreen?” You ask abruptly. 
Vernon immediately looks away, avoiding your eyes and (giddily) awaiting your scolding. 
“Vernon!” You exclaim, sitting up again, “the exam took like an hour and a half!”
You lean down to rifle through your bag, pens clacking against each other and sticky notes covered in little hexagons and lines falling out. Sighing in relief, your fingers find something in your bag and reappear to reveal… a tiny hand sanitizer and a pink tube? 
You sanitize your hands quickly, rubbing until the liquid dries and then squeeze out two fingertips worth of white liquid. Vernon tries not to jerk away from your fingers as they smooth the cold cream over his face, pressing it in gently in circular motions. It smells good for what he assumes is sunscreen, and doesn’t feel too heavy, so he leans in and closes his eyes, letting you work. Your fingertips trace his ears, gliding down to apply some to the back of his neck too, and he feels very protected in both his skin and his heart. 
He can’t stop smiling as he opens his eyes to find you already looking at him, your face shining with something he doesn’t recognize yet but gives him butterflies all the same. 
“How’d it go?” Vernon asks tentatively, hoping your good mood is an indicator of your success. 
Your brows scrunch and you think for a second, before your face smooths out and you answer, “I think I did well, there’s nothing that I absolutely didn’t know how to do and there were even some things that I absolutely did know how to do. Mostly I’m just glad to be done.” You seal your statement with a sip and Vernon starts grinning again, and hopes his cheeks hurt like this for the rest of his life. 
“Wanna go get lunch? My roommate left me his meal card so we can use his swipes if you want.” Vernon offers, begging you in his mind to say yes. He’s not sure where you’re from or if you’re going home for the summer but he wants all the time with you he can get. 
“Yes, let’s go!” You stand up, tugging him with you and throwing your backpack over your shoulder before he can grab it. He struggles to keep up with you, long legs working harder than usual and mind marveling at your speed. Do you usually walk this fast or are you just hungry for free food? 
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You do usually walk this fast, Vernon discovers, fighting to match your pace as he walks with you back to your apartment. Unfortunately, you are leaving for the summer (he’s weeping internally), and had asked him if he wanted to hang out while you pack. He’d sprung at the opportunity, both to get more time with you and to see your space, knowing it likely would help him know you even better. 
It’s cleaner than he expected, not that he thought you’d be messy but his own room is a wreck every finals week regardless of how prepared he is. Not you though, trinkets arranged carefully on your desk and folded clothes sitting on your bed. Your room smells like you and as he drops down onto your bed - ooooh is this memory foam? - the scent envelops him and he starts to feel a little sleepy. He refuses to nap through your packing though, knowing that he won’t get to see you until August when the semester starts back up again. You don't live too far from him, only a few hours’ drive, but you have an internship in another state set up and you’re going straight there. The cats are already with your cousin and your family is coming soon to take everything left behind to a storage unit or home. 
Vernon misses you already, observing your packing with fond eyes and a full heart. You’re methodical, meticulous, as you box up your room and a semester’s worth of memories. You seem to have a system, one he can’t figure out but apparently it works because you’re putting things away at the speed of light. It’s like he’s watching sand slip through an hourglass with every box you tape shut, the time he has left with you decreasing steadily. 
He tries not to feel sad though, getting to know each other on SVTHub first gives him hope that he’ll feel close to you even when you’re gone, and he reminds himself that you hadn’t even been within reach until a few hours ago. 
But now you are and Vernon is thinking thoughts, lots of different thoughts as he watches you flit around your room, organizing and packing things away. He tries not to stare at your ass when you reach up high in your closet to get a duffle bag. Your fingers only brush it and he wonders how high up the closet goes before realizing he should probably help you. 
He stands and rubs his palms on his jeans, just in case they’ve gotten sweaty with his nerves. Moving over to you, he takes a deep breath and taps his fingers on the door so he doesn’t startle you. You let out a little oh! and move aside so he can grab it. Even Vernon has to step up on his toes to get a handle on the bag, and he wonders how you got it up there in the first place. 
“Thank you!” You sing and bring the duffle over to your bed, starting to pack up the folded clothes. He observes as you decide what skincare to bring, apparently having to narrow it down due to the liquid requirements on planes. You have a lot of products, and Vernon wonders if you use them all or if you alternate or if you just can’t stop buying more. 
“I’m on a self-imposed skincare purchasing ban.” You tell him with a pout, answering the question just a few seconds after it entered his brain. Vernon narrows his eyes, pondering the possibility of you being telepathic, before he decides there’s no way. 
You would have scolded him for his thoughts already if that was the case. 
“Discipline is hard but worth it sometimes,” Vernon says pragmatically. Your pout shifts to the side to become a scrunch and you nod once, accepting his words. You move onto haircare next, picking and choosing with discernment, and he asks what each product is for just so he can listen to you talk. 
Your voice is even better in person, the warm blanket feeling returning and then intensifying into a crackling fire, something to keep him cozy on cold and lonely nights. Vernon turns things over in his mind as you continue packing, realizing slowly that he honestly can’t wait to be your boyfriend. Sure, he technically is now, but he can’t wait to do all the boyfriend things with you. 
He can’t wait to surprise you with a picnic on the green after an exam. He can’t wait to text you good morning and call you goodnight, everyday. He can’t wait to buy you things and send you songs just because they make him think of you. He can’t wait to memorize your favorite orders and artists and authors. Vernon just can’t wait to be your boyfriend. 
He hopes he’s a good one, he’s had a lot of practice after all. 
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Vernon’s driving you to the airport. You don’t talk much and neither does he, the mood a bit somber. 
You’d said something before about a friend taking you, but he’d begged and pleaded to be the one, and loaded your suitcase and backpack into the trunk of his (once) white 1997 Toyota Corolla with barely suppressed glee. 
The joy died a bit when he remembered why he was taking you to the airport, and he wonders now if it would be too much too soon to ask if he can go with you. But he’s already signed up for summer classes and you’re sharing a dorm with someone else, and he knows it’s not possible. Maybe he could visit you though, it’s not too long of a flight and he’s got some money saved up. He’s not a big spender, mostly using his SVTHub paychecks on music production equipment or legos or food, so there’s plenty for him to spend a few days in a hotel. 
Would you be comfortable staying with him? By then you’d have been fake dating for four months and real dating for two, which adds up to six months in his book. But you hadn’t been thinking of him as a boyfriend from the start, not like he’d been thinking of being your boyfriend this whole time. But it wouldn’t hurt to ask, right?
“Do you think maybe I could… come up and see you for a few days?” Vernon asks, feeling like his throat is clogged up with nerves. He wishes he could turn to look at you but he refuses to be anything but the safest of drivers with you in the car. You contemplate for a little bit, about what he’s not sure. He hopes you’re not trying to figure out how to say no gently, hopes he’s made you comfortable enough to be honest with him. 
“Hmmm, I think we have a break halfway through. What if we went on a weekend trip together instead?” You propose. 
His hands grip the wheel suddenly, knuckles white and heart racing as he swivels his gaze to you for a second. You look calm, like you’re thinking about something but not nervous about it at all. 
“You’d want to do that? With me?” Vernon confirms, only slightly ecstatic you feel this safe with him. Not like he could literally jump for joy or anything like that, for sure not. 
“Well, yeah, I brought it up, didn’t I? And who else would I want to do it with?” You remind him with a laugh.
Vernon tries not to focus on the ‘who else would I want to do it with’ part and instead, like a well-adjusted adult, moves on with the conversation. 
“Why don’t we start planning when you get settled in? We could always brainstorm locations now, though,” Vernon offers, hoping you want to go somewhere pretty so he can take a bunch of pictures of you. Then again, you’ll be prettier than anywhere he could go so he’d be fine with a dumpster, or maybe even Florida, as long as he was with you. 
You exchange ideas, time passing much too quickly for Vernon, and he slows down the car in hopes to draw out the drive a bit more. You’re the chronically early type, he’s learned, four hours still standing between you and your flight. He hopes you won’t care if he parks and comes into the airport with you; he would take you all the way to your gate if he could. 
But he can’t, so Vernon pays the parking fee and shoulders your duffle, lifting your suitcase out of the trunk and ignoring your attempts to take it from him. On your last reach, he grabs your hand and shouts, “Snatched!” into the parking garage. The word echoes through the hollow building and combines with the rolling sound of your suitcase to make an interesting beat, and he files it away in his head for later. 
He hears you laugh and looks over to see you skip a bit to catch up with him, and he can only smile his softest smile and allow his heart to fill up his chest. 
Vernon honestly can’t believe his luck. You’d messaged him out of the blue, effortlessly shattering his routine of being the ‘perfect’ boyfriend. You’d made him consider things he’d never even thought to think about: pigeons and feline psychotherapy and his internal biases against movies with smart, peppy, conventionally attractive female leads. 
You’d given him so many things to look forward to each day, shared with him so much of your life.
You’d let him know you. 
Vernon’s a bit glad, honestly, that you came into this not realizing exactly what service you were receiving. You didn’t have any expectations of him and you’d opened up to him freely; you never felt the need to perform and you’d never asked it of him either. That’s probably why he fell in lo-
His steps slow as you approach the escalators, coming to a stop and accidentally yanking you back when you moved onward. 
“Fuck, sorry sorry sorry,” Vernon breathes through his teeth, grimacing. He brings his free hand up to rub at your shoulder and squeezes the one entwined with yours in apology. 
You just eye him with a small smile, moving closer to him and squeezing back, three times. Does that mean something? He feels like that means something. 
Suddenly you’re even closer, and Vernon’s eyes nearly cross before they close as your lips press into his. He kisses you back instantly, instinctively, hand flying from your shoulder to cup your face and draw you into him. Resisting the urge to moan into your mouth, Vernon gently bites at your bottom lip and squeezes your hand, three times. 
He feels you giggle into the kiss and can’t contain his smile enough to kiss you back anymore. The laugh bubbles up out of his chest and your own grows in volume and he just stands there with you, swinging your hand and grinning in the middle of a busy airport. 
Vernon knows you need to go soon and that he should probably let go of you, but he can’t just yet. Your eyes are sparkling at him, your hand is warm in his, and he feels your cheek flush under the palm of his hand. He realizes he’s been staring at you for too long, and now his own cheeks spark with heat. 
“You should probably go and get through security, huh?” Vernon asks, trying (failing) to keep the sadness out of his voice. He wonders why his throat feels so itchy, he hasn’t gotten anywhere near a peanut lately. Stifling a sniffle, Vernon shrugs it off, literally, shifting your duffle onto the suitcase and tightening the straps, ensuring it’ll stay on. He looks back up to you with foggy eyes (when was the last time he went to the eye doctor?) and walks ahead to pull you beside the escalators. 
Your hand covers his on the suitcase handle, gently prying his fingers off and tangling them with your own so you’re holding both of his hands. He grasps your hands tighter in his, squeezing thrice at the exact same time you do. Vernon can’t help but laugh again, and he moves your combined grip back to the suitcase handle, letting go and placing your hands on the bar alone. 
“I’ll see you soon?” Vernon says gently, knowing he’s looking at you with a softness he doesn’t think he’s ever felt before. He thinks he’s beginning to understand how all of his favorite love songs came to be, and when you kiss him and turn to step onto the escalator, he only feels his breath catch a little. 
Vernon watches as you rise with the escalator, blowing him a kiss and sending him one last little wave, before you disappear. His hand stays raised in the air, having flown up to catch both. If he clenches his eyelids closed really hard, he can almost feel them tingling on his palm like tiny birds. 
Vernon can’t wait to be the best boyfriend ever, and thanks himself for doing the work in advance for once. 
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AN: ahhhh!! sorry there's no sex in this one, i'm already 1000 words into part 3 and they will fuck, i promise!!! there'll also be a lil bonus smut after part 3 and tbh i'll probs continue to revisit this couple bc i love them
Part 3
as always, i would love to hear your thoughts about this or just chat! feel free to come into my inbox!!
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Buy A Boyfriend || chs x reader
Part 2
Part 3
Summary: Being a professional boyfriend on SVTHub is great - all Vernon has to do is respond to a few texts, send out a couple selfies, do a stream every now and then, and he makes enough to cover tuition. Things get a little tricky when he finds himself wishing he actually was your boyfriend.
Rating: M (18+)
Word Count: 4kish
Content Notes: voice kink, male masturbation, swearing, he is a virtual boyfriend for money, the texts will probs look like ass on mobile, gender neutral reader, reader has cats and I borrowed @sluttywonwoo and @sluttymingyu ‘s cats bc im their aunt and I love them (sorry if u have your own, please imagine them 😭), they dont have sex (in this part) my bad, reader is a stem major bc I live to project, I think that’s it pls let me know if I missed anything!!
Vernon’s username: bandsboyvern
Reader’s username: allthoughtsheadfull
Hyung Line Masterlist
Maknae Line Masterlist
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Vernon sighs as he opens up SVTHub, knowing he has at least three messages that ask, “Would you still love me if I was a worm?”
His answer will, of course, be “Yes and I would make you a cute little worm house in a jar and take you with me everywhere,” when he really wants to say, ”No I wouldn’t, because I don't know you at all and worms have a very short life expectancy.”
But this is the life he’s created for himself; getting paid to act like a boyfriend comes with answering cliche boyfriend questions. He’s scrolling through messages, answering good morning and goodnight texts with an appropriate selfie, when one message catches his eye, or actually, wow, 5 messages, all from one person.
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Vernon tilts his head, considering how to answer. It’s a bit weird that you sought out a pretend boyfriend to tell these things to but he can’t say the messages aren’t more entertaining than the usual ones. And, honestly, snails are effervescent.
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Vernon answers some messages from other users; badbitchesrus is having friend group drama again and he’s dying to tell her, “you’re the problem,” but a boyfriend wouldn’t say that so he just agrees, saying, “you’re so right, Jen did copy ur fit last night but u did it better baby.” He replies to a few selfies with paragraphs of fire and heart eye emojis, and sends out a couple ‘hope ur day gets better babygirl’s.
Clicking out of the app, Vernon tries to force himself to focus on studying. He’s got a music theory quiz this week and a sound design exam next week and he’s not prepared for either. His fingers tap out a rhythm on his knee as he runs over scales in his head, swearing to himself after missing the last sharp in B major for the fourth time. He’s about to pull out his keyboard for manual practice when his phone dings with a message, the tone telling him it's SVTHub. His head hits the back of his chair, hoping beyond hope it’s not another worm message, and he smiles in surprise when he sees it’s from you.
thought 5: legally blonde is peak cinema and has something for everyone so whyyyy is it universally disliked
Vernon tilts his head, realizing that even though he’d never seen Legally Blonde, he did dislike it for some reason. Huh.
His phone goes off again, another thought from you.
thought 6: why did stephanie name it twilight and then have bella meet edward in the daytime
He hasn’t seen Twilight either but, honestly, you bring up a good point. Why name it a certain time of day and then not have them meet at that time?
Happy to be distracted, Vernon settles in to ask you some questions and hopefully get some movie recommendations.
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Before Vernon can respond, he gets another message, from bbygrill99 this time. She’s requesting an ab pic, her third this week, and he wonders why she’s so obsessed with his abs when his ass is great too, but complies nonetheless. Lifting his shirt, he tenses his abdominals and tilts his phone to get the perfect angle, his bottom lip just barely in frame and his gray sweats sitting low on his hips. He’s been trying to drink more water because apparently you need it to survive, so his abs aren’t as defined as usual and he hopes she doesn’t say anything. He sends the picture out with a kiss emoji and saves it to his folder of lewds, hoping he’ll be able to reuse it.
He’s very intrigued by the idea of threats to increase productivity, and asks you more questions. This turns out to be counterproductive as it leads to a whole conversation that makes him laugh all the way through, and consequently, he doesn’t get any more work done.
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It’s almost time for his weekly goodnight stream, and Vernon’s still thinking about your last conversation. You’d lured him into a debate about living as a pigeon or living with pigeons, and he still wasn’t sure who’d won. You hadn’t sent him any new thoughts today, and even though you’d just become a subscriber last week, he’s missing you for some reason. He really enjoyed the randomness of your brain, and hearing what was going on in there throughout the day. It was a nice break from pretending to be the perfect boyfriend, and he got to respond like he wanted, not like he thought he should.
Starting the stream, he settles into bed and begins telling his patrons about his day, pausing at certain moments to let them respond to him. On their screens, it just looks like a personal facetime, and they get to pretend he’s talking to them and them alone. He tries not to frown when he realizes you haven’t joined, and hopes you will soon; you were the one person he actually wanted to say goodnight to.
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You don’t join, and Vernon goes to bed sad and confused. Why were you paying for this if you weren’t going to use your membership to the fullest? His subscribers loved the introduction of goodnight streams, some are even asking for good morning streams too. You also hadn’t asked him for any pictures yet, even though everyone was allowed three per day. Maybe you just hadn’t read the membership benefits when you joined and didn’t know? He should probably ask, right? Just to be sure you’re getting your money’s worth.
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Vernon gasps, staring down at his phone in awe.
A cat picture. You've sent him a cat picture. A picture of a cat. Your cat, presumably.
Vernon’s heart stutters, his eyebrows raising.
He sighs in disbelief before setting his jaw in determination and deciding the perfect combination and sequence of emojis to convey his true feelings.
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Vernon puts the phone down for a moment as he remembers what you’d first said about your cats. One likes you too much and one doesn’t like you at all. He wonders which is which, they're both looking at you with such love.
He’s spinning in his desk chair, zoning out a little, when his eyes hit the open sound design program on his desktop.
Fuck, he has an exam tomorrow.
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Vernon’s mouth stretches in a smile, his kicking feet sending him on a giddy spin in his chair. Putting his phone on Do Not Disturb, he forces himself to focus.
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Vernon is sitting in his Audio Mastering Techniques class when you text him. He was already struggling to focus, fingers drumming on the table and leg bouncing under it, his neighbor sending a glare over every few minutes. He tries his best not to check, but you'd promised him your first thought and he wants to see what it is!
Glancing around surreptitiously, Vernon opens SVTHub with his phone under the table. You'd never sent him an explicit message before but there's a first time for everything (Vernon hopes).
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Vernon looks up organic chemistry practice problems but sees ‘Stereospecificity in Addition Reactions’ and ‘Electrophilic Addition Reactions to Conjugated Dienes’ and immediately begins shaking his head, exiting out of the browser and texting you again.
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Vernon’s heart starts racing as he reads your text. You want to call him. You want to speak words and you want him to listen and respond and then you’ll respond to his words.
Vernon’s sitting at his desk, spinning around as the phone rings and rain pangs against the window.
“Hey! Sorry,” you sound out of breath, “it’s monsooning and i couldn’t text and hold the umbrella and keep my laptop out of the rain at the same time.”
“It’s okay, no worries. How’d the exam go? Did you cry?” He asks, only slightly worried.
“It went well, I think! I did cry but just a little and I didn’t get it on the exam paper this time, thank goodness.”
You tell him more about the exam and he just listens, absorbing your voice and tone and cadence. He wants to record you, wishes he could listen to you all the time, your voice is so entrancing.
“Did you have your midterm yet?” You ask sweetly, sounding concerned.
This startles Vernon out of his trance and he has to ask himself if he has taken his midterm yet today, and sighs in relief when he realizes he has a few hours left to go.
“Nah, it’s not till later so i’m just studying and vibing.”
Vernon chats more with you, trying to imagine what you look like and wishing patrons had a profile picture like he does, before he realizes it’s been an hour and he should get focused. Promising to call you after his exam and wishing he could just take you with him in his pocket, he hangs up.
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Vernon does call you after his exam, and he calls you the next day too, and the next. It’s easier than ever for him to respond to messages, romantic words flowing and streams getting more and more popular. He just pretends he’s talking to you and it always works. You haven’t joined one of his streams yet but he’s holding out hope, and secretly wishing that you’d request a private videocall. You still haven’t asked for any selfies but he finds himself sending them anyway, hoping someday you’ll send one back. 
He’s getting ready for his bedtime stream when he starts thinking about your last phone call, just a few hours ago. You’d just woken up from a nap, sounding all raspy and sleepy and cute, and he tried to picture your face, cheek lined with pillow creases. He doesn’t remember what you’d talked about because he couldn’t focus on anything but your voice, soft and sweet in his ear. He pictures you, laying in bed next to him, your head on his chest or his on yours, your legs tangled up with his own. He can’t help but imagine your fingers trailing over the ridges of his abdomen, running up and down his chest, and his own fingers start to follow. 
Vernon thinks about your fingers moving lower, running along his waistband and dipping beneath. But you’re a tease, and they slip out and over the fabric of his sweats, pressing down where he’s starting to grow hard. He rubs his palm over his dick, squeezing harder the closer he gets to the head, imagining your giggle when his hips buck up. His phone goes off, startling him out of his fantasy and reminding him he has a stream to start. 
He hasn’t done one like this in a while but the tips are always insane and he really wants to buy the lego set you told him you did the other day, so he shrugs and presses the red record button on his phone. 
“Hey baby, it's so good to see you. How are you?” Vernon pauses to let his viewers answer, thinking about how you’d respond. 
“I had a busy day, midterms finished last week but I have a project due soon and I haven’t made a lot of progress on it,” he hears you scold him in his head, telling him to get a move on. 
“But I’m really tired, and i just wanna relax. Think you could help me?” Vernon asks, setting his phone down to pull off his shirt, missing the little notification popping up to say you’d joined. He smiles softly into the camera as he picks it back up, sliding on the bed to rest his head on the pillows. He pans the camera down to show his abs, running his fingers down his chest to settle at his waistband, pretending they’re yours. The tips start rolling in and he mutes his phone, the dinging sound beginning to annoy him. 
Vernon tries to find that fantasy again, the one where you’re in bed with him and touching him and talking to him, and slips his hand into his sweats, fingers wrapping around his hard cock. He sighs, pulling his dick out and rubbing his palm over the head, his hips jerking at the friction. Leaning over to dig around his bedside table for some lube, Vernon wonders what you’re doing right now. He opens the cap and dribbles some onto his length, smearing it around with his hand. It’s chilly but he just tells himself your hand is cold, and starts squeezing his cock, pulling a little when he gets to the head. A punched out moan leaves his chest, lube warming up and dick getting harder. 
It feels better than usual for some reason, but Vernon isn’t willing to think about why at the moment, and keeps jerking his cock. He’s panting a bit now, staring into the camera with half-lidded eyes and lip bitten between his teeth, feeling his abs tense with every pull. Closing his eyes so he can picture your hand moving on him, he tilts his head back into the pillow, wishing he could moan your name. 
The heat is starting to rise in his stomach, his hips bucking into the movements of his hand, and he knows he’s getting close. He really is tired so he doesn’t try to draw it out, just squeezes at the head harder and tries not to whine at the pressure. He thinks about your hands on him, god, your mouth on him, and imagines your voice telling him to cum. 
Vernon almost drops the phone on his chest with the force of his orgasm, trying to decide if he should turn the camera to show the cum shooting out of his cock and pooling in the ridges of his abs. He leaves it facing him instead, knowing his face is screwed up in pleasure and his moans are echoing throughout the room. Staring at the ceiling, Vernon tries to catch his breath and wonders why he just came so hard. He can feel his eyelids drooping, mind going hazy with sleep and oxytocin, and blows a kiss into the camera, saying goodnight. 
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You haven’t texted him in a week.
Vernon’s messaged you, selfies and thoughts and questions, but you haven't responded. He even checked your profile, just to make sure you hadn’t canceled your membership. He doesn’t know what to do; you’ve only been a subscriber for a couple months and you’ve only been gone a week, but he misses you. He misses waking up to a random philosophical question from you, or a picture of your latest A, or a video of your cats play(?) fighting. 
But Vernon also doesn’t want to bother you, or overwhelm you, so he’s cooled it down a bit. He only texted you once yesterday, and he hasn’t texted you at all today. He just wishes he knew you’re okay, that nothing bad has happened to you, that you’ll come back. He knows now that being a pretend boyfriend is no fun if you don’t have someone whose boyfriend you want to be. 
For now, he’ll just keep checking his phone and hoping to see a message from you. 
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Vernon's knee bounces, jaw clenching as he listens to the phone ring, waiting for you to pick up. He can't wait to hear your voice, it hasn't even been two weeks but that's more than long enough for him. You just soothe him, quiet his brain and still his hands. He's not sure if it's how gently you speak, or how your voice feels like a soft, warm blanket right out of the dryer, or how your words slide over him like silk, but he's missed you and as soon as you pick up and say hello, it's like his entire body relaxes.
He chats with you a bit, catching up on your classes and telling you about the work he's done for his project (little to none), letting you scold him for having done no work on his project and enjoying it.
The conversation draws to a natural conclusion, both of you having exhausted every possible topic in an effort to avoid the reason for the call. Vernon takes a deep breath and tries to steel himself; he's never been good with uncomfortable situations or feelings talk but he's willing to try, for you.
"So, you thought this was like a... pen pal situation? Didn't you have to put in your ID to prove you're over 18?"
"Well, yes, but I thought it was just so we could talk about adult topics, not because it's porn!"
Vernon blanches, he hadn't really thought about the fact that he was basically a porn star and he's not sure how he feels about it. He's not ashamed, sex is normal and human and he needs to make money somehow, but he does wonder how much longer he'll want to keep doing this. It's not easy to act like a boyfriend to so many people at once when he knows there's only one person he wants. And he does know it now, he wants you.
"Does it make you uncomfortable? That I do this?" Vernon worries, knowing he doesn't want to stop but also knowing he doesn't want to lose you.
"No, I mean, a job is a job and you get to make your own schedule and devote all your focus to school. It seems like a great gig, and you're good at it obviously..." You trail off, sounding sad for some reason. He hasn't heard you like this before, your voice a bit thready and foggy, like you're suppressing tears.
"What's wrong?" Vernon asks urgently, becoming more and more concerned with every sniffle that escapes you.
You stay silent for a while, Vernon tries to be patient but he can hear your breath catching, and he's about to start crying too just so you don't cry alone. He breathes out your name, hoping you'll respond.
"Ugh, I just-" you stop yourself, sounding... embarrassed?
"I..." you take what sounds like a very deep breath, and Vernon feels like he's at the edge of a cliff, just waiting to jump.
"I like you! I like when you call me babe and flirt with me and call me and I liked the face you made when you came and I liked how you sounded and then I wanted to make you sound like that! But this is your literal job, acting like a boyfriend, and I didn't know that so I let myself have a crush on you not knowing that it was all fake!"
It takes Vernon a second to process what you said, you'd said it all in one breath and spoken so fast, your voice shaking with the cutest mix of nerves and annoyance.
"Nononononononono!!! It wasn't fake! It was fake with everyone else but never with you," Vernon spits out in a rush, desperate to make you understand. He's pacing in his room now, phone pressed to his ear, arms crossed and fingers taptaptapping at his elbow. He wonders what he can say to make you believe him, to make sure you know that you've always been different, been special, to him.
"I look forward to your thoughts every day. Whenever you text me, I literally kick my feet like a little kid. Every time I streamed - they're not all like that, by the way - I couldn't stop checking to see if you'd joined. Patrons can only ask for three selfies a day, I send you like five, unprompted-" he could go on, but you interrupt him with a call of his name. He's not sure he's heard it on your lips before, but it does something to him. Something that's very inconvenient for him to deal with now, during this very emotional conversation. He's tempted to send you a picture, maybe that will convince you.
"Vernon," you call again, bringing his focus back to your voice and away from what your voice was doing to him.
"So, what are you saying?" you continue, starting to sound a bit less sad and a bit more like yourself.
"I'm saying I want to be your actual boyfriend, and not for money, so you'll have to cancel your membership, sorry."
There's silence for a few beats; Vernon feels himself teetering on the cliff again as he waits for your response.
"I mean- is that... allowed?" You seem unsure, sounding slightly hopeful but a bit apprehensive still. He wishes he could see your face, wishes he knew what you look like at all (knowing would definitely help at nighttime or in the shower or when he wakes up for ... reasons). He shakes his head to bring himself back to the conversation before you notice that his mind had wandered.
"Yea, I mean, my friend does cam shows with his partner and another friend of mine found out his roommate was watching his shows and now they fuck everyday! That could be us!" Vernon tries to reassure you, hoping you're willing to at least try.
"Ummmmm I don't know about that just yet but we could try... dating, I guess? It may be difficult just online but I like you and you say you like me so, why not?"
Vernon thinks that if he jumped out of his window right now, he just might fly. He won't because he's not trying to die now that you're letting him be your boyfriend, but the feeling is there.
"Yes! I do like you, I like you a lot. I like you so much. Please date me." He knows he's practically begging at this point, but he doesn't care. Vernon's willing to beg, on his knees if he needs to, if it means he can be your boyfriend for real.
"Okay! Okay," you giggle, a bit muffled as if you're covering your mouth. "I'll date you if you date me?"
Vernon can't contain his grin, spinning in circles around his room even though he's already dizzy.
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Vernon squints, sitting in his 9 am and staring down at the purple pen in his hand, the one he’d found sitting on the desk when he came in.
There’s no way though, right?
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Vernon tries not to freak out as he looks under the desk to find a water bottle. One with your name on it.
Vernon has a choice to make. He could sit here, try to focus on class, while he thinks about you somewhere on campus, struggling through an exam and dehydrated and sad. Or …
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Not on my watch, Vernon thinks, shooting up from the desk and grabbing his stuff and yours. He’s jogging across campus before he knows it, dodging frisbees and dogs on the green, weaving through hammocks and hopping over sleeping students. He’s not sure what lecture hall you’re in but he knows the chemistry building, and if he books it, he’s sure he can make it.
He’s speedwalking down the hall, peeking in windows and listening at doors, trying to find your class. His eyes catch a paper taped to a door, warning, “EXAM AT 915. DO NOT DISTURB.”
He could jump in glee but, glancing at his phone and seeing that it’s 9:10, he knows he doesn’t have time.
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Vernon’s hoping, praying you’ll listen to him when the door opens a smidge, and the most beautiful face he’s ever seen peeks through. It's like heaven’s light is shining down on him, he thinks he can hear angels, and is that wind? Blowing through his hair?
Staring back at him, your eyes shoot open in disbelief, before landing on your pen and water bottle in his hands. You squeal, bouncing in your shoes and throwing your arms around his neck. He breathes you in, reeling at the weight of your body against his, and you pull back before he can return your embrace. Vernon misses you instantly but he knows you have to go be a genius so, handing you the water and pen, he accepts a kiss on the cheek and watches you leave.
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Hiiii!! Would love to know your thoughts, whether they come in a like, reblog, comment, or ask! Please feel free to come talk to me i will cry and smile all day!! Planning a pt 2 for this but i'm hoping to get pt 2 of like a cowboy out first!
Parts Two and Three are up on my masterlist and this series is now considered complete! i love this couple tho and i love where i left them so i'll probs add little drabbles/oneshots in the future
Part 2
And check out the rest of SVTHub! A good few fics are out and you’ll still have something to look forward to as more will be posted over the next few weeks ☺️
I am so grateful to @sapphichui for trusting me with this and I’ve had such a great time collaborating with and getting to know other awesome authors on here!
My Masterlist
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O- Oh....
Fucking Hell Jeon Wonwoo, you're so rude. 🤺
Let me suck your fucking dick daddy
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roommates with benefits
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❝ y/n, you can’t keep staying here. you’ve been living in my room for like, two weeks now. you don’t even pay rent. ❞
PAIRING ▸ jeon wonwoo x fem!reader
GENRES ▸ smut, fluff, humor, college au, roommate au, frat au
WARNINGS ▸ profanity, shy!wonwoo, he’s a bit of an overthinker too, classic “share a bed” trope, sort of friends with benefits, unprotected sex, fingering, praise
SUMMARY ▸ initially, wonwoo doesn’t think much about your incessant requests to play on his xbox. however, when what was supposed to be a two-hour visit to his place stretches out for two weeks, he starts to think you’re overstaying your welcome.
PLAYLIST ▸ seventeen by girls generation • in my dreams by red velvet
WORD COUNT ▸ 6,467 words
AUTHOR’S NOTE ▸ here’s me impulsively writing another short lil fic in 1-2 days because the wonwoo brainrot’s been hitting me :’) tbh just wrote this bc i’ve been obsessed with omori LOL but hope u guys enjoy !! ♡ 
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“Wonwoo! You have the Xbox Game Pass?”
He was taken aback by your question. Minutes ago, he was diligently studying in the library with Kwon Soonyoung when you approached him. Lee Chan was following after you with an exasperated look on his face, sending Wonwoo silent, apologetic looks. Your face, on the other hand, looked like a collision of supernovas with the intensity of the sparkle in your eyes.
For a moment, Wonwoo wondered if you had picked up some new interest in broadcasting. There had to be a mic clipped to your shirt. If his vision wasn’t so shitty, maybe he could spot the hidden camera focusing on him.
“Uh…” He sat up straighter and nodded. (He was camera-shy—and people-shy, but that was beside the point.) “Yeah, I do. Why?”
You beamed. “Can I come over and play on your Xbox?”
Keep reading
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icons jaewon 🎸
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feelings ﹒ jw
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synopsis ﹕ the best way to deal with your crush on jeon wonwoo was to avoid him at all costs. now that you're stuck having dinner with him alone, there was no way out.
genre + ﹕fluff, slight comedy, idol!wonwoo, non idol!reader, best friend + matchmaker mingyu, fem reader, reader has a big crush on wonu lol, reader is also an awkward mess, the TINIESTTT bit of angst but that's because reader overthinks a lot
wc ﹕3k
warnings ﹕reader is kinda insecure + compares herself to others
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there he was, in all his glory, black hair neatly styled with a simple outfit that consisted of grey sweats and a black t-shirt.
“here’s your chance! go talk to him,” mingyu pushes you in the direction of your crush. you awkwardly stumble over your feet, nearly falling. your crush, jeon wonwoo, whips his head towards you.
your heartbeat grows louder, your ears growing hot as you quickly turn around to avoid eye contact.
“what are you doing? go over there,” mingyu eggs you on even more, making your stomach do uncomfortable flips.
yes — you had a crush. as dumb as it sounds, you’ve been absolutely infatuated with jeon wonwoo ever since the day you met him. your best friend, kim mingyu, has been trying to set the two of you up for ages.
unfortunately for you, you could never muster up the courage to even look in wonwoo’s direction. even if he tried to strike up a conversation as you waited for mingyu outside the practice room, you always found a way to avoid him or keep the talk short. you would say it’s one of the worst traits about you.
of course you want to talk to wonwoo, ask how he is or be able to grow closer to him, but you couldn’t. your anxiety would overpower you, resulting in awkward stuttering or statements that didn’t even make sense. or in the worst case scenario, you would find a way to basically run away to do something else if you saw him coming your way.
“i can’t,” you fix your outfit self-consciously, straightening out your pencil skirt. mingyu ruffles your hair playfully, sending you in full panic mode to adjust it.
“he’s coming over here,” mingyu states, drinking out of his water bottle. your eyes grow wide, shambling to stand side by side with mingyu. he smiles, trying to hold back a laugh.
mingyu was right, wonwoo was walking towards you two. you can’t move, your feet feel planted in place as a hundred thoughts race through your mind. wonwoo’s face lights up as he gets closer.
“y/n, nice to see you,” he greets you, earning a nervous smile from you. mingyu elbows your side subtly, reminding you to say something.
“hi,” you say quietly, making you internally face palm at yourself. he looks so pretty even after dancing for hours, his forehead glistening with sweat and his skin glowing. he adjusts his black rimmed glasses, pushing them up. you can’t help but admire him, his brown orbs fixate on you as you continue to stare.
mingyu clears his throat, wonwoo’s eyes flicking towards his direction instead. “y/n and i were just about to go get food.”
“yum yum,” you say out of nervousness. you cringe at yourself.
you shift your attention to mingyu, who is already looking at you with a smug grin.
“y/n is really hungry but sadly i’m really tired and i just want to sleep,” mingyu tells wonwoo, with a fake frown on his face as he keeps his eyes on you. you furrow your brows, glaring at him with an ‘i’m going to kill you’ look. leave it up to kim mingyu to try and play matchmaker with every opportunity he gets his grip on.
“oh,” wonwoo says, “i don’t mind going with you, y/n.”
you step on mingyu’s foot, making him wince in pain. thankfully, wonwoo didn’t notice.
you clasp your hands together, “actually i–”
“great! hope you guys have fun,” mingyu pushes you again, and you almost land straight on the floor. thankfully, wonwoo’s fast reflexes catch both of your shoulders as mingyu runs away to talk to minghao like a little kid.
wonwoo’s touch has your entire face heating up as he looks at you with concerned eyes. “are you okay?”
your breath hitches, straightening your posture quickly while avoiding eye contact. the amount of anxiety coursing throughout your body was unbearable, you could barely even talk to wonwoo. how were you going to sit and have a meal with him alone?
“yeah, i’m fine,” you spew out a white lie. you two begin walking to the back exit of the building to avoid being seen by fans, wonwoo’s keys jingling inside his pocket. you’re nervously obsessing over what to say, or if you should speak at all.
the lights of the building hum quietly, but it’s barely audible as conversations from many different people tune it out. wonwoo adjusts his hair and puts on a face mask, giving you a chance to steal a glance at him. his presence alone has your heart skipping beats, as you imagine all the possible outcomes of your small little outing together.
you reach the exit, wonwoo politely holding the door out for you. your lingering embarrassment still has a hold on you, making you stare at the ground and mutter a “thank you” in a small voice.
“is there a restaurant you have in mind?” wonwoo’s voice breaks the silence, making a small part of you jump. he sticks his hands inside of his pockets, still walking alongside you, but head fully turned towards your way.
“no, you can choose,” you try to reply in the sweetest voice you could find within your vocal chords.
his face lights up, “hm, let’s go to homulang then. it has ramen, katsu, a lot of japanese cuisine. is that okay with you?”
you respond with the nod of your head, butterflies erupting within you because you were merely walking with him. no one else, just the two of you. you were still slightly irritated with mingyu because you knew that the only things coming out of your mouth would be short sentences every once in a while, or nothing at all.
you truly couldn’t help it, after all, wonwoo has millions of fans all over the world and probably a lot of other idols who find him cute. insecurity would eat you up constantly with the thought of dating wonwoo, or even just trying to explain how you feel to him. he’s also way too busy, you didn’t want to trouble him with anything else.
it’s still quite early in the evening, 6:14 pm to be exact. the sun shines down onto the pavement, clouds scattered in the blue sky. you walk by civilians on the street, no one paying attention to you two as your feet pat against the gray concrete. the cars driving past you result in a slight breeze, but it’s satisfying in the hot weather.
you feel the urge to run away building up inside of you. there’s only one thing going through your mind; holy shit, i’m hanging out with wonwoo! you feel self conscious just standing next to him, wanting to cover your face or wrap your arms around yourself.
once the restaurant is in your field of vision, you grow more tense. you straighten out your posture, adjusting your hair. he reaches out to open the door for you once again, letting you inside first. the waiting area is crowded, which means you have to stay close to wonwoo. you feel his hand rest against your back, causing you to swallow harshly.
the hostess greets the two of you with a smile, her eyes lingering on wonwoo as he removes his mask.
“table for two, please,” wonwoo tells her politely. her face lights up, grabbing a hold of two menus.
“great! right this way please.”
gosh, it feels like everything is finally beginning to sit within you. you’re going to be sitting here, with wonwoo. talking. for at least an hour. you feel sick just admitting it.
he pulls your chair out for you, and you can’t say you’re surprised. you didn’t fall for him solely for his good looks, in fact, you very well loved how much of a polite person he was.
the hostess walks away, bright smiles directed to wonwoo only. you awkwardly bite the inside of your cheek, taking note of how gorgeous she looked. wonwoo didn’t seem to pay much attention to her longing gaze though, just casually opening the menu.
“oh my god! y/n?”
a voice startles you. it doesn’t make it any better since your senses are heightened due to the amount of anxiety pitting inside of you. your head snaps towards the voice, and you’re staring up at a woman with long black hair and a grin.
“seoyeon,” you breathe out, standing up to give her a hug. wonwoo watches your interaction in silence, grazing his fingertips along the plastic menu.
“it’s so great to see you! you look so different, in a good way! you’re so pretty,” she gushes. you can’t help but shyly look down, bowing your head slightly to thank her.
“you look great, too. by the way, this is wonwoo,” you introduce him, making his eyes shoot up to hers.
“nice to meet you,” he says.
seoyeon was an old friend of yours from high school — she was well adored by everyone and not to mention extremely desired. you wouldn’t say you were the best of friends with her, but you were quite close.
“oh sorry, am i interrupting something?” she inquires innocently. you open your mouth for a moment, awkwardly looking between the two of them and waving your hands.
“n-no,” you’re able to stutter out. “but other than that, what brings you here?”
she points to her name tag sitting upon the shirt of her uniform. “y’know, duty calls! but i’ll leave the two of you alone now. let me know when you’re leaving though! i want to talk to you again.”
she waves goodbye, walking to another customer’s table. that leaves you with no one other than wonwoo. you look at him for a moment, his eyes already on you. you force yourself to look back down, but you can see the small smile he has on his face from the corner of your eye.
he exhales softly, “what are you getting?”
you don’t say anything for a second. oh no, is this a test? is he asking me to see if we have things of similar interest? what if i answer wrong? i should say i’m getting the prawns— wait no, he hates seafood!
“i think i’m going to get the pork cutlet,” you answer firmly. wonwoo lets out a small chuckle, which sounds like absolute music to your ears.
“it’s just me, don’t worry. you can be yourself.”
that was the problem, it’s just him. the guy you’ve been crushing on for years. you can’t just be normal, because every time you try to even say something to him, you feel like wrapping yourself in a dozen blankets and hiding forever.
you’re so caught up in your own thoughts you accidentally knock over your cup of water, not even registering it at first. it’s not until wonwoo’s gripping at the napkins, scrambling to clean up the mess, is when you finally notice it.
your eyes widen, standing up in your chair as you try to help him. you could just cry right now, not only were you terrible at conversation starters, but you utterly embarrassed yourself in front of wonwoo.
“i’m so sorry,” your voice shakes, wiping aggressively at the dripping water.
“it’s okay,” wonwoo tries to reassure you while standing to assist in cleaning. in your mind, it’s just the gentleman in wonwoo trying to not make you feel bad. there’s just too much happening around you, it makes you want to burst into tears.
“i’m sorry,” you repeat yourself, hands shaking.
“y/n,” he says softly, all while placing his hand on yours. “i promise it’s okay.”
his kindness makes you calm down a bit. after about three more “i’m sorry's”, and wiping the remaining water, you sit back down.
wonwoo adjusts his glasses once more when he takes his seat again, trying to see if you were still shaken up. you know that he doesn’t understand why you’re so on edge, but you can tell that he’s trying to make you feel better. in reality, you’re just overthinking absolutely every movement you make.
you are aware that this dinner would feel like hell for you, even if you were spending time with the one guy you hold admiration for. it didn’t matter, because you were already here. you were sure that if you came up with a lame excuse to leave, wonwoo would see straight through your lie.
so whether you like it or not, you were going to have to power through this.
surprisingly, tonight was not that bad. in fact, you and wonwoo ended up staying at the restaurant for longer than one hour. you learned a lot about him, some things you already knew, but others you didn’t.
he talked about how initially, he was a vocalist. it wasn’t until people commented on how good his rapping was, did he start to look more into it. he told you all of his book recommendations when he heard you loved to read, and although you couldn’t completely get over your nerves, you still had a good time.
“thank you for uh, coming to get food with me,” you tell wonwoo awkwardly, waiting for the bill to arrive.
“it was fun. i hope you talk to me more in the future though, because i thought you disliked me,” he admits. your eyes widen, shaking your head.
“no, no! it’s not that.. i’m just.. bad at talking,” you half lie, mumbling quietly. wonwoo lets out a sigh of relief, “that makes me feel a bit better.”
the reason it was a half lie was because you were bad at talking, just only to wonwoo. with the other members you were fine, but every time he came up to you, it felt like all your speaking abilities would run out the door.
your waitress finally comes back with the bill, bringing a card machine with her. you open up your bag, taking your debit card out.
“i’ll pay,” wonwoo offers, also holding one of his cards out.
“please don’t, i’ll feel really bad if you do,” you immediately decline his offer. you reach to tap your card on the machine, but wonwoo is faster. he beats you to it, thanking the waitress.
“hey! i said don’t!”
wonwoo shrugs his shoulders, “you’ll pay next time then.”
his words affect you in two different ways. on one side, you’re squealing internally because wonwoo is actually interested in hanging out with you again. on the other side, you’re overthinking everything, wondering if you’re going to embarrass yourself like today.
the both of you gather your things to leave, walking to the door. you tell wonwoo you have to say goodbye to your friend first though, walking towards seoyeon who is organizing receipts at one of the registers.
“hi, i’m about to go,” you pipe up, making her look towards you.
“oh! before you leave, i wanted to ask about your friend, wonwoo,” she informs you. your heart beats a little faster, dreading what she is about to ask.
“is there anything going on between the two of you? because you know.. he’s really good looking..”
of course seoyeon was interested in wonwoo. after all, that was just your luck. and you couldn’t really lie to her, that would be unfair to both her and him. because no matter how you look at it, there really wasn’t anything going on between the two of you. you were just friends. or at least, wonwoo thought so.
all you had was a crush on wonwoo, a crush that you were never able to build up confidence to pursue. this was quite literally the only time you and him had gotten to spend time together alone. plus, you believe seoyeon and wonwoo would be great together. you’re too awkward and can barely speak to him, and she’s so confident.
so as much as it pains you to answer, you shake your head no.
“oh thank goodness, i didn’t want you to think of me as a homewrecker or anything,” she laughs. she quickly writes her number on a napkin, handing it to you. you reluctantly take it, cursing yourself for not having enough courage to confess to him.
you quickly say your goodbyes, leaving the restaurant to find wonwoo. he’s standing outside, waiting for you as you walk out.
“you’re choosing the place next time, by the way,” he states. you nod your head, holding the napkin in your hand.
“what’s that?” he asks you. you stare down at it, getting more upset with yourself by the second.
“my friend wanted me to give me your number,” you breathe out, “she asked me if there was something going on between us.. i said no and she asked me to give you this.”
“oh, i see,” wonwoo replies, almost sounding disappointed. you begin to panic again.
“i’m sorry! i should’ve said that you don’t have time for dating or that you um.. you weren’t interested, but i didn’t give her any of your information so don’t worry.”
“it’s not that,” he tells you, taking the napkin from your hand and folding it neatly. “i just thought that there was something going on. with us.”
“oh,” is the first thing that pops up in your head. you don’t even notice what he said at first, only being thankful that he wasn’t mad at you for trying to set him up with a friend of yours.
but then it hits you.
you’re honestly at a loss for words. he had to be joking, god, you really hoped this was some really cruel joke. if it wasn’t, that means wonwoo was somewhat interested in you, and actually perceived you as a person (something you did not want).
“um.. ah.. wow.. you’re cool! wait— not just cool, i really like you, wait no, not really like you. like normal person like you. no that’s not right either, i like you more than just normal person liking!”
he can’t help but stifle a laugh, placing an arm over your shoulder. you stand frozen, eyes wide while he looks down to you. when the hell did his face get that close?
“i know you do,” he smiles.
“but i thought you thought i disliked you?”
“well,” he starts as you two start walking in the direction of the dorms, “i decided all those times you were avoiding me or having trouble speaking were either because you hated me, or you liked me.. you told me otherwise, hence why i know you have a little crush on me.”
you go silent, the nerves taking over you once again. wonwoo knew? and not only that, wonwoo didn’t find it weird. in fact, he actually reciprocated your feelings. you’re too busy trying to wrap your head around everything that you don’t realize how he presses a quick peck to your forehead.
when you do come to terms with it, your face and ears begin to heat up. your heart is racing, your entire head on cloud nine. wonwoo smiles to himself, proud that he made you flustered.
“oh my god,” you whisper to yourself.
“i’ll kiss you for real, next time.”
“oh okay— wait, what?”
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wonwoo boyfriend headcanons <3
a/n: i am vibrating from how much cold brew i consumed on an empty stomach so i'm writing this in hopes of wonwoo thoughts calming me down but honestly i'll just end up crying <3 pics not mine~
content: fluff | wc: 1.4k | warnings: none! | pairing: boyfriend!wonwoo x gn!reader | requests: open
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wonwoo is the love of my life actually. it's scientifically proven and peer-reviewed that i love and adore him with all my heart and soul, so this post is going to be long and filled with my love for him <3
sweetest softest most loving boy in the world <3
he's the type of person to show love through small, tender gestures and actions
loves playing with your hands
i can very clearly see him lying in bed, grabbing your hand delicately, and twiddling with your fingers while you both watch tv/read/scroll on your phones
he also does this absentmindedly when he’s thinking
he may be lost in thought but that doesn’t mean he’s unaware of your presence <3
your presence actually helps him think more clearly :-(
he'll always come to you with questions or problems he needs to work through because just talking to you helps him sort out his thoughts and he knows you'll always offer support and advice
he will call you or send you voice messages about this when he's away too
you are always always always on his mind
and he never lets you forget it
wonwoo so clearly loves you with every little thing he does
even the unconscious ones
walking on the outer part of the sidewalk so you're farther away from vehicles, putting his hand over your head when you enter a car, getting two of a drink/snack so you can have some, tidying up your area of the bathroom counter, and so on
taking care of you is his second nature :-((
sometimes wonwoo just stares at you with complete wonder in his eyes because he can't believe you're real
when you catch him doing it and ask if there's something on your face he just shakes his head and says in tiny "oh no it's nothing"
he looks down to his hands and he's blushing SO much and fighting back a lil smile because he's overwhelmed by how much he loves you i'm screaming
if you push up his glasses when they start to slip or straighten the collar of his shirt or fix a loose strand of his hair he will absolutely lose it
you broke his brain like he doesn't know how to contain himself when you do kind gestures like that
he's muttering and stuttering "thank you" over and over again
he's so cute and flustered so you just give him a lil kiss or pat on the head and he goes completely silent and his eyes are literally sparkling with his love for you
no thoughts head empty except for his love for you <3
wonwoo is a big big BIG fan of quality time
he adores doing things with you, and he equally adores sharing space with you as you both do your respective things
if y'all are in the living room reading different books but cuddled together on the couch, wonwoo is genuinely in heaven
he also loves having you around while he games. like if you're in his vicinity he's so at peace even when his emotions are at an all-time high during the game
and he loves just hanging out while you're doing something you love !!
he simply loves your physical proximity (or digital if he's touring/you're traveling and y'all just facetime or call while doing your own things like cooking or working)
he will let you know when he wants your undivided attention though
often he will do this by biting your shoulder :,-)
you could be making tea in the kitchen and wonwoo will walk up and give you a backhug and gently bite your shoulder so you know that he wants you to look at him and talk to him i'm sobbing thinking about this
and he's so content talking about the smallest things with you :-(
after he bites your shoulder he hums "what're you doing?" and you know he knows what you're doing but you love him so much so you answer "i'm making tea"
he proceeds to ask you lil questions about your tea, your mood, what you plan to do while drinking your tea the correct answer is "hang out with you, wonwoo"
he could actually listen to you talk for hours i'm not even kidding
he's obsessed with the sound of your voice and all the idiosyncrasies in your speech, gestures, etc
he starts picking them up and seventeen is like ?? when did you start saying/doing that ??
and then they meet you and go OHHHHHHHHH that's what it was
after that they will point out every time he acts/speaks like you and he gets a lil embarrassed but also his heart swells because he loves that you've become such a huge part of him <33
he strikes me as the kind of guy who likes to listen to podcasts with you
hear me out
walking around outside, there's a breeze in the air, you're holding hands, sharing headphones, and listening to a podcast about your shared interests
someone hold me i'm having a breakdown
he's so good at comforting you
he becomes so in tune with your emotions that whenever you come to him sad/angry/stressed/etc he is ready
even if he doesn't know exactly what to say, he will listen to you and support you however you need
he'll hold your hands in his while you speak and maintain eye contact so you know you have his full attention
and whenever you cry he will gently wipe your tears away before grabbing tissues for you <3 and sitting with you while you settle yourself <3 and then he'll ask if you want water or anything to make you feel more at ease <3
he's also the absolute best at supporting you through all your successes
he is your BIGGEST fan
he'll always be proud of you and tells you that frequently because he thinks you're so amazing in whatever you do and he wants you to celebrate yourself as much as he celebrates you
he will be walking on cloud nine if you ever compliment a song/performance he's done
like if you like what he's doing that's more than enough for him to be satisfied with it
if he's ever insecure, you telling him all the wonderful things he does makes a world of difference
also so silly with you
he loves making comments that make you laugh
he gets the proudest smile on his face when he makes you laugh
he likes to whisper lil jokes or ad-libs to you when you're hanging out in a group
because he loves when you giggle or even laugh loudly at something he added to the conversation just for you
sometimes he'll make notes of a funny story or a joke he wants to tell you the next time he sees you :,-)
he also will keep notes (mentally or on his phone) of cool things he's learned so he can share them with you !!!
few things make him happier than the look on your face when he tells you something interesting <3
speaking of notes
wonwoo loves leaving handwritten ones for you
if he leaves before you wake up, he's putting a good morning note by your usual mug or your toothbrush so you see his encouraging message as soon as you start your day
if you're going to be apart for a while, he'll write longer notes or hide different little ones around your place so you can get surprise wonwoo words while he's away :-(
any notes you write him are kept safely with his things !!!
he keeps a special one in his wallet or phone case, so you are always with him and he takes it out and reads it when he misses you or is feeling sad even though he has it memorized
if you give him a gift based on the notes you two have written each other throughout your relationship, he WILL cry
he just loves sentiments like that <3 he's a sentimental guy and he likes to show you his love through things with meaning because he thinks it's the best way to convey how special you are to him
wonwoo loves you with everything he's got, and it's clear from the way he interacts with you on a daily basis that you are an important part of his life
no matter what, he's thinking of and caring for you because you make him feel so loved and cared for that he wants nothing more than to make you feel safe and adored <3
sorry i gotta go clutch my crocheted wonwoo plushie to my chest and cry because i love him so dearly :,-( i hope everyone gets the wonwoo they deserve <3
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this user has an ED but supports and encourages recovery
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✂ txt as my favorite romance tropes
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hello! this is my first work, i had no idea it would take me so long to set everything up lolol. 
anywho! each txt member will have a fluffy trope and each will have their own confession scenario. (i totally went overboard w yeonjun’s and beomgyu’s)
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fluffy and cliche tropes, gn!reader, use of profanity 
ღ yeonjun, older sibling’s friend/older childhood friend
♫ playing now : i wait by day6 & but you by ikon
yeonjun gives off that protective mentor type vibe
you and him would have grown up together
making his feelings seem 10x more awkward (in his eyes at least)
he went from thinking you were some little sibling to him, to an attractive person overnight it seems
he would never ever try anything until you were both adults, though even after you turned 18, he didn’t do jack shit
if you have an older sibling, they would’ve AUTOMATICALLY caught on once yeonjun and them got into high school
“ayo, why do you keep wanting to hang out at my house anyway?”
“… no comment..?”
naH because this man started giving you the cold shoulder when he hit high school
“why?”, you may ask
well because he was afraid if he saw you smile at him, he’d fall even deeper
at that point in his life, having you scowl at him was better
man was patient for a lifetime (to him at least)
he was always looking for a hint from you, just one hint!
the hint came to him on your 20th birthday
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 when it was your 20th birthday, guess who was the first to wish you happy bday at 12:00 am? ding ding, it was mr. choi yeonjun. it was a heartfelt message, one that felt more sentimental than past years, for whatever reason.
 “happy birthday y/n. you’re already 20, that’s insane. feels like just yesterday you were hiding behind me because the lights were off in your house. i hope i have been a good friend and role model to you this whole time. i’ll see you later today.
yeonjun :)”
 the reason why it felt so sad? yeonjun was giving up on you. you had given him no hints, and yeonjun had to accept that maybe it wasn’t meant to be. maybe your age gap was too large for you. 
 then it was time for your bday party, yeonjun wanted to go out with a bang. he wore a nice black shirt with fitting black jeans, he had recently dyed his hair an ashy gray, so his look was very low maintenance but effective. his heart pounded as he drove to your place with care, your presents secured in his passenger seat. even though he was a complete mess on the inside, a smile was plastered on his face, never leaving.
 then he saw you, all dolled and tidied up for your birthday party. you had opened the door for him, exclaiming that he was the first one there, he expected no less. your smile calmed his hyperventilating heart, your eyes that eagerly surveyed your presents in his hand seemed to hypnotize him. your sweet voice thanking him for coming repeated in his head long after greetings were done. he was totally whipped.
 he watched as you (cutely) scurried around, trying to make sure everything is absolutely perfect for your other guests. 
“you came so early, you know, i wasn’t ready!” you whined, a pout forming on your lips.
 he apologized with no real sincerity, he was glad only he could see you like this, all flustered and worried. when you felt fully satisfied, you walked back to him, he was sprawled on the couch, his phone holding his attention. he could feel your gaze on him almost instantly, and locked eyes with you, his phone not leaving his hands.
“all done?” yeonjun asked, sitting up fully.
“yeah, do you like it?” you replied, your eyes lighting up like stars.
 his eyes took a quick swipe of the living room, the decorations were in no way fancy or perfect, but it was just so you that he couldn’t help but love it. a smile crept onto his face, and he turned to you. he was about to compliment you when he was taken aback by the expecting look on your face. your eyes were wide and a small but noticeable smile was on that face he loved. he found himself stumbling over his words as he scratched the back of his neck.
“yeah uh, i like the decorations, they’re..um..very cute,” he said, looking away. 
 his face was heating up, god, the things you do to his heart. he heard you giggle in satisfaction, your warmth leaving his perimeter. 
this bday party was going to be so fucking dangerous. 
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 when it was time for you to open the presents, yeonjun stood off to the side, not wanting to get too close to the crowd, just incase anyone could hear his heart pound from anxiety. he drowned out everything but your voice, and he was just waiting for you to say his name.
“whose gift is this? oh! yeonjun!” 
 his ears perked up like a cat’s, and he peered over your guests’ shoulders, and he saw you unwrapping your gifts. he had gone all out, spending well over $70 for all your gifts. he really wanted to make sure you wouldn’t forget him. he swore he could’ve died happy when he saw the gigantic smile on your face, one that meant that he did a good job. 
 a sour taste erupted in his mouth, thoughts of you smiling for anyone other than him invaded his mind. however he knew he couldn’t think that way, you weren’t an object for him to own, but he just wanted to clip your wings so that you couldn’t fly away.
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 he doesn’t know how he got there, but he found himself standing alone outside your house, the party still raging on. he sat on the space in front of your door, thinking that this might be the last time he ever gets to do this. he always though that the sky looked prettier when he looked at it from your door. the front door was slightly ajar, just enough so yeonjun wouldn’t have to worry about being locked out. he heard the door slightly creak open, and he turned to see you peaking through the doorway.
“oh it’s just you, i was worried because the front door was open. what are you doing here all alone?” you asked, coming to sit down next to him. 
 words couldn’t form in his mouth, he just stared at your face. the face he had grown to love over the many years he’s known you, the face that he would wipe tears off of when someone had dared to hurt you, the face he would think of when he was stressed out, the face he loved so dearly. he wanted to respond to your question, but his throat choked up and he found himself tearing up.
“hey y/n?”
“would you miss me if i moved away?”
“what kind of a question is that?! of course i would! you’re one of my closest friends.”
 now you were worried, he wasn’t thinking of actually moving right? he looked up at you and all he could see was your lips, he did want to go out with a bang. suddenly all you could hear was the beating of your hearts. 
“i like you, y/n. i’ve liked you for years now,” yeonjun said, looking into your eyes for a hint once more.
 you smiled and held his face.
“kiss me then.”
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ღ soobin, secret admirer (the simp who won)
♫ playing now : chocolate by day6
i definitely see soobin as a really attentive person
someone who will study the person he likes so he can make them the happiest if they were to date
he was your classmate in one of your classes, and you only talked to him because of a school project
but, let’s be honest, you probably thought he was cute even before that
because, LOOK AT HIM
after that school project, soobin probably fell hella hard
(sorry to my fellow lazy and shy folks) i feel like he would only fall for you if you were either someone who took initiative or who did your part well
i see him as someone who wants an independent but kind partner
BUT, let’s just say he fell for you no matter what you are
he would start to say good morning/afternoon to you everyday
and you also started getting presents on/in your desk or in your locker
he would listen to you talk to your friends and look at what snacks you would bring, just so he could buy things for you
he would get you a lot of sweets if you like them!
he’s really shy so i feel like he would doubt his abilities to win you over head-on :(
but he’s also not good at hiding shit
like he would give away so many hints without even knowing it
like atp everyone in the class knows, soobin can’t be slick to save his life
he would accidently drop the receipts for things he bought on the floor, RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU, and walk away like nothing happened
needless to say, you caught on quick :)
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 the bell rang, signaling that class was over, and you heard your classmates sigh in relief. you held a chocolate bar that you had found on your desk from your secret admirer and you felt it slowly melt from your hand’s heat. your classmates started to stand up as the teacher dismissed you all, your seatmate, soobin stood up rather fast; it looked like he was really eager to get home. as he stood up to leave, you saw something drop from his pant’s pocket, it was white and looked clumped up together. you left your seat to pick it up, your nosy self uncrumpled it to see what it was; only to see multiple receipts of things you recognized. chocolate bars, flowers, cards? you stared a bit harder before you realized. you chuckled, only soobin would be so clumsy as to expose himself.
“soobin! you dropped something,” you said, making his ears perk up.
 he turned around and you saw his face drop. you felt really bad as you could the panic from across the classroom.
“u-uh, thank you! i don’t need those anymore, i’m gonna go!” he yelled, running out of the classroom in a frenzy.
 you giggled slightly, standing up to see if you could catch him before he left the building. 
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 you managed to catch up to him before he left through the front doors, and grabbed his arm.
“soobin let’s talk-”
“no! i already know what you’re going to say, i…i’m not good enough for you,” soobin said, slight sniffles coming from him.
 you smiled, tugging his arm a bit harder. 
“you can’t put words in my mouth soobin,” you said, looking at him straight in the eye.
 he tried to stammer protests, but his body was jell-o the second you touched his arm. he could only helplessly follow you, like a moth to a flame. you stopped once you guys were somewhere where no one was around, you sighed as you watched him wipe his tears.
“were you the one giving me those gifts?” you asked.
 he looked away as he nodded shyly.
“i like you too soobin, so please look at me,” you said, smiling as he turned his head around quickly.
“really?!” he exclaimed, his eyes brightening.
 you nodded and got the wind absolutely knocked out of you as he hugged you vigorously, he definitely forgot he was a 6′1′’ giant. 
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ღ beomgyu, bringing strangers together because of a secret (think maid-sama)
♫ playing now : stereotype by stayc & after school by weeekly
ok so we know that beomgyu was in a band predebut
now what if we think of an au where he was in an underground rock band, like delinquent level
you and your classmates see him as that one guy who could potentially be considered a “quiet kid” with his long hair and all
for context i’m basing this off of lovesong!beomgyu
he ignored the teacher when asked to introduce himself on the first day so none of yall knew his name until the teacher called on him a week later
i know that beomgyu is extremely hyper, but let’s pretend he’s not bc he’s not comfortable w his classmates yet (well, gyu, you never WILL be if you don’t try but ok!)
you kinda forgot he was in your class ngl
mans does not talk at all 
one day you were hanging out with some friends after school and one of your friends suggested you try and sneak into a band’s show 
and of course you all loveeee bad ideas!
the band you guys chose was a rock band that had a guy on the cover of the poster
he had long messy hair and only the bottom half of his face was showing
he was smiling and his smile was hot to you so that’s why you chose it-
when you guys did manage to sneak in, you looked at the stage and immediately regretted your decision
was that fucking beomgyu?!
the loner?!
the quiet kid?!
you wanted to nope out of there but most of your friends wanted to stay because they thought the band members were attractive
“noooo you don’t understand that’s my classm-”
you looked up and beomgyu was staring at you like (⊙o⊙)
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 the music was blaring as your friends tugged you through the crowd, getting closer to the stage. for some reason, your heart was fluttering as you heard a husky voice sing, it was beomgyu. his eyes never left you even as he sang, he smiled and all your friends started freaking out.
“omg omg, did you see that! he’s staring right at us!” 
 you felt your face going red as you quietly left your friends, you weaved through the sea of cheering people, making it to a bathroom. you opened the door and walked in, the band’s sound even made it to the bathroom but you could still make out some noises in the stalls. 
“no way.”
 people were actually fucking in the bathroom stalls. you booked it out of there so fast you could’ve beat usain bolt. you crouched down next to the door and put a hand over your chest to calm your nerves. this place does not fit me at all, how does he handle this?? you did deep breaths as you walked slowly back to the main stage, only to be stopped by a guy in a black hoodie. 
“hey you’re pretty cute, you come here often?” he said, inching closer to you.
 you shook your head as you tried to walk past him, only to feel his hand on your shoulder. he gripped your shoulder tightly and you were about to slap his hand away when suddenly you felt someone pull you away. you looked up to thank your savior and locked eyes with beomgyu. he looked at you and his eyes ran over your face to see any signs of injuries, when he found none he smiled and looked back at the guy who tried to hit on you.
“how about you don’t grab one of my fans?” beomgyu said, pushing the guy back. 
 i’m not even your fan but okay beomgyu. the guy put his hands up in defeat as he walked past the two of you, and you got the chance to be alone with beomgyu. his hands were still protectively wrapped around your shoulders.
“…please don’t tell anyone you saw me here,” beomgyu said, looking at you with pleading eyes.
“i didn’t even think of reporting you, don’t worry. i think it’s cool that you have a hobby like this, even though our school banned, you know, going to a club with alcohol,” you replied, watching as the tension released from his body.
“thank you, thank you so much y/n,” he bowed and then released his grip on you. 
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 for the next coming weeks, beomgyu started to talk to you. he would come up to you at lunch to ask you if you wanted to eat together, to which you always said “yes, but what do i get out of it?”. the decided deal was he would sing for you and you would eat with him. you grew to love his voice, and you always brought an extra water bottle for him just incase his throat got dry.
 one day he handed you a flyer for his band’s next show. the flyer had half of his face once again, and he was pointing at the camera with that same smile you had grown to admire.
“can you come by yourself..?” he asked, looking away.
“sure thing.”
“just make sure to come a little earlier than the time written down there. ok?”
 you nodded as he turned around and walked off, with a little bit more pep in his step. he was glad that he had finally made a friend. 
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 when you walked in, you handed the bouncer the flyer beomgyu had given you and the bouncer smiled at you knowingly. you gave the bouncer a confused look and they leaned into your ear.
“so you’re the person he keeps talking about!”
 the bouncer merely ushered you inside, and you were greeted with the sound of the band tuning their instruments. you walked up to the stage and beomgyu looked at you with surprise.
“what? you didn’t think i would come?” you asked.
“no! i never said that! you just look good that’s all,” he said, flustering you a bit.
“so i didn’t before?”
 he let out a groan before he put down his guitar and hopped the stage to talk to you face to face. 
“i hope you listen closely tonight.”
 he smiled, more bright than he did at school, and put his hand on his neck.
“i just worked really hard is all.”
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 when the music began, beomgyu was already staring at you HARD. goddamn y/n, you sure are a looker. you sure aren’t dumb, i mean unless you are, but you could tell that this song was going to be for you. his mouth opened and all you could hear was him, him, and him. the crowd’s screams, his member’s voices and instruments, they all suddenly didn’t exist. 
 time sped by so fast, and you couldn’t believe it had already been an hour. the band bowed as the crowd applauded, and you waited for beomgyu to come to you. he leaped off the stage once more, and when he got close enough. you hugged him and your faces were closer than ever. 
“if you couldn’t tell, i like you,” beomgyu said.
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ღ taehyun, mr. oblivious/dense and his shy but persistent admirer
♫ playing now : some by soyou & 200% by akmu
taehyun sometimes has this clueless look on his face like
⊙0⊙ or ◉◡◉
that’s why i gave him the mr. oblivious trope
if you like him, i feel like you would have to tell him straight up
flirting or courting him won’t work
so this situation could be similar to nozaki-kun
like he is just so DENSE
you could get down on one knee with a ring, and he’d be like “get up the floor is dirty (✿◠‿◠)”
ok maybe not to that extent but you get the idea
this could go on for like MONTHS, everyone around you guys would be able to tell BUT HIM
he’d think that you’re just really nice!
you give him snacks and walk with him when you see him
you say good morning and good afternoon to him
you give him sprite when you have an extra 
yes it is totally because i bought extra and not because i bought it for you taehyun
it would be going on for sO LONG, like are you ok?? are you a masochist?
honestly i would snap after a while
however, since you’re still shy, this confuses taehyun
like why do you give him gifts and say good morning and such, without sticking around to have a conversation with him?
ngl he probably thinks you’re scared of him or smth
like- he thinks he’s unintentionally intimidating you into giving him gifts n shit LOL
he would start to pity you, he wants to talk to you but you always run away
 you’ve had the biggest crush on taehyun for what feels like eternity, and you have done everything you could to convey your feelings. however, being really shy, the words “i like you” are totally not in your vocabulary. every time you see him, you can only manage a simple greeting and gift before scurrying off. you don’t know how his face looks like when he sees you, as you can’t make eye contact with him. does he smile? is he weirded out? you wish you could look him in the eye and be confident enough to confess. 
 however, your defense began to crumble when taehyun decided to start trying to chase after you. after you said your greetings, taehyun would start to ask you about your day so far, how you were, etc. after he began doing that, you decided the only way to keep your heart from bursting, was to ignore him. no more random gifts, no more greetings, and no more interactions. you were fine admiring him from the sidelines, after all, you had been doing that all this time; what’s the difference? 
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 how did you end up in this situation? why was taehyun pinning you against the wall of a café you decided to go to this morning? his left arm was above you, and his right hand was politely at his side. his eyes felt like they were staring into your soul. your face was heating up, it was getting hard to breathe. your heart could only thump-thump it’s life out, trying to keep you up-right so you wouldn’t faint.
“why have you been ignoring me?” taehyun asked.
“i-ignoring you?” you replied, feeling a bit dumb.
“yeah, you haven’t been saying hi to me at all for the past few weeks! what’s the deal?” he asked, his voice raising slightly in volume.
 you began to curl into yourself, hugging the wall for dear life. if you thought it’d be hard to look into his eyes before, it is basically a death sentence now. he sounded so irate, but so hot. 
“i..i’m sorry,” you uttered.
“sorry? no i don’t want a ‘sorry’, i want you to tell me that you’ll talk to me. am i scary or something?” he continued.
“n-no! you’ll never scare me, i just..assumed..,” you felt your throat seizing up.
 he was so close, you could feel his body heat radiating onto you. 
“assumed what, y/n, don’t blue-ball me now. tell me what i did, and we can work this out,” taehyun said, his voice softening when he realized you look smaller then when he first saw you today.
 you felt his concern, he was concerned, for you? why did he want to bother with you? why did he care so much, so much to the point of hunting you down? why? your mind was going a million places, when suddenly taehyun hugged your waist with his right hand, his heartbeat slowly becoming noticeable to you. you looked at him for the first time ever, and took a deep breath. 
“y-youstartedtryingtotalktomeallofasuddenandigotnervous!” you rambled, squeezing your eyes shut. 
“nervous of what y/n? did you think i was trying to hurt you? i could never hurt someone as cute as you, i mean look at you. you’re curled into yourself darling,” taehyun said, the sweetness dripping from his lips.
 he really had no idea how flirty he was being, did he? you heard him call his guy friends and girl friends ‘darling’ before, so you knew you weren’t special. 
“i was nervous that you would notice i – !” you stopped yourself, sliding down the wall and balling yourself up.
 your butt was touching the floor now, then you heard taehyun shifting around until he was at the same level as you. you didn’t want to see his facial expression right now.
“what’d you say y/n? please tell me,” he asked.
“ilikeyou,” you whispered, just loud enough for him to hear, “now please leave me alone, i know you don’t like me b-”
 his hand touched the top of your head, and he giggled. 
“you’re so cute angel.” 
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“you have to look at me for me to kiss you angel.”
“i know i know, just give me a second.”
 it had been months since you two began dating, and you still didn’t have your first kiss due to your shyness. taehyun decided that on the 3-month mark, you had to let him kiss you (if you said no, then he wouldn’t pressure you, but thankfully you said yes to the plan). 
 now you were sitting on his bed, your head staring at the sheets as taehyun waited for you to look at him like a puppy. since dating him, you realized that taehyun’s love language was physical touch and that you being close to him was important for him to understand that you loved him. 
“take your time angel,” taehyun said, leaning back a tad bit.
 you slowly lifted your head, scanning his entire body, and finally resting on his face. his eyes were expecting you, he smiled as you finally made eye contact. he raised his left hand to caress your face, and he leaned a little closer. his eyes now staring at your lips.
“l-let’s stay like this for a little bit, my heart is pounding too much,” you said, feeling his right hand touch your lower back to bring you closer.
 he hummed in response, and rested his head on your right shoulder, his right hand drawing small circles. he let his left hand fall as he waited patiently, loving the feeling of your warm body touching his. you looked up at the ceiling and realized that you were lucky to find someone who could deal with your shyness, someone who would be okay with just holding hands, or you just sitting next to him. you smiled and tapped taehyun’s shoulder.
“do it.”
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ღ huening kai, class clown/social butterfly x student council member
♫ playing now : some by bol4 & attention by newjeans
finally we reached our cutie hyuka
now obviously i don’t know if he’s truly the class clown but his laugh… it RADIATES class clown energy
he IS that class disruption that people want to hate but can’t because he’s so damn cute
probably has students folding for him with his bubbly and humorous personality
but! you being a student council member, you are basically his enemy
someone who’s always trampling on his fun :(
you two probably grew up going to the same schools
he knows who you are and always wants to catch up with you
but you always give him the cold shoulder for whatever reason
you most likely liked him when yall were younger and when you hit high school you wanted to impress him by joining student council
but it backfired because the school needed you to keep up appearances
plus the pressure from your other members :((
yeah you never got the chance to talk to kai once yall began school
it makes him sad to look at you stressing out and losing the sparkle you had when you two were younger
so he tries extra hard to make the class environment happier so when you walk in, you won’t get negative vibes
probably sees you getting scolded by a fellow council member and decides to finally walk up to you and get you to have fun with him
“i asked you to do just one thing! why can’t you do anything right?! god y/n, it’s like you joined student council without getting an education first, why did we get such a dumbass?” 
“i hear what you’re saying, but this is completely inappropriate. if you have a problem with me personally, we can discuss this with our advisor, instead of berating me and embarrassing the entire student council in the public hallway. please go and compose yourself before accusing me of not doing my role.”
 your fellow member stormed off with an eye-roll, and you sighed before turning around to see kai standing there with his eyes wide open.
“wow! you were so cool y/n!” he exclaimed, a smile on his face.
i’m cool..? he thinks i’m cool..? 
“what do you need kai?” you asked, forcing a straight face.
“i just wanted to see if you were ok, i saw that person yelling at you,” kai replied, a pout replacing his smile. 
“well i’m fine, thank you. now please excuse me, i must go home now,” you said, nearing your breaking point.
 nothing seemed to be going right this week, first you fail to do a homework assignment on time, leading to you forgetting about the work your member asked you to do, then you got yelled at in front of multiple students and kai, it really was not your week. you walked into the bathrooms and started to stare at yourself. 
 you joined student council to look cool for kai, but now look at you. heavy eyebags, unkempt hair, lazy school clothes, and no life in your eyes. 
“kai would never want me now..,” you muttered to yourself, mindlessly fixing your wrinkled clothes. 
 you took one more look at yourself, and burst into tears. it was all too much for you. the pressure of keeping up an image, a false image, you wish you could be like kai. he was free and constantly expressing himself in ways you could never think of for yourself. you were jealous of him, you wanted to get the wings you were sure he was gifted. 
 you washed your face lightly and stepped out of the bathroom, and felt a giant force come from your right as someone hugged you with a ton of vigor.
“e-excuse me!” you yelled, looking at your attacker.
 kai merely glanced down at you with 10 peoples’ worth of pity. was..was he listening to you cry? 
“let’s go have fun, y/n, please?”
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 turns out his idea of “fun”, was dragging you to an arcade. the whole time, he was urging you to find a game you wanted to play together, but his eyes kept drifting to the stuffie claw game. after playing a few games of your choice, you walked over to the claw machine, staring intently at which one he would like.
“kai, choose one. i’ll try and get it for you,” you said. 
“choose one? i was going to ask you to choose one for yourself..i am the one who invited you after all, but if you insist!” he replied, proceeding to stick his face onto the glass.
 you giggled as he saw his nose sploosh against the glass as he stared at the stuffies with endless child-like curiosity. you knew damn well he would not be able to pick one, so you tapped his shoulder to get him out of his stuffie-drunk state.
“you’re not going to be able to pick just one, i know, let me just get one for you so we can go home,” you said, gently pushing him aside.
 kai pouted but nodded as he watched you get into position. he watched intently as the arm moved to the right, then to the left, and slowly..slowly went down, and grabbed a stuffie that looked just like you. 
“here,” you handed him the stuffie.
 he started to giggle slightly.
“it looks just like you! it has your angry eyes and your cute cheeks!” he said, poking the stuffie all over its face.
 he hugged the stuffie tightly. 
“you should just hug me then. i look just like it anyways,” you said, looking away in embarrassment. 
 a loud gasp came from him, and you got tackled, nearly crashing into the claw machine. 
“ahh i love you! you’re so cute when you talk to me!” kai squealed, hugging you like you were going to disappear.
“you love me?”
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 now after you two started dating, kai made an effort to be the most ANNOYING couple ever. 
random hallway tummy rubs?
bursting into your classroom just to say he loves you?
carrying you on his back when you slightly trip?
being extremely cheesy and cringy?
check, check, and check.
 have fun with this giant ass penguin who probably does not understand personal boundaries.
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…and we’re done! this is my first work, and it took me like 2 and a half weeks to finish. :// 
using the tag “  ღ the lune sees all “ will show all my written works, please expect more from me!
almost none of my works will be proofread, since i am…really…really lazy.
ღ lune (eil)
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how nct dream sleep!
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i’m so uninspired lol but i thought this might be a cute idea for something short
mario position. one arm up under his pillow, one arm down, one leg up, one leg down.
doesn’t mind if you hog the blanket at night (he probably doesn’t notice)
snores but very lightly it’s kinda cute
doesn’t move that much but he will kinda jostle about
talks in his sleep but it’s always nonsensical babbling
sometimes you wake up and his arm is draped across your neck and you can’t get up
wakes up every time you make the tiniest noise thinking it’s a murderer in your house
every morning it’s like his first day on earth he literally doesn’t know where he is
falls asleep on his back with the covers up to his chin but wakes up on his side with the covers halfway down his body
always needs something to hug to sleep and it used to be a moomin plushie but he’s recently upgraded to you
makes really quiet blocked breathing noises like a cat
sometimes you open your eyes and he’s laying there squinting at the ceiling. he never realises he’s doing it
gets too hot in the middle of the night and just throws the blanket off both of you
smiles a lot in his sleep. you assume he’s dreaming about you because of how often he says your name
always thirsty he has seven cups next to his bed
he sleeps with like thirteen pillows there’s barely enough room for both of you
lays on his back and closes his eyes for three seconds then he’s out like a brick
you can’t wake him up unless you start screaming and suffocating him
makes no sounds. he’s basically a corpse in your bed
sometimes his own body wakes him up in the middle of the night and he hugs you like a body pillow out of nowhere
sleeps ON TOP of the covers. he’s a menace. you must put a stop to him
he fell asleep holding your hand once and you couldn’t get out of his grasp no matter how hard you tried
he’ll go to sleep fully dressed with multiple layers then wake up in just his pants and neither of you know how it happens
he only spoke in his sleep one time and it was because he was fighting Haechan
refuses to go to sleep until you’re in bed and refuses to get up until you’re up
it’s like having a son. you try to wake him up and he says “five more minutes” every time but five minutes is an hour to him
likes to roll you both up like sushi
purposefully tangles himself in your limbs even when it’s too hot. especially when it’s too hot.
likes sleeping to music but then he complains that his battery went down in the morning
asks for a goodnight kiss every night
he moves so much. he keeps hitting you in the face because of how much he moves at night. he will literally wake up upside down
whines in his sleep like he’s being chased by something and you have to wake him up to make sure he’s not dying
either out like a light like jeno or won’t sleep at all
sometimes you’ll wake up and he’s just laying there staring at nothing
when he is asleep though he won’t wake up unless his body wakes him up. this man could sleep through a bomb hit
sleeps with his mouth open and makes dad style mouth noises so you have to clamp it shut by force
not much of a sleep talker but he jumps every now and again when he’s having a nightmare
sleeps either on his back or foetal position
i feel like he listens to podcasts or audiobooks to sleep
doesn’t move much either he just kinda wiggles
snores like a dad in a hotel room.
sometimes he laughs in his sleep as well and it’s so frightening you almost kick him out of bed
drinks warm milk every night. you told him it doesn’t do anything but he swears by it
looks like you’ve just told him the world is ending every time you wake him up
likes to talk before you go to sleep. like just chats about your day and whatnot
sleeps on top of you in the starfish position just to be annoying
wakes up screaming in the middle of the night sometimes. you punched him once out of shock
i feel like he likes having a night light on or a star projection or something. just not pitch black
sleeps like a baby curled up next to you or with your head on his arm
the most normal sleeper out of all of them i think
no disruptions throughout the night except the odd toilet break
doesn’t like being woken up but if it’s you then he doesn’t mind as long as you give him a morning kiss
likes playing with your hair while he falls asleep
he always needs the fan going for both the white noise and the cooling
he gets blocked noses a lot so sometimes he makes strangled noises but you can sleep through it
refuses to wear socks in bed and takes them off you if you do
791 notes · View notes
dude, but like romantically
Characters: Mark Lee & female reader
Setting & genre: college au, friends to lovers, ‘and they were roommates’, slice of life, fluff, comedy
Summary: You expected nothing but stress from your last college semester, so when Mark Lee came along and called you dude, you had to re-calculate everything.
Warnings: semi-typical college parties, alcohol consumption, Mark is precious (#SoftMarkLeeHours) and a funny drunk, he also ruins eggs like a pro, slow burn, stressing out your friends with your obliviousness like it was graded, i know nothing about basketball and it shows, includes discussion about the stress and uncertainties of being a senior at college, bunch of nct and 99-line cameos
Words: 10k
Author’s note: this in no way tries to represent korean universities’ last semester since i wrote it based on my own alma mater. the whole thing actually started because Johnny said Mark plays the guitar shirtless in the dorms
This is dedicated to @restlessmaknae because I thought a college au with a 99-liner would be quite fitting today. Congratulations on officially graduating! <3
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Mark Lee was a friend of a friend.
Sure, you had seen him around before. You had known of him just like anyone else who wasn’t living under a rock during their college years since he was not only a player of the university’s basketball team (Go Eagles, the crowd would cheer enthusiastically) but he was also part of Johnny’s crew which meant he was at every social get-together this campus had seen.
So yeah, you had probably run into him at some party, maybe even clinked your shot glass to his once without caring too much about who sat at the table, maybe bumped into him on the corridor of the apartment complex close to college where most of the residents were students you knew hence where half of the house parties you had attended had taken place. You had heard that he was a funny drunk, that he had the most random philosophical questions at 2AM in the morning, that his history with eggs had gone deep (whatever that meant, you didn’t dare to ask) but most of all, that he was overall a nice guy. Nobody had ever breathed a bad word about Mark Lee, so that was the only reason why you were contemplating on agreeing to this ridiculous idea despite not even knowing the guy.
“Come on, it’s not like you have to move in with him until you go to retirement. You need a place to stay and he needs a new flatmate to share the costs with. I’m pretty sure he would be down for a short-term stay too,” Johnny pushed the plate of snacks towards you as if he told you to stop moping and just take this opportunity that had presented itself in front of you.
“And you’re not saying that only because you feel bad for ditching him for your girlfriend?” you raised a brow challengingly which earned you a snicker from said girl.
You and Sohyun had shared a few classes and became quick friends despite her being a year above. It was through her that you had gotten to know Johnny and his broad friend group at all. The couple decided to move together now that Sohyun was about to start her masters and that left Johnny’s old flatmate alone.
“Well, it’s not me crying over my French fries in a diner because I have a shitty landlord kicking me out, am I?” Johnny retorted and you knew he was right.
You needed a solution and you needed it quickly because your landlord apparently got the offer of the century and would sell his apartment to some big corporation to build an office there. You got exactly two weeks to move out and you had already spent one panicking. At this point you really just needed a place to stay until you figured your shit out and found a proper place to live because the new semester was coming up quickly.
“I hate it when you’re right,” you muttered under your breath, sipping on your shake with a resigned sigh.
“Then you must hate me a lot. Don’t worry, Mark is a great flatmate. Just don’t ask him to cook for you because he’ll end up burning the kitchen down or poisoning you,” Johnny shrugged and it made you chuckle until you realized that you were the only one laughing. It must have been a joke… right?
Or maybe not, because the moment you stepped into the flat for the first time, you could already smell something burning. Luckily, there was no smoke or any other worrying factor but still, you froze out in the hallway, toeing off your shoes tentatively.
“Hello?” you questioned in a small, uncertain voice while pulling your suitcase after you.
Mark Lee apparently agreed to you moving in to his empty room without even meeting you before because to quote Johnny ‘yeah, he was cool with it’ which was crazy to you but maybe it was just you, overthinking everything and being paranoid about sleeping under the same roof as people who could turn out to be serial killers. Okay, not to be so drastic but still. You are moving in with a stranger though, so maybe you’re just as crazy.
“Hey!” A boy, familiar enough but not quite, walks out of what you assume is the kitchen with a plate and a huge grin plastered on his face as if he didn’t wear his tee inside out and had bed hair while doing so. His round glasses sat on his nose a bit lopsided but it only added to his casual home-y look.
“Toasts?” he offered the content of the plate in hands and ah, so it was the smell, you note, glancing at the black spots on the bread.
“Uhm, no, thanks,” you mumbled slowly, not wanting to offend him by rejecting his kindness right off the bat but you also tried to keep yourself to Johnny’s advice which for once didn’t seem unfounded. Who let this guy into the kitchen when he could burn even his toast?
“Wise choice, man, I’m not even sure this is good for my health to be fair,” Mark Lee giggled, honest to god giggled, with a boyish smile stretching across his face and bit into the toast anyways before he showed you to your room, mouth half-full with bread.
He didn’t ask dozens of questions like why you were looking for a room, how long you were planning on staying, about your habits like the owners of all the other places you had checked out had done, instead he kept apologizing about the state of the room because he hadn’t really cleaned it since Johnny had left. He even helped you carry one of the suitcases after he put down the rest of his burnt breakfast. He told you about the neighbours (like the scary girl with the barking dog across the corridor and the Chinese students right next door) and house rules about the apartment like the recycling principles and how they had this system with Johnny about taking out the rubbish.
“Not that I expect you to adapt to everything I used to do with Johnny, just you know it seems fair,” he quickly explained, looking a bit anxious about this whole rules thing until you told him that it was okay, he should have continued living how he had done before and you would go along with it. You didn’t want him to make exceptions because you weren’t friends or just because you were a girl. You believed in equality, so you could take out the rubbish just as much as he could clean the bathroom after himself. Mark chuckled at that and nodded with a wide smile before remembering his poor coffee that must have gone cold on the kitchen counter. You told him you would be okay alone, packing out, and you would look for him if you had questions. The boy who had previously said that he was cool with you moving in seemed way too relieved hearing that, so maybe you weren’t the only one worrying after all. It started off well though.
Maybe it was because you had never had close guy friends before – since you only tended to befriend guys through your friends already – but living with Mark was a much simpler affair than what you had thought. You had all these crazy what ifs about boy and girl cohabitation and the awkwardness of it but the first time the boy saw you in your shorts and Harry Potter tee you used as a PJ he was like yo dude, which house would you be in? I’m a Hufflepuff. So maybe it was rather just his personality, making everything nice and casual, so all your previous stereotypical fears about living with a guy had disappeared once you realized your flatmate straight out dude-zoned you.
"Yeah, that sounds like Mark," Mina laughed when you met for the first time since your move in with the boy. She had known him because they had shared a few classes and because she had to interview him after last season's winning match for the university journal. “He is practically friends with everyone.”
And he really was. The basketball team was one thing but you once went to the corner coffee shop together on your way to the campus and he was on first name basis with the baristas then you ran into some upperclassmen who were clearly fond of the boy and he had mentioned so many names and programmes (dinner with Jungwoo on Friday, Ten needs him for something on Saturday then helping Jisung with an assignment on Sunday and so on) only a few days into you living together that you wouldn’t have been surprised if he knew the whole university. He seemed to have a social battery incapable of running out and seeing how easy-going he was with everyone, you were not really surprised when he asked about going to a party together only a week and half into living together. You were actually in the middle of doing your makeup when there was a knock on your door and inviting him in, Mark peaked in.
“Hey, are you coming to Johnny and Sohyun’s housewarming party?” he asked and when you told him that you were just getting ready actually, his whole face brightened like fairy lights during the festive season. “Cool, wanna go together?”
“Sure,” you nodded because you didn't see anything weird in it. Actually, it would have been even weirder if you went your separate ways when you lived at the same place and your friends knew.
Mark disappeared from your door then and came back not much later with a white tee with a funny print and a black sleeveless band shirt, holding them up for you to see.
“Which is better? I mean, I like the white one but I’m a bit afraid things will get out of hands tonight and I will spill something all over it, but it’s not that hot to–”
“Wear the black and put on a jacket,” you decided before Mark could have gotten into his long psychological rants about the subjectivity of body temperature. You honestly doubted he would have gotten cold wearing a sleeveless shirt at a party while based on what you had heard of him, you could indeed see him ruining his white clothes with something sticky and colorful. Mark didn't even question your choice though, just went with it with a thumbs up and you had to admit he looked good in that varsity jacket he had thrown over the tee.
There was no awkwardness in the air as the two of you were riding the subway, unlike what you expected, because Make made it easy to talk about even the ridiculous things. He told you funny stories about Johnny and in exchange you told him how you had gotten to know his girlfriend and once you two had gotten to the apartment, greeted by the hosts with wide smiles, you gave Sohyun the kitchen supplies kit you had brought (and Mark helped you carry with more enthusiasm you would have expected from someone who hated the gym) thinking of the girl’s shock at the lack of proper equipment at their new place. Sohyun beamed at you and nudged Johnny in the side who in exchange offered you two welcome drinks.
Afterwards, you parted ways with Mark, him being swept up by Jaehyun from the basketball team and you looking for your friends. It was like any other loud and fun party, you were pleasantly buzzed but not too much because you knew your limits when you ran into your flatmate later that night again. Or rather he bumped into you, literally, and over the course of the night you had to realize that Mark’s tipsy antics were indeed funny.
“And then… then d’you know what Jeno said?” he tripped over his own words so immersed in the story half of which you didn’t even catch while trying to help him keep his balance. Gosh, being an athlete wasn’t he supposed to hold his liquor better? Or maybe he did, it was just that everyone seemed to push drinks into his hands and he was too nice to reject them.
“I don’t know. What did he say?” you questioned, partly actually curious about the end of the story and partly just to not ruin the mood for the boy. But Mark’s reaction, all wide eyed and genuine, made you chuckle.
“Huh, dunno that’s why I asked you,” he blurted out, looking honestly confused while you not only had no idea what Jeno had said but you didn’t even know who he was.
“Okay, buddy, it’s time to get you home,” you told him and felt like the responsible friend when you had to convince him by promising to buy ice cream because he got all pouty and whiny about wanting to stay because he had so much fun. But you had seen Johnny carry him home before, so you took upon this flatmate duty and left together with him before Mark could have burnt himself (or set something on fire) with the flaming shot he saw Ten making in the kitchen. By the time you made it to the bus stop, Mark stopped whining. Instead he asked you why Johnny didn’t come and you had to remind him that they weren’t living together anymore.
“Oh, right,” Mark mumbled, dozing off on your shoulder as soon as you found a seat on the bus. He looked so cute and peaceful you felt almost bad for waking him up when you got near your neighborhood.
You helped him stumble into his room, preparing painkillers and water for him, helping him take off the jacket he was ready to sleep in before leaving him in his room. You just got out of the shower, ready for bed when you saw Johnny’s text, thanking you for taking care of Mark. The elder might have acted all cool and casual but you got to know pretty fast that he basically looked at the boy as his baby brother, so no wonder he was worried. But lucky for him, you believed it was only human decency to make sure your flatmate got home safely.
Mark though seemed awfully embarrassed by his actions the next day, promising that he wasn’t always like this and swearing he could actually take care of himself. He also insisted he would treat you to something as a thank you and even though you kept saying it was nothing, who were you to say no to free food?
Weeks passed and you eased into this comfortable situation so well that you stopped looking for other apartments. For one, you didn't really have time besides your studies and internship to stress over something like housing and Johnny was right: Mark was a good flatmate and you got along. Other than having questionable attempts in the kitchen, letting his sweaty stuff go for too long sometimes before doing the laundry and occasionally leaving his stuff wherever, you had no complaints. Being seniors and having other things to do (mainly basketball for him and work for you), you didn't interact more than necessary but didn't awkwardly avoid each other either when you ran into each other in the common areas. Instead you used those chances to catch up.
Since Mark was a creative writing major with a music minor and had been in his very last semester the same as you, you both complained about how many assignments they had made you do. If you had to write another English essay about the difference between the USA's and UK’s political system apart from working on your thesis, you would surely throw a fit. But it’s not like you had a choice, so you wanted to start off your morning with something warm to keep you awake through it. However, you didn’t calculate with Mark being in the kitchen, trying to cook. Emphasis on trying because whatever he was making, it didn’t look half decent.
“What’s this supposed to be?” you found yourself asking after setting up the machine and seeing the egg white smeared in the pan, its edges were already burnt while the middle was watery. Mark in his oversized white tee, face still wrinkled by the pillow, sleep in his eyes, turned to you, confused.
“Sunny side up,” he claimed but even his voice had some uncertainty.
“Nah, that’s not it. That’s disrespect for sunny side ups,” you remarked with a smile hiding in the corner of your mouth and crunching down to find another clean pan and some eggs to demonstrate how it should be done. “I don’t know how you managed to make it stick there but you need to add a bit of oil first. Then wait until the oil gets warm but not too hot, so keep the heat low, and then you can put the egg there. When breaking the egg, be careful not to hurt the yellow part. Like this, see? Then you just wait until the white is set.”
Mark looked at you after your totally normal looking sunny side up as if you were a Michelin star restaurant chef and the sparkles in his eyes and his enthusiasm to try it himself were both endearing. Somehow he still managed to mess up his first two attempts but his third was definitely decent at which he got so proud he snapped a picture for his mother.
“You know if you wanna try making new things in the kitchen, you could just let me know and I’d gladly help. I like cooking, so it’s no bother,” you told him while you finished the eggs as your breakfast (Mark insisting that you should only eat the ‘pretty’ ones). Mark sheepishly agreed and kitchen adventures became the first official flatmate thing you share.
The next thing was the movie nights.
It turned out neither of you went home for the autumn break to be able to work on your thesis properly and Mark had basketball practice too but before you could go crazy because of the amount of academic articles you had to read, you needed some time to forget about schoolwork. The boy must have felt similarly because one night, tired already, he asked if you wanted to watch something and that something ended up being the one of the Spider-man franchise installments at which Mark got so emotional he had to sniffle into a tissue.
"It's just so unfair. Why do good, innocent people have to suffer?" he asked you as if you could have ever answered such a philosophical question. Instead, you just offered him some leftover popcorn and Mark seemed relieved enough (or maybe it was his unstable emotional state) to take it with a small, embarrassed smile. It was actually cute that he didn't try to put on a front, acting all cool and manly as if he wasn't touched (heartbroken) by the scene, you liked that he was so open and sincere. Maybe that was why anxiety wasn't eating you up when you felt tearing up a bit later too. You just knew Mark wouldn't tease you with it, you could really be yourself around him. Just as he was his usual self with out of blue thoughts voiced out when the credits finally rolled.
"If you could have a superpower what kind would you want and how would you use it?" he blurted out and it was such a Mark-like question, random and funny, but deep if you really thought about it. So you gave it a thought now because you never really wondered before. You ended up saying something that hopefully would help with your constant overthinking.
"It would be nice to have a hunch whether I would regret a decision I'm about to make. So maybe a 6th sense about the future. What about you?"
"Oh man, I like that one! It's cool!" The boy shot a smile at you when you turned to him, clearly glad that you indulged him with a proper answer. "If I were to have a super power, I would want to see through walls and other objects. It could come in handy to avoid awkward situations or possibly dangerous situations. I mean my eyesight is pretty bad, it would definitely help though," he chuckled and you joined in but mostly because his laugh was so addictive.
After that you kept asking each other if the other wanted to join for a movie whenever one of you was free and somehow you ended up watching either Marvel movies or those thought-provoking drama ones over the weeks.
To be fair, Johnny warned you. You just thought he was joking, just to annoy you. Apparently no, because Mark Lee was indeed playing the guitar shirtless in your living room.
“Sometimes he picks up his guitar and just plays it half-naked,” Johnny had said once and since it had already been weeks since you had shared a living space with Mark without seeing him like that, you had waved it off as a silly joke but Mark just had to prove you wrong.
He looked like he just woken up, his hair was still like a bird's nest and he only had sweatpants on. He had his guitar on his lap and his phone in front of him on the coffee table as he was humming along while playing. He definitely didn't do it on purpose, he probably didn't expect you to be back from your morning lecture so quickly but it was canceled last-minute, so you had to go back if you didn't want to spend hours in the library until your next class.
So there you were, back in the apartment, standing awkwardly in the hallway before reminding yourself to snap out of it. Staring at him was just so rude and so shallow, not to mention it wasn't like you hadn't seen guys shirtless before, it was just surprising because you had only seen him stroll around the apartment in oversized shirts and hoodies. No big deal, really, so you shouldn't have turned it into one.
"Hey," you cleared your throat, getting the boy's attention. "Class got canceled, so I made my return trip worth it," you said, putting down a cup of his to-go coffee from your favorite store on the campus.
"Oh, hey, uhm... thanks," Mark mumbled, visibly flustered, pulling the guitar to his chest as if it could have hidden him, or well, his embarrassment.
It didn't work but you didn't want to make him more uncomfortable, so you just shrugged, telling him that it was no problem and turned your back on him to go back to your room. Later, when you came out again, Mark was already decently dressed, supposedly going out later since he wore nice jeans and a button up over a simple tee. You didn't want to make the atmosphere awkward, not when you felt comfortable around each other in a way you wouldn't have expected from just any flatmate.
"I didn't see you play the guitar before," you commented, curious as you lifted the tea pot and refilled your mug. Sure you heard guitar playing since living together it was inevitable but you knew for a fact that Dejun from next door also played it, so you couldn’t be sure who it came from.
"Ah yeah, I got rusty lately, I need to get back into it. I can play a bit of piano too but I'm better with guitar," the boy admitted sheepishly and honestly, your not musically talented person was already impressed he could play one instrument. So since Mark seemed happy to talk about it, you inquired whether he was practicing for a class or it was just something he wanted to learn and the boy answered with so much enthusiasm! Oh gosh, he was all big movements with his arms, his face expressive as he was talking about this one prof causing most of his sleepless nights and time flew so fast, you only realized you you had to go to uni when your phone buzzed in your pocket, the calendar notification clear over your lock screen.
After that ‘incident’ you didn't catch Mark shirtless much more, mostly because he seemed slightly embarrassed and not because you had any problem with it. It was his home after all, he should have been comfortable, though now that the colder weather creeped in, it probably didn't matter that much either. But now that he knew that you didn't mind his impromptu guitar sessions, sometimes he knocked on your door just to show you something or ask your opinion about a melody he just came up with. You knew nothing about music, so you doubted you were any help but he came to you anyway and you were happy to listen.
You shouldn't have listened to him, however, when he told you beer pong against (samurai) Yuta and (vampire) Jaehyun would be fun at the Halloween party. You didn’t even know why you let him convince you to play with him (okay, it was his pout’s doing) but you were losing at an embarrassingly quick rate. Not only did you have shitty aiming skills to begin with, it didn't help that (Detective Conan) Mark who was supposed to be a good basketball player became a giggly mess with worse and worse aim with every cup of beer you two had to drink.
You had experienced it last time as well but he became very clingy when drunk, so you weren’t exactly surprised how he draped himself over your back, chin on your shoulder just to be able to watch the game in a more comfy position, only to whine at every hit his friends had made. You felt a bit buzzed from the cheap beer by the time Jaehyun and Yuta finished off all of your cups but you weren’t competitive enough to get frustrated over losing a game like this, not even if the guys teased you that they barely got anything to drink with how many shoots you and Mark missed. Your flatmate whined, high-pitched, and you had to admit it was cute how his hyungs babied him even if it was just a ruffle of hair. Small affections like this seemed to make Mark seek more warmth and comfort, cuddling on the couch with his friends just as you excused yourself to find your own friends.
“Hey, girl, where have you been?” Jungeun pulled you into a hug immediately, cheery, loud enough to hear above the music.
“Sorry, I’ve been swept by Mark’s friends, playing beer pong,” you explained, not paying attention to the knowing look the blonde girl exchanged with Jinsook next to her.
“I thought you don’t like beer pong.”
“I don’t, it’s a silly drinking game,” you shook your head but you had to admit, you had fun with the boys. Not necessarily because of the game itself or the alcohol but their company was amusing enough to make up for your dislike towards the silly rules. So maybe Mark was right and you had a good time but before your friends could have interrogated you more about it, you bombarded them with questions and the conversation shifted towards this flirty guy at Jungeun’s dance class and Jinsook’s troubles with her terrible thesis advisor.
After a dozen songs you danced to with the girls and your throat started hurting from trying to speak over the music, it was late enough for you to call it a day and you said bye to the girls. When you checked your phone, you found a bunch of random texts with million typos from Mark and a video of him saying sorry to a door frame after bumping into it as courtesy of Johnny. You laughed hard even though it wasn’t that funny and you decided to look for Mark, but in the end it was him finding you.
“Look, look, look, my tongue turned blue,” the boy stuck his indeed discolored tongue out like a child first licking a colorful lollipop and you raised a brow at him, suspicious.
“What are you drinking?” you pointed at the cup in his hands that held a dark drink and Mark’s smile was innocent as he furrowed his brows, trying to remember.
“I dunno. Hyuck gave it to me saying that it’s blueberry juice.”
Gosh, no wonder his friends liked to tease him so much, he was just so gullible he made it easy for them.
“It's definitely not blueberry juice, buddy,” you snorted, amused because Mark with his tongue poking out, eyes wide full of wonder and dreamy smile was rather cute. Or maybe it was just tipsy you’s thinking.
“Don't call me that,” the boy snapped but it wasn’t harsh at all. Instead, there it was again, his pout and big doe eyes looking at you until you didn’t give in. You sighed quietly because you really couldn’t be mad at him, his actions were way too endearing.
“Okay, Mark, what about heading home?” No response. You tried again. “Markie…”
Mark’s face lit up like Christmas lights, his smile splitting his face in too as he nodded, following you outside of the building. He was telling you a story about the basketball tournaments with much enthusiasm but the moment he spotted a stranger walking their dog, he got super distracted and by the time you got on the bus he was insisting to call his friend Chenle and ask about Daegal. You didn’t know the people in question but they probably wouldn’t have appreciated a call at 3AM, so you bribed Mark into calling them later with the promise of scrambled eggs and soup in the morning. Tiredness must have suddenly hit around that point because you were in the middle of reminding Mark about the trash he needed to take out when the next thing you knew was his head over your shoulder, his light snoring making you smile.
You let the boy sleep one stop more than you should have, so you got off the bus a bit late and had to walk back to your apartment complex. Mark didn’t seem to mind though as he suddenly had enough energy to play basketball.
“Pleeeease, just 5 minutes,” he was there again with those pleading eyes and gosh, you should have really learned to say no to him but five minutes wouldn’t hurt, he was about to get tired soon anyway.
“Fine, 5 minutes. But then I’m leaving you here,” you warned him before following him to the public basketball field you walked past on your way.
Sitting on the bench by the side you realized that you haven’t seen Mark play before despite living together for two months because it never occurred to you to visit his matches. You usually knew when they were because he usually told you when he would be back late. So you knew close to nothing about the sport, you found it impressive that he didn’t trip on his own foot this time. Not to mention, it was pretty cute that he kept checking if you were still there, paying attention. No wonder he had to act extra when you let him know that he only had 30 seconds left.
“This is for you, flatmate!” Mark yelled and at his next shoot he totally missed the basket and hit the backboard instead. You couldn't help but chuckle because he had been so confident and now he was pouting. On the way back to the apartment he kept telling you that he was better when he was sober and you believed him since you had no reason not to.
You felt the boy’s eyes on you while you juggled your keys out of your purse and opened the door for you, not moving until you pulled him inside.
“Cuute~” he cooed at you as he tugged on your Hufflepuff scarf and suddenly, you didn’t know what to say but apparently Mark didn’t expect you too because he had already turned his back to you, walking towards his room.
“Don’t get on your bed like that, you have beer stains on your shirt!” you called after him, not sure if he took it seriously before shutting yourself in your room with a sigh. Yet, you couldn’t wipe the smile off your face.
Mark might have been childish and reckless when he drank more than he should have but overall, he was a pretty dependable guy. He never forgot when it was his turn to get the groceries or clean. He was considerate of your sleep schedule even if his was crazy sometimes. He got you your favorite green tea even if he hated it and complained about it smelling like grass. Not to mention, he was there for you when you fell sick at the worst possible time. Two weeks until your thesis deadline and fever decided to hit then. You were a shivering, aching mess, barely having enough energy to go out to the bathroom and Mark, the sweetheart he was, made sure to refill your tea and water mugs in the room, setting up the humidifier in the morning and he even offered to make you some easily digestible food.
“Please, don’t burn the kitchen down,” you pleaded, tired but with a weak smile.
“It’s just soup,” Mark huffed out, taking no offense as he disappeared off to cook. While he was away, you must have dozed off because he was back way too quick and the air was already filled with delicious smells.
“Eat up. I promise you’ll feel better if you don’t sleep on an empty stomach,” Mark spoke up, patiently waiting for you to sit up before giving you the tray with the bowl and a spoon. You tentatively ate a spoonful of the hot soup, painfully aware of the boy’s eyes on you. When you gulped and reached for another spoonful, Mark leaned closer, his doe eyes wide while watching your expression. “Is it good?”
He sounded nervous and you felt like chuckling..
“So good,” you admitted, letting the soup’s warmth spread all over.
“Thank god, I followed Jaemin’s foolproof recipe step-by-step,” Mark let out a relieved sigh and probably because you were sleep-deprived, tired and sensitive, you felt tearing up. Last night when you struggled through hours alone, not wanting to wake him, you felt really weak and alone but now there he was, caring for you. You didn’t expect him to, he offered willingly and it made you feel touched.
You ate the soup diligently and followed Mark’s advice on trying to get some actual sleep afterwards. Your limbs and head still hurt, so it wasn’t easy but you didn’t wake up shaking and shivering this time. Your fever went down or so it seemed but you felt sticky and gross all over, so you took a shower and tried to make yourself look presentable even if Mark had seen you much worse before knocking on his door.
“Hey.” His smile was so soft, so caring as he turned to you right away. “How are you feeling?”
“Much better,” you shot him a shy, grateful smile. “I just wanted to thank you and ask if we have more of that soup.”
“Oh yeah, I’ll bring some–” Mark stumbled onto his feet no matter how much you protested that you could do it on your own if he just told you where he put it.
You followed him to the kitchen despite his objections and there, you suddenly understood why he didn’t want you there. The kitchen counter was a mess, the sink had a cooking pot with burnt marks on the bottom in it
“I didn’t want to wake you up by cleaning up,” the boy scratched the back of his neck sheepishly and even though you normally disliked messes like this, it was different. He was considerate and sweet, trying his best instead of ordering in even if cooking wasn’t his forte, you appreciated it a lot.
“It’s okay,” you smiled and heated up some more of the soup before settling by the dining table with two blankets over your shoulders while Mark put the kitchen back into its original shape. You almost finished with your bowl, swallowing down each tasty bit of it by the time he sat across you, a smile tugging on his mouth.
“So cute,” he blurted out when he saw you all bundled up and his words could have been teasing yet they sounded fonder than anything else. If you felt heat rising up in your cheeks, you blamed it on the fever.
“Not cute, I’m still sick,” you whined but you could hardly blame the way your heart skipped a beat on your sickness when Mark reached over the table to put his hand over your forehead in order to check your fever. Maybe you should have got that checked out though, just in case.
After recovering, you spent the following two weeks worrying about every single thing in your thesis – like what if someone will excuse you of plagiarism because of a weirdly worded phrase, what if the formatting is totally off and you will end up losing way too many points or what if the judge will simply dislike your topic and evaluate it negatively? – but once you handed it in, there was no way back and you refused to even think about it until you had the results. Mark finished up pretty last minute (but with two majors, it was still impressive that he didn’t faint out of fatigue at one point) but once both of you had this rock off your chests, you celebrated with ice cream. Eating it out of the tub on the living room couch made you nostalgic.
“Do you ever wonder if things will change after graduation? Like you know, the big adult life… Sometimes it just scares me. I still feel like a kid not knowing a thing,” you spoke up, not ashamed to talk about such things in front of Mark. You knew he would have never judged you for thinking in a certain way.
“Really? But you look… so well put together, like ,you know, someone who has their shit together, knows what they want and stuff,” the boy gaped at you, surprised at which you let out a small, embarrassed sound which made him continue. “But yeah, I get that, man. Like I might pay for my own stuff but still. I don’t want to grow up yet.”
Being young adults in your early twenties there were so many expectations thrown at you by family, friends and society, it was almost impossible to meet them all. It was nice that someone else understood it, your concerns but not in the YOLO kind of way but he actually took it seriously. He encouraged you when you told him about your worries about regretting your choice of major later on, and how you felt about the job market. In exchange, he told you how afraid he was drifting apart with his friends after college won’t give them a reason to meet up frequently. Or that he would miss playing basketball once he wouldn’t be part of the team.
“Maybe that’s why I’m so nervous about the game on Friday. Honestly, I don’t even care if we win or lose, I just want to give it my all and have fun. It will be my last time with the whole team after all,” he confessed, mixing the melted ice cream with his spoon.
You were sure nobody would stop him from going back to practices since all of the guys seem to adore him. You had seen that buff guy, Jeno, get flustered when Mark had bought him pain relief patches. Or how that tall freshman, Sungchan, went all ‘hyung, you didn’t have to’ when Mark treated him to a meal in-between classes. Mark really cared so much about the people around him and he probably didn’t even notice but you were sure everyone would miss his presence. You sure would. So you told him all that, determined to reassure the boy but you just ended up getting flustered yourself as you watched his ears burn red.
“Khm… actually I wanted to ask you if you would like to come to the game? You know, to show you that I can actually play,” Mark laughed awkwardly and even though you had never really been the sports kind of person, after that drunken mishap of his on Halloween you were actually curious about how he was on the field. Plus you would have never said no to an invitation to the season’s last game which was so important for him.
“Sure. Should I do anything special? You know those war marks on cheeks or something like that? I don’t know how basketball games work around here and I don’t think I have anything in the uni’s colors,” you admitted and you were ready to ask Yuqi what she usually wore in case Mark wasn’t helpful and said whatever or ‘you don’t have’ but he did none of that.
“I mean, you can wear my extra jersey,” he blurted out the offer and even though it was supposed to be nonchalant based on his casual tone, the way he avoided your eyes made it endearing.
“Okay,” you answered softly and Mark’s eyes widened as he looked up at you in disbelief.
“Okay?? I mean, yeah, okay, cool,” he muttered, stuffing his face with more melted ice cream and you could barely suppress your smile, heart beating as if you just ran after the bus.
You weren't exactly sure when this thing between the two of you started shifting. Or maybe it was just your perspective but lately you had been catching yourself noticing things about Mark you haven’t before. Like those adorable moles on his cheek and neck, the way he squinted sometimes even with his glasses on, that crooked smile of his when he found something amusing or that he always wore hoodies so big, the sleeves were too long even for him. You got fond of ridiculously mundane things like him slipping into English mid-sentence, slapping people around him when he laughed so hard or that he just couldn’t shut up during movies. The number of things he did that made your heart flutter became alarmingly high as well when he started covering you with blankets or his sweaters during movie nights, letting you fall asleep on his shoulder in the living room and instead of waking you up, he suffered a neck pain the next day without complaint or singing you songs as lullaby when you couldn’t sleep. Add giving you his freshly washed jersey to the list as well.
Yuqi was the first one to point it out as you were getting ready for the basketball match. She helped you style the jersey, tucking it inside black jeans and making a high ponytail out of your hair to show off the Mark 02 written on the back.
“Do you like him?” The girl asked, straightforward as always and you blamed the yelp you let out on a particularly harsh movement of the hair brush.
“I… is it that obvious?” you asked, bashful, because you felt like it was useless to deny in front of Yuqi. She snorted, raising an eyebrow before grabbing an eyeliner off the table, ready to attack you.
“You do realize only you find even his dumb jokes funny, right?”
“What, why? He’s hilarious!” you protested, really thinking so, and the girl laughed as if she just proved a point.
“Don’t worry, it’s cute,” she reassured you and before you could have asked what was so cute, your crush? she ordered you to close your eyes and let her work her magic.
So you did, feeling blush creeping on your cheeks under the thin layer of foundation she applied. Smokey eye shadow, pink lip gloss and lilac-gold lines over your cheeks later, Yuqi said you looked so good Mark would be stupid to not feel lucky. Honestly, you weren’t so sure about that since you knew Mark didn’t care about looks that much and actually it wasn’t your appearance that made you feel uncertain around him. It’s just… he was so casual and friendly with everyone, you weren’t sure whether he would have acted like this around every girl he ended up living with or you were a tiny bit special and you didn’t want things to become awkward between you two if you misread the signs and he didn’t feel the same. It could have made living together very uncomfortable.
An hour later you arrived at the basketball field of the campus and feeling a little out of place, you just followed Yuqi and joined some other friends in the standee area. You tried not to feel all too conscious of the eyes on you, or rather on the shirt you wore, and just hollered when the Eagles made their way onto the field and the game was starting.
It was crazy, the buzzing adrenaline of everyone around you, the way people grunted together in disappointment or cheered in unison when a team scored a point. You still didn’t really get the rules or why certain shoots meant more points than others but you had fun. And of course, you couldn’t stop looking for Mark among all the players, being impressed by how fast he moved and how precise his shots were. He was indeed better than that one time you saw him play drunk. You got so invested that you couldn’t stop screaming, encouraging the boys towards the end of the game. You jumped into Yuqi’s arms, hugging her for dear life when Chenle scored the winning goal, everyone attacking the freshman (with hugs and love) on the field.
The players were quickly ushered to the changing room, so you had no chance to talk with Mark but since basically everyone from your university in the audience ended up at Jaehyun’s for the after party, you believed you had a good chance to do so there. But before you bumped into Mark, you managed to run into Ten instead. The Thai guy was one of Johnny's best friends and then he was giving you such a knowing look that you couldn’t help but feel self-conscious under his gaze.
“Sooo did Mark finally tell you?” he raised a brow, sipping on his suspiciously orange-looking drink as he pointed at your outfit.
“Uhm, tell me what?” you muttered, dumbfounded and Ten just laughed, waving it off.
“Nothing then. Have fun!” he winked and walked away with such a shit-eating grin that left you even more confused. He was barely out of sight when Mark showed up by your side.
“What did Ten hyung want?” he asked, visibly concerned, which was the last thing you wanted him to do. He should have been happy, celebrating, because from what you had seen he gave his all for his last match with this team just like how he wanted to do.
“I don’t even know to be honest,” you let out a laugh, turning towards the boy by your side and you took in his look with the ripped jeans and the turtleneck. Gosh, even his hair was fluffy because he must have washed it after the match. It was a good look on him, soft but mature. Mark was looking at you with similar awe in his eyes, a smile tugging on his mouth.
“You really came.”
“I told you I would,” you reminded him with a kind smile. Then you remembered that you wanted him to know that you appreciated the match too and that you found his basketball skills impressive, so you added: “You were really good back there.”
“Thanks,” he smiled sheepishly and cleared his throat. “You look pretty. I mean… you look pretty in general, it’s just… you look different.”
It wasn’t like you never had received a compliment from the boy because he had this habit of calling every living and breathing creature cute but it was different, you could tell he didn’t mean to play it off coolly either.
“Thanks, it’s all Yuqi’s doing,” you admitted with a chuckle, fighting the heat in your cheeks before Mark asked if you wanted to dance maybe. You didn’t even hesitate before agreeing and followed him to the dance floor, not caring about the mainstream music or the stares you two got, not when Mark giggled into your ear when he almost tripped in his own foot because someone elbowed him in the side.
Mark and you spent almost the entire party together after that, just dancing and talking out on the balcony with your drinks in hand, or playing classic card games with friends. By the time the party died down and it was time to leave, both of you were still pretty much sober, so the walk back home promised less chaos than the ones before.
It was a chilly December night, big coats, scarves and beanies on both of you but you were still cold, damn those gloves you forgot to put on! You blew warm air onto your palms, rubbing them together to keep them warmer and the movement caught Mark’s attention. He didn’t wear gloves either but he didn’t even hesitate reaching for your hand and still holding it, shoving it inside his puffy coat’s pocket together with his.
“Yeah,” you whispered, breath caught in your throat, heart overworking.
Hand holding or not, you decided it wasn't the right time to tell Mark how you felt, this was no time for extra pressure. You both still had final exams to prepare for and you knew he would go home for the holidays. You could tell him after that.
Before Mark left for the winter break, you made him his favorite meal and gave him the personalized guitar pick with his name and basketball jersey number on it as a Christmas gift. It was barely anything yet he thanked you dozens of times and hugged you as if he didn't want to let go.
You visited home for the festive days too but because of your internship you were back in the capital in no time. Mark stayed home longer, texting you throughout the days about the most random things (how his mom made him eat so much, his brother’s nagging or the shows he watched with his dad) but the apartment was so empty without him. One day you ended up inviting Sohyun over for lunch and as a package deal, Johnny came, too. It turned out very unfortunate for you because out of all the people out there, he was the one person you couldn’t fool when he pointed at what you wore.
“Isn’t that Mark’s plaid shirt?” his lips curled upwards as he asked, mouth in an annoyingly knowing smirk.
You could have said that it got mixed during laundry but that still wouldn’t have explained why you actually wore it when it was a bit big on your frame. Honestly, you just got so used to Mark covering you with his clothes, it felt almost natural picking it up from the couch where he had left it and putting it on when you got cold earlier.
“And aren’t you hungry? Then stop asking unnecessary questions,” you snickered which made your friends laugh and tease but you knew they didn’t mean anything bad about it. They cooed when you got a text from Mark that made you all smiley. Johnny even prided himself in being a great matchmaker which was a pretty far stretch but you just rolled your eyes at his antics. Maybe you wished he was right, too.
It was a few days into January when Mark got back. There were snowflakes in parts of his hair that weren't under his beanie but his smile was warm as he complained about the cold. You offered to heat some dinner up for him while he unpacked and could barely contain the feelings spreading all over you as he claimed that 'you are the best'. So you put some pasta you made earlier into the microwave and set the table, waiting for Mark. When he got back to the kitchen, he told you all about his holiday and his ride back over his dinner as if he hadn’t texted every hour but you appreciated it, so in exchange you told him about your days and how the internship place offered you a long-term position. Things had started falling into place despite the uncertainties and doubts you still had but it was natural, you were still young, you didn’t have to have it all figured out.
After dinner, you were about to suggest a movie but Mark beat you to it.
“I know it’s late, but actually I brought you a present,” he spoke up suddenly, sounding nervous as he tilted his head towards his room. It already made your heart beat like a drum.
“Oh come on, you didn’t have to just because I–” you protested but still followed the boy into his room.
“I wanted to,” Mark interrupted you gently and handed over a clumsily home-wrapped (so cute!) box he pulled out of his suitcase. You took it curiously and started unwrapping it carefully. The box revealed your favourite brand of chocolate and an old-fashioned cassette with your name written on it with a marker. You suddenly remembered watching an old movie from the 90s when you had told Mark how lovely you found the idea of mixtapes on cassettes because of the effort put into them, but you didn’t think he would remember that.
“I don't even have a cassette player,” you said dumbly, not knowing how to react suddenly and at that Mark let out an awkward little chuckle.
“Oh right, I was supposed to share the Soundcloud link with you,” he realized and after a few clicks on his phone you felt yours buzz in your pocket. “You told me you like to listen to me singing, so I thought I could record these for you to listen to if you, you know, wanna hear some but I can’t be there.”
His explanation was just so him, so lovely, just as the caption of the track he shared with you – songs that remind me of you. You might have been oblivious and uncertain when it came to Mark Lee, everyone’s best friend at college, but there was nothing platonic in the way he patted the bed beside him to get you to sit down and once you did, he put earbuds in for you to listen to the mix of English and Korean love songs he sang in his soft, airy voice. Your heart was struggling against your ribcage as he filled all your senses: his voice singing, his eyes on you, his warm closeness…
The playlist ended with an embarrassed giggle, so Mark-like it made you smile right away. You were glad he didn’t edit it out because it made it more real, more special because of how not staged it was. You wanted to say so much and ask even more but looking into the boy’s eyes, you suddenly couldn’t form any word. It felt like you were in a sweet little bubble in his room and for a moment you wondered whether you were dreaming, dreaming about Mark coming back home, to you, looking at you like that. But it wasn’t a dream.
“It’s… I love it, so much,” you pressed quietly but genuinely. You were afraid you would break this bubble if you said more, or if you spoke louder. You just wanted to stay there, so close your knees bumped into each other.
“I’m glad,” Mark said back in a hush, a chuckle hanging off his lips, words tasting delicate with anticipation.
There was serendipity in the silence that followed. It was in the way Mark’s doe eyes blinked slowly, the way you inhaled sharply or the way he tilted his head, leaning closer ever so slowly. Your eyes fluttered closed right before his lips touched yours for a chaste but heart-shaking moment. It was short but offered enough of a reassurance, just as much as his searching gaze when you opened your eyes slowly after he pulled back a bit.
“Mark…” you whispered, his name tasting like something sweet on your tongue and for a moment, the boy looked distracted. At your voice, he blinked.
You looked deep into his warm brown eyes, serious before you let your lips curl up.
“No more dude-zoning, okay?” you asked, half-sincere, half-a-joke, and Mark laughed so hard, he almost fell over and out of the bed. It was the kind of sound you wanted to hear so much more often. Even more so, you wanted to make it happen: to make Mark happy.
“Okay,” he promised, breathless, and sealed it with another kiss on your lips, his hand finding rest over your nape. You smiled into it, content.
“Mom, come on, we will be late,” Mark whined as he tugged on his robe, squinting against the sunlight.
“Just one more. Stand closer,” the woman instructed and gestured for you to step closer to Mark and you giggled as you pressed up against your boyfriend’s side, a blushing creeping onto your cheeks even now at the public display of affection.
Neither of you with Mark were big fans of PDA, liking to keep your relationship mostly private save for hand holding whenever you had a chance to do so but your friends kept pushing you, teasing you, saying that they did not believe that ‘you finally came to your senses and got together’, their words not yours. Johnny definitely claimed credit as the main matchmaker but Yuqi kept arguing over it. You didn’t mind, it only showed that they cared and were supportive and only that mattered.
“Perfect!” Mark’s mother exclaimed with a proud smile as she looked down at the photo she just made. Her husband reminded her that all of you had to get back to the hall for the actual graduation ceremony before you would miss the point of it all but you couldn’t mind the woman’s enthusiasm at all as she pulled you into a half-hug as she showed you the picture. She had been the sweetest from the moment you were introduced as her son’s girlfriend. (‘Actually I had a feeling. He was glued to his phone all winter break,’ she shared with you with a smile that made you feel welcomed like a partner-in-crime.)
You waved at your own family who already took their seats and laughed at the tissues your mother prepared as your sister pointed out jokingly. Then suddenly you were surrounded by friends from your grade, excitement clear on all your faces.
“Let’s get it,” Mark hollered beside you as everyone was ushered into the big hall.
The graduation ceremony might have sounded boring but it was the end of an era and you were all so ready for the next one. You were a bit scared, yes, but that was okay, as long as you had good people around you nothing could go too wrong and looking around – at Guanheng and Dejun making funny faces for selfies, Wooyoung pulling on the tassel of Jungeun’s cap, Mina trying to shush everyone before the dean would do so and Mark staring back at you with a fond smile – you knew you were in good hands.
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