auxlevi-blog · 7 years
"The more you struggle, the more it’ll hurt”
“Ani, ani, stop!” He whined loudly, sitting on the floor as the other took care of all the thorns that scratched his skin while running around in the park. “I want to see you in this situation and not struggle! For wolf’s sake be careful!” 
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auxlevi-blog · 7 years
Arrow: League of Assassins
“It looks like I got a long night ahead of me” “You are trouble” "Did you hear that? It’s getting closer” “That’s not very scientific” "I happen to know a lot about science. I know fermentation. I know biology” "We’re going to be fine” "Hey, thanks for letting me stay here” "Thanks for understanding” “I don’t understand” "I know how hard it is to come home when you’ve been gone for so long” "This is a conflict of interest” “I think you’re overstating matters” “Sounds a lot like blackmail” “We both know what it’s like to lose someone” “Well, that’s the thing about forgiveness– you can’t get it until you ask for it” "This is quite the set-up that you got here” "You’re one of them” "They remade me into what I am. And I swore them my allegiance” “Why are they kicking down doors trying to find you now?” “You think that my family will be happy to see me?“ “What were you doing out there?” “Please, please! Please, no! Please, please! Please, no! No! You’ve made a mistake” “Please let me out” “Why won’t you let me– no, please, come back!” "Sorry if I upset you before” “We all join clubs we wish we hadn’t. It took me a year to get out of that gym membership” "Have you found somebody for me to hit yet?” “Like you, I am not that easy to get rid of” “This is my fight” “I’m not going back” "I have orders to return you; alive or dead” “You’re not going to kill me” “You overestimate your importance” "Pain and I came to a little understanding few years back” "I can keep a secret” "The more you struggle, the more it’ll hurt” "You don’t give me orders” "Since when did you start making house calls?” “It sounded a little less crazy in my head” "So I guess this means you’re not leaving town?” “You’ve had a rough couple of weeks” “You really going to tell me you couldn’t use a friend?” “Why did you lock the door?” “Please, come in. Have a seat” "I just wanted to make sure you were safe” "I’m really sorry if I was sending the wrong message” "What is so wrong with me that everybody leaves?” “I will never leave you” “I thought I locked that” "I was as far from home as you can get, but I never forgot where I came from” "You should be mindful of your surroundings” "I’m sorry you saw that” “I can’t imagine what you must think of me” "I think you’re one of the bravest people I’ve ever known” “It’s time for you to come back home” “They are never going to stop looking for me” “I’ll protect you” "I can’t let you go” "I am not going to change my mind” "Can we– can we do this another time?” “Did something happen? Are you ok?“ "I’m sorry I didn’t call you back. I’ve–I’ve had a really long week, and–and I’m tired” "An old friend gave this to me” “I don’t want to try so hard anymore”
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auxlevi-blog · 7 years
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Since I have the brain of a goldfish, I loose track of all the tumblr IMs i sent and got and whatnot. SO, PLEASE LIKE THIS POST if you wish to plot with this icy puppy wolfie. I will soon set up a plot page but meanwhile, let’s brainstorm a little, shall we? :3 
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auxlevi-blog · 7 years
“I had to make sure.“ El replies as he close the door, only to realize that Levi was already gone. Knowing exactly where the latter would go, El followed the sound of drawers opening and utensils clattering and let them lead him to where Levi was getting ready to attack the ice cream.
He walks closer, wrapping to the other side of the breakfast counter, sitting on a stool and yanking the spoon on Levi’s hand from across him “You aren’t the only one dying. Save some for me too”
He decided to simply ignore those words, focusing on the box of ice cream and getting ready to stuff his face with it. Levi squinted hardly at the other boy, growling lightly as El reached to his spoon and pouted before taking a big piece of the ice cream, nearly moaning as he ate it. “But I’m the only one that can actually die from this heat.” He snorted, moving himself to lazily stretch on the couch, clinging to the ice cream.
Acting like a baby, that was his automatic behavior whenever El was around. The boy brought up the puppy side of the ice wolf and Levi wasn’t even trying to hide it away. “And you need to get your fridge repaired one of the shelves is broken for reasons I’m not willing to discuss.”
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auxlevi-blog · 7 years
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auxlevi-blog · 7 years
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By w0lfm@n
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auxlevi-blog · 7 years
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auxlevi-blog · 7 years
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Sleepover with @auxlevi​
“Shhh…It’s okay, I’ll chase the thunderstorm away.“
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auxlevi-blog · 7 years
@auxkokabiel - continuation from here [ x ] 
He groaned of displease as he could hear and sense El was indeed at home, walking around for some god damn reason while he was melting outside. “Yah, just open the d-” Nearly knocking again, Levi was interrupted by the sight of the other’s smile and his groan turned into a pout, trying to keep that posture. “What took you so long?” Levi made his way inside the apartment, reaching instantly for the fridge and eyes widening as he spotted the vanilla ice cream. 
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auxlevi-blog · 7 years
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It’s that time of the year again, you’ve trained hard and now is time to prove your other skills– recruitment skills. This is usually done by the leaders, but it’s everyone’s responsibility to keep the brotherhood alive. Once a year, every member from each headquarter is given the task to go out and find new members for AURORA, preferably for their own HQ, but it can be for any headquarter really, as long as they are mythical creatures or half-breeds. The important thing is to make the family grow.
It seems like an easy job to do, but you will not only struggle with stubborn people who refuses to join, but you will have to be careful of hunters too. While you’re trying to achieve your goal, they will be tracking you down since they have heard about the recruitment– it happens every year, so they are always alert and more than willing to put you and anyone that you’re recruiting down as well.
Make it alive & good luck!
Go out an plot with your fellow members.
Remember, your muse can go to any part of the world as long as you mention the usage of portals, spells, regular transport, etc. to justify how your muse got there.
If you choose a portal, remember the amulet given to every member of AURORA allows them to come in and out of their headquarter, and also allows them to travel to any part of the world upon a given task. (Think of the portals on the movie Doctor Strange, that’s how they’ll look like and work as, with.)
Use the tags au;event & au;recruitment as the event tag to post starters, also use au;openstarter & au;plotting to your benefit too.
You have until June 27th to post starters, after that date you can continue to rp around the event to give closure to your paras, but can’t keep posting more starters because the event will be technically over by then.
Most importantly, HAVE FUN!!!
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auxlevi-blog · 7 years
FINALLY! WE’RE HERE!  So hello, this is Sophie, mun of this dumbo ice wolf that goes by the name of LEVI. I’m still working on setting up his pages and whatnot, but I’m always available to chat, plot, whatever ehehehe. SO YEAH, WELCOME TO FREAKING AURORA AND LETS HAVE FUN
*tackles admin that i love so much*
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auxlevi-blog · 7 years
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AURORA is pleased to introduce Choi Taewoong known as Levi, a Common Ice Wolf affiliated to the Ice HQ. He is 23 years old. Currently working as Hockey Player and Bouncer. He likes Cold weather, physical exercise, 4x4 vehicles, ice cream, naps, raw meat. but is not very fond of Hot weather, beaches, tea, salty food, high pitched sounds, cats. Wanna know more about him, make sure to pay a visit !!
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auxlevi-blog · 7 years
Tag dump!
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auxlevi-blog · 7 years
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© sweet lips ⁘ do not edit.
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auxlevi-blog · 7 years
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the moonlit ϟ do not edit or crop logo.
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