autisticcherryblossom · 2 months
people on here are always saying “we NEED a story where the art of storytelling is abandoned” like ugh literary devices are soo annoying like that wouldn’t happen in real life that only happened to further the story (why is there story in my story) why would orpheus turn around when he was explicitly told not to why would icarus fly so close to the sun romeo&juliet catcher in the rye why are they so earnest why pour your heart and soul into anything why bother why cant all art be quippy logical monotony like my marvel movies there’s a void in my heart bc i refused to fill it and the curtains were blue
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autisticcherryblossom · 2 months
leitmotifs never get old to me like holy shit dude there’s this melody that corresponds to this one guy and if you hear the melody it means the guy is there. holy shit. and sometimes it refers to ideas too not just guys. has anyone heard about this
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Put all these guys together because this was the plan all along haha but I wasn’t sure if I’d really  finish the set since I usually never go through with these orz Glad I did this time though! 
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(ok to tag as kin/id/me)
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Oka, I plan on following everyone on tumblr
literally everyone
Please reblog so I can make this happen
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my cookie ocs!! i’ll draw their combi pets soon
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hey so um, i’m a jewish trans woman and i need to get out of here so that i don’t keep getting retraumatized by my dad, and i need some help with money for transportation and rent, and i’m looking to move to the seattle area because i have several friends there, and it’s as far as possible away from my parents
if you can donate, my PayPal is https://www.paypal.me/eliyahuharel, and if anyone would be able to help with housing, like if you have or know of anywhere i could stay, please send me an ask or message me
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reblog this post if
you post about cookie run/are a cookie run sideblog
respect non binary genders
are ace inclusive (or at least aren’t mean about it)
I don’t want to get to discoursey on this so ill keep it quick i like to follow cookie run blogs (and also have them follow me but thats not the point) however in a couple instances I’ve seen ones i follow for that reason sometimes i would find them posting against the valid-ness of more then one gender, the grey spectrum or sometimes transphobic reblogs. i would not like to follow people of this thinking or have them follow me so if you reblog this i will likely follow you thank you for your time!
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So in other words a furry?
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Pomeranian Hero Cookie
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if you play cookie run reblog this with your zodiac and who your main cookie is
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when you find out someone is Bad so you block them but then you remember they liked one of your posts
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some black and white cookies!!!
cause lbr here i was bound to make cookie ocs anyway
Inside Out Cookie may look cute and nice, but don’t let that smile fool you; she’s an evil lady! Be careful, because she won’t hesitate to swing her mace!
(in short, now you gotta deal with this along with fire spirit and devil. gREAT.)
Energy Cookie is a deity in charge of managing the energy, forces and balance of the world. When she starts coughing, it means that the balance has been disturbed.
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tfw someone makes your boyfriend cry so you have to kick their ass to saturn
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Why is it that in the official cookie run comics I've seen with Hero Cookie it's like:
Devil Cookie and Fire Spirit Cookie: We want to help you with this problem that you have
Hero Cookie: :/
Devil Cookie and Fire Spirit Cookie: HONEST!!!!!!!
Hero Cookie: 8/
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They say you are your own worst enemy.
i want to write a fanfic about this but the words?? won’t get on the page the way i want them to?????? oh well, maybe another day. the basic premise is that dark!hero came from another universe, and he wants to hunt the hero down and take his place. he’s eeevil okay-
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I need to follow more people so can you like/reblog this if you post the following 
-Inanimate Insanity
-Battle for dream island
-Cookie Run
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