aunindzrhblog · 2 years
Assignment I : Sketches
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aunindzrhblog · 2 years
Typography of one sort or another is around us. And that why bad typography is also everywhere.
For example,
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This is a banner that promotes murtabak. But this banner uses an unsuitable fonts, especially the green sentence. Firstly is unreadable. It make me take time to read the sentences and then this font not suitable for use on banners.
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The font that used for "Murtabak Cheese" look creepy than interesting. After that, the font size for price list is too small and i need to go near there if i want to read it.
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aunindzrhblog · 2 years
Element Of Design #2
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1. Line
In this poster, they use many lines. One of them, we can see 6 thin lines on the above poster like a book of music chords. This line shows this poster regarding the orchestra.
2. Shape
For the shape, they used oval and circle on the violin. Dingbats also in this poster.
3. Size
Violin is the large size in this poster . So, violin shows the important information and draws the viewer's attention.
4. Color
This poster used various colours such as purple, green, pink, yellow, blue and others to attract attention and convey the bright mood.
5. Value ( Contrast)
This poster also use the contrast element. We can see around of the poster is dark while the center is light. So, the poster balance and give the main point of the poster.
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aunindzrhblog · 2 years
#Another week another post
Element of Design
A beautiful poster is formed of carefully plotted design elements chosen to create a visual representation of the idea and imagination, rather than a new imagination or an interesting idea. The design is not a collage of pictures arranged in a way that told the story. Design is all about creating a balance between elements and combining them it into single, clearly amazing final product. Line, shape, size, colour, texture, and value are among the design's six elements.
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1. Shape
This poster uses various shapes. Through this poster, we can see various shapes used such as rectangle, square, oval, round and triangle
2. Size
In terms of size, we can see that large size is preferred on the face of film actor Fauziah Dato Ahmad Daud. From this poster shows that this actor played an important role for the PUSAKA film.
3. Color
The colours used are black, white, moss green, navy blue. The colours are used to give a spooky impact and show the view of an abandoned house.
4. Value (Contrast)
We can see the contrast in this poster from light to dark. This contrast plays the role of horror through this film poster.
5. Texture
There are various textures in this poster such as the texture of the roof of the house, the texture on the face of the actor, the texture of the bush and the smoky effect. This texture gives a mood of horror and attracts the audience to see the film.
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aunindzrhblog · 2 years
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#Another week another post
Minimilast The Poster
The international movie i choose Korean film The Pirates The Last Royal Treasure portrays the story of two Korean tribes searching for treasures in ancient times.
After receiving a piece of the Map from their Japanese captives, pirates and thieves have teamed together to search for treasure. At the same moment, when the royal army and thus the map collided in a same cave, they both had the same mission.
As a result, maps, treasures, and two ships show in this poster minimilast.
While a Malay film Pulang, starring by Remy Ishak and Puteri Aishah that was released in 2018 depicts the story of a woman who is waiting for her husband to return to his village.
Remy Ishak act as a husband, however, was unable to return home due to business obligations. The woman play by Puteri Aishah chose to marry another guy because of the long wait, and her husband returned home while the wedding was going place. As a result, the man was left in the dark.
This film is based on a true story.
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aunindzrhblog · 2 years
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Hi guys !! Today, I would like to share with you all about this famous quote by Henry Ford. For your information, Henry Ford was an American automobile manufacturer who created the assembly line mode of production, which revolutionized the automotive industry in 1908.
Advertising, in my opinion, is one of the most important aspects of a business, particularly when it comes to building a solid business in today's competitive business environment.
We can see how important advertising for a business from Henry Ford's quote. We all know that time keeps moving on and cannot be stopped, and it is obvious that a business without advertising is a waste of time also money.
In today's world, we don't need to spend a lot of money on advertising. Everyone has a smartphone its one of the necessity. This smartphone is used for many things other than calling or sending messages to distant people.
Many people use it to find information, socialize, and so on. Smartphone apps for social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, and WhatsApp, which are widely used, are the best way to create advertising without spending a lot of money.
For example, visually advertising a business item on Instagram, such as posting an interesting picture and writing an explanation us about item, does not cost a lot of money and the item is instantly recognizable.
As a result, I strongly agree with this Henry Ford's quote. What are your thoughts?
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