atintafina-blog · 8 years
Documentary Film Festivals
Looking for a festival to screen your documentary? PBS compiled a list of domestic and international film festivals that feature documentaries in their lineup, and highlighted the ones with the most clout.
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atintafina-blog · 8 years
Resources for Filmmakers
The POV For Filmmakers site features many essential resource lists. From grant opportunities to engagement strategies, PBS parsed out exactly what you will need to get your documentary made and seen.
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atintafina-blog · 8 years
Documentary Funding Resources
Looking for funding for your documentary? Check out the list compiled by PBS for U.S. and international funders. Note that some funders only give grants to organizations and others only to individual artists
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atintafina-blog · 8 years
The Top 25 Docutweeters
Whether you are new to Twitter or a veteran, "who should I follow" is always a burning question. Based on metrics such as number of Twitter followers, Klout, Kred, and PeerIndex, as well as our own knowledge of the Twitter docusphere, PBS compiled a current list of the 25 individuals that you should be sure to follow. They keep people abreast of festival lineups, premieres and reviews, funding and submission opportunities, and relevant news for documentary filmmakers.
Source: PBS
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atintafina-blog · 8 years
A very useful list on projects and people that are good at engagement strategies for film, media and/or transmedia projects.
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atintafina-blog · 8 years
Text written by Col Spector, an award-winning director who began his career producing and directing documentaries for the BBC and Channel 4. These include “Just Enough Distance” “The Lost Supper” "The Real Alan Clark", and “Trouble At The House” 
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atintafina-blog · 9 years
Collection of paintings, drawings and photographs by Polish avant-garde artist Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz 'Witkacy 1885-1939
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atintafina-blog · 10 years
Eleições no Brasil 2014
Há quatro anos estava, por esta altura, em São Paulo (onde vivia), há uma semana sem grande descanso no corpo, em diretos diários para a rádio TSF (o programa Última Hora ainda existia), reportagens, análises para o DN, notícias alargadas, entrevistas para a extinta NS. Tinha conseguido uma entrevista exclusiva no carro da presidenciável Marina Silva, a grande ameaça à reeleição de Dilma Rousseff. Uma rival que prometia uma reviravolta nos resultados eleitorais. Hoje, 4 anos depois, a percepção que tenho (voltei já mais duas vezes) é o de um Brasil mais caro, ainda que mais contestatário - de um Brasil mais reivindicativo, mas esmagado pela repressão policial nas ruas. Quero acreditar num Brasil mais leve, mais democrático, porque o Brasil que conheci ficou mais pesado. Hoje também sou brasileira, apesar de não votar. Torço por um Brasil mais igualitário.
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Foto de Vanessa Rodrigues|2006
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atintafina-blog · 10 years
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atintafina-blog · 10 years
Teste de escrita de viagens
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atintafina-blog · 10 years
Porque o 25 de Abril é uma viagem para a Liberdade
Mais logo, viagens na minha terra, a fotografar, no sítio do costume.
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atintafina-blog · 10 years
Myanmar Emerges: Promise and Peril (by Jonah Kessel)
Daqui a pouco é mesmo isto que vou ver, depois de terminar o livrinho da semana.
Myanmar Emerges: Promise and Peril from Jonah Kessel on Vimeo.
Myanmar Emerges is a year-long GlobalPost investigation into challenges facing Myanmar's nascent democracy. Promise and Peril is a 30-minute documentary filmed over the course of one year, showing life across the country in reform-era Myanmar. The documentary follows 10-year-old Zaw Lin Thu as he navigates the streets of Yangon, the British colonized city known as a Rangoon, later destroyed by a brutal military regime. However, just outside of Zaw Lin Thu's world, Myanmar's new democracy is being put to the test. Rebellious monks are standing up to military untouchables; an opium war rages in the jungle; and children are slaving on the streets to survive. Meanwhile, politicians throughout the world cheer as Myanmar claims to be leaving tyranny in the past. To learn more about Myanmar Emerges visit http://globalpost.com/globalpost-myanmar-emerges Myanmar Emerges Documentary • Promise and Peril: https://vimeo.com/82404496 • Behind the Scenes: https://vimeo.com/82571089 Myanmar Emerges — Part Three: Opium War • Heroin State: https://vimeo.com/82385407 Myanmar Emerges — Part Two: Oppression Economics • Breadwinners: http://vimeo.com/74010831 • Forsaken: http://vimeo.com/74007636 • Mock Stars http://vimeo.com/74003695 Myanmar Emerges — Part One: The People vs. The Power • Poisoned Hope http://vimeo.com/64736859 • Dreams to Dust http://vimeo.com/64745407 • Resource Righteousness http://vimeo.com/64738284 • We Never Agree http://vimeo.com/64643317
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atintafina-blog · 10 years
Contar histórias com áudio (curso online)
Este link  é um excelente recurso para saber mais sobre como contar histórias com áudio, reportagem, entrevistas. Tem dicas sobre gravação e microfones, ética e uso de músicas para reportagens sonoras. (A versão integral é em inglês.
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atintafina-blog · 10 years
Ainda não consegui instalar, mas esta aplicação promete ajudar quem precisa gravar entrevistas e, por isso, marcar as partes mais importantes, para que nada se perca.
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atintafina-blog · 10 years
Thinking about this destination it's been a while....maybe 2014. Thailand is the most popular tourist destination in Southeast Asia, and for a reason. You can find almost anything here: crystal blue beaches, thick j...
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atintafina-blog · 10 years
I've been to 5 of them at least. And you?
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atintafina-blog · 10 years
I read it and found it very useful: Read Top 20 free attractions in Paris by Lonely Planet
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