atikahsudi · 1 year
『The Last Dragon』
Wizard Swannie is a wizard chosen by the Wakita Kingdom and she has betrayed King Wakita because she has friends from the demon people..this is the story a few months ago
there was a terrible war in Wizard City because kept a red gem which is the spirit of OldStoryAu the first Star Demon, so many the demon people want to take the stone because the stone can fulfill their wish and become the strongest person in the world then.. many demon people attacked Wizard City.. many Wizards died due to the ambush of the demon people..
the gem almost fell into their hands but fate The King Wakita had time to come and stop all the Demon people from taking the gem, their fight was so terrible that it shook the world!! Until half of the Wizard city was destroyed due to their attack.. The demon people retreated from the Wizard City and ran away.. many were killed in the war after the war was over many Wizards were injured and they were treated. Wizard Swannie was also slightly injured after that she heard a strange noise under the ruins of the building,Swannie went to see what it was.. she saw that it was a teenage dragon.. who was seriously injured and his body was hit by the rubble Swannie didn't even bother to see people in trouble but she knew that the dragon was her enemy but she still took the dragon to her place which was her house.. Swannie treated the unconscious dragon.... After a few hours, the dragon woke up from unconsciousness and he was surprised where is he .. Swannie enters her room The Dragon immediately attacks Swannie and says where is he and why is he here .. Swannie tells the dragon he is in Swannie house, the Dragon is silent and looks at the window and continues to fly out without saying anything to Swannie..after a few days later..
Swannie just wanted to see her friend Hudson when she was walking in the forest she saw the dragon she saved and Swannie saw that the Dragon was sad.. Swap asked the dragon why she was sad.. the dragon was surprised to hear a voice from behind.. the dragon was angry with Swannie !! Because the gem lost all its Clans !!.. Swannie was shocked and he said that it was not the dragon Clan that attacked her Town first. The Dragon said they don't want the stone to become powerful they just want their life back.. because the gem has controlled all the demon people and told all the demon people to release their King from the gem prison and Swannie understood why they did that.. but the Dragon was very sad because all his people had died due to the order of their King.. Swannie did not see the condition of the Dragon so she helped the dragon.. the dragon was still angry with her but Swannie still wanted to help him.. After a lot of effort Swannie finally managed to make the dragon become his friend... The Dragon has admitted that he lost to this Swannie attitude.. after a few months they became good friends.. one of the Wizards saw the Wizard Swannie be friends with the dragon people.. so the Wizard told the Wizard government said Wizard Swannie betrayed the King..
Father Wizard was shocked and continued to call Wizard Swannie.. and received punishment.. Wizard Swannie begged for forgiveness and said she was only helping but father Wizard didn't accept her reason and continued to hit .. . At the same time.. the dragon looked from a distance Swannie was hit by someone and he saw Swannie crying because of the very hard hit so the dragon was angry because he had lost his people so he didn't want to lose his best friend.. The dragon continued to get angry and became a ferocious dragon and continued to breathe fire at Wizard's father many Wizards were shocked by the attack.. many Wizards fought the dragon but the dragon was completely out of control and he continued to grow and breathe fire all over the city.. Swannie had woken up from the blow that strong and saw the dragon terrorizing. Swannie was shocked and saw many injured.. Swannie took her magic wand and flew in front of the dragon and said calm down loudly!!! The dragon stopped and looked at Swannie.. Swannie told the truth to all the Wizards.. and the Wizards understood why they acted violently.. the dragons are actually good people but they have been controlled.. so father Wizard forgive the dragon what what they have done to his people... then the Dragon can be friends with Swannie.. so Swannie will take care of the Dragon if the dragon does something to so Swannie will be punished
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atikahsudi · 1 year
『Jeneral Life』
Hudson is a Wizard but he is not blessed with The power of Magic so.. he is called a useless Wizard.. since childhood.. Hudsons is very sad and does not accept the fact that as a Wizard there is no Magic power.. and also Hudson is an orphan , he was raised by an orphanage because his parents had left him .. When Hudson entered school..many Wizards laughed at Hudson because he had no Magic power and made Hudson the laughing stock of the school.. but he still persevere and ignore all the Wizards until he meets a Wizard..that is Swannie.. she is a wise Wizard in the Wizard school and Hudson becomes her friend.. no matter how hard Hudson tries to make him have Magic powers but he still doesn't Magic power..Swannie also tried to help Hudson until they were teenagers... somewhere in a place where no one was seized they tested and looked for Magic Error's power and still didn't succeed until .. Queen Of Wakita came to them.. Swannie and Hudson were surprised to see the Queen in front of them.. and Queen Wakita extended her hand to join Wakita's secret army.. So they agreed to the Queen request.... Until many years passed.. Swannie and Hudson have been known in Wakita Country because they save and are loyal to the Queen.. Swannie has become The greatest Wakita Wizard while Hudson has become The Chief of the royal army..
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atikahsudi · 1 year
『 The Royal Of Magic Land』
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Magicland is the second country in OldStoryAu is the Descendant of Star Emosi.. Star Emosi died a long life and The Star was inherited by his daughter.. but the story of his daughter died as a result of beheading.. why? Ok here's the story.. Star Emosi daughter married a guy she didn't like because to maintain Star Emosi lineage then.. Star Emosis granddaughter named Princess Emily was born.. Princess Emily was born without Emotion meaning she has no feelings of sadness, happiness, anger and various..then an Wizard said this White Emily will bring down the people like Princess Emily will give the Star Emosi Power to the wrong hands..but the King of Magicland doesn't believe what the Wizard said.....
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When Princess Emily Rises 7 years old.. Princess Emily is often bullied by small children because of her weakness. Princess Emily was born with no feelings...so much so that she wanted to kill herself.
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Her mother doesn't care about her child at all while her father is very busy with people's affairs..she can't do anything. nothing at all.. just sitting and being bullied by small children . Until a Magicland guard.. who saved Princess Emily from being bullied..
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because of pen The guard couldn't bear to see the condition of Princess Emily still young and not being given love, so the guard tried to take care of poor Princess Emily. felt very safe with the Guard..
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Until Princess Emily became a teenager... The Queen of Magic land was pregnant but it was not the King who did it... The Queen complained to The King that someone had spent the night with the Queen while The King was fighting at night, all the people of Magicland shocked by the news.. and the Queen says that it was the Guards who looked after Princess Emily who made her pregnant. The guard pleaded not guilty because he said that night he was with his family and he admitted again that he is not the same person but the King of Magic land did not accept the excuse from the guard and continued to give the death sentence.. the guard was shocked and said he was not guilty at all and asked Sorry, the King still does not serve. The guard continued to be beheaded..
Emily was silent and she was very afraid of The King but she would lose a guard who was like her father and just remained silent.. let the guard be beheaded. After a few months later the child from the Queen's womb came out and a Baby girl.. but the King still took the child as their adopted child, but the King realized.. the baby did not look exactly like the guard that the Queen said.. but he looked like the head of the guard Magicland and the King realizes.. The Queen cheated on the King.. so the King sentenced the two to death.. The Queen begged the King for forgiveness but the King did not accept it.. The Queen and the Chief of the guard died...The power of Star Emosi was also inherited by Princess Emily is now called the Queen of Magic land... Many people of Magic land don't like the new Queen because the witch's prediction said..
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atikahsudi · 1 year
Can we be friends or can we be killer sans simps?
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atikahsudi · 1 year
The Star Emonsi
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Star Emonsi is the creator of the fourth. Star Power has a Power that can control a person's mind and create magic for the people to be entertained.. Star Emonsi is a person who likes to see people happy and laugh from all the burdens of the people. Star Emonsi is like the entertainer King in OldStoryAu because he is good at making people entertained with his power.. Star Emonsi's power is not very strong like Star Lavender... But his power only gets people happy.
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atikahsudi · 2 years
『The Keeper Star Lavendar』
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The guardian of lavender power is Richard. She had taken care of lavender's power after Star Lavender died. While Richard was taking care of the Lavender Power, she heard the voice of a baby crying in the bushes of the forest. So she came to see the baby in the bushes and the baby's body was full of ants that were biting the baby's body. Richard couldn't bear to see the baby so she adopted the baby.
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atikahsudi · 2 years
『Star Lavendar』
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Star Lavender is the fourth creator of OldStoryAu. Star Lavender is the first woman in OldStoryAu and she is the creator of land such as Earth, trees and plants. Star Lavender is the strongest and most powerful power because the power of lavender has been bestowed by the Star elders. Star Lavender creates things in her likeness with horns and white eyes All her creations are like plant life.
『Lavendar creation』
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the white-eyed race is the race that follows the lavender eyes. The white eyes have the special power of predicting someone's future and bringing the dead back to life but only one person can be brought back to life because his life will unite with the person he brings back to life and become mute forever.
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The Flower Three race is a race with horns and white eyes like Lavender. Their people are very similar to the appearance of trees. They can hide into trees. Their people have only one power, which is to heal the sick with their melodious voices.
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The flybag race is a different race from the lavender. Star Lavender likes animals that can fly high into the sky So lavender creates animals like birds. Originally the Flybags were from Star Animals but they created things together.
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atikahsudi · 2 years
『Evil Three』
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Evil Three is the biggest Forest in OldStoryAu. People never want to burn or cut trees in the Evil Three forest because there are many Demon People who live in the forest and are also forest guards. The Demon People and the Forest Guards are different .. because the Forest Guards are from the Animlas People . They are both enemies but they look the same. If there are people lost in the Evil Three Forest there is no way out because it is possible that they will be killed and eaten by demon people or drowned, only forest users know the way out.
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atikahsudi · 2 years
『Keeper Star Demon』
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The guardian of the Demon Power that is Satan tro, he had to guard the Demon Power after their King was sworn into a gem. The place is not known, only the Demon People know.
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atikahsudi · 2 years
『Star Demon』
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Star Demon is the first Creator in OldStoryAu because he was the first person to set foot in OldStoryAu. Star Demon creates a different creature than Other Star. His creation has a characteristic that is mutual love People he loves because Star Demon misses someone who has left him.
「Creation of Demons」
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The Black Eyed are a people who believe in death they believe killing people is feeding their King. Black Eyes are people who never got out of the Evil Three because the Evil Three locked them up. if they come out many people will die by black eyes.
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The dragon race is the biggest race in the past, they will kill their prey if they feel threatened. The Dragon used to be very numerous but after the King they were sworn to be a touchstone Many Dragons have died out and only one is still alive.
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Mentos are similar to Dragons but they only have horns. Their race is hostile to Black Eyes even from the same creator .. because the mentos want to show who is the greatest .
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Demons have no appearance or body, they are just black slime .. and can change any shape. These demons are very dangerous because they can't die even if they use fuel.. they will die if they get hit by a red flower.
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atikahsudi · 2 years
『Wizard City』
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wizard city is the place where all the wizards live, there many wizards gather and build a special castle for them to learn magic so they know the use of their magic. There is an oldest Wizard called Father Wizard, Father Wizard is the oldest Wizard. He Lives since the creator of OldStoryAu is still alive..
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atikahsudi · 2 years
『Star Wakita』
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Star Wakita is one of the respected creators of OldStoryau.
Star wakita is not the first creator of Oldstoryau but the first creator is Star Demon but Wakita is the most respected because he is the greatest creator and his creation brings peace. Star wakita created three people who have the characteristics of kindness, courage, loyalty, mutual respect and magical power
「Wakita's creation」
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The Wizard race is a race with magical powers, their race is very famous in Oldstoryau because their race was first created by the creator of Star and also the guardian of the red stone. It is very easy for us to recognize the wizards because in every wizard's palm they have a diamond shape which is the source of their magic power.
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Wakita people are followed by the name of their creator. The Wakita people have a mark on their left eye, they say this is a sign of their god's courage. The Wakita people are called a brave people who are not afraid of death
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Wezr people are ordinary people who have no magic power but they always respect their king and their god. The Wezr people are very hardworking, they are very diligent in farming and animal husbandry and also The Wezr people are very smart in managing trade.
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atikahsudi · 2 years
『Royal Of Wakita 』
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Royal of Wakita is the descendant of Star Wakita... Wakita has a daughter named Savannah and she has inherited her father after her father's death .. then Savannah has become the Queen of Wakita in her Kingdom..But after Savannah became Queen Wakita.. The Demon people became uncontrollable and attacked the Wizard city because the Wizard City has a Red gem where the Star Demon Spirit is locked up.. The Gem is so dangerous that it causes the end of the day if it falls into the wrong hands.. many The Wizard who has sacrificed the attack of The demon people but the gem did not fall into the wrong hands because the Wakita Kingdom and the Emonsi Kingdom managed to save the Wizard city from the attack of The Demon People, many died and retreated from their attack... so the Wizard City is safe and the apocalypse will not happen ...
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After a few years.. Savannah has fallen in love with the man she likes ...so two children were born which is the first grandchild of Wakita .. Zora and Nori.. but at that time.. The red gem was lost but was found after 2 weeks in Wizard city place of origin seems to have never been touched by anyone but he disappeared for 2 weeks.. Even the Wizards were puzzled so they just ignored it...Savannah felt a little relieved after hearing that was back
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When Zora and Nori have become adults they have been taught how to live as Star heirs, protect themselves from enemies and lead the people.. after years they learn self defense...... Savannah who is older she has given the power of Wakita to her son which is Zora because he is older than Dream and has all the traits of a worthy inheritance.. then Zora has become the newest King Wakita in his Country.
On the day Zora and Nori have become teenagers King Wakita who is Savannah Husband has left Savannah during the Demon People's war in Magicland.... Savannah is very sad after hearing the death of her beloved lover.....
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atikahsudi · 2 years
『 OldStoryau 』
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OldStoryAu in the old days before it was created it was just a very white place with nothing and no creatures living there for centuries. Until one day , which is the white spot suddenly had a strong beat and made another part which is the Galaxy. Galaxies come from a beat somehow place to can suddenly burst. The streak had brought down something that was a Star from the galaxy so fast that it made a big explosion in the white place.. After a long time, the Star changed into a person and they realized looking around them everything was white with nothing. Their job is to make the white place into a life that's why they came down but.. when they arrived.. they forgot who they were and didn't recognize themselves because they crashed so hard they lost their memory so the Star dignitaries are the Chiefs in the galaxy up there. . send another Star which is Star Lavender to help them. After Star Lavender help them..they know what they are doing here and they create them from their power until they become a small civilization.
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After a few years, the star leaders sent another Star to make them progress further, namely Star Emonsi.. Star Emonsi helped Star Wakita and Star Demon to advance their place until it became a large place. Star Wakita who is grateful to Star officials who have helped them while carrying out their duties. The Star officials sent two more Star people to accompany their people so that they are not alone.. that is the story of how OldStoryAu became a place full of magic and a peaceful place.
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until one day Star Demon became a greedy person who wanted to be the strongest Person in OldStoryAu so he killed all the other Stars and took their power to become the strongest. Until he wanted to take Star Wakita.. he was put in the Red Gem Prison because of his greedy attitude Star Wakita locked Star Demon's soul in the gem prison and destroyed the power of Star Demon .. that's the story.. Star Wakita and Star Emonsi are still alive because of them safe from the attack of the Star Demon then they continue to live as the creators of OldStoryAu and die as old age... their Star power will be inherited by their children and grandchildren until the next generation.. while the Star power is dead the master will be taken care of by his own people... until now ...
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