I know it's Shinji's birthday and I got a lot of birthday prompts, but it's been a long day and I can't get the writing juices going so birthday prompts are gonna be a little late sorry sorry.
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It's the baka's birthday! What will Asuka do?
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"Personally I think the Chopin is more Puppy Boy's style than Paganini." Mari said with a smirk.
When she saw Asuka try to sneak into a record store on June 4th she knew exactly what was up. Apart from diving, Shinji's main hobby was classical music something Asuka knew nothing about.
It was true that the two mermaids had listened to a lot of techno and Beatles cover bands around the north sea as kids but classical was a Shinji thing.
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If Asuka could jump out of her wheelchair and fall onto the sales rack she would have the moment Mari said Puppy Boy. Luckily for her, she'd strapped herself in to avoid the potential embarrassment.
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"vieräugiger idiot!, you don't have a clue who Chopin or Paganini even are, I'm getting them both you're paying for Paganini."
To answer your question: Asuka will get Shinji a present.
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It is indeed Shinji’s birthday and I’m gonna try to tackle the birthday prompts after work this evening
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The NGE pilots getting drunk for the first time? (Age them up I guess?)
I wanted to try writing something for this, so here is an incomplete scene:
"I don't know if this is a good idea," said Shinji as Kaworu handed him a tall can. "Misato is going to get mad if we drink all her beer."
"Just tell her she drank it," said Asuka, taking a swig of her own tall can. "It's not like she'll know."
Behind her, he could see Rei sitting on a cushion off by herself, tipping her beer can into her mouth and guzzling it down. She drank for so long that he began to worry she was going to pass out for lack of air. Right when he was beginning to suspect she had an auxiliary pair of lungs tucked away somewhere, she lowered the can and took a deep breath, licking her lips and swaying in her seat.
"Shinji!" Asuka snapped, slamming her drink down on the table. "Stop being such a little bitch!"
Shinji glared at her, popping the tab on his drink and extending it towards her in an annoyed toast. "Bottom's up," he said.
Kaworu was bent at the waist, staring into the refrigerator. He grabbed another beer and tottered back to the table, plopping down and opening the can. "You know, I really love you all," he slurred, taking a sip and slumping forward onto the table. "Not some of you as much. But..." He yawned. "Yeah," he mumbled, and fell asleep.
Rei jumped to her feet. "Let's do karaoke," she said. "I want to do karaoke."
"Uh..." said Shinji. He was sitting with his back against the wall and Asuka on his lap. He didn't remember how he had ended up in this position but he wasn't precisely complaining.
"Just put on some music," Asuka slurred, hugging Shinji around the neck. "Sing a song."
"Right!" said Rei, crouching down to look at Misato's music collection. "Have you ever been inside a hall of mirrors? Have you ever looked at yourself, repeating on and on forever? Can you see the reflection of your soul?"
"Oh my god! No one cares!" said Asuka, sandwiching Shinji's cheeks between her hands and making his lips pooch out. "Shinji, do you think I'm pretty?"
"Yeah," said Shinji, his head swimming.
And that is as far as I got. Not really sure where to go from there. I was just trying to get their drunk vibes. I don't know! Also, I just realized I left Toji out again. Jesus
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In your prom au idea, do you think there's going to be tension between Shinji and Kensuke? Iirc, in girlfriend of steel Kensuke approaches Shinji like, “you already have Ayanami, please let me have Asuka”
Yeah there's totally some tension. I mean they're still good friends but like Shinji doesn't like how possessive he is of Asuka saying things like that (and he totally did in the manga) and at the same time he's a little worried that Asuka might end up with Kensuke if he doesn't make himself act to try and get her attention more like asking her out to the dance.
I can't see Asuka ever entertaining any notions of dating Kensuke, but Shinji is a nervous teenager whose going to worry about things like that and it's going to make him actually do something.
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Feliz Jueves! Asuka skateboarding with a can of LCL drink!
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I haven't got any of the prom AU prompts that other AsuShin writers have gotten but I've seen other people's prom AUs and I have some thoughts.
I really like the idea of the normal relatively low stakes teen drama of asking someone out to prom
but like I think instead of like American prom I feel like Tokyo 3 would have like a 'we've survived another year of angel attacks' party which would be much less formal but still the biggest teenage social event of the year
So I feel like Hikari as a famous class rep is the one who gets tapped to organize the party when the main cast get to high school and of course she's such a straight arrow there's no drinking and no smoking and it's totally enforced.
Hikari is the one to invite Toji as her date to no one's surprise.
At first everyone thinks it's a given that Shinji, Asuka and Rei won't be attending since they'll have to be on call in case of an angel attack but Misato is okay with them going as long as they understand they might have to leave.
Then everyone just assumes that Shinji and Asuka will be going as a couple but no one tells them
Shinji really stresses out about inviting Asuka and almost gives up until he hears that Kensuke is also stressing out about inviting Asuka and so he does
Asuka accepts only if she can find Shinji something decent to wear as her date which means a shopping trip and Shinji ending up in some kind of Unit 1 purple tie and vest to go with Asuka's fancy red party dress.
Asuka also ends up getting Rei something nice to wear.
The actual party is pretty awkard since it's a bunch of teenagers celebrating the end of the school year but Shinji and Asuka dance together and everyone gets to see them in total sync.
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just making sure i don't fit in...
[commissioned by the world's foremost innovator in sick squiffer clips @/sourbraix on twitter]
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"Baka Shinji, mermaids don't have knees!"
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"You mean all of that art is just fantasy? I uh guess I've seen so many drawings of mermaids in that kneeling position that I just thought you could all do it."
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"That's just so stupid. Didn't you learn anything in science class as a kid, that tail is part of my spine, it's not like a pair of legs. You don't see normal dolphins bending at weird angles do you?"
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"I"m sorry Asuka, I'll be sure to remember that and not ask you any other stupid questions about things which you can't really do." Shinji replies with an embarrassed apology.
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The sillies
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So I’d bet that Hikari asks Toji first out of like all the couples in class, followed by Mari asking Rei because Rei otherwise wouldn’t go and Mari is just that forward, everyone assumes Asuka and Shinji are going together, but Asuka is waiting to be asked and Shinji is probably going to have a heart attack trying to figure how to do it since this is Asuka who steps on love letters sent to her and will likely call him stupid for asking her in a way that isn’t grand or elegant enough so Shinji is last minute and done only after it looks like Kensuke is also going to ask Asuka to prom.
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I sorely miss roller derby Asuka
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Fate and your ask collided because I happened to have a little free time and a new drawing program I needed to practice with. I hope you were in the mood for a doodle.
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Asuka Shinji what are your thoughts on Shin Godzilla?
(Actor AU version)
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"oh you mean Mister Anno's previous monster movie? Or is that called Toku? I uh only watched it after I got the part in Eva, I uh i guess it's supposed to be pretty high brow or something right?" Honestly 'Shinji' wasn't sure he got the appeal of Godzilla films even the new ones, at least in Eva he felt he and 'Misato' got billing before the stunt woman who wore the unit 1 suit.
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"A masterpiece of storytelling and allegory involving the cost of the nuclear age on humanity the perfect kind of concept sci-fi film that every actor worth their salt wants to be in." Asuka had never even seen Shin Godzilla she just wanted to impress Anno if he was listening and maybe score more screen time.
(Anima Style AU version)
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"It's a truly stupid film. A rapidly evolving nuclear monster is a complete impossibility and it's also not nearly as scary as the angels which are real and could attack at any moment. Whoever made such a mess needs to get their head examined." Asuka laments with a frown and she had been so excited to drag Shinji to see the film too it had been a waste of their money.
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"I guess maybe it's a film that demonstrates why NERV uses the Evas to fight the angels instead of relying on old fashioned weapons. If Misato didn't have us on standby all the time, she'd be in the same position as the people in the film..." It wasn't like it made Shinji happier about being a pilot, but he kinda could see why they were needed so badly.
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If someone other than Anno had a crack at Eva I’d love the team behind The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya to do an Angelic Days anime, I think that would be fascinating as long as Spike Spencer and Tiffany Grant reprised their roles in English
People I would let have a crack at Evangelion:
Guillermo Del Toro
Hideo Kojima
John Carpenter
Ichirō Ōkouchi
Junji Ito
Chiho Saito
Hiromu Arakawa
I will not explain any of these. Obviously they all work with teams to make the final product.
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And this is my 100th post on this blog. I just want to say once again, I'm happy that the AsuShin/LAS community is still going strong and I love being apart of it. So please send in whatever prompts you've got and i'll try to get around to them all eventually.
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A small reminder that the infamous Doujin Re-Take which is a guilty pleasure of mine had it's own soundtrack which included such bangers as this one which from the title is meant to accompany Shinji and Asuka's daughter's appearance
and this super eerie song which you're supposed to imagine playing when Shinji is revealed to have become an angel.
And this one that I think from the title is supposed to show how Shinji feels about Asuka's real self.
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