asrastea · 4 years
MAIN 3 + Faust: Children HC (Arcana)
This is my first time making a headcanon so... bare with me! Also REQUESTS ARE OPEN! merci and gracias. 
Asra with kids?! Oh boy... as calm as he may seem on the outside, he can be about as chaotic as Julian on crack
For instance, once you went out to the market to get some of that scrumptious pumpkin bread for breakfast to find your whole kitchen and precious husband + spawn covered head-to-toe in flour
Let’s admit, he’s kinda embarrassed when you walk in
Lots of naps and cuddles
Those children are attached to him at the hip
They’re always cooped up with him, reading books on anything: alchemy, goldilocks, botany, it doesn’t matter. They just like the way Baba’s voice sounds
Tells lots of stories of his travels during bedtime
Forehead kisses and tuck-ins too :)
Best believe Aisha and Salim are always at Chez Al-nazar
Lots of magical incidents... good and bad, mostly bad ;)
Let’s just say the teapot situation had a reprise
Spending lots of time at the palace with Nadia and Portia
And getting into heaps of trouble with Uncle Ilya
And those times when Baba has to go on those long trips, they beg to go with him just like Mommy/Daddy used to
Sometimes you think to yourself, who let this man have children???
He’s already a big baby
But, deep down he’s always wanted a big family
And that’s what he’s got!
Many, many, many rounds of piggyback rides
Broke a couple of vases and pictures frames. Oh well.
Julian does everything with them
Leech collecting? Hell yeah!
But don’t get too close, darling
Playing as pirates for a day? You betcha
You’ll be sick of, “ARGH, SHIVER ME TIMBERZZZ” by the end of the day
Julian is more conscientious than you’d think when it comes to his children
And is definitely more cautious about your welfare as well
Those Devorak children do enjoy seeing Auntie Pasha beat the shit out of Julian on a day of bad judgement.
Don’t let Mom/Dad know though, that’s a new type of hell
Polite, well-behaved child
At least, when she’s not looking
With Julian being at the palace so often, being troublesome just rubs off on you
When Nadia’s not busy, she gives your child personal piano/organ lessons 
She feels it’s more intimate that way
On a cool spring day, tea and your bambino’s favorite biscuits at the gazebo
Hide the alcohol! It’s not juice!
Lots of fancy outfits
Is a cool mom, but stresses that their wealth is a privilege 
Will NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES have Lucio 2.0 be brought up under her roof. 
Not. on. her. watch
Stories with the fam on holidays are a must
Auntie’s always keep the kiddo on their toes
There’s never a dull moment
Especially when Asra teaches the two magic
Life really couldn’t get any better, could it?
Faust da bootiful snek:
Lots of “Squeeze!”
Faust likes to play with them
Brings lots of gifts in the tots favorite color, smell, etc.
Don’t ask where it came from. 
Just don’t!
Faust is generally open, except that one time your child threw her across the room with their magic, accidentally
“Ouch” was definitely said. You felt pretty bad.
Some distancing was put in place for sure
But it didn’t last long
Faust is literally with them almost all the time
Did I mention her favorite nap-place is on your kid’s neck?
It is
Faust will show up to that person’s doorstep with a knife.
Gladiator Faust Activate!
Faust really does love them, enough to make Asra a teeny-bit jealous!
Just a bit.
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asrastea · 4 years
asra as a plague doctor is fucking delectable, scrumptious, 100/10 would recommend, fake having the plague and make colored contacts just to see him type hot😭
just message me if you want my edit w/o the watermark; it’s cool🧞‍♂️)
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