asparagus-writes · 4 years
If I get my way Chapter One
Summary: Jackie has had a crush on Jan ever since they were 12. They were close since preschool but drifted apart at the start of high school. Now it’s senior year and Jackie’s life seems to be falling apart in front of her eyes. Will she be able to make the best out of a  bad situation? Will the arrival of the beautiful new girl help or hinder her?
There across the hall stood the owner of Jackie’s heart in all her blonde glory. Jan had her hair up in a high ponytail and was wearing a knee length purple dress. They had been friends since preschool when the Persian’s family had first moved to New York from Canada. Since the start of high school Jan had taken up theatre, cheerleading and soccer so her and Jackie barely spent time together other than  their annual monthly sleepovers. To say it didn’t bother her would be a lie. 
“…Jackie!” Widow called reaching over to give her friend’s shoulder a gentle shake. “Hmmn” The Persian questioned. “You were staring at Jan, again weren’t you?” Widow teased. “What! No… I…” The Persian started but was cut off by Widow. “Relax I won’t tell but I would recommend you make a move before Friday.” The taller girl assured her. 
“Why?” Jackie inquired as she continued to take her required books out of her locker. “I heard that Greg was going to ask her out after the game.” Widow answered quietly as Jackie shut her locker. 
“Quarterback Greg?” The Persian asked. The taller girl nodded with a sad smile. Jackie felt her heart drop to her stomach. 
“We have to get to English before Mrs Del Rio throws a bitch fit again.” Widow warned taking her by the arm before they set off towards the English classes on the second floor. 
On their way across the hall and towards the stairs someone slammed into Jackie  causing her to fall forward and into the strong arms of a beautiful blonde girl.
  ” Are you ok?” The girl asked. “...Yeah...” Jackie replied as she stared into the girls beautiful blue eyes. Jackie felt like she could drown in them. The girl stared back.
 “I would be happy that Jackie found her knight in shining armour under normal circumstances. Almost being late to Mrs Del Rio's class isn’t one of those circumstances though!” Widow's words brought Jackie back to reality. The French girl let go of Jackie’s waist. Widow instantly grabbed the Persian by the arm and started rushing up the stairs.
 They got there with a minute to spare. ”I can’t believe you! First you made the stupid knight in shining armour comment and then you don’t t even let me introduce myself or apologise for almost crushing her!” The Persian exclaimed in annoyance. “We both know if you were ever going to apologise or introduce yourself you’d have done it after she asked you if you’re ok. You’re just salty that you can’t continue staring at her.” The taller girl replied with a grin. 
Due to some jocks who couldn’t keep quiet they had assigned seats which meant that Widow sat in the Middle of the class between Heidi and Crystal leaving Jackie alone in the back.
 As soon as the bell rang a stream of students entered the classroom. Widow sat down at her desk giving Jackie a look that meant they’d be continuing the conversation later. A few seconds later a few more students entered followed by their teacher.
Someone that caught the Persian’s attention. It was the flawless shorter blonde girl with gorgeous blue eyes that sparkled with a hint of mischief. “Settle down. Settle down. We have a lot of work to get through today ." Mrs Del Rio announced as she put her laptop bag and her coffee down on her desk before moving to stand next to the French girl. 
“We have a new student today. This is Nicky Doll. She’s an exchange student from France. You can sit in the back next to Jackie.” She said pointing to Jackie. Nicky just nodded and made her way over to Jackie. “We meet again.” The blonde grinned. “Sorry about earlier.” The brunette replied awkwardly as she stared at her desk avoiding eye contact. 
“No worries. Do you by any chance know where my next three classes are?” Nicky asked, handing Jackie her timetable. Jackie looked at Nicky for the first time since the French girl sat down. 
Jackie took in as much of her appearance as possible. She was met with those sparkly blue eyes, high cheekbones, plump kissable lips covered in Rose coloured lipstick. Jackie’s gaze travelled down scanning her outfit from her black leather jacket and her crop top that ended a bit above her belly button exposing a bit of her toned abs to her black skirt that ended mid thigh and accentuated her  tanned legs and finally her black ankle boots. Nicky cleared her throat snapping the Persian out of her trance.
 “ At least buy me dinner first!” The French girl giggled “Oh!... No!... No it’s not like that!” Jackie babbled getting extremely red. ”Relax I get it you're not into girls.” Nicky’s smile dropped slightly. “Oh no! No, I'm into girls. It’s just that...” Jackie tried explaining without making the situation any more awkward. “Oh there’s someone else! Who’s the lucky girl?” Nicky asked with a smile.
 “Oh no I’m not dating anyone. I’m in love with this girl though. She’s beautiful, kind, extremely funny.  She’s always smiling. I’ve known her since I was six. But that doesn’t matter.” The Persian’s whole mood fell instantly. “What do you mean it doesn’t matter?” Nicky asked confusedly.
 “There’s this football player and he’s going to ask her out Friday night after the big game.” Jackie explained sadly. “Well it’s only Tuesday so you still have time!” Nicky cheerfully.  You're right....” Jackie replied with a small smile. 
“Ok you’ve got  Math with Heidi and Rock next. Then Science with me and finally History with Widow before lunch.” The brunette changed the topic. ”I’ll introduce you to Heidi after class, but for now we should probably pay attention.” Jackie gave her a small smile. 
Thirty minutes later the bell rang signifying the end of the period. Jackie had managed to take decent notes for the rest of the period.
She quickly put her books and pencil bag in her backpack before she rushed to where Heidi and Widow were putting away their books.  
“Hey Heidi. Nicky has Math with Mrs Visage now too, do you mind showing her where to go and letting her sit with you and Rock?” Jackie asked as Nicky made her way towards them. “Sure! I’ll gladly take her under my wing.” Heidi answered with a mischievous smile as she quickly made her way to Nicky. 
“Come on new girl! We can’t be late for math.” She said as she pulled Nicky out of the class and down the hall. ”I wonder what kind of ‘brilliant’ idea she came up with this time?” Widow smiled and just shook her head as they made their way to Mrs Petruschin’s biology class at the other end of the second floor hallway.
AN:  This is my first Rpdr fanfic. Lots of love to Zyan for not only encouraging me to post this but assisting me with my tumblr issues earlier. This has now been edited. (thanks again Zyan )
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asparagus-writes · 4 years
I have two fics I'm going to start posting and one that I have to start once the other two are done.
Both of the ones I'll be posting soon will be multi chap.
First one is If I get my way which is an Jankie, Jessence and Nackie High school Au.
Second one is Symphony and it's a Kyara Au. Very angsty. Based off of Symphony by Zara Larson and it's music video .
You'll get better summaries with the actual fics.
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