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Please, Crash Bandicoot muns, reblog as many times as you want and signal boost! ♥
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I am going to make simple designs I said. Then I listened to “Solar Eclipse” from SSFIV on repeat and things got out of hand. 
No matter what happens at the gala, it’s going to be good (if not, Pasadena is prepared to deal with anyone, who thinks hurting others for their own satisfaction is a great idea). Maybe they will find dates, who knows? Except for Nina. She already came over with Aurelio. And yes she got Northern Lights hair <3 
AlsohiIamstillalive <3 
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(( N. Gin D5? ))
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((”Ah told you…Only after 10PM…Don’ call me ‘ere!”))
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Levona A7
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((I hope you like it
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“Funny story: That is the precise summary description for how sixty percent of the usual meetings with me are going...Can’t say it for this one, however - let alone that I’d have the glimpse of an idea what you are talking about. In fact, I have never seen somebody quite like you before!”
🎶 ((For Nina and N. Trance, if you feel like it :3 ))
“ You’re better off not knowing the trouble I’m in.”
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Pasadena had to think for a moment. Did she come across this person that Nitra just mentioned? She had seen many extraordinary faces due to her work before...but no, such a description really did not help her to refresh her memories.
"This is quite interestin' news to me, ya know? Can't say ah wasn't experimented on mahself back in the days...but a mutant tarantula and a friendly one at that - sure is a nice surprise for me! Still ponderin' 'bout the latter, though...If there's somethin' ah can guarantee ya, it's that there are certain people that can be dangerous company...Yellow Stormcurls and Co. for instance...A fella with bolts on his head, though...nope, not gonna lie to ya, ah've never - ever - seen such a guy around before...Wonder what business he's attendin' to here..."
"Heyho-hellohooo~ Anyone home? I swear to the canyon stars, this place sure IS new..." The possum looked around the lab that she had no memory of carefully. It was a good reason enough to have a closer look at - maybe even inside of - it? ((Pasadena - if you want to x3))
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Nitra jumped up from her desk, she had been sleeping for quite awhile now. But the sound of another visitor’s voice awoke her with a start, Nitra turned around in her seat, to find a rather cute possum walking around her lab.She drag her hand swiftly across her hair to make herself impressionable for her newest guest, she put on nervous smile as always and lifted herself from her seat and began walking over, twiddling her thumbs a bit.
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“W-why h-hello…!F-forgive me and my mess, I-I..w-was sleeping, s-so i didn’t g-get a c-chance to cl-clean…I-i’m N-Nitra C-Cast…I-I’m new here..W-who might y-you be?”Nitra stuttered, as she spoke towards the possum.
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Send me a face for a headcanon about my muse!
(`・ω・´) : What does your muse completely gush over?
_| ̄|○ : What situation would your muse give up in?
(`-´)> : Who does your muse honor the most?
(´;ω;`): What brings your muse into a state of
ヽ(´ー`)ノ : What calms your muse down?
ヽ(`Д´)ノ : What irritates your muse the most?
(#゚Д゚) : What does your muse do if they're angry?
( ´Д`) : Is your muse loud in bed?
( ゚Д゚) : What does your muse do when surprised?
┐('~`;)┌ : When your muse can't answer something, what
do they do?
(´∀`) : What could your muse care less about?
( ´_ゝ`) : Who or what is your muse most indifferent
Σ(゜д゜;) : Is your muse easily scared?
( ゚ヮ゚) : When is your muse happiest?
キタ━━━(゜∀゜)━━━!!!!! : What does your muse do when
very excited?
⊂二二二( ^ω^)二⊃ : Does your muse like to cuddle?
( ´Д`)ノ(´・ω・`) ナデナデ: Does your muse pat others on the
head? If not, do they get pat on their head?
(((( ;゚Д゚))): What is your muse terrified of?
Σ(゚Д゚): What would your muse be most shocked to obtain?
( ゚д゚): What amazes your muse?
(´ー`)y-~~ : Does your muse do any drugs? Smoke?
( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ ) : How often does your muse drink?
ヽ(´ー`)人(´∇`)人(`Д´)ノ: How friendly is your muse around new people?
('A`) : What does your muse do when they're alone?
(´-`).。oO( ... ) : What does your muse think about a lot?
(゚Д゚;≡;゚Д゚): Is your muse impatient?
( ´д)ヒソ(´Д`)ヒソ(Д` ): Does your muse enjoy gossiping?
(・∀・)つ⑩ : Does your muse enjoy saving or spending money? Or are they indifferent?
(゚д゚): When your muse didn't expect something, what do they do?
(゚⊿゚) : Is your muse in denial a lot?
(・∀・) : Does your muse like to tease people?
(・A・) : What does your muse consider to be bad?
(゚∀゚) : If your muse was a drug, what kind would they be?
( つ Д `) : When your muse is sad, what do they do?
♪┏(・o・)┛♪ : Can your muse dance well?
d(*⌒▽⌒*)b : What makes your muse the happiest they could ever be?
(╬ ಠ益ಠ): What infuriates your muse to the point they may kill whatever it is?
(≧ロ≦): Is your muse a screamer in bed?
(ΘεΘ;): How much of a tsundere is your muse?
(‐^▽^‐): What does your muse's laugh sound like?
┌(;`~,)┐ : What discombobulates your muse?
ε=ε=ε=┌(;*´Д`)ノ : How does your muse run?
ヽ(´▽`)/ : What does your muse look like when happy?
ヽ(o`皿′o)ノ : Is your muse violent when angry?
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woopwoop. emoji meme
go ahead use it all u want idc
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((These also belong on here for muses of me and others <3))
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(and lastly for Part 2: Aku Aku and Uka Uka :) ) 
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Part 2 of the CB VDay Cards collection <3 Please look at them in full size for better detail! 
For getting to Part 1 click HERE! 
Slight design changes are based on how the characters may appear in the comic C: <3 Happy Early Valentine’s Day Everyone! <3
You can also find the project on DA right HERE! Character names are in the captions :)   Crash Head On is a fan and tribute project, only Crash Bandicoot and all presented characters currently belong to Activision  
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Style and Design 2016 Update time for the ladies <3
This is a part of a bigger thing I am working on right now, but I liked these way too much to not share them (especially because I finally can draw them in a way I like!) ;W; Only a few more days and the full project comes on and then things go back to normal with bigger, diverse works :3
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You see this right there?!
THIS is the stuff dreams are made of!
I’m so happy to finally see this online, so that this awesomeness can be shared ;O; Analysing this in full detail brought me to tears, and everyone in this picture brought one of us to tears at least once. It is so beautiful in style, conception, the different expressions and the hidden details that all make sense months later <3 I am not getting over how GREAT this looks and myyyy, your kind words mean a lot to me ;W; Thank you so much for being the person for doing all of the things <3
Speaking of all the things: Do you have a few shinies? Do you have a character you hold dear? Do you want to see said character in an awesome picture you can treasure forever and dance the dance of joy for? Consider giving your shinies to marshmelluh! Because she is the sweetest cup of sunshine and offers her superheroine skills for fair prices and with many varieties in style but always LOTS OF LOVE <3 Worth every coin and every day of wait, GO GIVE HER STUFF SOME LOVE!
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CORTEX COMMANDO! for the fantastic and absolutely lovely @uhrwerkschloss, who also runs this super cool and awesome ask blog for the Crash Bandicoot ladies, @askthewumpatrol! 
AND NOW she’s gonna be starting an awesome webcomic involving these cool guys called CRASH HEAD ON, which you should totally check out if you’ve been thirsting for amazing fan content done with incredible amounts of love! Not only for all the effort that’s been going into constructing a fantastic story and making characters you already love click so well and give you a whole new reason and meaning to enjoy them, but also because all of this is done with so much heart and so much joy, and it SHOWS AND AGH I can’t even begin to describe it so go check dat stuff out now that it’s fresh outta the oven and join in for the ride thats gonna be CHO! 
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I haven’t given myself some time for a moment of kindness for quite a while. And that definitely has to change, before this month is over. Starting right now:
*the-crystal-doctor: I said it so often before, but the point still stands: I greatly appreciate your efforts for Cortex. Simply by all that he has been through, his personal condition, his conflicts and ambitions, he is an extremely difficult character to portray - especially done right. But these difficulties make him just as interesting and I am glad that you are exploring all the nooks and crannies of his mind: Points that might be admirable, understandable, make you think, but also points that are intimdating, may be concerning or frightening - even for himself (I am still sorry for making the lemon cry ;w; ). All of that is Cortex and I still am happy to see him around, just like when I started :) Thanks for reminding me every now and then, why he is so much fun to draw and work with <3 
*rocketman-ngin: N.Gin - by far - has become one of my absolute favourite characters in narratological constructs. This is why I am really glad that you get to explore so many different and interesting aspects of his ;w; His highs, his lows, his fears, his aims, controversy, difficulties, surprises and strengths - wonderfully suiting to the basis you have taken for it all :3 And it keeps all of that in a good balance without exaggerations >u<b I think it is difficult to really seal away that feeling of the classics in a portrayal, but by what you show, I think what you share could really have suit them nicely <3 
*mxbsterpotoroo: I can’t say it often enough and I will say it again: This take on Pinstripe is just WOW. The way everything is set up, the headcanon, the accent, the phrasings - these posts are spot on! It gives away the respect and strength a character like Pinstripe affects and it motivates me all the more to see and portray him as the powerful villain he truly is <3 That is why I cannot say much more but summarize it: It is Pinstripe.
*aku-uka-bros: I think what really is the strongest point of your portrayal is that it really is clear that the two are brothers <3 In the way they behave, the way they talk about one another and it is great to see them in direct contrast - sometimes also with each other! :) Special plus points for magical super father/mentor figure Aku and Uka’s caring side >w<b 
*survival-of-the-fastest: Personally, one of my favourite experiences in this community was how my view on Oxide changed through this blog :) I always saw Oxide as an intimidating final boss, which was a grand challenge to overcome! But your portrayal of xem expands Oxide’s world a lot, with lots of logic and love alike, and that makes xem really likeable, too ;w; I’m rooting for the chub bug and boy - will it be grand to draw xem again this year <3 Always happy to see something new x3 
*outer-dimensional-bros: I consider world-building around a secondary character with such effort and care really to be admirable <3 Especially when there is a good potential given, but the official teams do not give them the love they deserve (coughcoughlikeoneofmymusessorelatablecoughcough) And that is why I would love to get to know your portrayal of N.Trance better ;W; I seriously do! However, I completely understand that good things like these take their right time for the muse and all there is to it :) Making someone want to like/support a character by sheer effort done as a fan, because it shows someone the value this character can really have, is not only a rare gift - it is also what we really need more in all of the fandoms <3
*time-twister-inventor: Always considered N. Tropy to be my fav bosses of the third game and when it comes to this portrayal, I like how approachable N.Tropy is, how his liking for his life’s dedication truly shows, the wonderful puns and his diversity in actions. It is always fun to see how situations develop further with him and his dynamic personality! This definitely has also influenced my outlook on Tropy greatly and convinced me to appreciate the character even more x3 
*butteredtoasttothepyro: Since I kept working on Crash art again two years ago, my view of an artistic Dingodile really got stuck to the heart. It makes me all the happier, when I see what you do in that regard <3 It makes me happy to see how happy you are working with him and once again a lot of care goes into the accent, the outlook on the overall situations and making sure the character is complex and - under certain circumstances - still a great or dangerous company alike and that is important :) I’m glad Dingodile can be seen here with all there is to him and he is given conflict material and things to overcome - because he certainly has a lot of wonderful traits worth fighting for. Thanks a lot for getting this started <3
And last but definitely not least - doctornitrusbrio. I am well aware that right now, the acc is not active .w. Nevertheless, this does not stop me from thanking you <3 When I was moving towards a moment of important decision in my life some months ago, your works have given me a bit of extra strength to take it on. I wanted to see them as soon as they were there, I still have a lot of its humour stuck in my mind and personally, the way how things turned out for you while working with this muse is what I really like about it the most <3 All of what I said in my anonymous message that day still counts: It does Brio justice, by classic and modern portrayal alike. I can hear his voice actor going along with it and I am thankful for all the times Brio’s world was expanded further <3 No matter what 2016 might bring for you, no matter the plans, I wish you all the best for what is yet to come and treasure your efforts. If there is ever something I could do, you know where you find me. This year, I want to return the favour by giving the mutagen master some support <3
To all the ones who are not on this list just yet: All the efforts made for keeping the essence of CB alive and sharing what you found in it is greatly appreciated! And I love seeing so many different takes on it! Maybe, this year, I will get the chance to say even more about people who are not just mentioned yet <3
And of course: Also a special shoutout to all the ones who have let me interact with / see their well-done OCs on a regular basis! I have seen so many that I wish to draw myself or had fun drawing already and it brings a smile to my face to see them so often - you know who you are, since I drew them for  you or still promised to do so <333
do you ever find an author/artist who just interprets ur fave characters so good and it’s just
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((Hello to everyone out there! I sure hope you're all doing well <3
Right away, I just want to send a huge Thank You for all the ones on here who stop by regularily for my art, cho, or even my personal blog Cx It really means a lot!
My apologies for not getting to RP and other replies on here lately >w< I will get back on track with things on here soon enough <3 Once more, I have a larger reason why I have not been on here lately: I'm currently working ahead for a larger Valentine's Day Project! (Being in a happy relationship and seeing so much love for beautiful characters all around KINDA does that to you! x) <3) So indeedy, many of the ones who portray an official character muse here might get to look forward to something ^w^ I sure hope you will like it as much as I do so far :)
The ongoing preparations, in order to avoid time pressure, are the reasons why some smaller art and rp prompts have not gotten their replies yet :) But worry not, you are not forgotten! <3
See you around, Tammy~))
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A Trip to the other Side
“Whoever wishes to be related to me, must be able to change.”
(CHO Introductory Illustration for Nina)
You can find the DeviantArt version right HERE!
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Send me a ☮ for a graphic of your muse’s aesthetic.
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((I shall elaborate a little more about the Wumpatrols roles in this project little by little, as they are introduced. Feels great to be finally able to draw my muses for this blog the way I want to <3))
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Another update on the cast, this time on the side of the series’ several villains! Personally and honestly, Nina was one of the most surprising characters, when it came to development in constructing this project. I shall try my best to show that in a new introductory illustration - which all main cast members will get after their profile card is submitted - this week, too.
You can find the DeviantArt version HERE!
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((I am sorry for the double-reblog, but I have quickly edited the picture a little due to some really good feedback I have gotten <3)) 
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A gift for my friend skysoarer354!
In my opinion, her character simply has a “Draw Me!”-design - whenever I pick up the tablet pen to draw Techa, I’m having fun working with her! But that is not all. A lot of effort and love went into making her and developing her further. This makes her also an enjoyable and believable character in portrayal. That is why I really wanted to draw a bigger picture involving her. The background was inspired by the Acid Caves in Crash Bandicoot 1, which sadly never fully came to be. They still look interesting, I wager! I hope you like it, Becca >w<b
You can find the Deviantart version HERE!
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