asktheshamansleuth · 7 years
scratch, laid out dramatically on a couch holding a martini that they can’t even drink while on their phone because they don’t know anyone: some party huh
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asktheshamansleuth · 7 years
also reminder 2 go and read scratch’s profile if u have not, it has important info
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asktheshamansleuth · 7 years
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Scratch: “Oh Dear... I don’t know any of these people. Why did I let the child talk me into this? Just play it cool.”
(Scratch is at the party and they have no clue what they are doing! @askroulettechomp )
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asktheshamansleuth · 7 years
Franklin was surveying the snacks at the table, quietly clucking his tongue at the lack of tea, when a young girl appeared in the corner of his vision. "Oh! Hello, m-miss! Your c-costume is quite cute, I m-must say!"
Mercy had prepared herself to dig into all the sweets she could while her mom wasn’t looking. That’s what Halloween was all about after all! It took her a second to notice Franklin floating there, but his compliments called her attention.
“Thanks a lot! You look super neat too, mister.” She smiled at him.
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asktheshamansleuth · 7 years
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Mercy: “Come on, it’s right over here! You’ll get to see my house and everything!”
Scratch: “Ugh, I just hope things are going alright back home, the mistress hasn’t hosted a party without me in years an--”
Mercy: “She’ll be fine, you just worry about her too much. Just put on that cool atmosphere you always do and you’ll be fine!”
Scratch: “Excuse you, that ‘cool atmosphere’ is always present! Let’s get this thing started.”
(INTRODUCING THE NEW FRIEND... Scratch!! Read their about! And interact with them and Mercy! They are ready to party, mostly!)
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asktheshamansleuth · 7 years
[does the mun have a personal favourite character on this blog??]
Oh anon... Dear sweet unassuming anon. You are so lucky my ABSOLUTE BIG FAVORITE has not been introduced just yet or else we would be here all day. I will say though, they have been alluded to! But they are... a character that will be on this blog soon who is very near and dear to me and without a doubt my top favorite.
But without them here, Mercy and Vanille are probably my favorites!! Even though Vanille hasn’t gotten a proper introduction yet, her dynamic with Mercy is gonna be REALLY fun to write, let me tell ya. And Mercy is an absolute joy for me, it’s been a while since I’ve written a kid character on my own and it’s refreshing! Even though the story is gonna put her through some hardships which will negatively affect her... her overall optimism towards things makes me very happy!
In order it would be:
Secret Character
Mercy & Vanille tied
Merlilac, I love her so much too !!
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asktheshamansleuth · 7 years
What do you wish others would acknowledge about your muse?
Hmm... well so far, we haven’t delved too deep on anything (though I did mention a legendary weapon at some point which unfortunately seemed to pass by a lot of people).
However Mercy’s little crush on the child actress known as Vanille... kind of very relevant and it is something I wish more people took note of. 👀  It will tie into the story a LOT to put things simply.
Also bc I’m a sucker for writing fluffy young crush stuff!!
Merlilac, after the recent ask I answered for her I actually got a very surprising amount of asks asking for elaboration on some things so I’m actually pretty happy on her end so far!!
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asktheshamansleuth · 7 years
Whags your favorite thing to portray about Mercy?
Oh gosh, my MOST favorite things I haven’t gotten to depict just yet (there is a lot of story being written behind the scenes). But let me tell ya... there are some things I am gonna have major fun with
However, currently on the blog, I think more than anything, her childlike certainty in herself and her complete admiration for others? I love writing Mercy having full confidence in herself and her abilities as a detective even though she’s just a kid. She tries so hard and she really wants this to work out! Though, more than anything she just wants to help people and that above all is what’s important to her.
And her admiration towards others like I said. There is a specific story related reason for this which I can’t dive into yet!! It’s a long way off. But also because of how Mercy coming into Merlilac’s life and being well, Mercy, is gonna play into Merlilac’s development. Because as we know so far, Merlilac is... kind of a mess!! Chapter 4 is gonna be the big bonding chapter for them and I’m so EXCITED!!
I’m really super excited for all the chapters though but that’s no secret djfhdjh
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asktheshamansleuth · 7 years
For Munday, anonymously ask the mun something you want to know about them, their portrayal, or what they will/won’t write.
Especially if it’s something you’re too shy or afraid to ask off-anon. 
(Admin note: If you reblog this from someone, try to send them something, even if it’s just a basic question. The mun will really appreciate it.)
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asktheshamansleuth · 7 years
Halloween is coming up soon. Send me an ask with what you think my muse should dress up as.
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asktheshamansleuth · 7 years
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Mercy: “Yeah! Like Trashbot 5000 and Lorb are real nice, and they’ve gots lots of stories about their lives to share. Umm, there’s also Gamebot, Korg, Gacha, Bartender.... Lots of bots!”
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Mercy: “But then there’s also Miss Rose!! She’s the only other organic that goes to the bar often, she’s so cool... like a real lady out of a detective movie or something! She’s so young but she’s got so much to say about life, it’s amazing!”
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asktheshamansleuth · 7 years
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Mercy’s main ref is COMPLETE!! 
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asktheshamansleuth · 7 years
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Familiar: “Shopping, cleaning, cooking… All by personal choice. I’m only a familiar by name at this point, if anything I’m more of a roommate. Occasionally I’m needed for magic purposes, but other than that I can come and go as I please.
If I’m to be quite honest… While she’s extraordinary at what she does, Miss Merlilac is… not very self-sufficient. She frequently forgets to cook meals for herself, has a loose sense of time, sometimes sleeps for entire days. The type who gets very caught up in her research and therefore, forgets self-care.
Though, since young Merlilium started staying with us, it appears she is becoming a bit more aware, thank goodness. Not that I mind doing household chores, I just worry for her.”
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asktheshamansleuth · 7 years
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Familiar: “Shopping, cleaning, cooking... All by personal choice. I’m only a familiar by name at this point, if anything I’m more of a roommate. Occasionally I’m needed for magic purposes, but other than that I can come and go as I please.
If I’m to be quite honest... While she’s extraordinary at what she does, Miss Merlilac is... not very self-sufficient. She frequently forgets to cook meals for herself, has a loose sense of time, sometimes sleeps for entire days. The type who gets very caught up in her research and therefore, forgets self-care.
Though, since young Merlilium started staying with us, it appears she is becoming a bit more aware, thank goodness. Not that I mind doing household chores, I just worry for her.”
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asktheshamansleuth · 7 years
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Merlilac: “Ah, it isn’t that I was interested in it. It has always been the talent of those of my bloodline, and so it is mine too. Simple as that.
We have a bit of history here in the city, or, this general location, but I am the only one left right now, aside from my niece of course.”
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asktheshamansleuth · 7 years
Vivian took her Daily stroll into the central park of mushroom city. she brought a small basket of sweets with her to enjoy. As she looked over the Park she could see a few kids running about playing. Vivian then seats herself upon the soft grass next to some colourful flowers bending down to sniff them after setting her basket down.
Mercy was taking her usual trip through the park, trying to memorize it’s layout and find suspicious characters. So far it had been nothing out of the ordinary, as usual, but a distinct scent soon caught her attention. There were sweets in the vicinity.
Quickly, she made her way to the source. If there was one thing she just couldn’t resist, it was a sweet snack. Soon enough, mercy found herself face to face with the culprit: this kind looking lady’s basket! Of course, it wouldn’t be the right thing to just take them, so...
“Um, excuse me miss!” Gotta speak up!
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asktheshamansleuth · 7 years
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Merlilac: “Ah, it isn’t that I was interested in it. It has always been the talent of those of my bloodline, and so it is mine too. Simple as that.
We have a bit of history here in the city, or, this general location, but I am the only one left right now, aside from my niece of course.”
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