askgrannylucas · 3 years
AU: How are you holding up with everything? Or are you used to strange things like this storm happening since you're from the Enchanted Forest?
Can’t say I’m enjoying not knowing what we’re facing. Never liked that element back home either. Though we never had epic blizzards.
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askgrannylucas · 3 years
Granny! Have you ... happened to notice our predicament here?
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I’ve noticed we’re stuck in here while who knows what’s going on in my diner. There’s no chance this is just some freak storm, is there?
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askgrannylucas · 4 years
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Hello Everyone!
We are so excited to announce this month’s AU Weekend!
The theme for this month is: Snowed In, and it will span from Midnight PST on Friday, December 4th, to 11:59 PM PST on Sunday, December 6th. On Saturday, December 5th we will hold a vote to see if the majority of members are interested in extending the AU to a full week, or to move back to our regular canon as scheduled.
Snowed In:
Everyone has been reunited in Storybrooke and the Snow Queen has come to town. She’s has caused a seemingly never-ending snowfall and everyone has been snowed in. None of the magic users are able to access their powers which renders them unable to escape where (and with whom) they are trapped. Will they be able to survive each other? Only time will tell.
The following list details who has been snowed in where:
Trapped in City Hall
Emma Swan, Granny Lucas, Belle French, and Peter Pan
Trapped in the Library
Snow White, Neal Cassidy, Jefferson, and Zelena Mills
Trapped in Granny’s
Rumpelstiltskin, Regina Mills, David Nolan, and Aurora
Trapped in the Sheriff’s Station
Ruby Lucas, Henry Mills, Cora Mills, and Tamara
If anyone has any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask the Mod Team!
- Mod Lucy
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askgrannylucas · 4 years
What made you want to start your own restaurant?
The curse.
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askgrannylucas · 4 years
What are you plans when you retire?
When? More like if I get to...
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My plans are to do as little as possible for other people. Maybe by then we’ll be able to leave town, and I can find someplace sunny and have someone else wait on me for a change.
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askgrannylucas · 4 years
Who is your favorite regular that comes in?
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You would make me choose practically between my own children? How dare you! I’m just kidding. Will Scarlett. The boy needs someone to look after him.
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askgrannylucas · 4 years
Ruby has a heart of gold when it comes to friends like Belle. Did you raise her to be that way after she lost her parents?
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I raised her to be strong and know what’s right and what’s wrong. Good to know she listened.
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askgrannylucas · 4 years
I don't think much changed for you since the curse. You were sassy back in the Enchanted Forest, sassy cursed, and sassy now. I think you're the best granny around!
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What can I say. Not even a magic curse can teach an old dog new tricks.
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askgrannylucas · 4 years
Do you WANT to go after Regina, or you'd let her live even if she didn't have her magic?
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You think I want her roaming the streets? With magic, she’s dangerous. But so long as she stays away from me and mine, she can live.
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askgrannylucas · 4 years
[Au] Do you have some of your wolf traits when you aren't a wolf like heightened smell or strength?
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The senses stay the same, but sadly not the strength. That would be too helpful, wouldn’t it.
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askgrannylucas · 4 years
(AU) I thought werewolves are immortal. Or were you bitten at the age you look like now? Can lycanthropy be genetic, or Ruby was bitten too?
Immortal? Confusing your werewolves and your vampires there, kid? No, werewolves are not immortal. Perhaps we enjoy a bit of longevity and strength compared to others, but we do not live forever. As for passing it on.. yes, it can be passed on genetically. Now its my turn.. Why do you wanna know?
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askgrannylucas · 4 years
What do you think of the vampires in the town? Surely you're aware of them.
I know of a few, and they’re good people.
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askgrannylucas · 4 years
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It’s not a trick. I turned into a ghost after I died. I’ll prove it. Ask me anything.
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So you’re gonna get me to believe in ghosts, believe that you’re really Henry by playing a game of twenty questions? As if you haven’t done your research. Fine, I’ll bite. What’s Regina’s favorite thing to order here?
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askgrannylucas · 4 years
continued from x
And why couldn’t a ghost exist?
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That’s a clever trick... a cruel one to play on an old lady.
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askgrannylucas · 4 years
( au ) I bet you know a lot more about this town and people there who aren't what they seem to be. Do you believe in vampires, witches, and ghosts? You should because there are some living here right under your nose.
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Alright, you had me nodding along with vampires and witches. But ghosts? I think your bartender needs to cut you off, my friend.
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askgrannylucas · 4 years
AU Weekend: Monsterhearts
Hi Everyone!
Happy October! For this month’s AU Weekend, we’re excited to dive into our Halloween Special: Monsterhearts! Our Monsterhearts AU will run from Midnight PST on October 2nd to 8pm PST October 4th. We will hold a vote on Saturday, October 3rd to see if people would like to extend it to a full week. 
The town of Storybrooke is quiet and quaint, full of ordinary people living their ordinary lives… 
And full of monsters…. not that anybody knows it… especially not the monsters themselves. 
Every character can be human or any monster of your choosing – but you think that you (or you and those closest to you) are the only monsters in town. If you’re human, maybe you’ve seen something to make you suspect something strange and sinister is happening. If you’re a monster, maybe someone is onto your secret, or you are onto someone else’s. It’s a strange town where anything can happen, and no one is what they seem.
This is entirely AU and not hinging on the main show’s plot. Everyone is native to Our World. 
Monsterhearts Storybrooke is based on a ttrpg (similar to dungeons and dragons).
Please see everyone’s AU identity below:
David: Vampire (changed by Rumple) 
Emma: Vampire 
Henry: Ghost 
Regina: Infernal (made a deal with the devil) 
Zelena: Fae
Belle: Fae 
Rumplestiltskin: Vampire 
Neal: Vampire 
Tamara: Human Monster Hunter 
Granny: Werewolf 
Red: Werewolf 
Pan: Vampire 
Devin: Ghoul 
Wendy: Witch 
Ava/Gretel: Human 
Jefferson: Copycat Fae, who has zero magic or special abilities when alone. But when he’s in the presence (about 100 feet radius) of a supernatural creature, he’s able to sense their true nature and able to copy their abilities. It takes practice to reach the born supernaturals’ levels, though, so he keeps his identity and ability a secret.
If anyone has any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask the Mod Team!
- Mod Hayley
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askgrannylucas · 4 years
Do you think Regina has a chance to redeem herself after everything she did to you and everyone else in Storybrooke?
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Redeem herself? We fought a war against her back home, and she put us all under a dark curse. As far as I’m aware there’s no twelve step program from that.
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