askghosts · 6 months
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askghosts · 6 months
The Woodworm Men really is peak Chess Husbands episode, isn't it.
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askghosts · 3 years
Hey Humphrey! Just wanted to let you know that although the others do leave you in places and forget about you, you are still a very valued person in button house! You're very sweet and kind, and quite frankly I would like to be your friend? Okay, that's all :)
Hello scribe-elder-dumbass! What can I say- being around for as long as I have means I’ve gotten used to ending up in the strangest of situations. But I appreciate your kind words!
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askghosts · 3 years
Question for Mike! Did you ever doubt the existence of the ghosts in your house? I personally would have a hard time believing it, thinking it's a prank...
Well, at first I thought it was just some weird head stuff (I’m not a neuro-thingy idk) and then I did think it could be a joke, but Alison was really sure about it and I’ll always trust her.
Plus they did those spooky ghost powers when we had those robbers which was terrifying but I know they’re there.Besides if it is a joke then I can’t even be mad because it would be a very very good one.
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askghosts · 3 years
hey julian! 1: theres no way on //earth// cap is straight, right? no way. 2: who's your favourite ghost?
1: You are ABSOLUTELY correct. I know a fellow, uh I mean I know when someone else is, well you know, bent.
2: Favourite ghost? Me! Duh. I am far more superior than these, these commoners!
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askghosts · 3 years
Hey cap, kiss marry afterlife (it would be kill but...yknow) with julian, pat and thomas. have a great day!
Ah. Well. Alison has informed me of this question's nature, which leads me to assume you intended it be conveyed to one of Button House's ladies.
However, for the sake of argument... Were I a lady, I'm afraid Julian would be sucked off first. This was a tricky one, as while Thorne too is highly impertinent, he is also a romantic. I daresay, were I lady and not a chap, I would positively swoon at the notion of a debonair Regency gentleman embracing me at the lakeside on a summer's day.
This leaves me - as a female lady, and not a chap who has no interest in such things, with dear Patrick. He's a good sort. We always find plenty to talk about and have already spent decades in each other's company. Excellent.
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askghosts · 3 years
Hello Captain! Have you seen the film Gallipoli? It's one of my favourites
I haven't I'm afraid, old chap! But Alison says it's set during The Great War, during which I was merely a private, and not the silent, stoic figure you know today. It may be a tad... Emotional. But I shall do my utmost to seek it out.
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askghosts · 3 years
Dust anon again.
It's ok ,sir! I didn't take it to heart. I understand you. And may I suggest, while you cry, it is good sometimes to also have someone by our side in those times. Both of you don't even need to talk to eachother. Sometimes it is important to just have someone there. I think Patrick would be the right person for the job, strategically speaking, of course. But everything at its time... Good day!
Duly noted! And good to hear from you again, old chap!
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askghosts · 3 years
my dear ghosts, if you could go anywhere outside of button house for a day, where would it be? x
Alison has stated that there are some fine gentleman's clubs in the Soho District of London nowadays. I asked if they may be a bit exclusive for an ordinary chap, but she showed me some footage on The U-Tubes and it looked an awful lot of fun (though there didn't appear to be much of a dress code, but rather an undress code, if you will).
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askghosts · 3 years
Captain, have you seen Dunkirk?
I have, as a matter of fact. Splendid film and deeply, deeply moving. It isn't always easy to be reminded of those times, but the knowledge that we were doing good carried me through then, and continues to now.
I could have done with a few of those young chaps in my regiment, instead of the sorry specimens I was hampered with (other than my very handso- competent lieutenant, of course). Alison was smitten with Harry Styles, silly girl. Were I a lady, and therefore, not entirely focused on the military proceedings unfolding before me, I wouldn't give him a second thought with Thomas Hardy in the room. What a chap!
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askghosts · 3 years
I wanted to share a song with the Captain because I think he'll like it. I don't know why. Can't really point my finger to the reason. Ask Alison to show you "I Am A Rock" by Simon and Garfunkel. Hope you have a nice day!
Good lord. That was... That was splendid. I mean. Not relatable in any respect, you understand. I daresay that poor chap didn't possess the sort of stoicism a man such as myself... Such as I...
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Excuse me for a moment, it's this wretched dust again...
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askghosts · 3 years
Hey cap, I was just wondering about your name? You dont have to tell us of course, but do you /like/ the name teddy? Or Ted, something along those lines.
Also, I am a massive history buff and WW2 is very interesting to me, so I find you really cool!
Ah. Very kind indeed. I take it you're also an aficionado of some of the programs Alison has enabled me to study?
Ted is a perfectly fine name. I dont have more to say on that matter I'm afraid. As ranking officer, my official title will do splendidly. At any rate, little outside my role in the military should be of any interest to anyone. No. I'm a rather dull sort in most respects. No skeletons in my close-
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askghosts · 3 years
ghosts! if you could change your hair, what style would you choose?
Beach waves
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Had I been asked this a year ago, I can't imagine what I would have responded with other than another short back and sides.
I daresay I'm a little more open minded nowadays. Christopher Hemsworth, for instance, has hair like a lady, but on him it's rather... Rather...
Good lord. Terribly sorry, I'm having another one of these dreadful conniptions...
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askghosts · 3 years
Pat, do you think you'll be able to find love again?
Thank you for that question, my dear.
If I’m being honest, no, definitely not in this century. No matter how long I stay on, no matter how much hate- I mean, dislike,- I carry for her in my heart, one part of me will always forgive her. I can’t let her go. All I can do is try.
...oh, please excuse me.
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askghosts · 3 years
I liked PE when we did games and I did it as a GCSE. I probably should have done DT, would have been more helpful. 
But come on, we all know lunch is the best lesson
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I rather liked English. In fact...
Well it's rather embarrassing for a military man to admit, but in truth, I was a sensitive little child. Beatrice Potter stories and the like, inspired me briefly toward creative pursuits in my boyhood, such as writing my own stories. Thankfully however, my Father directed me firmly away from indulging in such frivolity. It did rather sting when he referred to me as a sissy, however.
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what was everyone's favourite subject at school or if you didn't go to school what did you like learning to do?
English language and literature
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Well for me it was politics and oooo, is sex ed a subject? Even if it's not, that was the best class
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askghosts · 3 years
what was everyone's favourite subject at school or if you didn't go to school what did you like learning to do?
English language and literature
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Well for me it was politics and oooo, is sex ed a subject? Even if it's not, that was the best class
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askghosts · 3 years
I have to ask, have the ghosts seen the Night at the Museum films? Thoughts?
I had heard Mike talk about it to Alison and requested to see it. Absolutely astonishing to watch I’ve got to say! Beats watching beheadings- or being beheaded- any day!
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