askcosplaykirkland · 4 years
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no body of water is safe without a lifeguard 
this is so usuk i am sorr…
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askcosplaykirkland · 5 years
I need to do this brb
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Same energy
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askcosplaykirkland · 5 years
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I was requested to draw some UKUS so - here you go anon! ((There’s so many things I’d do all over again but I hope you’ll like it anyway))
Damn I want to start practicing neat colouring style but it always ends up quite sketchy.
England and America from Hetalia - fan art by me
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askcosplaykirkland · 5 years
I've recently fallen back into Hetalia hell and rediscovered the treasure that is your blog. I LOVE your cosplay of Arthur!! And I'm glad that you're still active! Tbh, this blog more than anything has made me ship Arthur and Elisabeth. Now all I want to do is create a doujinshi about Arthur getting to spend a lifetime with Elizabeth again. Anyways, thank you for putting so much love and effort into your cosplay, and thank you for the inspiration you pass along to others!!
Oh I am so glad someone else ships them! There’s so much I have to talk about! I’m sorry I wasn’t active as I was when I probably recieved this message but I hope to start picking things up again! I definitely feel refreshed!
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askcosplaykirkland · 5 years
Hello everyone
I guess I should apologize for being less than active on my tumblr basically the whole year... while yes I am still “active” on a lot of other platforms I had decided earlier this year that I would take a break from tumblr. I was honestly getting so drained with anon hate and I started getting upset when my posts got limited reach which is a big no no to my health. Not to mention being constantly compared to other blogs which again- was a big Nono. If some of you were caught up with my posts you knew I moved to Hetalia Amino once that became a thing, tiktok, and started spreading my Instagram as the latter two are more necessary to brand myself for my eventual career goal while having fun. The amino app though- is a place for me to still feel a connection with the many Hetalians in the world. While I can’t promise I’m “back” due to loads of personal things that happened through the year- two car accidents, three personal deaths, and the overall factor that I’ve severely limited my social media apps while in school (cough- Twitter tumblr ans YouTube have been cut ffor example -cough-) I am still very much alive. For anyone reading this I thank you for supporting me despite my absence as I tackle my graduation. It’s crazy to think I started this in 2014. FIVE YEARS AGO. If you all will have me- I may just come by from time to time~
I love you all but I must cut this short due to fatigue.
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askcosplaykirkland · 5 years
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 It’s June 6th everybody! 75 years since D-Day! (sorry for the tardiness- the app wont load) • I’m sorry I’ve bombarded you guys with a post every day for the past... three days now??? I just get too excited. Maybe it’s also remorse from the lack of posts throughout Fanime and last week. PLUS we haven’t had an iggy post for you thirsty Hetalians since MAY! Shout out to @gentleman_cosplay for letting me borrow the Sam Browne belt. So without further ado here’s a smol history fact about D-Day • D-Day was a military operation to liberate France from Nazi control. This event was also known as the Normandy Landings and codenamed Operation Neptune. It was made so successful and straticically planned thanks to the help of the British Decoding of Enigma- a German communication device that would pretty much use jibberish to communicate Military plans to other Germans. Many historians today argue that the breaking of Enigma shorted the war by sevral years and that D-Day was the eventual turning point that foreshadowed an allied victory! • Thanks for the amazing shot @mvm__photography !
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askcosplaykirkland · 5 years
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Pixiv ID: 26656726 Member: 痔
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askcosplaykirkland · 5 years
Can’t wait to watch eurovision live tomorrow at 5am
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askcosplaykirkland · 5 years
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I needed distance (not gone if you know my TikTok- just less hetalia stuff) from hetalia and some toxicity but FINALS ARE ENDING AND IM COMING BACK YALL
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askcosplaykirkland · 5 years
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🇬🇧 ITS MY BEST BOYS BIRTHDAY SO YOU KNOW THAT THAT MEANS!!!🇬🇧 • Okay I’ve been cosplaying England for a long, long time and I am extremely glad I did. I have met so many amazing people through my Hetalia cosplays and while lately I’ve been feeling like I’m not that good, I have started some revamping! Starting with his Military Uniform which will be seen at Fanime! England is a really special character for me as he is legit the embodiment of my field of study and while I can’t say he’s my favorite character, he’s DEFINATELY up there. Thank you to everyone who supports my cosplays of him! • 📸 @gdmburgundy
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askcosplaykirkland · 5 years
they know
ask-the-german-commander and @askcosplaykirkland? a match made in heaven
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askcosplaykirkland · 5 years
So this unexplained Hiatus is going on longer than I honestly thought it would (same @ask-aph-francis ) … and I feel absolutely terrible about it.
I’ve wanted to explain how I felt for a while, and it took even longer to form it into words I could share because I felt I at least owe everyone here that…
As some of you know I was involved in not one, but two car accidents, one of which I’m still paying for. I almost had to put down my dog today, I’ve been dealing with extreme guilt for not visiting a friend enough while they were alive, I’m on my way to graduate Uni, etc..
Though none of that has really stopped me from cosplaying, especially if you lot follow my other platforms. While the above are valid excuses, they aren’t for this blog being neglected.
The truth is I’ve been rather upset lately about tumblr and I miss my fellow blog friends. I’ve done a lot of self reflecting and I noticed that many ask blogs (not just for this fandom) have a clique culture that unfortunately just seems to get stronger. As someone who was legit TOLD i wasn’t good enough I tend to feel quite sad when I am on tumblr and just sort of shut myself out almost entirely. This goes for the hetalia fandom as well- cutting down my shoots and not working on any hetalia revamps.. as well as even ceasing rp with my gf and another close friend…..which is very not like me.
I don’t want to abandon this blog though, and I still care for all the happiness it’s brought me, and still brings me. My depression has left me only motivated to really use one of my platforms (TikTok) and the rest slowly fall behind. I’ve struggled to feel “good enough” and someone people want to actively see and I realized I need to stop thinking negatively of myself and stop half-arsing my work on the excuses of school. I am putting my all into my craft rather than settling. I am learning. (Example being that I drafted my last three cosplays by myself).
I want my newest hetalia stuff to be something I am proud of again, and i want everything to be genuine. I am slowly starting the process now as I intend to bring stuff back (shooting wise) by May, and more recently on TikTok and here. Please be patient with me. I’m sorry for the wait.
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askcosplaykirkland · 5 years
Hello everyone
I think it’s time I update all of you on what’s going on.
The month of February was to say the least, very bad. The mom of a good friend of mine passed away suddenly, I was involved in two car accidents of which neither I was at fault, there’s a legal issue surrounding someone I personally know and have been dealing with, and then school and TikTok went crazy. I’m trying to also make sure I create new content for you guys that’s of higher quality. I feel absolutely terrible and flakey for not being on my blog as much as I alluded to and I am really trying to work on that. For now I just wanted to give some valid reasons as to my disappearance and I will be updating the blog most likely next weekend. :) To keep up with me please check my other socials: instagram and TikTok! Thank you so much for supporting me!
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askcosplaykirkland · 5 years
Hey guys.... I’m probably (PROBABLY) going to have to cancel for today.... personal things came up... I’m so sorry...
(Maybe I’ve reached the point in my life where I’ll have to say goodbye to my blog beyond a few visits every once in a while? Please leave your responses below!
I’m sorry for the delay, things have been very crazy here. There’s been a legal issue around one of my photographers, Uni has been killing me, and I got into a car crash last week that just got rolling to repair YESTERDAY. I do happen to have tomorrow off from work though so I’ll be spending a little time here on tumblr~ thank you all for your patience.
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askcosplaykirkland · 5 years
Hi! This is the makeup anon again! Do you use colored contacts? And if so, where did you get them from?
Hello friend! I do use colored contacts for anything but blue! My green and white ones are from OhMyKitty!
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askcosplaykirkland · 5 years
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Why be so forward when you’ve still hidden?  Back at you, loves.
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askcosplaykirkland · 5 years
Wow, you're gorgeous!
/)(o//v//o)(\ Why thank you love!
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