askassriel · 3 years
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"I'll come back When it's over
No need to say good bye
Now we're back to the beginning It's just a feeling and now one knows yet
But just because they can't feel it too, doesn't mean that you have to forget
Let your memories grow stronger and stronger 'Til they're before your eyes
You'll come back When they call you No need to say good bye"
- Regina Spektor - The call
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askassriel · 5 years
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A home will always be a home. And your friends will always be waiting for you.
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askassriel · 5 years
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“I’ve heard that some friendships can last longer than a lifetime”
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askassriel · 7 years
Could we like,please get a summary of the plot that was supposed to happen in the cancelled comic?
//enters the room strumbling and carrying bags of art suplies and 346948 paper sheets
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Stick goes through all the underground, and i was gonna show that quickly in about 2 or 3 posts, because the main focus of the comic was the battle with Asriel.
Through all the story, Kara was always pushing Stick forward just because they wanted to see Asriel again. They were kinda angry that Asriel didn’t die with them, and wanted to see their friend again. A lot of times, Kara kept Stick alive just because of this hope.
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After Stick wins the final battle, Asriel says the common quote
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And that makes Kara feel really bad. They went through all of that because Asriel was the only thing they really loved. So when Stick notices that Kara is silent (also, forgot to say, they become friends after everything), and notice what’s going on, they take the decision to reset the game
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And that takes everyone back to the beginning of the comic, when Asriel and Kara are playing hide and seek.
At the very right moment when Kara is about to stab themselves to death, they stop. They look below. They notice they have stepped on a stick and for one single moment their memories pass through their mind like a flashlight, and they remember
And then they go to Asriel and
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“Wait. Come with me.“
And take Asriel to the hole where the humans fall. When Asriel asks them what’s happening, they say “a new friend is coming“. And the ending scene is the two sitting under the hole, waiting for Frisk to fall.
its so important
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askassriel · 7 years
You are amazing Hnai, follow your dreams!
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askassriel · 7 years
I'm so happy to see you're moving on to bigger and better things. Though, there's so much to say abt this blog during it's time up and I'm simply not sure how to explain it. It just made me really happy. I loved the art style, the characters, etc. Maybe it just feels a bit nostalgic bc it's one of the first ask blogs I've come across. It's something that just stuck with me personally. Hnai, thank you so much for maintaining such a great blog. I'm happy for you, sincerely. Seeya around, maybe?
AAAH dont make me cry TTvTT
This blog feels nostalgic for me too kjshakl it was the beginning of so many things for me
See you around for sure, dude
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askassriel · 7 years
Hey there! Your blog have always brighten up my days and I really want to thank you for taking your time for us! Being a professional artist for games are quite different from what most people think but I hope for the best of luck on your endeavors! ✨
I had no idea you enjoyed my blog kljldhgk TTvTT
I’m so glad that it made you happy!
I know, it’s hard to be a games artist, that’s why i want to give it all of myself
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askassriel · 7 years
hello, i love you and i love your art and i've been following you for about a month already. 1) it's been great thank you so much. 2) i'll miss you ;_; 3) are you only quitting this blog or tumblr in general? either way is ok because i love you and you deserve to be happy
 for sticking around my dude! qvq
I’m still in my personal art blog and my reblog blog
just stopping here to have time to study and focus
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askassriel · 7 years
Ask assriel, thankyou so much for blessing my tumblr feed. I always got so happy when I saw a comic or drawing by you. I hope you are happy always! for making me happy!! Xx
Aah, thanks a lot! I’m gonna miss drawing them too! ;v;
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askassriel · 7 years
This is gospel... for the fallen ones...
If you love let me go
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askassriel · 7 years
Man, it's sad to hear the blog's gonna be closing, this one was one of my favorite ones. Thank you so much for all your fantastic drawings and interactions! Thanks a lot for all your work! I hope you'll be able to fulfill your dreams; best of luck and best wishes! You can do it!!!
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askassriel · 7 years
The blog is gonna be missed. Do you still have an art blog or something where you'll be posting other art? Because I still want to see what you draw.
Yes, i will still keep posting in my personal art blog!
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askassriel · 7 years
I'm gonna miss you! good luck wherever you go! 💛🌟🎨🖌️
Same dude, it was really fun to design that undertale fan character for your blog! Hope you have fun out there!
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askassriel · 7 years
You will be missed. What? *blushes furiously* No, not by me, b-baka!
Tsundere anon
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askassriel · 7 years
Heyo, I've been a follower for about a year now, and I'd like to thank you for everything you have done for all of us. You have been such a kind, gentle, caring, and amazing person, and I can understand your need to do great things. Please, if you run into problems, know that people out there are still rooting for you, and we'll wait for you. Go do great things, and thank you again for everything. You're truly an amazing person to have known. See ya when we will
Thanks a lot! I remember you ever since the beginning of the blog. Thanks for sticking around and being always nice! ovo//
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askassriel · 7 years
Probably the most important announcement in the blog until now
I've been feeling kinda down, and now i start to understand why. I have this dream of becoming a professional  artist for games, and now i have more free time than i ever had, and i feel like i'm not using it right for my purpose.
I feel like i could have a better sleep schedule, that i could organize my time to study, and to train my art. I really want to reach this first objective in my life. Drawing for the blog is really fun, and i'm still into Undertale and everything this awesome game has, but running the blog is just eating my time, and holding me back from improving into what i really want to be.
I like to wake up everyday thinking about what's the next drawing i'm going to make, what kind of dynamic pose, sick angle, new techniques i'm going to try, but with the blog and so many other things in the way, i can just think about how many asks i'll be able to reply, and that's not good for me.
So, finally, what i mean is: I won't hold back to reach my true passion. I don't feel good thinking that i'm not putting all of me into this purpose. I need to use better the time that i have now.
So, this time, i really need to stop the blog, but i'm leaving with a well explained reason, and i won't close the askbox until June 1st, just in case you guys want to say something.
I wanted to make this meme game as a last goodbye to you all. Hope everyone had a good time, i couldn't be happier for everything this blog brought me. You're all awesome, guys uvu
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askassriel · 7 years
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