ask-w-and-company · 2 years
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Today's a very special day for some very special tubbies <3
Reblogs > Likes, Thank you <3
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ask-w-and-company · 2 years
Umm, did this die?
No no! Not dead, not yet,, just on an unofficial hiatus, I guess? School and life have been,,, uhhhh not the kindest to me being honest. I'm ok! I'll be ok, but I really need some time before I can focus on something like this. So no, blog's not dead, but I am gonna need some time before I can get back to working on it <3 So sorry for all the radio silence!
-Mod Roxie
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ask-w-and-company · 3 years
Pretty sure this is the wrong place to ask but, how are you doing?
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School has really been putting me through the wringer, but I've been working through it. Sadly, it's taken a lot of my attention away from here, and I'm really sorry for being so late to check my inbox again.
But thankfully I've got Fall break! So I can put at least a bit more of my time into this <3
-Mod Roxie
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ask-w-and-company · 3 years
I'm curious, is there going to be story for this ask blog or is it going to just be random?
There'll be a story, yes! I have the main plot down, but I'm working on some backup ideas if things go a little off course, which is a small reason why the blog isn't open yet (I can't really control the people who ask questions. So if people focus on "thing A" instead of "Thing B" then there's not much I can do aside from giving gentle nudges, y'know?)
-Mod Roxie
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ask-w-and-company · 3 years
Hey how is everyone (including the creator)
and who’s there anyway (other than walten and the creator)
Howdy! The creator (me of course) is doing just fine! Can't answer on the characters for the blog though as the Ask Box isn't technically open yet (But of course questions aimed towards me or anything around the blog is fine asaldjhgsla)
But thank you for asking who's here cause that reminds me, I have not made a list of characters yet! (At least publicly) So I'mma do it here!
Characters that you can ask and interact with are; -W/Guardian/Walten/Whatever-his-name-is-I-don't-know -Tinky Winky/Tink -Dipsy -Laa-Laa -Miles -Annie -Lenny/Lenard -Conor -Dutch -Finn -Gary (If anyone actually remembers him-)
This list might change before I actually start up the blog, but for now these are the starting characters I have in mind. And yes, some characters are missing; that's on purpose! As they'll show up later Probably
-Mod Roxie
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ask-w-and-company · 3 years
What made you wanna start this blog? :o
AAA I'M SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG TO ANSWER,, I have jiggly jello brain,,,
To answer your question though, I wanted to do a sort of revival of the last ask blog I tried doing a while back, cause I love Slendytubbies/Teletubbies and I had a lot of concepts for stories/characters stuck in my brain.. Mostly based on stuff I never got to do with the old ask blog (Does an ask series on DA count as a blog?? I dunno-)
I hope this is an ok answer, I wasn't really sure what to put here. I started hyperfocusing on Slendytubbies again recently so that's also part of it I suppose-
-Mod Roxie
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ask-w-and-company · 3 years
Hey op, sorry if this question sounds weird but I feel like I've seen you content from somewhere?? I just found a lot of similarities that rang a bell, that's all ^^'
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It's not a weird question at all! Don't worry, also sorry this answer is a lil late, that's my bad
I have some other accounts on Tumblr you might recognize me from, such as my main or art blogs @patiann345 and @the-good-ol-art-corner I also have a zeoworks account, PCrazyX (Yes I am a lil cringe baby I know,, It's a reference to a personal thing cause I used it as a username for an old thingy)
And then there's,, another account that I wasn't gonna reference on the blog but since we're talking about other platforms and accounts- I actually had an ask-Slendytubbies-thingy before this! On DeviantArt, cause at the time I didn't have Tumblr. It was really old and also went on a huge hiatus before I eventually canceled it. You may be thinking of that (which I hope you aren't being honest, it's really old and embarrassing to look back on adsjhgasjldg)
-Mod Roxie
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ask-w-and-company · 3 years
Ayyy welcome and good luck! I sure don't see any slendytubbies ask blogs everyday!
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The ask box is closed since the blog is a work-in-progress but I'm fine answering stuff addressed to me for now- Thank you again! I may need some luck since the fandom ain't very big here on Tumblr, regardless I'll do my best. Watch out for my next post where I'll put all the base info for anyone new. Thanks again <3
-Mod Roxie
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ask-w-and-company · 3 years
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An update for what's going on.. Kinda?? I mean sorta is I guess, it's informal but it is an update I suppose. I'll write it out at the bottom of the post under a "keep reading" for anyone who needs it. Thank you all for being patient, however, and I really hope to start this blog off with a bang and a quick one at that.
-Mod Roxie
Oh and have that silly doodle I did of W as a little something for the wait
For some time, I've been dealing with some stuff, "technical difficulties" if you will, that kept me from starting up this blog as of late. I was ready to do it, but some personal stuff kinda kept me from that.
But with that said, I'm finishing things up and I'll be ready to start up the blog soon.
Thanks for waiting <3
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