((Hello, hello. Anyone still around? 👀
I've been doing a million different things, but I have to admit, sometimes fandom still tickles at me lol
Would anyone be interested if I continued this blog? We can continue where we left off, or do a bit of a time skip. I can't promise anything about frequency paid writing gigs come first lol but I'm missing Anton and the rest and maybe we can still have a little fun with it
Just leave a sign of life and let me know how you'd like to continue!))
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How is Anton doing? :3:
Anton and Ivan are playing together in front of the couch. Anton squeezes the little ball with his hands.
Yao walks in. “Are you two ready to go to the park?”
Anton giggles and pushes himself backward, sliding underneath the couch.
“Antosha, wait!”
“Ivan, get him!”
They both drop down on their knees in front of the couch. Anton has slid all the way back to the wall.
“We have to lift the couch,” Ivan says.
“What if he gets hurt? Your arms are longer, you try to grab him.”
Anton just giggles as his father’s fingertips barely tickle him.
“Get him!”
“I can’t get any closer. We’ll have to move the couch.”
“You move it, I’ll make sure he doesn’t get hurt.”
Ivan gets up and starts lifting the couch. Anton looks confused at the movement around him.
“It’s okay,” Yao says. “We’ll get you out. Just stay right where you are.”
As soon as Anton’s exposed, he tries to crawl away, but Ivan manages to scoop him up. “Got you.”
He babbles.
“Look at you!” Yao says. “You have dust bunnies in your hair!”
He coos.
Ivan hands the baby to Yao and puts the couch back. Yao sits Anton down on the couch and starts rubbing the dirt off of him. “Here’s your ball. Sit still so I can clean you up.”
Anton throws the ball down.
Yao picks it up and gives it to him again. “Now, you can’t scare your parents like that.”
Anton throws the ball again and Yao picks it up again. 
“What if we hadn’t gotten you out? You would have been stuck—”
Anton throws the ball again.
“…It’s a game now, isn’t it?”
He babbles and reaches out his hand for the ball.
“No, you’re not getting it anymore.”
He looks at him confused.
“If you want it, you shouldn’t have thrown it away.”
He reaches out again.
“No, it’s gone.”
He sputters.
“You did it yourself.”
He starts tearing up.
“…Don’t cry now. Here’s your ball. Just make sure to hold onto it, okay?”
Anton babbles and squeezes it.
“Alright, now—”
He throws it again.
Yao sighs. “Let’s just head to the park.”
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*Throws ("Go an entire heat/rut without having sex") youtube challenge* YEET!!( ಠ ͜ʖಠ)
Ivan buries his face in Yao’s hair. His mate’s smelling particularly nice this morning.
“I think I’m having my first heat since giving birth.”
“That would explain a few things.” He starts sliding his hand down.
“The doctor said I have to sit this one out.”
He stops. “He did?”
“Yes, so remove that hand of yours. Doctor’s orders.”
“Alright.” Ivan sits up. “It must be true what they say, about ruts decreasing after having children. My… urges aren’t as strong as usual either.”
“Doesn’t mean we can’t still have fun. Just not right now.” The doctor had told Yao about how an Omega’s fertility drops once they’ve given birth. Most never get pregnant again. And with that, the heats decrease as well.
“I’ll make you breakfast,” Ivan says. “Just because we’re not driven mad by hormones, doesn’t mean I can’t spoil you.”
“Just keep those hands of yours far away.”
“I’ll try. A small rut is still a rut.”
“Tell me about it…”
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To Alfred: Hey Alfred, so I know that Kiku tied you up on you bed the night you found out that Yao and Kiku were related. I have a question about that. Kiku left immediately, and Yao almost immediately after him, so who untied you? Did you somehow manage to get out, or did someone find you and then untied you?
Alfred managed to wiggle his lower body off the bed. His hands were still tied to the bedpost and his restraints dug in his wrists. He stretched his leg and managed to reach his phone with the tip of his toe. He pulled it closer, lifting it up with his feet. 
He had the phone. Great. What now?
With agonizing effort, he managed to unlock his phone using his feet. He called his friends and held the phone up between his feet. If only they wouldn’t laugh at him…
Gilbert and Mathias couldn’t stop laughing at him. They were both doubled over, tears in their eyes as they watched Alfred struggle. “This isn’t funny!”
“It is!” Gilbert tried to catch his breath. “It’s so funny!”
“Look at you!” Mathias joined in.
“Just untie me!”“Wait, wait.” Gilbert took a picture with his phone. “There, saved for eternity.”
“I swear…”
“Relax, no one has to know. Now, let’s see what you got yourself into.”
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((I promise I'll come back to this blog, but I've been so busy since the holidays
I have an important resit to study for, a paper to hand in two days after that, and another paper to hand in a bit after that
Then I also need to work on a manuscript for a big important contest and if I don't meet my self-imposed deadline this month, I may not have a good enough story to send in for the deadline in April
The top 10 gets a professional critique and discounts on writing courses, the top 4 get a book deal, so I want to make sure my story is the best I can possibly make it and yes I am stressing about it
I have 8 posts planned, including answers to asks, and I look forward to working on them again. I just need about two more weeks I think
See you soon!))
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Im so confused by mpreg and at this point im kinda scared to ask, but I'll do it anyway. What is it. I am confusion.
It’s absolutely okay to ask!
Mpreg stands for ‘male pregnancy’ and is when a (fictional) guy gets pregnant. You kind of ignore the fact that it isn’t possible and just have fun with the idea (although some fics do give an explanation, for example, a magic spell that makes it possible)
Omegaverse is one category where mpreg can happen because, in this fictional universe, male Omegas have wombs, making it anatomically possible for them to have children. Omegaverse doesn’t have to involve mpreg, but if you want to write about a male character having a child, writing them as an Omega is one way you could go about it. 
It’s like you’re saying: “I want this male character to have a child, and although this normally isn’t possible, in this story it is because of magic/omegaverse/scientific experiment/etc.”
Mpreg is not everyone’s cup of tea. Some people don’t like it because it’s not possible in real life, while others enjoy imagining their favorite character having a child. To each their own, I’d say.
I hope that helps, and if you have more questions, feel free to ask!
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((Just wondering, would anyone be interested if I did commissions? It's absolutely optional and I'll keep writing like I do now. It's just something I thought of setting up on the side))
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To Alfred and Kiku: Do you two know what you want to name your babies yet?
"We didn't have much time because the babies can be born any moment now, but we're happy with what we came up with." Kiku adjusts his position on the couch, but it doesn't change much. He's given up on getting comfortable during these last few days.
"We're going to name them Naomi and Maya."
"Now, if these two girls would hurry and come out..."
"Not too soon, right?"
Kiku looks over at him. "What do you mean?"
"Well, just... You know... So we have time to prepare and all..."
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For Ivan and Yao: Have the both of you forgiven Alfred for the "heat incident" or are you still mad at him? I was wondering because he's with Kiku, so you guys will have to see him many times in the future.
"I'd tear him apart if Kiku wasn't so fond of him."
"Yao, behave. We agreed to only maim or seriously injure."
"He has no business fathering my brother's children, and he's only part of the family because Kiku wants his babies' father around. I'd kick him out if it wasn't for that."
"If he so much as touches Kiku wrong though, I'll personally throw him out the window."
"I'm honestly awaiting my chance."
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For Ivan: How do you deal with the smutty thoughts about your omega at work? (Is sexual sunday still on? XD)
((Sexual Sunday is always on lol))
“There’s a reason for the big coat, da? Very convenient for hiding such things. I usually let Yao know that I want him when I come home. When he’s in for it as well, he’ll let me know, and from there on out it’s counting down the minutes until I can leave the office. And in the meantime… the coat helps out a lot.”
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♒️What's the sexiest thing the other has ever done for you?
“That has got to be him standing up for me,” Yao says. “He’d never let any Alpha with bad intentions come near me. I have to admit, it’s quite sexy watching Ivan put up all his big bear glory for me.”
“Something tells me you don’t mind getting into trouble at all.”
“Not when you’re there, no.”
“Well,” Ivan says, “I for one like when you get all firey. When you won’t take no for an answer, and there’s nothing for me to do but to surrender.”
“Don’t tempt me.”
“Oh, but maybe I am.”
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Ivan how are your sisters adjusting to being aunts???
“He’s a real Braginsky, this one,” Natalia says. Anton babbles and squeezes her finger. 
“You can tell by the rate he’s growing at.” Sofia adjusts the baby on her lap. 
“It’s our one and only frustration.” Ivan puts the cups of tea down. 
“Now, let’s see what you’ve got.” Sofia kneels downs by the coffee table with Anton. She takes a sketchbook out of her bag and a box of crayons. “Here you go.”
Anton feels the box, intrigued.
Sofia takes an orange one out and gives it to him. At once, he sticks it into his mouth. 
“Don’t do that,” Ivan says while gently pushing his hand down. 
“Are you sure you’re feeding him enough?” Natalia jokes.
“Plenty. But you know what bears are like.”
“Let’s try that again.” Sofia guides his hand onto the paper and helps him draw a line. 
Anton looks at it, shocked. He tries the same thing, and squeals when he sees the color appear. This is so much more interesting than eating it! He picks a green crayon. That one does the thing too!
“I cannot stress enough how important art is, especially for young children,” Sofia says. “The other day I hosted a workshop for an elementary school class at my gallery. You could see the children blossom.”
“He seems to like it,” Ivan says, trying to stop Anton from coloring his own hand.
The front door opens. 
“Welcome home,” Ivan calls. 
“You go and get ready,” Natalia says. “We’ve got things covered around here.”
Ivan gets up and goes to greet Yao. “You can keep your coat on.”
“Why? I thought we’d decided not to go to the movies tonight?”
“I found two people who happen to be willing to look after Anton.”
“Ivan, you know I don’t want strangers looking after him.” He walks into the living room. “Oh, hello.”
“You see?” Ivan says. “He’s in good hands.”
“Off you go now,” Natalia says. “It’s auntie time.”
Anton babbles and picks up another crayon.
Yao kisses his head. “Be good to your aunts, okay?”
He blows a raspberry.
“We won’t be back late.”
“Don’t you dare rush,” Natalia warns. “Now, go.”
Yao and Ivan come back around ten. They find Ivan’s sisters cleaning up Anton’s play corner. “Welcome back,” Sofia says when she sees them. She has blue crayon on her cheek.
“Did he behave?” Yao asks. 
“Wonderfully. He fell asleep right after dinner.”
“He’s built a tower.” Natalia points at the three blocks piled on top of each other. “It took him a few tries, but he did it.”
“He’s growing up so fast…” Yao looks at the drawings he’s made.
“Did you two have fun?” Sofia asks. 
“It was wonderful,” Ivan says. “We had dinner, and then we went to the cinema, and then we had a drink afterward.”
“You can call us any time you want to go out together. Now, let’s try to find all the crayons…”
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The story so far
For anyone who's new to the blog or who needs a reminder
Gets updated regularly
Yao: Omega, mated to Ivan
Ivan: Alpha, mated to Yao
Anton: Yao and Ivan's baby; nicknamed Antosha
Yao's siblings: Kiku (manga artist), Lixiao (Hong Kong; student), Mei (Taiwan; student), and Chen (Macau; business man)
Ivan's siblings: Sofia (Ukraine; owns an art gallery), and Natalia (Belarus; partner at a law firm)
Alfred: Ivan's colleague, had a crush on Yao, accidently had sex during Yao's heat, almost fathered Anton. He fell in love with Kiku and got him pregnant, but only found out after eight months. They reconciled and are planning on raising their two children together
Mathias (Denmark), and Gilbert (Prussia): Alfred's friends and colleagues
Francis and Sadik (Turkey): Yao's cooking buddies
Arthur: Francis' mate, likes to taunt Yao with his infertility and his own big family
Ludwig and Berwald (Sweden): Ivan's colleagues and gym buddies
Ivan has a high position at a pharmaceutical company. Yao worked as a cook, but stopped when Anton was born. He's slowly getting back into it
Ivan comes from a very wealthy family, Yao's childhood consisted of poverty, drug abuse, and whatever man his mother was with at any given time
It took Yao and Ivan a long time to conceive, and initially there were three fetuses. Anton was the only one to make it beyond the first trimester
Single pregnancies are rare in Omegas and is stigmatized as a sign of bad self care and substance abuse. Yao, who's determined not to be like his own mother, and society's judgement weighs heavily on him. Ivan does what he can to ease his mind
When mated, heats and ruts synchronize. This can last two or three days a month. Yao and Ivan's never lasted longer than a day, which was a cause for concern when they were trying to conceive
Once an Omega has had children, both the intensity of their heats as well as their fertility tend to decline sharply. This is why most Omegas have one pregnancy with two to four children, and then they never get pregnant again. When more children are desired, it'll take longer and far more effort to conceive, sometimes years even. Of course, there are Omegas to whom this doesn't apply. Arthur, with three pregnancies, is one of those.
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Sexual Sunday! Send my muse ♒ and a nsfw/sexual question and they have to answer it - whether they want to or not.
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“Kiku, you have to get dressed now.”
“Why? I’m not leaving the house anyway.”
“You’ll feel better.” Yao holds up one of his own maternity gowns. “If you put this on, then there’ll be cake waiting for you.”
“Cake? Yao, I’ve already been eating way too much.”
“It’s homemade chocolate cheesecake.”
“…One slice, then.” He puts on the gown and looks at himself in the mirror. He turns sideways and cradles his belly. “It’s still hard to believe…”
“I know.”
“I’m going to have two babies soon.”
“We’ll be with you every step of the way. Now, let’s go or there’ll be no more cake for you.”
“Coming.” He waddles down the stairs.
When he comes downstairs, he’s faced with a room full of people. All his siblings have gathered around. “What?”
“We decided to throw you a baby shower,” Yao says. “You deserve one, too.”
“But… Don’t you all hate me?”
“No!” They all exclaim. 
“How could we?”
“You’re our brother!”
Kiku lets out a relieved breath. “I’m sorry…”
“Nonsense.” Yao puts him down in a chair and makes sure he’s comfortable.
“We’re your family.”
Kiku smiles and rubs his stomach.
“Can I feel?” Mei asks.
“Oh, yes, go ahead.”
She kneels down next to him and places her hands on his stomach. “We couldn’t believe it when Yao told us. If you’d said it sooner, we’d have had more time to get you presents.”
“There’s no need.” Kiku bites his lip. He doesn’t want to start crying.
Despite the short notice, they did all manage to find cute gifts for the babies. Kiku unpacks clothes and toys and the softest towels he’s ever felt, all while eating Ivan’s freshly baked cake.  
“I have a surprise for you too,” Yao says.
“Even more?”
He chuckles. “Yes. Come with me.” He helps Kiku up and takes him to the kitchen.
There, he stands eye in eye with Alfred. “Hey,” the latter says sheepishly.
“I’ll leave you two alone,” Yao says and he closes the door to the kitchen behind him.
Alfred’s eyes are glued to Kiku’s belly. “It’s true…”
“It is.”
“I’m such an idiot…”
“You are a bit.”
Alfred fidgets with his shirt. “I’m sorry.”
“Can I…” He swallows. “Can I feel?”
Kiku reaches out his hand. Alfred steps closer and Kiku guides his hand to his belly. The babies kick. Alfred gasps and it takes him everything to not burst out in tears. “My children…”
“If you’ll have them.”
“Kiku, of course I will. Even if you don’t want me around, which I’d understand, I’d do anything I can to help you out.”
“You’re saying you would want to be around?”
“I…” He gets up and cups Kiku’s face. “I love you still.”
It’s Kiku who starts crying first and he buries his face in Alfred’s chest. The latter holds him close.
“I will do whatever it takes to be a good father to our children. And a good mate to you too if you’ll have me.”
“You don’t think I’d let you go now?”
Alfred chuckles and kisses him. As nervous as he is, there is also plenty of excitement ahead.
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On his lunch break, Ivan heads to the marketing department. He’s a man on a mission. He looks around for Alfred and finds him with his two friends. “Alfred.”
He looks up and his relaxed expression turns into a nearly mortified one.
“You just can’t help but make the same mistakes, can you.” He expected to get angry upon seeing the man who slept with his mate and almost fathered his child, but he wasn’t prepared for this overwhelming urge to punch him in the face. 
“You leave our friend alone,” Gilbert says.
“I just wanted to have a talk with him. I was hoping he’d be responsible enough for that.”
“He’s more responsible than you.”
“Are you sure? Last time I checked, I’m the one actually taking care of my child. I may not be perfect, but at least I didn’t knock an Omega up and then left him to raise his two children on his own.”
“What are you talking about?” Alfred asks, decidedly paler than before.
“Remember Kiku?”
“Yes, of course. How is he?”
“Close to giving birth to your children. I’d hurry with making amends if you want to be in the delivery room.”
“What? No, that’s not possible.”
“Grow some guts and come see for yourself.”
“No, Kiku would have told me.”
“He didn’t because he thinks you won’t care anyway.”
“Alfred, what is this about?” Mathias asks. 
“I, um…”
“I’ll leave you to it.” Ivan walks away. He’s completed his mission.
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Yao fluffs up Kiku’s pillow. “Say… Do you miss Alfred?”
“Alfred?” Kiku thinks about it. “I don’t see what difference that would make.”
“He might want to be involved with his children.”
“I don’t need him. I can do this by myself.”
“How? Are you going to work with two babies in your arms?”
“If I have to.”
“Don’t you want him around?”
“Well, I mean….”
Yao looks at him, waiting.
“Yes. I miss him.”
“You should talk to him.”
“Why? He’ll run away screaming.”
“Not if he cares about you.”
“Look, as much as I’d want to raise these children with him, it’s not possible.”
Yao huffs. He’ll see about that.
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