Oh, hey Prosecutor Gavin, why are you here? Aren't you worried about the mobs that are going to track you down or something?
Oh, this is just another day in my life, Herr Forehead. If I couldn’t handle the heat, I’d have left the kitchen a long time ago. 
I live for the applause. Where would I be without it? So it’s only fair to give my adoring fans what they want.
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-Klavier Gavin
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Herr Forehead! A surprise and a pleasure to see you here. I could ask you the same questions. With those shades, you almost look like you’ve got your own mob to hide from.
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A piece of advice: the horns are a dead giveaway.
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-Klavier Gavin
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what does a fop even mean?
Coming from Fräulein Detective, I take that it is a compliment on my aesthetically appealing appearance. 
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-Klavier Gavin
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from and aspiring song writer, how do you come up with the lyrics and melodies for your music (I want to write music for someone special)
What is your heart telling you, Fräulein? Which of its strings are being played and what sweet message is it trying to share with the world? 
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Take it from me; when it comes from the heart and the soul, its purity is unquestionable. 
-Klavier Gavin
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ask-klaviergavin-blog · 10 years
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to further thank you for all your support, i am going to host a little giveaway!
I will be giving away 5 simple chibis!
one chibi per winner only!
since this is a follower giveaway, the winner must be a follower!
reblogs and likes both count!
the deadline for reblogging and liking is on October 31, 2014 11:59PM (GMT+8)
winners will be contacted via tumblr ask so please keep your asks open!
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ask-klaviergavin-blog · 10 years
*dusts off blog and wipes it down*
It feels like forever and a half since I last made an attempt to revive this old blog. I thought I'd be able to come back for good and attempt to balance personal life with RPing. I haven't done a very good job at that. I apologize to anyone who followed me hoping that I'd be more active. I just apologize in general if I've let anyone down. I'm not sure why I feel like I let you down. But I thought you should know. 
It's been almost two years since I first joined Tumblr and tried my hand with role-playing on the Internet. I've come and gone, and come again, only to leave again. I don't think this should be seen as me trying to come back again. I'm really out of touch with RPing this German sausage. Although who knows? Maybe that will change. And if it does, I may just try again as an ask blog, as this blog originally started. If I do ever decide to RP on Tumblr again, it probably won't be on this blog. I might just end up opening a separate blog for that. When that happens, you'll be the first to know. 
This isn't me making an official comeback in any way. I just wanted to say that I'm still here, sort of, and I still care about this blog, and for my followers, mutual or otherwise. I hope everyone's doing well. 
P.S. If you must know, I'm still active on Tumblr and I do play with my love of Klavier Gavin. Just through a different blog. ;)
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ask-klaviergavin-blog · 10 years
Klavier followed her to her car without objection. He knew he was in no state to operate his hog at the moment, and she would only insist she drive him back home. 
"Oh I hardly think that. I think that like me, you're mad at yourself and you're just looking for a way to channel out that anger." He said in a casual tone. It was hardly a secret that Ema didn't like her job, and that she really wanted to work in the forensics department. She hadn't passed the exam that would qualify her to work in said department, and though she was luckier than most to get her current job instead, she probably mulled over the mistakes she had made, like he had been doing for the last few days.
He could take a moment to admire it later; Ema didn’t want to have to stay here longer than she had to, it was already past midnight and she had to be back at the precinct by nine in the morning. She wasn’t necessarily trying to hustle him along, yet she was at the same time.
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"Beside the point Gavin, you can stop imagining that I live my life to disobey you or go out of my way to hate you."
There might have been a slightly bitter tinge to her voice, but that was a knee jerk reaction for Ema anymore, especially when it came to him. Part of it was probably due to the fact that she was tired, among other things. Even as they got down to the underground parking lot and Ema fished out her car keys from her satchel, she didn’t say much otherwise.
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ask-klaviergavin-blog · 10 years
Klavier had nothing to say to that. It only demonstrated to him that his subordinate was not about to stand down from doing what she felt was right, and wasn't afraid to challenge him either. If he weren't so annoyed with her at the moment, he would have taken the moment to admire her resilience.
"That would only happen when you're knocking on heaven's door." He said, following after Detective Skye as they went downstairs. "You'd just rather not listen to your boss." He teased with a smile.
Of course they’d both want to stand their ground, they were both too stubborn for their own good, and even more so when they were arguing with each other. It was a wonder they never butted heads more than they already did. Ema blew out a silent huff of relief when Klavier wordlessly began gathering up whatever he needed, and she filed out of the office behind him just as silent as he was.
"Better stubborn than weak-willed. I’d rather be stubborn than listen to everything I’m told and then lose my ability to think."
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The chuckle fell on deaf ears, mostly because she wasn’t laughing herself. As soon as the door was locked behind her, Ema was on her way back down where she’d come not five minutes ago.
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ask-klaviergavin-blog · 11 years
He would have preferred to stand his ground on the matter. He knew he was at a miserable state at the moment, and Skye had already seen him in a less-than-cool manner. But she was equally stubborn, and they would probably stay in his office all night arguing, and she would be even crabbier than she usually was. To save himself (and the rest of the department) from her moodiness, Klavier finally relented and gathered his belongings together. Finally, he stood by the doorway, waiting for her to step out so that he could lock the office.
After a long silence, he frowned at her. "You're an awfully stubborn woman, you know that?" He said with a mirthless chuckle. 
When did she ever actually listen to him though? The answer was more often than she should, but she seldom cared. Yeah it probably seemed out of left field that she was showing something of concern over him out of nowhere, but Ema had legitimate justification for her doing so. She didn’t like him, but she wasn’t so much of a monster to leave him in the drunken stupor of misery he was in alone.
"You won’t be sober for at least two hours at this rate. Get up, you’ll be crabby tomorrow if you’re here until three in the morning."
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Your subordinate was being stubborn Klavier, best to weigh in how badly you want to fight her on this.
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ask-klaviergavin-blog · 11 years
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For the 2nd of December, Klavier would like to sing you a Christmas song. Achtung, baby!
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ask-klaviergavin-blog · 11 years
Klavier looked up and stared at Ema. He would have thought she would listen and leave him alone. Yet she was telling him to leave with her. He was certain that his outburst would make her want to get the hell out of the office. It had surprised even him. He had only allowed himself to mourn, so to speak, for Kristoph and Daryan after the end of the State Vs. Misham trial. After that, he actively worked to move on from those tragedies and pretended to be cool to keep face. To lose his façade, and in the presence of his subordinate no less, was embarrassing. Now she was extending her help to him. An obvious act of sympathy which he wasn't asking for and didn't even want in the first place.
"No." He frowned at her in response. Realizing how utterly childish it sounded, he added "I don't plan on leaving the office right now. I'll obviously go when I'm sober. I... I appreciate it though." He nodded once a little awkwardly.  
Ema only snorted when Klavier made the passing accusation that she cared about him. The concern was merely professional. She would be looked badly on if she’d allowed Klavier to carry on as he was, especially if he got injured on his way home because he’d been trying to go there intoxicated. She might strongly dislike him, but she wouldn’t wish him physical harm; Ema wasn’t that cruel.
"Don’t flatter yourself Gavin, I just think that a few people might be displeased with me if I allowed my boss to leave the office intoxicated. Wouldn’t look too good if a prosecutor was charged with a DUI."
All Ema could do while Klavier ranted was watch and listen in otherwise silence. Interrupting him wouldn’t do anything, and frankly she didn’t have anything to say to that. This was definitely the most frazzled she’d ever witnessed her boss, Klavier Gavin definitely lost his temper and his cool this time. Almost unbelievable to think about unless she’d witnessed it herself, but she had. And all Ema could do was watch and wait for him to finish saying what was on his mind. Which was a lot more than she’d originally thought, but he’d shocked her into silence nonetheless. She knew the situations were different with him and Kristoph and her and Lana, but a certain chord was struck when he touched on the surprise of a sibling doing something as drastic as they had. That much Ema knew she couldn’t speak against.
The folders were still held tightly in her hand, and her eyes fell down to them when he said Ema should just leave them and go. Much as she’d love to, Ema had much more of a consciousness than to do so. Even ignoring the professional aspect of it. Lana raised Ema better than that and she’d be disappointed in her little sister if she behaved any differently. The detective did indeed put the manilla folders down on his desk like he asked, but her feet stayed firmly planted on the floor where they were.
"I’d be in some trouble if I let you drive home intoxicated and I’d rather not feel guilty if you got hurt knowing I left you here to get home on your own. We need to get you sober first before you go home, anyone seeing you drunk like this would be a problem. Get your stuff or whatever you need."
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Yes she was bossing her boss around, but there’d be no changing her mind. Klavier knew perfectly well how stubborn Ema could and would be. It was just a matter of how badly he’d fight her on this. 
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ask-klaviergavin-blog · 11 years
Klavier was ready to defend his actions and argue with Ema. But all he did was laugh bitterly. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. His own darkness was threatening 
"Fräulein, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you actually care about me. If only there was an audience to this sudden change of heart! I don't think anyone would believe this!" He spat out with an obnoxious 'Hah!'. "But you're wrong if you think drinking a few beers in the office is 'utter stupidity'. Let me tell you what utter stupidity is." With that, he stepped forward.
"Utter stupidity is believing whatever information your brother tells you regarding the case you're prosecuting, and not questioning how he procured that information. Utter stupidity is thinking that your best friend couldn't have committed a crime even with all the evidence pointing to him as the culprit." With each sentence, he pressed his forefinger on the folder in Detective Skye's arms to press each point he was making. His voice was rising in volume too, until he was yelling. "Utter stupidity is fooling yourself into thinking that the feeling of being betrayed by two of the most important people in your life is something that will pass in no time and telling the whole goddamn world that you're okay, when you are not!" 
His voice echoed in the empty office and the hall outside, like an ominous and unpleasant reminder that Klavier had truly lost his cool. In front of his subordinate no less. Klavier would later tell himself that the alcohol was what loosened his lips and made him be honest about his feelings about what had happened. Now however, he was realizing what had just happened and he stepped back, averting his gaze from her. He didn't need any more pity. "S-sorry." He said in a quieter voice, still looking away from Skye. "You should put the folders away and go home."
Should’ve guessed that he’d be fighting her on this, he always did and probably always will. Reason enough for her to grind her teeth together, but not just yet anyway. And he was correct, she would’ve called him out for lying when she could see the bottle in somewhat plain view. The attempts to hide the evidence probably weren’t the best he could’ve done in the tipsy state he was probably in. Ema had no clue how well or poorly Klavier held his liquor, he was still acting sober enough if that won him any points.
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"Why would you be? You couldn’t wait until you got home to have something, how much have you even had? You can’t drive home like that Gavin, that’s just utter stupidity!"
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ask-klaviergavin-blog · 11 years
"I have a more open mind about how everything on my desk space should be set. Shouldn't everything be spread out and easy to access?" Klavier replied automatically, almost always prepared with a response regarding his work space. He knew it was messy, but he preferred it that way.  
Her next question was only a mild surprise. He chided himself for not getting rid of the bottle quickly enough, but he half-expected her to notice. There was no point in lying to her- she'd only call him out for doing so. "... so what if I am?" He shot back rather childishly.  
Ema’s first reaction to the ‘I had some work to do of my own’ was a small snort. Not the most ladylike, but it came out before she could stop it, and on the other hand she wasn’t particularly concerned with making sure she looked and sounded as feminine as possible to the prosecutor. Let him think what he wanted from that, she didn’t really care either way.
"If you didn’t let your desk look so hellish you wouldn’t be here until midnight then working on whatever it is you’ve been putting off."
Knee jerk reaction as well, nagging him about that. Ema who had more neat-freak tendencies despised her boss’ desk (ignoring the fact that it was made from a stereo) for that reason alone. She often picked stuff up a bit (only because she knew where most of it would supposedly go if he were neater, perks of being his main detective she supposed), but within two days it was back to how it’d been before she’d fixed it. Sometimes she wondered why she bothered.
A few steps more were necessary for her to put the folder in his outstretched hand, and Ema would’ve been home free, had her eyes not noticed the glint of light off a bottle wedged between his thigh and the side of the chair. Klavier had hidden the just opened beer, just not very well. Especially not with his office lit, Ema was more likely to notice it than not, she wasn’t that unobservant. But as soon as she did take notice, her eyebrows furrowed and brown eyes flicked back up to meet blue ones.
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"Are you drinking right now?"
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ask-klaviergavin-blog · 11 years
"I had some work of my own to do, Fräulein." Klavier answered a little more curtly than he had intended. He wanted to be alone. He wanted to wallow in some sense of self-pity and he didn't want Detective Skye to see him like this. Yet here she was, and he could tell that she wouldn't be leaving him alone anytime soon. "There was something that I've been putting off, and it took more time to complete it than I thought it would. That's why I'm still here." He played with his fringe lightly while he spoke and tried to smile casually for appearance's sake, as if she was another pap or a talk show host. 
He noticed the folders clutched to her chest. If he took away the reason for her presence in his office, then she would leave him alone at last. He stood up from his hair and smiled as kindly as he could. "Danke for bringing the folders to me. I'll take it from here." He extended his hand out,  waiting for her to hand him the folders.
It’d only been a month and some odd days since the now infamous case where Kristoph Gavin was found guilty of first degree murder and attempted murder among other more minor crimes, and just as long since Daryan Crescend too was found guilty of first degree murder among other charges. Certainly enough turmoil for one person to have to go through and watch happen in two lifetimes. Having dealt with seeing her own sister go through the legal system (though for not quite so severe of crimes), watching her superior go through a very similar instance hit Ema closer to home than she’d admit to anyone.
When she stepped into the familiar office, nothing seemed out of place. Guitar’s on the wall, desk an utter mess (or an organized mess as Klavier insisted that it was), and Klavier himself was perched on that massage chair he was so fond of. The only thing that was out of place was the tone of voice he was using with her. Definitely not one the detective could recall him using on her any time recently. Crossing her arms over her chest, Ema’s fingers tightened on the folders between them; dropping them now would only tick her off and keep her from clocking out.
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"You never stay this late. Never. Forgive me for wondering what the hell my boss is doing here at this uncharacteristically late hour. You have no open cases right now, so why are you still here?”
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ask-klaviergavin-blog · 11 years
It was one of those nights. Those nights where the not-so-distant past could not be ignored (no matter how hard he tried to move on). No matter what Klavier told himself, that he couldn't let that trial and its revelations consume his mind, it was hard to pretend that he was taking everything as well as he was.
He had spent the whole day and night in his office trying to complete his work, but he couldn't go home. The fresh wound of his brother's and his friend's betrayals paralyzed him to his chair, and suddenly the pain of the past renewed his sorrow. He knew he wouldn't get any sleep tonight, but what else was there for him to do to suppress the pain? The bottles of imported German beer he stashed away in his office were of some help. He chose to ignore the nagging voice that reminded him that alcohol would not help him at all.
He was about to open his fourth bottle when he heard an unexpected knock on the door, and even more unexpected, the soft clack of heels. He only looked up for a millisecond to confirm his suspicion that Detective Skye had entered his office. He put away the bottle and turned to face her. He was suddenly feeling very tired and he did not want to have to keep company if he could help it. Especially with his icy subordinate.
"Your concern with thinly-veiled snark is touching, but what I'm doing here at this hour doesn't concern you." He said, hearing the slur in his voice, but it was too late to amend his tone of voice.
The hour was precisely thirteen minutes before midnight, and Ema’s patience for work was at its end. Three re-organized and re-written manilla folders (because she was basically the only person in the precinct who could read Klavier’s chicken scratch for handwriting) later, along with one more soda than she really needed to be drinking. Even though her boss wouldn’t be in his office, she’d be dropping his stuff off anyway so it’d be his problem come morning.
A turn around the corner, another ten seconds of walking, and Ema was actually met with the surprising sight of the telltale crack of light coming from underneath the doorway, which told her that the office that’d been her destination was still in use. Odd, he should’ve left hours ago. At least from Ema’s experience he normally would’ve been. Trying the doorknob, she wasn’t surprised when it was unlocked, but now she was just hoping that Klavier wouldn’t need her for anything else now that she was being forced to interact with him at this late hour. As she gave a knock as an afterthought and pushed the door open, Ema wasted no time getting straight to why she was here, hoping her tone of voice would deter him from asking something else of her.
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"I got all your stuff re-written Gavin, that’s all you asked me to do earlier, but why exactly are you still here? Beauty sleep happening here tonight or did you get distracted playing your guitar again?"
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ask-klaviergavin-blog · 11 years
OOC Notes
*rises from the ashes*
Bad jokes aside, it has been a LONG time since I did anything remotely related to RPing or answering questions, and to all my followers, I am so sorry for being so inactive. Real-life tends to get in the way, you see. Not to mention I pretty much lost my muse for Klavier. At some point it wasn't fun anymore. But this blog was always in the back of my mind and I have thought about returning here.
So what does this post mean? It means that I am resuming my mantle as one of the few active Klaviers on Tumblr. I don't know if that's changed over the last few months, but I'd like to resume RPing on a semi-regular basis. But that's not to say there won't be any changes. 
Since the release of Dual Destinies and Klavier's appearance in that game, it does affect how the blog is going to be run from now on, not to mention Klavier's character. When I first opened the blog, it was set approximately two years after AJ, so Klavier was 26. But now I've decided to a total reboot of this blog. Basically everything that's happened before is  pretty much null and I'm starting fresh. New blog (sorta), new Klavier. This blog will now be set before Dual Destinies. That's because I haven't even watched any lp's for the game, so I have no idea what happens. Depending on how quickly I can get through a lp, the timeline for this blog will change to take place sometime either during or after DD.
Will this blog remain an ask blog? Well this blog wouldn't be 'ask-klaviergavin' if I didn't accept questions. If I get questions starting from today, then I will answer those. Questions which have been sent to me and haven't been answered yet won't be answered now or ever. I'm sorry, but I'm basically starting with a clean slate.
That's all I have to say on the matter for the time being. Now...
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ask-klaviergavin-blog · 11 years
Hi guys! 
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I just want to give a shout-out to Konrad of Ask Klavier Gavin! He was around before I joined Tumblr and the Ace Attorney community, and he's a great Klavier! He went on a pretty long hiatus, but now he's back! So please give him a warm welcome (back), and send some questions his way~ 
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