ask-katotter · 3 days
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Did an art trade with @katottersart for MerMay! (´∩。• ᵕ •。∩`) ♡ This is her boi, Lord Foog the Twoost! Gallant waterdoggo!
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ask-katotter · 13 days
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Vow 🪝
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ask-katotter · 2 months
I’ve been going through a lot lately, so to cope I’ve been doing these cathartic symmetrical paintings. Lets me add much more detail and try things out in half the time.
Might open some commissions of the like, if people are interested.
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ask-katotter · 3 months
Once you begin to view gender as a expression rather then an expectation, you can enjoy using it to express your unique qualities rather then just trying to fit into a dark and restrictive mold.
In other words, if you can't paint the walls whatever color you like, does your home really belong to you?
growing up as a cis girl the patriarchy told me “you’re a girl because of the way you were born, there is nothing you can do about this, you have no say in your gender” and i hated being a girl because it wasn’t my choice it was a prison and the trans community told me “you’re a girl because you say so, your view of yourself is the most important thing, if you change your mind that would be ok” and it made me proud to be a girl and feel empowered in my gender and i wasn’t trapped anymore and then terfs come along and tell me “you’re a girl because of the way you were born, there is nothing you can do about this, you have no say in your gender (but like in a woke way)” and they somehow expect me to be on their side?
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ask-katotter · 5 months
Alternatively “Harris” reveals he has legally changed his own name to Light Yagami. When both he and Light simultaneously go down in the weirdest murder suicide of all time, we all make memes like “claims to be Kira, dies any way” and “sobek wouldnt have wanted this”
Death Note AU where hbomberguy makes a five hour long video about youtuber Light Yagami that's initially completely unrelated to the murders (Light would probably plagiarize or have really unhinged right-wing political takes if he was on youtube)
but halfway through he reveals that while researching he stumbled upon evidence that Light might be behind the Kira murders, and then spends like fourty minutes explaining the concept of a shinigami, an hour explaining how he thinks Light used one to commit murders, and then another hour explaining Light's ideology and why the concept of criminals being inherently evil is flawed
He finishes the video by addressing Light directly and telling him that he (Hbomberguy) had his name legally changed before uploading the video, to something that only he knows, making it impossible for Light to kill him
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ask-katotter · 5 months
Drawn in 1 and half hours. software used Art Set on iPad standard oil brushes.
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ask-katotter · 5 months
Sorry for never updating. I started a dream job last year that management wise has been a bit of a nightmare. In between incredible opportunities and inevitable disappointments, I decided my life wasn't spicy enough and tried to build my first pc. Thats been a rollercoaster journey of its own, but is now almost completely working as intended so I've been doing a lot of speed paints recently so anyways
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ask-katotter · 5 months
Birb IS helping!
Unmute !
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ask-katotter · 5 months
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ask-katotter · 6 months
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ask-katotter · 6 months
D e e p f r i e d
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????? my friend did you unearth this ps1 from ROME?
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ask-katotter · 6 months
The ritual...
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ask-katotter · 7 months
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ask-katotter · 8 months
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Hi everyone, so today my uni decided to be wonderful to me and charge me 100 dollars on my parking permit which I thought said parking permit was already paid at the beginning of the semester but I guess I was wrong and was never notified until recently wow <3
Since I am financially strained atm and blowing out 100 coins on a permit is going to take a toll not only on me but also my acc I will reopen 5 slots again on my kofi. Just 5 slots open, it is not split in half nor anything you can take a slot from either Polished or Sketchy. Here was the set of batch that I recently did
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Here's my full gallery of commissions that I've done in the past if you want more examples - Kofi Commission Gallery
More info abt my Commissions (you can rb this version if you'd like) - Kofi Commission Info
Finally my Kofi shop if you'd like to support me in small ways anything helps <3 - Kofi Shop
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ask-katotter · 8 months
begging... pleading... for a bigger version of that pikachu gif (if possible), i am so utterly enchanted with it its unreal (i have that exact plush in my house!!!)
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ask-katotter · 8 months
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I'd like to offer this to the zelda lore @ezlo-x
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ask-katotter · 8 months
You know, this makes me realize that many of the bosses, characters and even Ganondorf himself, could be direct references to the differences between parasites and symbiotic species, such as with direct comparison of the Rito/Valoo relationship to the Gohma parasite living below Him. Or the difference between the lost woods (complete with tentacles that drain you) and the dekus grove.
So obviously if intentional this parallels the King's decision to cut off Hyrule and by extension the triforce is more harmful then helpful and needs cut off to protect the whole.
Anyways I'm probably pulling at straws here, but check out this detail I noticed on my last semiannual WW playthrough.
Baito the guy outside the Rito village who eventually gets a job there sorting mail, is implied to be a young man who just moved out and misses his mom a great deal. His mother later thanks you for helping his son gain his indepence.
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Whyyyy bring this up? Not just because its thematic but I noticed tHIS on Baitos back!
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That tattoo isnt just random tribal shapes THATS a Gohma.
You know, at the time I thought "are. Are they implying the teenager accidentally brought an invasive species to the island? lol" but then shrugged it off and went about losing the cannon minigame.
Idk its probably just a reused asset they slapped on, but huge if true to show off the theming of the whole thing goes even deeper then the already pretty deep generational trauma and the sea.
im thinking...
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