ask-ipin · 11 years
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I'm so happy I could cry.
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ask-ipin · 11 years
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ask-ipin · 11 years
((I want to listen to Chip's Lament, but I can't because my mother's in the room.))
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ask-ipin · 11 years
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Even though it's late, Merry Christmas!!
This was going to be our New Year's postcard, but then all the decorations were from Christmas… so we had to change it. 囧'' So happy holidays to those of you who don't celebrate Christmas!
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ask-ipin · 11 years
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ask-ipin · 11 years
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He is my brother, and I love him very much.
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ask-ipin · 11 years
Why are there 69 of you who have this message coming up on your dashboards.
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ask-ipin · 12 years
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So all this time I-Pin was giving ramen (soggy ramen) to the enemy.
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ask-ipin · 12 years
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Sorry about the late hour; I wanted to finish some work first.
n boi, u best be leavin them drugs to drunkhibari or u will go to waste n thats a fact
ask-ipin started following you
Hello I-pin!
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ask-ipin · 12 years
(Hibari actually has very little pagespace, but let's not get into that.)
[read more for spoilers and slight ranting about writing]
From what I know, the artists in the manga industry- especially weekly serializations- really need to sell it; every chapter, every page, every event has to draw people in, or else it'll just… end.
From a fan's standpoint, I am content with the development, and this isn't just because of how I'm always very passive and accepting about these things. Popular characters appearing (and then being attacked), an über set of enemies that I am pretty much being trained to hate but the biggest villain is pretty much unknown, etc. Fanservice sells, that's for sure.
But from a creative standpoint, I am not going to say that I am unhappy with what is going in the series at current. Sure, Squalo's lost his arm, been eaten by sharks, had his hair pulled, had glasses thrown at- and broken against- his skull, and he's survived. Well, he just got a hole punched through his stomach; I don't think he's going to survive that. It's a writing device-- exhibit how ridiculously powerful  the new villain is by showing them beating the snot out of other characters who we already know are some of the best. I honestly have little reason to hate the Vindice-- hey, I think I'd be pretty upset about that kind of blind betrayal, too; they were lambs, revered as holy symbols being lead to the slaughter as sacrifices. And I think with characters that powerful, that determined, it's difficult not to crack a joke about them whenever the chance presents itself-- have you seen how the fandom treats Daemon? Eggplant, watermelon, pervert, horrible fashion sense, kidnapper, forever alone… the list goes on and on.
I'm going to admit this here and now: I sent that ask. And it was anonymous not because I didn't want to own up to it, but because I know that if I switch to another account (because sending it from this account would be awkward) I will be completely distracted and even more derailed from the homework that I'm taking a break from than I already am. Did I think it was funny? Well, yeah. Childish, yes, but still funny. Was it unwarranted considering that I was already vaguely («) aware that you were getting really annoyed at these jokes? Most definitely. Do I feel bad about it? Yeah, a little bit, but probably not nearly as much as I should be or as people would like me to. 
Whether the series is "popular" or not really depends on the target audience. Yes, she's most likely targeting the shippers and the fangirls because, let's face it: they are pretty much the entire fandom in one form or another. Can she please everyone? Obviously not, but she might as well try, I'd think. Speaking of which, I don't have the slightest inkling of understanding when I see people who describe the Future Arc as "the most useless [series of events]", or Byakuran as a really shallow villain who "really only did what he did because he could". With the Future Arc, the Ten-Year Bazooka became a plot device, and not just a machine that some kid uses which ends up causing even more trouble. With the Future Arc, certain characters who only appeared in the Daily Life Arc had their roles and personalities developed:  It's like Moretti's appearance in the Varia Arc-- I certainly didn't see that coming; did you? Giannini is very much a key player, however indirectly; Lal Mirch became incredibly important, building off of our confusion at seeing a baby joining forces with the CEDEF in the Varia Arc; Fuuta, Haru, Kyoyko… they all play their part, even if it's just encouraging someone. Weren't you all listening to Tsuna's final understanding of how the X-Burner needs to work!?
That was a huge tangent, so let me try to get both my attitude and my sentences calmed down.
As stated earlier, weekly serialized manga have, in my opinion, a very difficult schedule to work with. You churn out something interesting each week, it probably takes about a month to go through all the steps such as brainstorming, script-writing, editing, approval, drawing, inking, toning, sending, printing-- you get the idea, I hope. Heck, I don't even churn something interesting out on this ask blog- or anywhere, really- once a month.
It stands to reason that Verde might not be a well-liked character. He was an antagonist in the Arcobaleno Arc of the anime, and everyone knows how die-hard fans feel about antagonists. If they don't, well, they might be in for a world of pain there. He also has very little attachment to the Arcobaleno, the mafia, or even to individual characters. And he's so True Neutral that most people- following tropes like All Girls Want Bad Boys or how nice guys who fight for their friends (Nakamaniacs aren't… necessarily nice) are very well-liked, probably can't find any defining traits that they find attractive. (Personally, I think he's a great character, though I wouldn't be able to rank him in comparison to most things.)
… And I should probably stop before it gets really early in the morning.
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ask-ipin replied to your photo: First off, learn to sing. You sound tone deaf and…
((… I was actually under the delusion that Verde would be able to do something?))
ooc; That was my pipe dream that’d he’d actually do something but I’m really used to disappointment when it comes to my favorite characters. ( Squalo… :’l ) I also sorta have to accept the fact Verde is not popular (he’s almost always a least favorite Arcobaleno in the tags /sobs)
Amano would gain more popularity/ fans if she continued to make the more popular ones (Hibari, Tsuna, Mukuro) the ones with more screentime. Look at the attention those who rank in the top 10 favorite characters get compared to those who don’t. Sad truths.
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ask-ipin · 12 years
My hobby:
• Send asks to askblogs for no real reason
• Neglect to answer asks
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ask-ipin · 12 years
ask-hibarikyoya replied to your post: ask-hibarikyoya replied to your post: ” Che, hello...
-covered is ashes- ……o_____O
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ask-ipin · 12 years
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Hm?…. Yes kid?
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ask-ipin · 12 years
dont-make-me-bite-you-brat reblogged your post: ask-hibarikyoya replied to your post: ” Che, hello...
- Blinks slowly, shrugs, and swiftly turns to walk away-
Wait no come back I swear I'm not crazy.
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ask-ipin · 12 years
ask-hibarikyoya replied to your post: ” Che, hello kid. Why do you have a red face when talking to me?”
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ask-ipin · 12 years
" Che, hello kid. Why do you have a red face when talking to me?"
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ask-ipin · 12 years
I'm sorry for never posting.
… Alright, that's not a complete truth. But let's just say that I-Pin's always out delivering so she doesn't have time to do selfshots.
Deal or no deal?
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