since mapbot can go pretty much anywhere, what are the weirdest or scariest encounters the animatronics have had with it.
Chica: Oh definitely the trash compactor for me! I was eating some food there and when I turned around after hearing a wrapper, Mapbot was right there in my face! I screamed and stumbled backwards!
I would have gone straight into the trash if Mapbot didn't grab me! Though... I was still leaning back when they offered me a map, I told them to pull me up and THEN I would take the map. I... I honestly think if I took the map before being pulled up, they would have let me fall. THAT was super scary...
Freddy: I think any encounter with Mapbot can be pretty scary if you don't see them first. But there was this one time I was in Fazerblast, by myself of course! I wouldn't want to cheat or take attention away from the game if children were playing. But, I was in Fazerblast just looking around and making sure no kid left something important during the day, and I turn a corner and Mapbot is there!
I honestly did not think Mapbot could get into Fazerblast, but there they were! What was weird, or well, it was actually quite funny, is that they had put on one of those little alien antennae headbands! I started laughing at what they said next, which I probably shouldn't have, but it was such an absurd situation and I was so caught off guard that I couldn't help it! They said "I come in peace. Enjoy this custom map Earthling. As a sign of our alliance."
How was I supposed to react to that? Mapbot has NEVER had custom lines relating to specific areas before! And they especially never dressed up to my knowledge! It was very weird, but very funny. And yes, I did take the map. It was just of Fazerblst, but it was much more detailed than any other map I have seen that has only a small section dedicated to Fazerblast... I wonder if they made it...
Monty: Oh damn... There are quite a bit... But uh, one that sticks out is when I was hanging out in a security office right after closing. Staff wanted me out of there but I locked the door so they couldn't get in. I don't know why I did it, but I was probably bored and sick of their shit. But anyway, they are knocking on the door for like, and hour or something, probably getting overpay time. And I hear one of them stop, leave and come back in and say "He's in there, he doesn't have a map".
Next thing I knew is the door was being RIPPED open all I can here is "Take a map" or whatever one of their stupid sayings they use. It was complete bullshit! I was put on reduced power because of that stupid jerk! Ugh!
Roxy: I once saw them rip open an elevator door to get to a family that ignored their map. And I don't mean they were coming out of the elevator, I mean they were doing in it and DOWN. Mapbot literally RIPPED the doors open, GRABBED the top part of the elevator, and just HELD it there!
They just kept repeating for them to take a map while the cable kept going. The elevator was at an angle and Mapbot was the ONLY thing holding that elevator up. If that family had taken a map, they would have let that elevator go and it would have fallen so far that I think the cable would have snapped. Thankfully the family was too frightened and just screamed for help.
Pretty sure that was the only time I saw them get super aggressive during the day. It freaked the people out, obviously, but staff was able to help the family get out safely. Pretty sure Mapbot just went straight back to handing out maps. Everyone who saw that took a map immediately and that elevator was out of use for the day, and then saw very little use for a few weeks after.
I don't even think Mapbot went to parts and service after that. I don't remember hearing anything about it. All that happened was a sign was put up saying "If you do not take a map you are liable to any damages or loss that may occur." and then a small little handmade sign underneath it saying "Please take a map".
Look, I'm sorry, but even by robot standards, that is weird and scary!
DJMM: Hmmm. I haven't had really any weird or scary encounters with them. Just the mild annoyance of having to take a map every time they enter the arcade. But I guess that is weird enough. I wonder if they have a memory problem...
Sun: Oh! One time I was cleaning the ballpit of any random toys and other stuff that may have fallen in there. I was singing out loud to Moon over by the slide, and it turns out Mapbot could hear me. It ALSO turns out, Mapbot is the perfect size to go down the slide. *sigh*
I am VERY glad Moon took temporary control of my legs and jerked me out of the way. Otherwise, I would have gotten crushed by him. They are not light, let me tell you that. I had to help him out of the ball pit, and they are heavy! How did you know he was coming down the slide?
Moon: "Once again, Mapbot uses only They/Them pronoun Sun. And I have this little tracker in my code to tell me when they are close so I can avoid them. It doesn't always work though..."
Sun: Oh, I thought they went by He/They like us. Okay! And why don't I have that? When did you get that?
Moon: "*sigh* I added it myself after an incident with them."
Sun: What incident? Was I asleep for it?
Moon: "Yes, you were. I was doing my patrols and didn't realize they were following me, waiting for me to come down from the cable. Well, I ended up outpacing them somehow and made it to an area I like to hang out in. It's off limits and doesn't have any map access.
Well, when I got in that area, Mapbot couldn't follow me. They started screaming I was in an off limits area and to come back. It was so weird hearing them talk above a regular speaking voice. They also sounded super worried and scared even. Like I was going to get hurt.
I immediately came back into bounds and they grabbed me and yanked me from the off limits area. They held onto me for like, five minutes, just staring off into where I was just standing. Then let go and left. Didn't offer me a map or anything... I think I gave them a panic attack"
Sun: But they aren't sentient, are they?
Moon: "I don't know..."
[Moon is back for questions!]
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Okay, I found the whole section of the book explaining the DCA’s backstory on Discord and it is interesting for sure …
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i love starscream he’s such a weird little man.
his defining feature is that he hates megatron. he’s a combo of complete confidence with utter incompetence. he used to be a scientist. he can’t die, but he also gets killed all the time. he thinks he’s the most handsome decepticon. a whole bunch of characters who are not even related to him look exactly like him. his best insults include “floptimus prime” and “auto-butt”. his mom tried to steal his body to perform mass-genocide. he has canonically committed tax evasion. he has a deep-rooted rivalry with rainbow dash. he thinks klingon is such a pretty language that he actually took time to properly learn it before making contact. he can fire missiles from where his boobs would be. he has a cat named “meowgatron”, despite hating megatron. he has a model of himself in his bedroom.
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This was the exact moment when my delusional bubble burst and I stopped shipping Megastar. I know this is from the game and probably not canon, but you can call this the straw that broke the camel’s back, I guess…
Also while G1 Starscream is clearly this irredeemable prick who doesn’t learn anything, some Starscreams from other continuities don’t even challenge Megatron! They might be arrogant and full of themselves, but they get roasted, mocked and beaten up for nothing!
And the Autobots and the comments are like “Yeah!” and Starscream is like “I’m not even worse than any other Decepticon here!!”
Bruh!!! It’s just undeserved and not funny!
And people are like “Doesn’t everyone like seeing Starscream getting beat up?”
FOR WHAT?! There is no context! It’s like the character carries some bad karma from previous lives (continuities) whereas everybody else doesn’t.
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and then they kissed
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“…Actually,  I’m so informed about those leaders. Like  Megatron, Optimus prime, you know these guys? They always obsessed by my word.”
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Oh my gosh, so I didn’t remember seeing this part, I must have been doing something else when I was watching it so I just HAD to look for it and it was ABSOLUTELY PRICELESS. ((I know you were probably asking me to create something, but lemme just share the moment for everyone who hasn’t seen or doesn’t remember this beautiful MegaScream moment.))
So the insecticons had Starscream, Thundercracker, and Skywarp all under mind control, and made them go after Megatron and Optimus, so Megatron shoos them away with a weak blast, and calling them fools, as per usual, but noticeably more gentle/lenient since he knows they’re under mind control, which is something Megatron himself is really sensitive about.
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(Look at them run away in sync they’re really cute…. And Megatron can’t help but watch them, too. [Obviously out of concern, but come on, they really are cute.])
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Once the effect burnt out when the insecticon exploded, they come running in like “What happened?”
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Then BAM!
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The insecticons barrel past the fliers, escaping before Megatron has a chance to punish them.
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And what was that? Megatron helping Starscream up? No, my dear friend, Starscream was already standing by the time Megatron rushed up to him. This, my darling, was a pure, honest to god, hand-hold. Serving no other purpose, than to show concern for Starscream.
Heres’s a still:
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Like…. Megatron reaches both hands out to Starscream, and I have no doubts he would’ve helped him up, but Starscream was too fast, so instead they share this moment of pure hand holding and a loving gaze, before chasing after the insecticons together.
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As of this article’s posting, Wookiepedia–the internet’s foremost Star Wars wiki–is holding a vote on whether or not to continue to use the pre-transition names, or “deadnames”, of transgender and nonbinary creative figures. Though a majority of users support solely using transgender creators’ preferred names outside of article redirects, Wookiepedia’s consensus policy means that a 2:1 vote ratio in favor of this change is needed for it to be implemented, and as such this vote risks failing.
The staff and userbase of TFWiki.net stand in solidarity with Robin Pronovost and other Wookiepedia editors advocating for this change in policy. We believe that the goal of building a comprehensive and accurate online encyclopedia in no way precludes treating people’s identities with compassion and respect, something that the current Wookiepedia naming policy fails to do. As the internet’s foremost Transformers wiki, we call on Wookiepedia’s editorial community to reflect the identities and expression of the people they cover, rather than deadname and misgender them out of a misguided sense of “accuracy”.
The TFWiki staff would encourage any user or editor of this wiki who is an active editor on Wookiepedia to vote in favour of this policy amendment, before the vote ends on March 30, 2021. While we do not wish to encourage sockpuppeting or gaming of the system, we strongly believe that this policy change would be the best thing for Wookiepedia and the online wiki community as a whole.
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Ultra Magnus may need to update his assessment of Knock Out’s trustworthiness.
…and his assessment of Knock Out’s strength.
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I don’t know what to say for myself so I’m not going to say anything. except that this joke makes me laugh way too hard.
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The best* Starscream moments in IDW1 is when he says that despite all of his flaws, he’s still the best ruler in Cybertron’s history on account of how much everyone else sucked, and one can’t even argue with that.
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@robo-hunter-chaim‘s art made me thirsty for megarod facesitting
“Rodimus!”  Megatron couldn’t keep his co-captain’s name from ripping out of his voicebox.  He hadn’t been able to keep much in, that night.  Not with Rodimus below him.  Ravishing his valve.  Pulling overload upon overload from his shaking frame, until the warlord was nothing but a mess.
But he was Rodimus’ mess.
Keep reading
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transformers guard names: strongarm! ironhide! brawn! pipes! :D
transformers scientist names: brainstorm! wheeljack! perceptor! geomotus! :DD
transformers medic names:
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Found on the twitter feed of Hayato Sakamoto, the artist of the Kre-O Transformers webcomic O_O
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highway babe patrol
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