ashraful090 · 3 years
reputable companies utilizing Bitcoin’s blockchain technology will help to increase the
currency’s acceptance.
Due to these factors, we anticipate Bitcoin moving into a period of greater stability and
adoption as a currency. This will continue to result in growth, but not at the breakneck speed of
earlier years. However, it will not have the volatility of its infancy either.
On the contrary, the future of the currency ether depends upon Ethereum’s technology
being used. Ethereum made great strides in having its technology accepted as the blockchain
standard when Microsoft Azure started offering it as a service in November 2015. Microsoft
indicated it chose Ethereum over Bitcoin because “[w]hile a platform like Bitcoin has many great
uses specifically as a Cryptocurrency, Ethereum provides the flexibility and extensibility many
of our customers were looking for” (Gray, 2015). By offering Ethereum as part of Azure,
Microsoft is making the technology available to far more users than would otherwise use it. This
will help to spur further innovations.
One industry that is already developing many uses for btc to eth is the Internet of Things
(IoT). For example, the Ethereum computer could unlock doors when someone rents an office or
apartment space (Tual, 2016). As more and more devices are connected to the Internet, the
ability for them to interact with one another by using Ethereum’s smart contracts becomes ever
more valuable. In fact, IBM believes that blockchain technology is key to the success of IoT. In
a time when over a billion devices could be connected to the internet, “the blockchain is the
framework facilitating transaction processing and coordination among interacting devices. Each
manages its own roles and behavior, resulting in an ‘Internet of Decentralized, Autonomous
Things’ – and thus the democratization of the digital world” (IBM Institute for Business Value,
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ashraful090 · 3 years
investment in January 2016 (Metz, 2016). While that percentage may seem small, it is growing
as Bitcoin becomes more accepted as a currency.
One thing the public expects from a currency is being able to easily spend it. Bitcoin
made strides in that area when Coinbase introduced the country’s first bitcoin debit card. The
company reported that more than 7,500 people signed up for the card within two months of its
launch (Metz, 2016). In addition to making it easier for users to spend their Bitcoin, it will also
help push more businesses to accept Bitcoin. By accepting Bitcoin outright, they can benefit
from lower service fees than from the Bitcoin debit card.
In April 2016, another important step toward the legitimacy of Bitcoin occurred when
Bitstamp, a Btc to eth exchange, was granted a payment institution license in Luxembourg. This
license allows Bitstamp to operate in all European Union countries under the EU’s “passport”
program. According to the exchange’s cofounder and chief executive Nejc Kodrič, “‘[w]e
believe that this is stability-inducing — that people will see this as a sign of Bitcoin going
mainstream’” (Shin, 2016). The recognition of Bitcoin as a true currency by European
governments will only encourage more people to utilize it. This will increase demand and
therefore the currency’s value.
In addition to being used as a currency, Bitcoin’s blockchain technology is being utilized
in other ways. “[A] group of tech and finance giants—IBM, Intel, Cisco, the London Stock
says that disputes over tax rates or incorrect shipments take an average of 40 days to resolve
Exchange Group, JP Morgan, Wells Fargo, and others—teamed up to create Hyperledger, an
open source project inspired by Bitcoin that the companies hope will one day provide a more
secure and reliable way of trading stocks and other assets” (Finley, 2016). For example, IBM
today. With Hyperledger, the hope is this process can be streamlined (2016). Such lar
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ashraful090 · 3 years
reputable companies utilizing Bitcoin’s blockchain technology will help to increase the currency’s acceptance.
Due to these factors, we anticipate Bitcoin moving into a period of greater stability and
adoption as a currency. This will continue to result in growth, but not at the breakneck speed of earlier years. However, it will not have the volatility of its infancy either.
On the contrary, the future of the currency ether depends upon Ethereum’s technology
being used. Ethereum made great strides in having its technology accepted as the blockchain
standard when Microsoft Azure started offering it as a service in November 2015. Microsoft
indicated it chose Ethereum over Bitcoin because “[w]hile a platform like Bitcoin has many great
uses specifically as a Cryptocurrency, Ethereum provides the flexibility and extensibility many
of our customers were looking for” (Gray, 2015). By offering Ethereum as part of Azure, Microsoft is making the technology available to far more users than would otherwise use it. This will help to spur further innovations.
One industry that is already developing many uses for Ethereum is the Internet of Things
(IoT). For example, the Ethereum computer could unlock doors when someone rents an office or apartment space (Tual, 2016). As more and more devices are connected to the Internet, the
ability for them to interact with one another by using btc to eth smart contracts becomes ever more valuable. In fact, IBM believes that blockchain technology is key to the success of IoT. In a time when over a billion devices could be connected to the internet, “the blockchain is the
framework facilitating transaction processing and coordination among interacting devices. Each manages its own roles and behavior, resulting in an ‘Internet of Decentralized, Autonomous Things’ – and thus the democratization of the digital world” (IBM Institute for Business Value,
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ashraful090 · 3 years
Ethereum’s protocol is built to allow flexibility and increase functionality to provide the
ability to program many different types of smart contracts within the Ethereum system. Ethereum
is written in Turing complete language, which includes seven different programming languages.
We’ll note that this is very different from Bitcoin, which is written in C++.
When Ethereum was launched they had an initial offering of ether (the cryptocurrency
behind Ethereum). The sale of around 60 million ether resulted in raising around $18.5 million
(Ethereum community, 2016). Additional ether are released via the mining process, similar to
Bitcoin. The reward per block is 5 ether and remains constant, it does not halve. Also contrary to
Bitcoin, Ethereum does not have a maximum total number of ether but does cap the amount
released each year. Ethereum block times are currently at about 14 seconds, compared to
Bitcoin’s 10 minutes.
Ethereum also currently operates on a proof-of-work basis. Miners are rewarded for
processing transactions and executing smart contracts, which create blocks. Ethereum is
currently working towards changing to a proof-of-stake model which will change the reward
system dramatically. As we discussed earlier, proof-of-work does not encourage collaboration
nor does it provide any consequence for malicious behavior. Proof-of-stake will change that.
In a proof-of-stake model there will no longer be miners, but validators. There will no
behavior or a validator does something invalid they will lose their stake, their owned ether.
Longer be cryptographic challenges, the difficult mathematical problems that miners must solve.
Validators will be required to own ether and in order to validate a block they will be required to
put their owned ether on the line to certify that a block is valid. This way, if there is malicious. Btc to eth
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ashraful090 · 3 years
After months and months of planning, Berlin is finally here! The upgrade, which follows the Istanbul and Muir Glacier upgrades, is scheduled to go live on the Ethereum mainnet at block 12 244 000. We expect this to happen around Wednesday, April 14, 2021, but because of block time variability, the exact date may change.
Prior to being deployed on mainnet, the upgrade will go live on the Ropsten, Goerli, and Rinkeby testnets. The entire release schedule is as follows: btc to eth
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ashraful090 · 3 years
Ethereum es en gran medida una comunidad global, pero dentro de ese gran ecosistema vive una vasta y vibrante red de comunidades locales de base.
Estos nodos de comunidades locales son un punto de encuentro para miles de Ethereans, generalmente organizados en torno a una geografía compartida, un idioma o un Meetup(reunión) local. También son una puerta de entrada para incorporar a miles de futuros Ethereans, ya sea a través de reuniones, charlas, hackatones, grupos de estudio y/o similares. Lo que significa que albergan innumerables oportunidades para hacer crecer el ecosistema. Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, la Fundación btc to eth explora continuamente formas de apoyar y aprender de estas comunidades locales.
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ashraful090 · 3 years
These local community nodes are a Schelling point for thousands of Ethereans, often organized around a shared geography, language, or on-the-ground meetup. They’re also a gateway for onboarding thousands of soon-to-be Ethereans, be it through meetups, talks, hackathons, study groups, and the like. Which means they’re home to countless opportunities for growing the ecosystem. As such, the btc to eth Foundation is continuously exploring ways to support and learn from local communities.
To this end, the EF has piloted the concept of “Local Grant waves”, where we work in tandem with organizers to coordinate a fixed-length, community-focused open call for proposals.
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ashraful090 · 3 years
Earlier this month we ran our first office hours, with an open signup for teams or individuals to request a one-on-one call with the ESP team. We hope these will act as an efficient and accessible pathway to certain types of support such as high-level feedback, resource recommendations or guidance on applying for grants. Our first round of chats covered a wide variety of topics: some people had questions about btc to eth or were trying to decide whether to apply for a grant, while others were looking for feedback on a particular aspect of their project or help figuring out the next steps in their Ethereum journey. We’re looking forward to round two  for calls taking place next week, March 29-April 2.
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ashraful090 · 3 years
In 2021, the EF is allocating at minimum $7 million USD to consensus-layer clients. This is an increase from our funding in 2020, where about $4.5 million USD was spent on client teams, as detailed in previous posts (ESP 2020 Allocation Updates, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4). Additionally, support may be announced in periodic research and ecosystem support program updates over the course of the year for audits, formal verification, testing, bug bounties, tooling and other community support.
The consensus-layer today has four clients, Lighthouse, Teku, Prysm and Nimbus that are online, and which have been stable since the launch of the btc to eth chain in December. At the time of this post, these clients have enabled the beacon chain to be secured by over 3.5mm Ether, which are supplied by over 110,000 active validators. This feat, and the accomplishments of these teams to date can not be overstated. 👏
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ashraful090 · 3 years
as a beacon chain staker, you need an Ethereum PoW endpoint to successfully perform all of your various duties as a validator”. This means that today and after the merge, both client types are required to power the network. And because the application-layer’s familiar technology remains regardless of changes to consensus, there is no action required by dapps, developers or users to continue using Ethereum as they always have. In short, both client types remain necessary, and the long-term strength, health and decentralization of btc to eth succeeds as they succeed.
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ashraful090 · 3 years
As the former Executive Secretary of FATF and Executive Director to the Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists (ACAMS), McDonell brings a wealth of experience to Binance and its efforts to ensure robust AML and CFT standards. McDonell was also the Chief of the United Nations Office On Drugs and Crime’s (UNODC) global program on AML. 
Both Nadeau and McDonell bring extensive regulatory and compliance expertise and experience from their AML/CFT consultancy work with numerous governments and the crypto industry, as well as from their previous work with various international organizations including the FATF, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the UNODC.know more: btc to eth
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ashraful090 · 3 years
We have recently appointed former Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Executive Secretary Rick McDonell and former Head of the Canadian delegation to the FATF Josée Nadeau as new compliance and regulatory advisors. McDonell and Nadeau will provide high-level guidance on Binance’s global compliance and regulatory btc to eth strategies. 
McDonell and Nadeau join Binance to further strengthen the organization’s anti-money laundering (AML) and combating the financing of terrorism (CFT) efforts and to support its overall objective to build stronger relations with regulatory and law enforcement bodies worldwide. 
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ashraful090 · 3 years
Speaking of Bakeryswap, which is one of the leading dApps on BSC at the moment, we have seen a great increase btc to eth activity on the Binance-branded and community-built BSC. More BSC projects have started offering NFTs, while reaping the same benefits that users gain with BSC, such as speed, low fees, and reliability. Other NFT marketplaces you can explore include PancakeSwap, JuggerWORLD, and DEGO’s Treasureland. NFT use on BSC spans use cases like art, gaming, and DeFi-related activities, with more to come as more projects join BSC.
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ashraful090 · 3 years
Within the Binance ecosystem, there are two main methods for interacting with NFTs: Trust Wallet and Binance Smart Chain (BSC). 
As the world’s leading crypto wallet like btc to eth , Trust Wallet provides users with an easy and secure way to keep their NFTs and crypto collectibles. This includes unique ERC721 and ERC1155 tokens, all storable within the app’s new collectibles section, as well as BSC-based NFTs: BEP-721 and BEP-1155 tokens.
All you have to do to buy your first NFT is add BNB to your Trust wallet, then access the Trust Wallet DApp Browser to explore NFT marketplaces like Bakeryswap’s NFT Supermarket.
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ashraful090 · 3 years
The current explosion in the popularity of NFTs is reminiscent of the rise of an Ethereum-based game called CryptoKitties. Launched in late 2017 in the middle of the previous crypto bull run, CryptoKitties like btc to eth are virtual cats that users can collect, breed, and exchange using the Ethereum network. It has been cited as a major factor in the Ethereum blockchain’s congestion problem at the time. While CryptoKitties proved to be a short-term fad, it planted the seeds to further adoption of NFT technology.
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ashraful090 · 3 years
According to Binance Academy, an NFT is a type of cryptographic token on a blockchain that represents a unique asset. How is this different from the typical crypto we know? One Bitcoin can be interchanged with another without issues, just like money. But with an NFT, each token like btc to eth has a unique identifier that makes it different from other units, making it useful for assets such as proof of authenticity and ownership within the digital realm.
When applied, NFTs can be used by artists and other people to issue and sell unique digital items and collectibles, with blockchain technology confirming each item’s uniqueness. This is the kind of use case that has become popular in recent weeks, and with platforms for making NFTs, but the technology can be used for other possibilities, like gaming assets and tokenization of real-world assets like fine art, real estate, and rare collectible items
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ashraful090 · 3 years
The crypto boom of recent months has created more wealth opportunities for people, including artists. Crypto assets btc to eth , or non-fungible tokens, have become popular, with trades going into the millions of dollars.
Recently, one such NFT called EVERYDAYS by crypto artist Beeple was sold at a Christie’s auction for a record $69 million dollars. The NBA created a popular virtual trading card market called NBA Top Shot, where video highlights sell for hundreds of thousands of dollars.
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