ashokss-blog · 2 years
Book - what the heck i do with my life?
As you get older, your memory and your ability to work on details decreases. However you are ability to connect the dot increases.
Integrate learning earning and enjoyment seamlessly in your life
Intentionally cultivate intangible assets. They make you portable
Money is a big challenge for most people. That is because like salt too little money or too much or both problematic
What you believe affects what you achieve - Bill Gates
Nothing is as it is, every thing is as we are
Agency is the belief that you are in charge of your life, your life is not controlled by fate , your manager, your parents or spouse. You are the one making choices and decisions. accept responsibility for this. You are not a victim
Precious assets include not only Money but time, information, expertise. networks and Love. You could have an abundance mindset around money and scarcity mindset around time and love.
When you change the way you see things, the things that you see change - Wayne Dyer
Your focus must be less on developing specific skills such as coding and more on meta skills. Meta skills are higher order general skills that enable you to develop other skills
Learning agility is one of the meta skill. Learning agility is a person’s ability to quickly size-up new situation/problem and decide what to do. It is the ability to continually and rapidly learn, unlearn and relearn
People with broad range of interest and experience will adapt to new scenario and have bigger advantage
Meta skill - soft skills. Being a good coach, communicating and listening well, including others different values and points of view, having empathy towards and being supportive of colleagues, being a good critical thinker and problem solver, ability to make connection across complex ideas
Leadership is a mindset and an act, not a title or a position. Anyone can be a leader.
When it comes to finding opportunities, think marketing and not sales
Well run company in a tough industry will make for less money than a mediocre run firm in an attractive industry. This applies to talent too
When companies are growing quickly and they are having a lot of impact, careers take care of themselves. If you are offered a seat on a rocket ship, don’t ask where it is.
If I have to live life all over again, I would pick the place or city first and then figure out what to do
I have developed what is popularly called a portfolio life – a set of projects that give me purpose. joy and opportunities to learn. A couple of them pay money while most of is pro bono
Networks shape your life to an extraordinary extent. How much of what we take for chance or luck is determined and constrained by our networks. Change your networks to change your life.
In a networked world, networking is a critical skill
Carl Jung there are three acts in a person‘s life. The first is when he set to conquer the world. Second is when he realises that the world is not likely to be conquered. Final act is coming to peace with this.
Most important life lessons cannot be taught, they must be experienced
There is always a bigger fish
All of us and our achievements are destined to be quickly forgotten and that is just a blunt fact
You are your commitments. Commitment to family, commitment to your vocation, commitment to your faith commitment to your community, commitment to yourself
Life is under no obligation to give you what you expect
Make two bucket list one for this year and one for the future
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ashokss-blog · 3 years
My 2020 learnings..
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ashokss-blog · 3 years
100 Tips for a Better Life
Nice tips for a better life on this blog
Following are the ones that I liked...
20. The 20-20-20 rule: Every 20 minutes of screenwork, look at a spot 20 feet away for 20 seconds. This will reduce eye strain and is easy to remember (or program reminders for). 
 27. Discipline is superior to motivation. The former can be trained, the latter is fleeting. You won’t be able to accomplish great things if you’re only relying on motivation. 
 28. You can improve your communication skills with practice much more effectively than you can improve your intelligence with practice. If you’re not that smart but can communicate ideas clearly, you have a great advantage over everybody who can’t communicate clearly.
 30. If you listen to successful people talk about their methods, remember that all the people who used the same methods and failed did not make videos about it. 
 31. The best advice is personal and comes from somebody who knows you well. Take broad-spectrum advice like this as needed, but the best way to get help is to ask honest friends who love you.
 34. How you spend every day is how you spend your life. 
35. Noticing biases in others is easy, noticing biases in yourself is hard. However, it has much higher pay-off.
 36. Explaining problems is good. Often in the process of laying out a problem, a solution will present itself. 
 39. If something surprises you again and again, stop being surprised. 
45. If you’re under 90, try things.
 46. Things that aren’t your fault can still be your responsibility. 
47. Defining yourself by your suffering is an effective way to keep suffering forever (ex. incels, trauma). 
 57. There are two red flags to avoid almost all dangerous people: 1. The perpetually aggrieved ; 2. The angry. 
 58. Some people create drama out of habit. You can avoid these people.
62. “If they’ll do it with you, they’ll do it to you” and “those who live by the sword die by the sword” mean the same thing. Viciousness you excuse in yourself, friends, or teammates will one day return to you, and then you won’t have an excuse. 
 70. Bored people are boring. 
73. In relationships look for somebody you can enjoy just hanging out near. Long-term relationships are mostly spent just chilling.
87. Don’t punish people for trying. You teach them to not try with you. Punishing includes whining that it took them so long, that they did it badly, or that others have done it better
91. Human mood and well-being are heavily influenced by simple things: Exercise, good sleep, light, being in nature. It’s cheap to experiment with these.
92. You have vanishingly little political influence and every thought you spend on politics will probably come to nothing. Consider building things instead, or at least going for a walk.
93. Sturgeon’s law states that 90% of everything is crap. If you dislike poetry, or fine art, or anything, it’s possible you’ve only ever seen the crap. Go looking!
100. Bad things happen dramatically (a pandemic). Good things happen gradually (malaria deaths dropping annually) and don’t feel like ‘news’. Endeavour to keep track of the good things to avoid an inaccurate and dismal view of the world. 
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ashokss-blog · 4 years
Catching "Mahabharata" on TV in bits and pieces... Some of the dialogues are very good. Liked Karna's response when Kunti tells him that protecting his brothers is his Dharma..
"Isn't swabhiman (self-respect) more important than Dharma or Dharma more important than swabhiman?"
Example of individualism more important than collectivist mindset (Ayn Rand's Philosophy)
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ashokss-blog · 4 years
#Behavioral #psychology in Mahabharata..Krishna to Arjuna in the battlefield.
Person's character is determined by a combination of three Gunas - Thamas, Rajas and Satva. One of the Gunas will be dominant in a person and will determine his character.
Thamas - Person cannot think well and hence can't act well. He is driven by instinct. Dushyasana blindly follows Duryodhana.
Rajas - Person can think well, but doesn't act well. Example Duryodhana.
Satva - Person can think well and act well. Bheeshma is an example. However Beeshma is bound by tradition and rules. He witnessed evil acts of Kauravas, but didn't act with firm hand to prevent them.
Dushyasana, Duryodhana and Bheeshma have followed Adharma. A new culture can evolve only after the destruction of these mindsets #change-management
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ashokss-blog · 4 years
Play "Death of salesman"
Few good books hides in the bookshelf and one never gets time to read the book. Book "Death of salesman" is one of those books which was lying in my bookshelf for number of years, and I never got to read this book. Over the past few months I've developed serious interest for reading plays and watching these plays on YouTube.
"Death of a salesman" by Arthur Miller is one of the best American play written in 1949. The main character Willy is at the tail end of his job and struggles to make sales. He has great ambition for his son Biff . Biff is past 30 and is struggling to get foothold on his life. He pushes his son Biff to meet his unrealistic achievements expectations. Biff struggles to meet his father's expectations, which frustrates himself and his father...
Willy is in continuous denail of his reality and lives in his imaginary world. This creates serious conflicts with his family members and friends. He gets fired from his job as he is not able to make sales. Because of his false sense of superiority, he is unwilling to accept the job offered by his friend. His frustrations pushes him to the edge and he finally commits suicide
Gripping play by Arthur Miller. This play was made into a movie by the same name. Dustin Hoffman has given an outstanding play and brings alive the character of Wily. Movie link - https://youtu.be/RMqiCtq5VLs
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ashokss-blog · 4 years
Read Shakespeare's Othello... Few memorable lines
For I'm nothing if not critical - Iago
Reputation, reputation, reputation ! O, I have lost my reputation - Cassio
How poor are they that have no patience! What wound did every heal but by degrees - Iago
Good name in man and woman, dear my lord Is the immediate jewel of their souls, Who steals my purse steals trash - Iago
Poor and content is rich, and rich enough - Iago
O, now, forever, Farewell the tranquil mind ! Farewell content ! - Othello
On horrors head horrors accumulate - Othello
It makes us or mars us - Iago
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Then must you speak Of one that loved wisely but too well... - Othello
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ashokss-blog · 4 years
How do you assess passion ?
Passion is what an individual feels about a subject. A person maybe passionate about X and not Y. To excel in any job needs a passion for the job.
How do you know if the person has a passion for a subject? When a person has a strong opinion on a subject and has a clear sense of what is right and wrong, then the person has passion. The sense of right and wrong is based on good reasoning. When a person is wishy-washy, doesn't take a strong and clear stand then it is a clear indicator of a missing passion.
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ashokss-blog · 6 years
Why does prejudice happen ?
Book - Art of thinking clearly
Two men rob a bank and are arrested shortly after. It transpires that they are Nigerian. Although no ethnic group is responsible for a disproportionate number of bank robberies, this salient fact distorts our thinking. Lawless immigrants at it again, we think. If an Armenian commits rape, it is attributed to the ‘Armenians’ rather than other factors that also exist among Americans. Thus, prejudices form. That the vast majority of immigrants live lawful lives is easily forgotten. We always recall the undesirable exceptions – they are particularly salient. Therefore, whenever immigrants are involved it is the striking, negative incidents that come to mind first.
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ashokss-blog · 6 years
News is to the mind what sugar is to the body: appetising, easy to digest – and highly destructive in the long run.
News organisations assert that their information gives you a competitive advantage. Too many fall for this. In reality, news consumption represents a competitive disadvantage. If news really helped people advance, journalists would be at the top of the income pyramid. They aren’t – quite the opposite.
Instead, read long background articles and books. Yes, nothing beats books for understanding the world.
Book - Art of thinking clearly
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ashokss-blog · 6 years
Career advise - focus and invest in your area of competency
single outstanding skill trumps a thousand mediocre ones. Every hour invested into your circle of competence is worth a thousand spent elsewhere.
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ashokss-blog · 6 years
What is success ?
John Wooden was far and away the most successful basketball coach in American history. Wooden insisted his players define success in radically different terms: “Success is peace of mind, which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to do your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming.” Success in this sense isn’t winning titles, collecting medals or being transferred for vast sums of money. It’s an attitude.
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ashokss-blog · 6 years
We need one big reason to act. Be careful when you've multiple reasons to act.
Book Antifragile
I discovered that I had been intuitively using the less-is-more idea as an aid in decision making (contrary to the method of putting a series of pros and cons side by side on a computer screen). For instance, if you have more than one reason to do something (choose a doctor or veterinarian, hire a gardener or an employee, marry a person, go on a trip), just don’t do it. It does not mean that one reason is better than two, just that by invoking more than one reason you are trying to convince yourself to do something. Obvious decisions (robust to error) require no more than a single reason.
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ashokss-blog · 6 years
Real accountability.. Having skin in the game
Hammurabi’s code—now about 3,800 years . Real accountability...
If a builder builds a house and the house collapses and causes the death of the owner of the house—the builder shall be put to death. If it causes the death of the son of the owner of the house, a son of that builder shall be put to death. If it causes the death of a slave of the owner of the house—he shall give to the owner of the house a slave of equal value.
Now, clearly the object here is not to punish retrospectively, but to save lives by providing up-front disincentive in case of harm to others during the fulfillment of one’s profession.
Book - Antifragile
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ashokss-blog · 7 years
Lessons from a manager…
Key highlights from the above article
Identify and focus on your top priorities – because if you don’t, … are you doing?
Manage yourself like an important, valuable resource – because you are
“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.” – Richard Feynman
Take time off. You are a resource and you need to recharge. Don’t burn out. Think long term.
Reflect and review on your past work. Analyze your past work to figure out what worked, what didn’t, what went well, what didn’t… you should be doing this regularly, on your own
Set aside time for learning. When you find good content about your field, bookmark it for later, and go through it at a regular interval. Weekly is pretty good. If you’re doing a bunch of reading and learning, share your findings with someone else. This helps you understand. Implement your learning
Always take pains to communicate effectively – your impact on your team members is highly consequential. Communicate early, communicate often
Lean on your team; ask for help. Real life isn’t a closed-book examination,
Always Be Peopling – organizations and industries are made of people; build relationships with them.
Practice speaking, give talks, presentations, etc. Communicating what you know with other people is a powerful skill. It will make you a better professional
Dominate your area of responsibility. You want to be really good at the thing that you’re supposed to be handling. Sounds kinda obvious, but sometimes it can be tempting to try to do a bunch of secondary things.
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