asgoredecember 1 year
Back to depressing stuff, featuring Asgore wearing a dress, here we have Day 16: Memory! (small message for y'all after the 'read more' thingy)
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So, umm... I'm sorry that I haven't been able to post on time, this challenge is getting more and more stressful as the month goes on and I've been kinda busy with important stuff irl. I can't make any promises and I won't say that I'll flawlessly post everything that I have to every day, but I'll at least try to finish the challenge
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asgoredecember 1 year
The last angsty drawing for a bit, here we have Day 10: New Home
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(Edited because I noticed some small mistakes and would lose my mind if they just Stayed There)
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asgoredecember 1 year
We're entering a small area of "tooth-rotting fluff", as they say, so be prepared for several of Asgore's relationships being shown in cute ways. First off with Kris we have Day 11: School!
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asgoredecember 1 year
A little late, but here's the second fluffy post, with a younger Asgore and Rudy, Day 12: College
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asgoredecember 1 year
Of course I had to represent one of the most iconic Undertale Moments, so here's Day 9, Barrier!
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asgoredecember 1 year
First Undyne post, since their relationship is really cool imo, Day 7: Tea
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asgoredecember 1 year
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day 6: family + day 7: tea
not much to say about this one! other than the fact i鈥檓 finally caught up again and will resort to simple doodles to make things easier on my end
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asgoredecember 1 year
This little bad boy can fit so many angsty pieces
Asgorecember Day 5: Duty
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asgoredecember 1 year
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day 4: royal + day 5: war
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asgoredecember 1 year
Ok, first Actually Angsty Day go!!! Aka Asgorecember Day 3: Royal
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"Seems like your journey has come to an end..."
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Or has it?
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asgoredecember 1 year
Hello and welcome to very late Asgorecember prompts! I got behind due to my tablet dying and other stuff that was actually scheduled, but here we are.
First prompt: Gold
I left the background as transparent and left it flat colored, just cause it felt right.
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Second prompt is: garden!
I also left this one as flat colored (well mostly).
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I really like both of these, and will do the other two prompts for yesterday and today (4th) when I wake up, cause it is currently really late, so I'll see you then! Hope you like these, reblog if you do!
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asgoredecember 1 year
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Passing down the crown...
Day 3: Royal
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asgoredecember 1 year
Day 3 prompt: Royalty
Another transparent background one, I think he would looks good as a profile picture or something. Feel free to use as a pfp, my watermark thing is in the photo
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Day 4 prompt: War
I did this one in black and white because it felt right. Just felt like the type of drawing to need to feel gloomy.
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asgoredecember 1 year
Still going with The Angst(TM), here we have Day 4: War!
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asgoredecember 1 year
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A child of royalty witnesses war for the first time...
The cruelty of humanity and monsterkind was then shown to them truthfully that day...
The dust and blood of those who fought stick to their mind like glue...
Day 4: War
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asgoredecember 1 year
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Garden of Hope...
Day 2: Garden
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asgoredecember 1 year
Was extremely busy today so I'm posting 12 minutes before Midnight, but here's Day 2: Garden!
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(Edited after midnight because I forgor 馃拃 a detail)
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