artplaynature · 2 years
What is the future of contemporary craft & culture
Can community arts lead change for sustainable futures?
Exploration and creativity are key to a healthy community. The textiles industry has a global impact on environments and resources. The bigger picture has shown that textiles is at critical mass, along with human kindness. As we humans are the main consumers, mindfulness is now top of the agenda. By building awareness of the resources our planet provides. Can community artists lead the way in promoting those values from connection to source? Nature.
Community Art primarily relies on funding. Sharing art with communities that cannot afford to access the arts. 
For artists resourcefulness is fundamental to practice. A role that is uniquely positioned within communities. The opportunity to create immersive spaces and to share transformative experiences.   
The role of the artist is to enable people to be themselves. Primarily to be human centred within practice. Using green spaces, such as parks and community gardens to facilitate art, rest and play. Art being the focus that settles people into these natural environments.
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artplaynature · 2 years
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We live in a world of screens and fast everything from food to clothing. We need to provide spaces in our communities to reflect and reconnect to the natural world.
Communities started reconnecting with green spaces during Covid lockdowns. As Venturing outside became a vital relief from the day to day.
Introducing art outside in natural spaces helps people to engage and settle in, being in nature extends the experience. Globally artists are stepping outside working within their communities. Projects that focus on local resources to improve outdoor spaces with art. Having social impacts,  working in collaboration and facilitating human connections. Examples of global projects. The Incredible Edible Park, CA, USA. A park that grows edible crops and is maintained by the community. “An exercise in sustainability and community spirit”. ‘Rise up International’ brings young people and artists together using “art as a tool for social change”.
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Resourcefulness - showing others what can be created, out of things you’ve found or collected. This opens new thinking an awareness that trickles down. A sparking of new ideas, a new way of looking at discarded and surplus items. The usefulness of things in nature like natural pigments, tools, endless fibres and things that you can construct with e.g. willows / hazel. Endless inspiration.
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Creative cities funding this year from B-ham city council for B22F allowed for community arts organisations to deliver Arts programmes of all kinds this summer. 82% of the organisations were Arts organisations from the West midlands, with a 106 community-based projects. With collaborations from across the Commonwealth. Connecting people from all over the country. Combining practices and collaboration is important, so artists can create experiences that are transformative and impact social change. 
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  The Art of helping others, Mark Smith
Green is on the agenda collaboration is the future. Opportunities are there to get involved in this sector if you have a passion for impacting positive change, human connectivity and greater change.
Below snapshot of WGSN trend matrix 2024 
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With the arts becoming recognised as important to health. The NHS trust fund now has a service Arts For Health that freelance artists can sign up to.
Funding opportunities are available for individuals or groups from numerous organisations, the bigger ones being Arts council, National lottery and Children in Need.
Arts council toolkit for making the case for community art .
Included in the Government’s  25 year plan to improve environments, A Green Future. Chapter 3 of this plan makes a pledge to connecting people with Green spaces to improve health and wellbeing in communities. Creating more opportunities within nature.
"Human Beings connected can create any future" Rushkoff, D.
As community artists we can encourage, connections to the environment. Inspiring those we work with to consider what we can create, rather than consume. With the planet and its inhabitants at the centre of our practices.
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artplaynature · 2 years
Henderson, P.L. (2021) UNRAVELLING WOMENS ART. Twickenham: Supernova Books.
Smith, H. and Smith, M. (2008) The art of helping others being around, being there, being wise. London; Philadelphia: Jessica Knightley Publishers.
HM Government (2018) A Green Future: Our 25 year plan to improve the environment. [pdf] Available at: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/693158/25-year-environment-plan.pdf  [Accessed 28th September 2022].
Lee, C.J. , Northcott, S.J. (2021) Art for health’s sake. Community art galleries as spaces for well being promotion through connectedness, Vol.24 (3) Available at: https://librarysearch.bcu.ac.uk/permalink/44BCU_INST/u3k8pk/cdi_crossref_primary_10_1080_11745398_2020_1740602  [Accessed 26th September 2022]
Arts Council England (2022) Making the case for art and culture. Available at: https://www.artscouncil.org.uk/make-case-art-and-culture [Accessed 28th September 2022].
Birmingham 22 Festival. (2022) Birmingham 2022 Festival Enjoyed By Millions. Available at: https://www.birmingham2022.com/news/2808904/birmingham-2022-festival-enjoyed-by-millions [Accessed 17th October 2022].
Foregeard, V. (2022) How do Artists help the Community. Available at: https://brilliantio.com/how-do-artists-help-the-community/ [Accessed 24th September 2022].
Housley, H. & The WGSN Forecast Team (2021) Future innovations. Available at: https://www.wgsn.com/fashion/article/92109#page15 [Accessed 24th September 2022].
Housley, H. & The WGSN Forecast Team (2021) Trend Matrix 2024. Available at: https://www.wgsn.com/fashion/article/92109#page29 [Accessed 24th September 2022].
NHS Midlands Partnership (n.d.) Arts For Health. Available at: https://artsforhealth.mpft.nhs.uk/ [Accessed 17th October 2022].
Senate Media (2021) Arts Funding. Available at: https://www.politics.co.uk/reference/arts-funding/ [Accessed 29th September 2022].
Social work Degree guide staff (2014) The 25 Most Amazing Community Projects. Available at: https://www.socialworkdegreeguide.com/amazing-community-arts-projects/ [Accessed 26th September 2022].
Tate (n.d.) Art Term. Available at: https://www.tate.org.uk/art/art-terms/c/community-art [Accessed 24th September 2022].
Meng, Q. and Cheer, JM. Community art festivals and sustainable rural revitalisation. Available at: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09669582.2020.1856858 [Accessed 28th September 2022].
October 2022]. The Glue Collective. (2022) SPARK. Available at: https://www.gluecollective.co.uk/our-services [Accessed 17th October 2022].
@gluecollective. (2022) SPARK Reel. [video] Available at: https://href.li/?https://www.instagram.com/reel/Ch9rFmcjKbb/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y%3D [Accessed 17th October 2022].
Rushkoff, D. (n.d.) How to be “Team Human” in the digital future. [video] Available at: https://www.ted.com/talks/douglas_rushkoff_how_to_be_team_human_in_the_digital_future [Accessed 26th September 2022].
Textile Exchange. (2022) 2030 Strategy: Climate + Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-HYQPYJag0&t=15s [Accessed 15th October 2022]
 Image references
Fig 1.  Tate (n.d.) Art Term. Available at: https://www.tate.org.uk/art/art-terms/c/community-art [Accessed 24th September 2022].
Fig 2.  @gluecollective (2022) Spark Tour 2022. Available at: https://www.instagram.com/p/CglapQcD198/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY=  [Accessed 17th October 2022]
Fig 3.  @scrapstorebirmingham (2022) What is a scrapstore?. Available at: https://www.instagram.com/p/CY9d6K_j3LE/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY= [Accessed 17th October 2022]
Fig 4.  @scrapstorebirmingham (2022) A glimpse into scrap. Available at: https://www.instagram.com/p/CfEhF95DQcE/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY= [Accessed 17th October 2022]
Fig 5.  @scrapstorebirmingham (2022) A glimpse into scrap. Available at: https://www.instagram.com/p/CjRHcetDfP4/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY= [Accessed 17th October 2022]
Fig 6.  @scrapstorebirmingham (2022) A glimpse into scrap. Available at: https://www.instagram.com/p/CjRHcetDfP4/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY= [Accessed 17th October 2022]
Fig 7.  Primary photograph (2022)
Fig 8.  Primary Photograph (2022)
Fig 9.   Smith, H. and Smith, M. (2008) The art of helping others being around, being there, being wise. p23. London; Philadelphia: Jessica Knightley Publishers.
Fig 10.  WGSN (2022) WGSN Trend Matrix 2024. Available at: https://www.wgsn.com/fashion/article/92109#page29 [Accessed 24th September 2022]
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artplaynature · 2 years
At the start of this module, I was unsure about how to approach the research for a role I already have extensive experience in. Whilst enjoyable to dive into, at times in my planning the sheer amount of research became hard to refine and pin down a focus.
Learning is never ending, once I had completed the module I felt certain that I’m in the right job. If we want to make change it starts with connection. To make social change within the arts starts with communities.
Going forward I choose to base my portfolio, on my degree work from level four and my foundation year. As well as some of my work within the community arts sector. Including recent projects from summer 2022. Aiming to appeal to those that work within the contemporary craft & culture sector. With the hope going forward, of this helping to secure a suitable work placement, along with my C.V for the ADM module.
As one of four directors of an Arts company this module helped me to frame my work. Define myself more through my portfolio. Now having online platforms and digital portfolio to continue, to develop and refine. These tools will be useful as my portfolio can be added to my profile on The Glue Collective website.
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