artemiswitch · 7 months
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Bugtopia, a Webtoons Original, is now live!
Read 3 brand new episodes, right now! 🐞❤️🕷️
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artemiswitch · 7 months
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I can finally post them all as a group! I love my tgogm brainrot 🥹🫶
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artemiswitch · 7 months
A new devlog for Something's Wrong With Sunny Day Jack and Sleepy Time Jack is out now! Enjoy this test of what speaking animations could look like and read about it below~
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artemiswitch · 7 months
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They're flirting your honor
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artemiswitch · 7 months
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He finally got his (uninterrupted) smooch
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artemiswitch · 7 months
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artemiswitch · 7 months
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This is a very old сomic and it means that Jack remembered an old girlfriend in my OС.
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artemiswitch · 10 months
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artemiswitch · 11 months
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Leota’s Incantations by   Glenn Arthur  
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artemiswitch · 11 months
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The jack design for a first wave of keychains I’ll be making 💞
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artemiswitch · 11 months
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pov: ur a talent scout looking for a dude to cast as a clown in a daytime kids show
moving all of my twitter stuff into here so howdy yall lonsi's on tumblr lmao
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artemiswitch · 11 months
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Her Vespa broke down so he came to pick her up
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artemiswitch · 11 months
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Hey all, this is BáiYù and Sauce here with something that isn't necessarily SnaccPop related, but it's important nonetheless. For those of you who follow US politics, The Kids Online Safety Act passed the Senate yesterday and is moving forward.
This is bad news for everyone on the internet, even outside of the USA.
What is KOSA?
While it's officially known as "The Kids Online Safety Act," KOSA is an internet censorship masquerading as another "protect the children" bill, much in the same way SESTA/FOSTA claimed that it would stop illegal sex trafficking but instead hurt sex workers and their safety. KOSA was originally introduced by Sen. Edward Markey, D-Mass. and Bill Cassidy, R-La. as a way to update the 1998 Children’s Online Privacy Act, raising the age of consent for data collection to 16 among other things. You can read the original press release of KOSA here, while you can read the full updated text of the bill on the official USA Congress website.
You can read the following articles about KOSA here:
EFF: The Kids Online Safety Act is Still A Huge Danger to Our Rights Online
CyberScoop: Children’s online safety bills clear Senate hurdle despite strong civil liberties pushback
TeenVogue: The Kids Online Safety Act Would Harm LGBTQ+ Youth, Restrict Access to Information and Community
The quick TL;DR:
KOSA authorizes an individual state attorneys general to decide what might harm minors
Websites will likely preemptively remove and ban content to avoid upsetting state attorneys generals (this will likely be topics such as abortion, queerness, feminism, sexual content, and others)
In order for a platform to know which users are minors, they'll require a more invasive age and personal data verification method
Parents will be granted more surveillance tools to see what their children are doing on the web
KOSA is supported by Christofascists and those seeking to harm the LGBTQ+ community
If a website holding personally identifying information and government documents is hacked, that's a major cybersecurity breach waiting to happen
What Does This Mean?
You don't have to look far to see or hear about the violence being done to the neurodivergent and LGBTQ+ communities worldwide, who are oftentimes one and the same. Social media sites censoring discussion of these topics would stand to do even further harm to folks who lack access to local resources to understand themselves and the hardships they face; in addition, the fact that websites would likely store personally identifying information and government documents means the death of any notion of privacy.
Sex workers and those living in certain countries already are at risk of losing their ways of life, living in a reality where their online activities are closely surveilled; if KOSA officially becomes law, this will become a reality for many more people and endanger those at the fringes of society even worse than it already is.
Why This Matters Outside of The USA
I previously mentioned SESTA/FOSTA, which passed and became US law in 2018. This bill enabled many of the anti-adult content attitudes that many popular websites are taking these days as well as the tightening of restrictions laid down by payment processors. Companies and sites hosted in the USA have to follow US laws even if they're accessible worldwide, meaning that folks overseas suffer as well.
What Can You Do?
If you're a US citizen, contact your Senators and tell them that you oppose KOSA. This can be as an email, letter, or phone call that you make to your state Senator.
For resources on how to do so, view the following links:
If you live outside of the US or cannot vote, the best thing you can do is sign the petition at the Stop KOSA website, alert your US friends about what's happening, and raise some noise.
Above all else, don’t panic. By staying informed by what’s going on, you can prepare for the legal battles ahead.
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artemiswitch · 11 months
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☀️~ There's never not anything to do, not when there's Jack, and the SunnyTime Crew! ~☀️
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artemiswitch · 11 months
(I apologize in advance for some pictures i tried to get good ones.) So I'm gonna like talk about everything I got cause I can! Starting off with the shirt
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the art on it is beautiful, and the material is really stretchy. I feel like I could have gotten away with a medium, lol. The best way to describe the material is like athletic shirts, which was a point I didn't like at first. However, the more I wear it, the more I feel like it's a perfect fit for these hot summer days in the desert. (side not the blood on the shirt freaked my mom out cause she thought it was real and mine.)
next! Is this cute little pillow
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it's so fucking cute and easy to cuddle ngl. The material is nice, and it's not too firm or too soft. There is a zipper at the bottom so you can take the fluff out to wash it or to replace the fluff, which I like at a lot. The zipper is also small and hidden, so it doesn't poke you or anything when cuddling it.
Next are these cute buttons
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I had put them on my bag as soon as I got them. Not much to say besides they are super cute, and I'm thinking of putting theme elsewhere.
Next is this amazing body pillow cover
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I love this thing a lot. not only is the art amazing, but I really love the material. It's stretchy and feels nice. I own three other body pillows, and the material used for this one is by far my favorite. next paycheck, I plan on getting a pillow for it.
So the last reward has a lot of pictures, and I'm at my limit. so I'm either gonna reblog with pictures of the last reward or make a new post here!
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artemiswitch · 11 months
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SDJ- Cloudy Belle Sue greets You~
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artemiswitch · 11 months
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SDJ- Sunny Day Jack ''LOVE's" You~
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