arneone-eye ¡ 9 years
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//So so sorry anyone I still have to reply to....//It seems that I’m terrible at managing my time so I just don’t get anything done. Have this pic I edited in five minutes in paint as an apology~
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arneone-eye ¡ 9 years
theboatbuilderswife hat auf deinen Eintrag geantwortet: theboatbuilderswife hat auf deinen Eintrag…
What kind of internship do you need to do then? Like at a company or at a university? I’m in my last year of uni right now, but I always could try and help you find something xD
One at a company and I'm super insecure because I've never applied for anything outside germany (or even outside my federal state) and I feel like it's going to be a whole lot more difficult than anything I've ever done ;3;
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arneone-eye ¡ 9 years
theboatbuilderswife hat auf deinen Eintrag geantwortet:~
COME TO THE NETHERLANDS. noactuallydon'tcausethiscountrysucksballs. BUT IT WOULD BE FUN :’)
sfdgfsfdgfhgjhkj I KNOW IT WOULD BE SO AWESOME ;w; //I’mactuallythinkingaboutdoingitandhhhhhhh// (also england would be even more expensive and ehhh .-. ) But we’ll see! there’s still a lot of time left to think everything through~ //ButifIgotothenetherlandsI’lltotallyletyouknowimmediatelyanditwillbegreat// c’:
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arneone-eye ¡ 9 years
“Really?” Arne was quite surprised hearing what had just passed Helgas lips. “Most people, or...most women, tend to say I look-” He did not want to say it out loud, even he was ashamed of it. “-...well, they think it’s ugly.” Arne was stumbling for the right words. The scar spreading across half his face was not to be overseen, even with the eyepatch on, still most anyone he’d ever met seemed to feel quite uncomfortable everytime he wasn’t wearing it.
Send me “Confess” and my muse will confess something to your’s.
A small giggle left Helga’s lips as she raised her arms to the sky above, her back resting against Arne’s shoulders. “Why do you even wear that eyepatch? I like your face better without it.”
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arneone-eye ¡ 9 years
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arneone-eye ¡ 9 years
Arne was relieved to see Helgas expression lightening up, he was worrying, already thinking that she would now be angry with him. Yet he also wouldn’t be surprised if she actually was. “I was on my way to the woods too when I saw you wandering into the forest all by yourself, I was wondering where you were heading.” Arne tried to explain himself. He knew this was a silly excuse, but it was true. “Mind if I join you for a while?”
“I…I’m sorry, Helga. I didn’t think you’d notice…“ It was Arne’s curiousness overwhelming him to follow her…Like always. But now, as he got caught once again he immediately regretted his decision.
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arneone-eye ¡ 9 years
“I...I’m sorry, Helga. I didn't think you'd notice..." It was Arne's curiousness overwhelming him to follow her...Like always. But now, as he got caught once again he immediately regretted his decision.
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“I never thought you’d follow me here…”
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arneone-eye ¡ 9 years
// Hello internet people! I have decided that I am back on track to write some more rp’s and I actually feel quite confident about this now, since I’m being all adult and responsible and structuring my life right now (well, at least I’m trying). I have more stuff to do than ever before, but I set my goal to at least try to work on my drafts everyday. Even if it’s just a sentence~ I really missed all of this, so here I am! ;3; //
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arneone-eye ¡ 9 years
//oh my... I haven't logged in on this account for quite a while now, but now I really feel the urge to continue rping again, problem is i have so much stuff to do I don't know how to manage this ;; Also seeing all of you wonderful people rp with such great ideas and interesting plots makes me feel so uncreative, like...I could never come up with anything just nearly as good. BUT I still think you can expect some replies any time soon... maybe even today, who knows? (probably not today but ehh)~ ;3;//
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arneone-eye ¡ 9 years
//Important thingy//
This is getting old, but I'm thinking of quitting roleplaying for a while again...
It's not because I'm not enjoying it anymore, in fact I sincerely love it! But I can't keep up with my depression anymore it has gotten so much worse again and I'm just completely stressed out. I've been trying so hard to keep this hobby, but it seems impossible for me right now. I've been dealing with this for more than 5 years and I feel like i can't take this anymore. Maybe taking a little pause from this might help, I have no idea, but I might as well try it. If anyone of you wants to stay in contact with me ooc I have Skype and also a Snapchat I'm willing to share. Just ask! :) Also I have to say: I've been roleplaying for almost three months now and it has honestly been the best experience ever. I'm so thankful for all of you for always being supportive. I'm so glad I started this account and I'm sure I won't completely quit. I'll be back! (and I'll probably sneak into my accout sometimes and send you people memes or love letters or something like that idek ;w;  )
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arneone-eye ¡ 9 years
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It’s a miracle, but I actually finished the damn thing. Now I only need to make the necklace, however I like how my Mjölnir actually fits with the whle costume
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arneone-eye ¡ 9 years
//Okay, anon asks are now turned off. I'll probably turn them on again in like a week to see if there are still going to be as many haters filling my inbox. Let's just hope they'll get bored and stop.//
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arneone-eye ¡ 9 years
rcbcrn said: //IS IT TIME FOR ATHELMUN TO FUCK UP SOME MEAN FUCKING ANONS WHAT THE FUCK LEMME AT THEM (ง'̀-‘́)ง //Yes please there are like three other ones sitting in my inbox..
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arneone-eye ¡ 9 years
please stop roleplaying you're a horible arne and you're wasting everybodys time with your stupid rps just do all of tumblr a favor an just delete your account okay
Sorry, but I won't ’just’ stop roleplaying. I may not be a very good roleplayer, but at least I try. If you don’t like it how about you simply don’t visit my blog?
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arneone-eye ¡ 9 years
positivity;mine ㆁᴗㆁ✿
Okay, first off I loooove that you chose to rp Gyda, she was such an adorable character and it would’ve been a shame if there was no blog for her ;w;I really have to admit that I love seeing you on my dash and interacting with everyone, it’s like Gyda never passed away and not only that, but you also portray her so well! I feel like everything you write in your rp’s could’ve actually happened like this, which really impresses me since I only know a few roleplayers that are able to make me belive that what they’re writing could’ve really taken place like that and I LOVE THAT~ Also from what I’ve seen, you, also, seem like a really nice mun c: We have just begun to rp and I hope it will turn out good! :3
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arneone-eye ¡ 9 years
my url?
Although we’ve never really interacted before I think you seem like a really nice mun :) When I followed you I was really impressed by your roleplaying and I still am today and I love how you portray Athelstan. It just seems like you always find the right words and that really inspires me to get better and roleplay with more people. Also your blog theme looks great! Maybe we could roleplay together sometime in the future? I’d be happy to do so! c:
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arneone-eye ¡ 9 years
my url for the positivity thingy? //runs away
Okay, I don’t really know how to start, so I’ll just go for it ;3;Even though we’ve never roleplayed before (which we should totally catch up with sometime ;;  ) I read a lot of your other threads and I enjoy it everytime! I’m simply in love with your Athelstan portrayal, which sometimes leads to me stalking your blog whoops sorry not sorry (I know this sounds like I’m just sugarcoating everything bUT I JUST LOVE IT ANDHUgzuche82hqiaj). Let’s talk about your theme because your blog theme looks so cool, like holy cow it looks so great ;; Of course I couldn’t forget to mention wHAT A NICE AND AMAZING MUN YOU ARE (okay I need to calm down with the capslock) We interacted a few times ooc and I immediately thought ‘Yes. This is how a mun is supposed to be. This mun is a cute potato just like me. Perfect’ And we watched Vikings together and I honestly was so happy and it made me feel better, It distracted me from all the bullshit happening around me. To me it just meant a lot that we watched it together idek ;; tl;dr: I love your Athelstan portrayal and I hope we’ll rp soon!~ ;u;
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