arielryn-blog · 7 years
‘The reason we eat cows and not dogs is because we’ve bred dogs for thousands of years to be companions, they trust us!’
Yo but listen do you think the dog is aware of it’s ancestral lines and the generous treatment it’s family has received up to this point? Do you think they have any concept of this ancient brotherhood that people always talk about?
At the end of the day, you could be friends with a cow and you could get meat from a dog, they’re very similar in terms of cognitive abilities, general understanding and social behaviour, and so quite literally the only difference is your intention.
Putting a bolt through the head of a cow really is no better than doing it to a dog, they feel fear just as your dog would, they suffer trauma just like your dog would, and they matter. Cows matter just like your dog does.
Your dog is the best dog and you should love your dog, but every cow is the best cow too, and the same goes for every other animal we use, they’re their own individuals and we can be much more successful as a society and also healthier on a personal level if we leave them be!
Just be aware if you consume animals please guys, that your burger likely wagged it’s tail once too ✌️ 🐶=🐮=🐔 =🐰 = 🐭 = 🐤 = 🐴 = 🐷
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arielryn-blog · 7 years
235. Hufflepuff has the greatest number of vegetarians and vegans. The non-veg Puffs talked to the house elves about making some vegan meals because they were concerned about their veg, and some religious, friends eating properly, and the Hufflepuff table was the first one to have those, and then, when vegPuffs realised how many people want to eat that way, they talked to the kitchen staff again to make sure every table had plenty of choices
submitted by anon
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arielryn-blog · 7 years
A new report from the World Wildlife Fund has found that 60% of global biodiversity loss is a result of meat based diets. Sixty percent. Can you imagine the almost immediate impact we could have on our planet if we shifted away from animal agriculture and towards a plant based diet, as the UN has recommended? The evidence could not be clearer, animal agriculture is causing ocean dead zones, significant deforestation in the amazon and elsewhere, is one of the leading drivers of climate change, is exploiting humans and is directly responsible for the suffering and deaths of billions of animals every year. 
How can we know this and still refuse to act? How could any taste, tradition or habit even begin to justify these atrocities? We can’t all be 100% plant based, but we can all try, and that’s what being vegan is all about, doing what you can to cause the least harm practicable. Everyone is capable of doing that, and with vegan options more popular than ever there has never been a better time to try.
Why you should go vegan
How to go vegan
Going vegan on a budget
Animal rights issues explained
Facts about animal rights
Common anti-vegan arguments debunked
Cheap vegan groceries list
Cheap vegan recipes
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arielryn-blog · 7 years
It’s totally okay to say “you know what, this isn’t making me happy” and to walk away from whatever or whoever is keeping you from the happiness you deserve
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arielryn-blog · 7 years
Zoos and Aquariums do more to protect species in the wild than any other program, and once a wild habitat is gone it's GONE. Captivity is often their only hope until we can rehabilitate them somewhere. Why do so many people who call themselves vegan have zero understanding of how any of this works? : /
Hi, alumni from the Conservation Biology and Ecology program at Arizona State University here. Let me break it down for you from an evidence-based perspective, since my being vegan leads you to believe I’m just talking out of my ass or something.
In not one of my classes was it ever stated that zoos are fundamental to wildlife conservation. In fact, my biology conservation professor said captivity in zoos is very antithetical to the physical and mental health of large land mammals, especially elephants and big cats.
Animals, especially far-roaming species, exhibit stereotypical behavior in order to cope with their cramped, unnatural living conditions (i.e. bar biting, circling, pacing).
Rehabilitation programs only work when endangered species have an environment to return to (in many cases, they do not), and the most successful programs I have seen are in closed facilities - not zoos open to the public.
Human beings are causing the sixth mass extinction event, and zoos are not going to help stop global warming, deforestation, ocean acidification, or poaching. Zoos aren’t even a temporary stop-gap solution. It’s a feel-good option for people who want to stare at wild animals in an artificial environment.
Unlike wildlife sanctuaries, which put the animals’ welfare first and foremost, zoos place a large amount of importance on giftshop and ticket sales, and that prioritizes species that are easily identifiable to the public - not animals who are the most threatened.
Captive-breeding in zoos will only go so far, and it is estimated that relying on captive-bred animals only (and not capturing more from the wild) will only allow 100-years of breeding before the species becomes so inbred they are no longer genetically viable.
Zoos have been known to kill “surplus” animals.
The vast majority of zoos DO NOT release animals back into the wild.
Sometimes zoos sell “surplus” animals to circuses, canned hunting facilities, or the exotic pet trade.
Chances are, many of you have seen Blackfish and boycott SeaWorld. While that is admirable, zoos are simply an extension of the captive animal entertainment industry. Some zoos even make their animals perform tricks to the detriment of the animals.
Do Zoos Really Teach Visitors Anything?
Zoos teach young children, as well as adults, that it is acceptable to keep animals in cages and pens for the rest of their lives, rather than live in their natural habitats.
Zoos are inherently cruel because profits come first, and animals cannot consent to captivity.
The fact of the matter is, you don’t need a BS in Conservation Biology to understand how placing wild animals in pens for us to pay money to look at sounds dubious and suspect. We need to use our critical thinking skills and stop being dogmatically worshipful of these institutions that profit from the captivity of sentient, living beings.
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arielryn-blog · 7 years
There are three rules.
1. If you do not go after what you want, you will never have it. 
2. If you do not ask, the answer will always be no. 
3. If you do not step forward, you will remain in the same place. 
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arielryn-blog · 7 years
that before rain feeling when the clouds are puffy and the sky is grey and everything looks slightly foggy and tired and you can smell the rain before it even hits the ground and that is a really good feeling
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arielryn-blog · 7 years
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arielryn-blog · 7 years
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Baby bunny 
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arielryn-blog · 7 years
rage and tenderness existing simultaneously in the same body
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arielryn-blog · 7 years
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Mmm farmer’s market goodness 🙌🏽✨
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arielryn-blog · 7 years
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arielryn-blog · 7 years
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Straight up - I never understand why people struggle with this concept
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arielryn-blog · 7 years
vegans that try to mix their veganism with social justice movements are super ://
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arielryn-blog · 7 years
Do vegans not know that animals die anyway like
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arielryn-blog · 7 years
Saying animals would die in the wild anyways as an excuse for imprisoning them is a weak excuse. It still falsely assumes humans have some divine right to own other animals. You take away an animal’s freedom. It is wrong to forcibly decide the fate of someone else.
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arielryn-blog · 7 years
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100 Million Animals are used as test subjects each year. None of them leave the labs alive, even Animals that survive the testing stages are “destroyed” because it is easier to kill them than to find them new homes.
I support Animal rights Facebook.
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